2D-2D or 2D-3D simulation of silicon Czochralski growth using a TMF based on the KristMAG technology. Azimuthal averaging with azimuthalAverage is based on the code provided in nemoFoam-utils.
An overview of the simulation setup can be found here. The following result was obtained with an AC current:
The corresponding flow veloctiy and temperature fields (left: snapshot, right: time-average) are:
- The configuration of the simulations is stored in the yaml-files:
- Main configurations such as the simulation name are set in config.yml.
- Geometry parameters are defined in config_geo.yml. Note, that some parameters of the meshing are directly set in setup_elmer.py and setup_openfoam.py.
- The global Elmer simulation is configured in config_sim.yml.
- The material properties used in the global Elmer simulation are configured in config_mat.yml.
- The coupling is configured in config_coupling.yml.
- The mesh of the global model is set up in setup_elmer.py, which contains also the setup of the global simulation.
- The mesh of the flow model is set up in setup_openfoam.py.
- The flow model is configured in the corresponding templates in openfoam_template_steady, openfoam_template_transient, and openfoam_template_transient_3D. The most important settings can be found in constant/transportProperties (material parameters), system/controlDict (simulation time, output), system/changeDictionaryDict (coupling with heat fluxes or fixed temperatures, Marangoni coefficient, crystal and crucible rotation), and system/elmerToFoamDict (material parameters).
- The simulation is executed using the run scripts:
- Simulations using the global Elmer model only are executed with the run_elmer_simulation.py script.
- Simulations using the coupled Elmer-OpenFOAM model only are executed with the run_coupled_simulation.py script.
For a more detailed description including simulation results see:
A. Wintzer, Validation of multiphysical models for Czochralski crystal growth. PhD thesis, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 2024.