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@JCQuintas JCQuintas released this 07 Feb 14:20
· 202 commits to master since this release

We'd like to offer a big thanks to the 11 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

  • ⚡ Mount and resize performance improvements for the Data Grid

Special thanks go out to the community contributors who have helped make this release possible:
Following are all team members who have contributed to this release:
@alexfauquette, @arminmeh, @bernardobelchior, @flaviendelangle, @Janpot, @KenanYusuf, @LukasTy, @MBilalShafi, @noraleonte, @romgrk.

Data Grid

Breaking changes

  • createUseGridApiEventHandler() is not exported anymore.

  • The filteredRowsLookup object of the filter state does not contain true values anymore. If the row is filtered out, the value is false. Otherwise, the row id is not present in the object.
    This change only impacts you if you relied on filteredRowsLookup to get ids of filtered rows. In this case,use gridDataRowIdsSelector selector to get row ids and check filteredRowsLookup for false values:

     const filteredRowsLookup = gridFilteredRowsLookupSelector(apiRef);
    -const filteredRowIds = Object.keys(filteredRowsLookup).filter((rowId) => filteredRowsLookup[rowId] === true);
    +const rowIds = gridDataRowIdsSelector(apiRef);
    +const filteredRowIds = rowIds.filter((rowId) => filteredRowsLookup[rowId] !== false);
  • The visibleRowsLookup state does not contain true values anymore. If the row is not visible, the value is false. Otherwise, the row id is not present in the object:

     const visibleRowsLookup = gridVisibleRowsLookupSelector(apiRef);
    -const isRowVisible = visibleRowsLookup[rowId] === true;
    +const isRowVisible = visibleRowsLookup[rowId] !== false;


  • [DataGrid] Avoid <GridRoot /> double-render pass on mount in SPA mode (#15648) @lauri865
  • [DataGrid] Fix loading overlay not in sync with scroll (#16437) @MBilalShafi
  • [DataGrid] Refactor: remove material MenuList import (#16444) @romgrk
  • [DataGrid] Refactor: simplify useGridApiEventHandler() (#16479) @romgrk

@mui/x-data-grid-pro@8.0.0-alpha.11 pro

Same changes as in @mui/x-data-grid@8.0.0-alpha.11, plus:

  • [DataGridPro] Fix the return type of useGridApiContext() for Pro and Premium packages on React < 19 (#16441) @arminmeh

@mui/x-data-grid-premium@8.0.0-alpha.11 premium

Same changes as in @mui/x-data-grid-pro@8.0.0-alpha.11, plus:

  • [DataGridPremium] Fix "no rows" overlay not showing with active aggregation (#16466) @KenanYusuf

Date and Time Pickers


Internal changes.

@mui/x-date-pickers-pro@8.0.0-alpha.11 pro

Same changes as in @mui/x-date-pickers@8.0.0-alpha.11, plus:

  • [DateRangeCalendar] Support arrow navigation with multiple months rendered (#16363) @flaviendelangle
  • [DateRangePicker] Fix currentMonthCalendarPosition prop behavior on mobile (#16455) @LukasTy
  • [DateRangePicker] Fix vertical alignment for multi input fields (#16489) @noraleonte



@mui/x-charts-pro@8.0.0-alpha.11 pro

Same changes as in @mui/x-charts@8.0.0-alpha.11.

Tree View


Internal changes.

@mui/x-tree-view-pro@8.0.0-alpha.11 pro

Same changes as in @mui/x-tree-view@8.0.0-alpha.11.

