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chore(release): 1.0.0 [skip ci]
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# 1.0.0 (2023-02-28)

### Bug Fixes

* [authts#201]( add sourcemaps ([6c1c965](6c1c965))
* [authts#225]( move revoke from TokenRevocationClient into TokenClient ([e4570ee](e4570ee))
* [authts#257]( signoutRedirect does not work ([79ebe27](79ebe27))
* [authts#314]( document signingKeys is unused ([d9d79fd](d9d79fd))
* [authts#415]( allow to get and process claims when scope does not contain openid ([558319b](558319b))
* [authts#435]( allow passing post_logout_redirect_uri to signoutRedirect ([ad209f3](ad209f3))
* [authts#441]( only validate sub during refresh token path when the optional id_token is present ([00b9072](00b9072))
* [authts#450]( do not use workspaces ([4e993f4](4e993f4))
* [authts#466]( clear stale states when creating new one ([1b39579](1b39579))
* [authts#569]( if there's no session_state on the response, then take it from initial sign-in ([06de889](06de889))
* [authts#580]( add id_token_hint if present ([0a495bb](0a495bb))
* [authts#688]( id_token is lost on silent refresh token renewal ([0a49522](0a49522))
* [authts#754]( preserve id_token and profile even if no openid is in scope of refresh request ([edfef08](edfef08))
* [authts#769]( allow multiple resource parameters ([e0188fe](e0188fe))
* add change set ([ccf65d0](ccf65d0))
* add dist folder ([1e261f4](1e261f4))
* add release workflow ([b556057](b556057))
* add scope to refresh tokens ([62bc823](62bc823)), closes [authts#364](
* allow to override acr_values in signinRedirect ([5772d5d](5772d5d))
* avoid redundant error event when a window is closed by user ([9491eea](9491eea))
* build ([d99fe4d](d99fe4d))
* code style ([562c1d4](562c1d4))
* custom state ([542e7c3](542e7c3))
* deprecated unused clockSkewInSeconds and userInfoJwtIssuer settings ([52e8799](52e8799))
* ensure we only throw something of type Error ([b9c2a38](b9c2a38))
* fully specify crypto-js imports ([8a6f772](8a6f772))
* handle case of refresh token response not containing id_token ([50fbb50](50fbb50))
* improve test asserts ([d43f46b](d43f46b))
* improve unit-tests for JsonService ([2decbab](2decbab))
* improve unit-tests for MetadataService ([b57541e](b57541e))
* improve unit-tests for ResponseValidator ([be401a6](be401a6))
* improve unit-tests for SigninResponse ([8723167](8723167))
* indent of signingKeys ([985e28f](985e28f))
* no need for open+path ([6daa33b](6daa33b))
* remove dist folder ([b1520c7](b1520c7))
* remove npm release ([d39f4a5](d39f4a5))
* signout callback ([813fda0](813fda0))
* simplify _validateIdTokenAttributes ([84935b2](84935b2))
* store keypair ([22d36af](22d36af))
* test ([bda9a69](bda9a69))
* test setup update ([3154679](3154679))
* type of AccessTokenCallback ([af51769](af51769))
* update ([15c568c](15c568c))
* update config ([5e741ab](5e741ab))
* update package ([bf00d1e](bf00d1e))
* update package file ([73720a9](73720a9))
* update package-lock file ([22115a8](22115a8))
* update release file ([00bf5dc](00bf5dc))
* update release yml file ([9c05fc8](9c05fc8))
* update token ([10ff74f](10ff74f))
* **authts#278:** expose the internal logger ([361403f](361403f)), closes [authts#278](
* **authts#780:** filterProtocolClaims deletes properties required by the IdTokenClaims type ([b7fadd8](b7fadd8)), closes [authts#780](
* **CheckSessionIFrame:** normalize iframe origin before comparing to the MessageEvent origin ([e8e38a7](e8e38a7))
* **docs:** update ([e785030](e785030))
* **IFrameWindow:** wait for iframe content to unload before removing from DOM ([dea5ca0](dea5ca0))
* **JsonService:** throw an ErrorResponse instance for invalid responses ([dff9cdf](dff9cdf))
* **parcel-sample:** use COOP/COEP policies compatible with window.opener ([d491e94](d491e94))
* **PopupWindow:** clear the interval checking popup closed on dispose ([346f7c1](346f7c1))
* **RedirectNavigator:** wait for 'unload' instead of 'beforeunload' ([608668b](608668b))
* **RedirectNavigator:** wait until the window is unloading to resolve the returned promise ([86f124c](86f124c))
* **TokenClient:** incorrect secret value sent for client_secret_post ([8fc20c2](8fc20c2))
* **UserManager:** fix anonymous session monitoring ([577200e](577200e))
* [#11](#11) eslint errors wherever possible ([91a4e55](91a4e55))
* [#13](#13) convert checkSessionInterval (milliseconds) to checkSessionIntervalInSeconds in settings ([7d41514](7d41514))
* [#13](#13) convert silentRequestTimeout (milliseconds) to silentRequestTimeoutInSeconds in settings ([0f7005c](0f7005c))
* [#13](#13) rename accessTokenExpiringNotificationTime to accessTokenExpiringNotificationTimeInSeconds in settings ([be7733b](be7733b))
* [#13](#13) rename clockSkew to clockSkewInSeconds in settings ([ca09d98](ca09d98))
* [#13](#13) rename duration to durationInSeconds in Timer ([3715389](3715389))
* [#13](#13) rename staleStateAge to staleStateAgeInSeconds in settings ([56bcaa6](56bcaa6))
* [authts#158]( default response mode is explicit query ([b442b84](b442b84))
* [#16](#16) marshal OidcClient instead of inherit ([8009969](8009969))
* [authts#166]( move samples/Angular into separate repository ([9d03379](9d03379))
* [authts#167]( round tripping "state" is missing ([2d5da0f](2d5da0f))
* [authts#170]( revert removing too much from commit "remove implicit flow" (320168b) and adapt ([310b0f2](310b0f2))
* [authts#173]( refresh_token is undefined ([95d8443](95d8443))
* [authts#175]( treat eslint warnings as errors ([13251d4](13251d4))
* [authts#184]( improve esbuild ([26bdc17](26bdc17))
* [#23](#23) avoid multiple instances of MetaDataService ([00b7319](00b7319))
* [#4](#4) add explicit-function-return-type ([02606f1](02606f1))
* [authts#64]( drop Cordova ([14c0be8](14c0be8))
* [#7](#7) drop Global.ts ([142d883](142d883))
* [#9](#9) change default settings to minimal + best practice ([536dc68](536dc68))
* add missing devDependencies ([0c48b70](0c48b70))
* add missing metadataSeed ([fa8f78c](fa8f78c))
* add npm package link icon ([e5d6cad](e5d6cad))
* adding url check to iframe _message ([e8bd1b2](e8bd1b2))
* adjust return type, _signinCallback never returns a user ([04831f6](04831f6))
* Angular 8 build error: ([4688b62](4688b62))
* avoid test warning by awaiting promise ([3b1bed5](3b1bed5))
* bump version ([d51c50e](d51c50e))
* change classes to use named exports instead of default exports ([712986f](712986f))
* enforce importsNotUsedAsValues ([975363b](975363b))
* explicit use window.setInterval, avoid NodeJS.Time vs number warning ([207c962](207c962))
* export modules from index directly instead of requiring and then re-exporting ([bcc98ff](bcc98ff))
* export more types (esbuild is more conservative than tsdx) ([9b7123f](9b7123f))
* for typescript v4.4.2 ([11cfd18](11cfd18))
* improve code ([5c2d93f](5c2d93f))
* improve description for UserSignedIn and UserSignedOut ([50f3b1a](50f3b1a))
* improve event logger name ([13448a8](13448a8))
* improve ParsedJwt type ([4842559](4842559))
* move eslint to devDependencies ([e6be1c8](e6be1c8))
* parcel npm scripts ([27da3f3](27da3f3))
* pipeline icon ([e8556dc](e8556dc))
* prepare for test release ([211e304](211e304))
* prevent scrollbars in browsers that refuse to render iframes with zero height ([cac300f](cac300f))
* remove argument/type mapping hack ([d66cf72](d66cf72))
* remove getEpochTime from OidcClientSettings ([6b5020c](6b5020c)), closes [/](
* remove useless jsx config ([28662f2](28662f2))
* remove User.state, its not used at all ([703b941](703b941))
* restore Angular sample project functionality ([2a4b2b5](2a4b2b5))
* signinSilent fails when no user is available ([0c9ea9c](0c9ea9c))
* simplify the arguments types ([be75227](be75227))
* spaces ([2f623ac](2f623ac))
* support typescript 4.4.2 ([860b116](860b116))
* target ES5 to have accessors (getter) without warnings ([4d26e6e](4d26e6e))
* type ([f77455d](f77455d))
* type of jwt aud field ([a1337d4](a1337d4))
* types ([ac61a78](ac61a78))
* update repository location ([aac326e](aac326e))
* updating with changes ([319ac38](319ac38))
* url can be undefined ([047f4b1](047f4b1))
* use type exports in entrypoint ([ba3186c](ba3186c))
* window is not defined ([7a1efc0](7a1efc0))
* workflow file ([81ad9de](81ad9de))

### Features

* [#15](#15) ensure typedoc works before we merge ([f8a7669](f8a7669))
* [#15](#15) move text from into source code ([c7f2a85](c7f2a85))
* [authts#152]( remove implicit flow ([320168b](320168b))
* [authts#152]( update docs, implicit flow is gone ([5eba1a5](5eba1a5))
* [authts#152]( update samples/Parcel, implicit flow is gone ([1e8522d](1e8522d))
* [authts#251]( retry silent renew for fetch timeout ([0078fd5](0078fd5))
* [authts#251]( retry silent renew for iframe timeout ([b8e6c84](b8e6c84))
* [#4](#4) introduce SigningKey type ([63fccb1](63fccb1))
* [#4](#4) reduce any types ([2575030](2575030))
* [authts#73]( improve logging ([eccb5dc](eccb5dc))
* add ability to specify iframe script origin and iframe notify parent for silent auth ([authts#514]( ([e28dcef](e28dcef))
* add DPoP feature ([c228b30](c228b30))
* add github pages via typedoc ([7064f82](7064f82))
* add minimal SSR support ([2a6f632](2a6f632))
* add some more typedoc comments ([9d11051](9d11051))
* add some more unit-tests for UserManager ([b520ed6](b520ed6))
* add unit-test for TokenClient ([f15ba9e](f15ba9e))
* automatically center popups in front of the opener window ([8c6f799](8c6f799))
* default of loadUserInfo changed from true to false ([a0c056c](a0c056c))
* execute "npm dedupe" ([a35caf7](a35caf7))
* extend Parcel with revoke access token ([dcde654](dcde654))
* fine tune export ([e092726](e092726))
* improve sample Parcel logging ([2e1db1a](2e1db1a))
* increase open-pull-requests-limit from 5 to 10 ([a346acb](a346acb))
* introduce ErrorTimeout ([23f8e33](23f8e33))
* introduce Logger.createStatic ([a4ce6b6](a4ce6b6))
* make use of improved logger ([f811496](f811496))
* move ErrorResponse into error sub-dir ([b8fa443](b8fa443))
* move random into CryptoUtils ([9fb4aa0](9fb4aa0))
* return destructor functions from event listener methods ([6fa9632](6fa9632))
* set sandbox attribute for iframe ([dc28584](dc28584))
* update parcel to v2.0.1 ([c037f2b](c037f2b))
* **Claims:** rebase with main ([4bfae02](4bfae02))
* **ErrorResponse:** attach the request body to POST errors ([2f793f6](2f793f6))
* **PopupWindow:** compute a default width based on the size of the window opener ([4b5f377](4b5f377))
* **User:** add types for standard claims to UserProfile ([authts#241]( ([bb33e10](bb33e10))
* [#1](#1) adapt unit-tests ([0e533b1](0e533b1))
* [#1](#1) port build system to tsdx ([cb74a41](cb74a41))
* [#1](#1) port to typescript ([bb02e6f](bb02e6f))
* [#12](#12) add eslint for unit-tests ([9e01e6f](9e01e6f))
* [#20](#20) make client_id, authority, extraQueryParams and extraTokenParams settings readonly ([8de0cf6](8de0cf6))
* [#23](#23) avoid multiple metadataUrl implementations ([a575bce](a575bce))
* [#23](#23) cache matadata and signingKeys in MetadataService ([5479346](5479346))
* [#3](#3) replace .then with async/await pattern ([35318a2](35318a2))
* [#4](#4) fix lint warnings ([f14b8c9](f14b8c9))
* [#4](#4) reduce any type ([e86bedc](e86bedc))
* [#4](#4) reduce any type in navigators ([9c82d50](9c82d50))
* [#4](#4) reduce any type in SilentRenewService ([267c5f9](267c5f9))
* [#4](#4) reduce any type in TokenClient ([2ec9624](2ec9624))
* [#4](#4) reduce any type of signin and signout chain ([cefd12a](cefd12a))
* [#4](#4) reduce any types ([312b341](312b341))
* [#4](#4) reduce eslint errors of misused-promises ([e6e0bbd](e6e0bbd))
* [#4](#4) reduce eslint errors of restrict-plus-operands ([c8973f6](c8973f6))
* [#4](#4) reduce typescript warning/error ignores ([c8f70f0](c8f70f0))
* [#4](#4) reduce usage of any type ([f067d1b](f067d1b))
* [#4](#4) reduce usage of any type ([4e56fb3](4e56fb3))
* [#4](#4) reduce usage of any type ([862b2a4](862b2a4))
* [#4](#4) reduce usage of any type: session_state is typeof string ([5e81347](5e81347))
* [#4](#4) response_mode can only be "query" or "fragment" ([7c73645](7c73645))
* [authts#48]( add redirectMethod to settings ([14a481f](14a481f))
* [#5](#5) use external jsrsasign and drop rsa.js ([19b0f62](19b0f62))
* [#6](#6) make use of public/protected keyword ([172bc96](172bc96))
* [#8](#8) replace XMLHttpRequest with fetch ([4fec4d7](4fec4d7))
* [#9](#9) redirect_uri was and is a required setting ([368b25e](368b25e))
* add docusaurus website [#15](#15) ([14ce282](14ce282))
* add typedoc ([0302c21](0302c21))
* introduce sub-directories utils and navigators ([3e6d591](3e6d591))
* merge openid-configuration and metdata ([36d5add](36d5add)), closes [authts#1067](
* prevent mangling of function names ([34b5bdb](34b5bdb))
* split responses state into state_id (query id state) and "state" (callers custom state) ([0423efa](0423efa))
* support passing extra params to signin and signout requests ([7b27ccf](7b27ccf))
* support passing window params to signin/signout methods ([0e66f8a](0e66f8a))
* use Webpack 4 ([b49b3ce](b49b3ce))

### Reverts

* Revert "filter more stuff from npm?" ([44f3fbe](44f3fbe))
  • Loading branch information
semantic-release-bot committed Feb 28, 2023
1 parent c22d04d commit e1555e7
Showing 1 changed file with 211 additions and 0 deletions.

0 comments on commit e1555e7

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