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Collection of crystal growth simulations using opencgs.

The project is developed and maintained by the Model experiments group at the Leibniz Institute for Crystal Growth (IKZ). Contact Dr. Kaspars Dadzis for questions or further details.


If you use this code in your research, please cite our open-access publication:

A. Enders-Seidlitz, J. Pal, and K. Dadzis, Development and validation of a thermal simulation for the Czochralski crystal growth process using model experiments Journal of Crystal Growth, 593 (2022) 126750.

Further details can be found in:

A. Wintzer, Validation of multiphysical models for Czochralski crystal growth. PhD thesis, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 2024.


This repository contains various 2D and 2D models of Czochralski crystal growth using Elmer and OpenFOAM.

Further examples for heating tests without the growth process:

Additional examples can be found here:

Computational setup (Docker)

The setup for the simulations is provided in form of a docker image, so just an installation of Docker is required on your system. The image nemocrys/opencgs:v1.0.1 is used (see opencgs for more information).

On Windows, the container can be started with the following command:

docker run -it --rm -v ${PWD}:/home/workdir nemocrys/opencgs:v1.0.1 bash

On Linux, the container can be started with:

docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/home/workdir -e LOCAL_UID=$(id -u $USER) -e LOCAL_GID=$(id -g $USER) nemocrys/opencgs:v1.0.1 bash

This will map the current working directory (e.g., a copy of this repository) into the container and, on Linux, set the user's group and user id. The simulation can then be executed using the provided python3 or Allrunscripts.

Model description

A coupled model consisting of a global time-harmonic electromagnetism, steady-state phase change and heat transfer model in Elmer coupled with a local transient or steady-state melt flow model in OpenFOAM. Both 2D and 3D modeling can be applied.

A detailed description can be found in the reference provided above.


This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 851768).