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IC:2021-05-25, Combine cfe and osal
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- cfe v6.8.0-rc1+dev593 (nasa/cFE#1568)
- osal v5.1.0-rc1+dev458 (nasa/osal#1050)


- nasa/cFE#1524, add printf format casts
- nasa/cFE#1520, accept "NULL" as entry point
- nasa/cfe #1549, add capability to generate multiple tables
- nasa/cFE#1551, fixes discrepancies (return type, parameter names, etc) between function protoypes and implementation. Updates stubs accordingly

- nasa/osal#1026, Add count sem timeout test
- nasa/osal#1026, defer cancellation when BSP locked
  • Loading branch information
astrogeco committed May 26, 2021
1 parent 5c06963 commit 365e7d7
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Showing 2 changed files with 2 additions and 2 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion cfe
Submodule cfe updated 35 files
+11 −0
+93 −72 cmake/arch_build.cmake
+1 −0 cmake/generate_table.cmake
+2 −1 modules/cfe_testcase/src/es_task_test.c
+1 −1 modules/cfe_testcase/src/time_current_test.c
+18 −18 modules/core_api/fsw/inc/cfe_es.h
+3 −5 modules/core_api/fsw/inc/cfe_evs.h
+2 −2 modules/core_api/fsw/inc/cfe_msg.h
+5 −5 modules/core_api/fsw/inc/cfe_resourceid.h
+2 −2 modules/core_api/fsw/inc/cfe_sb.h
+2 −5 modules/core_api/fsw/inc/cfe_tbl.h
+1 −1 modules/core_api/fsw/inc/cfe_version.h
+14 −14 modules/core_api/ut-stubs/src/cfe_es_stubs.c
+2 −2 modules/core_api/ut-stubs/src/cfe_evs_stubs.c
+2 −2 modules/core_api/ut-stubs/src/cfe_msg_stubs.c
+2 −2 modules/core_api/ut-stubs/src/cfe_sb_stubs.c
+0 −229 modules/core_api/ut-stubs/src/ut_time_handlers.c
+31 −31 modules/es/fsw/src/cfe_es_api.c
+2 −1 modules/es/fsw/src/cfe_es_apps.c
+6 −6 modules/es/fsw/src/cfe_es_mempool.c
+17 −0 modules/es/ut-coverage/es_UT.c
+7 −7 modules/evs/fsw/src/cfe_evs.c
+4 −4 modules/fs/fsw/src/cfe_fs_api.c
+12 −12 modules/msg/fsw/src/cfe_msg_ccsdsext.c
+17 −17 modules/msg/fsw/src/cfe_msg_ccsdspri.c
+1 −1 modules/msg/fsw/src/cfe_msg_init.c
+1 −1 modules/msg/fsw/src/cfe_msg_msgid_shared.c
+2 −2 modules/msg/fsw/src/cfe_msg_msgid_v1.c
+2 −2 modules/msg/fsw/src/cfe_msg_msgid_v2.c
+4 −4 modules/msg/fsw/src/cfe_msg_sechdr_checksum.c
+4 −4 modules/msg/fsw/src/cfe_msg_sechdr_fc.c
+4 −4 modules/msg/fsw/src/cfe_msg_sechdr_time.c
+14 −14 modules/sb/fsw/src/cfe_sb_api.c
+20 −20 modules/tbl/fsw/src/cfe_tbl_api.c
+2 −2 modules/time/fsw/src/cfe_time_api.c

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