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Reflections 2020

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Table of Contents

Day 1

Top / Prompt / Code / Standalone

So there's a simple-ish Haskell solution for these problems,

tails lets you separate out each item in a list with the list of items after it:

ghci> tails [1,2,3,4]
[1:[2,3,4], 2:[3,4], 3:[4], 4:[]]
findPair :: [Int] -> Maybe Int
findPair xs = listToMaybe $ do
    x:ys <- tails xs
    y    <- ys
    guard (x + y == 2020)
    pure (x*y)

findTriple :: [Int] -> Maybe Int
findTriple xs = listToMaybe $ do
    x:ys <- tails xs
    y:zs <- tails ys
    z    <- zs
    guard (x + y + z == 2020)
    pure (x*y*z)

But this method is a little bit "extra", since we actually don't need to search all of ys for the proper sum...if we pick x as 500, then we really only need to check if 1520 is a part of ys.

So we really only need to check for set inclusion:

import qualified Data.IntSet as IS

findPair :: Int -> IS.IntSet -> Maybe Int
findPair goal xs = listToMaybe $ do
    x <- IS.toList xs
    let y = goal - x
    guard (y `IS.member` xs)
    pure (x * y)

And our first part will be findPair 2020!

You could even implement findTriple in terms of findPair, using IS.split to partition a set into all items smaller than and larger than a number. Splitting is a very efficient operation on a binary search tree like IntSet:

findTriple :: Int -> IS.IntSet -> Maybe Int
findTriple goal xs = listToMaybe $ do
    x <- IS.toList xs
    let (_, ys) = IS.split x xs
        goal'   = goal - x
    case findPair goal' ys of
      Nothing -> empty
      Just yz -> pure (x*yz)

But hey...this recursive descent is kind of neat. We could write a general function to find any goal in any number of items!

-- | Given a number n of items and a goal sum and a set of numbers to
-- pick from, finds the n numbers in the set that add to the goal sum.
    :: Int              -- ^ number of items n to pick
    -> Int              -- ^ goal sum
    -> IS.IntSet        -- ^ set of options
    -> Maybe [Int]      -- ^ resulting n items that sum to the goal
knapsack 0 _    _  = Nothing
knapsack 1 goal xs
    | goal `IS.member` xs = Just [goal]
    | otherwise           = Nothing
knapsack n goal xs = listToMaybe $ do
    x <- IS.toList xs
    let goal'   = goal - x
        (_, ys) = IS.split x xs
    case knapsack (n - 1) goal' ys of
      Nothing -> empty
      Just rs -> pure (x:rs)

And so we have:

part1 :: [Int] -> Maybe Int
part1 = knapsack 2 2020 . IS.fromList

part2 :: [Int] -> Maybe Int
part2 = knapsack 3 2020 . IS.fromList

And we could go on, and on, and on!

Definitely very unnecessary, but it does shave my time on Part 2 down from around 2ms to around 20μs :)

Day 1 Benchmarks

>> Day 01a
time                 4.166 μs   (4.158 μs .. 4.177 μs)
                     1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 4.164 μs   (4.158 μs .. 4.170 μs)
std dev              21.00 ns   (16.85 ns .. 24.70 ns)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

>> Day 01b
time                 29.82 μs   (29.77 μs .. 29.88 μs)
                     1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 29.85 μs   (29.82 μs .. 29.89 μs)
std dev              119.1 ns   (99.73 ns .. 149.0 ns)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

Day 2

Top / Prompt / Code / Standalone

Day 2, not too bad for Haskell either :)

There is some fun in parsing here:

data Policy = P
    { pIx1  :: Int
    , pIx2  :: Int
    , pChar :: Char
    , pPass :: String

parsePolicy :: String -> Maybe Policy
parsePolicy str = do
    [ixes,c:_,pwd] <- pure $ words str
    [ix1,ix2]      <- pure $ splitOn "-" ixes
    P <$> readMaybe ix1
      <*> readMaybe ix2
      <*> pure c
      <*> pure pwd

I used one of my more regular do-block tricks: if you pattern match in a Maybe do-block, then failed pattern matches will turn the whole thing into a Nothing. So if any of those list literal pattern matches failed, the whole block will return Nothing.

In any case, we just need to write a function to check if a given policy is valid for either criteria:

countTrue :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Int
countTrue p = length . filter p

validate1 :: Policy -> Bool
validate1 P{..} = n >= pIx1 && n <= pIx2
    n = countTrue (== pChar) pPass

validate2 :: Policy -> Bool
validate2 P{..} = n == 1
    n = countTrue (== pChar) [pPass !! (pIx1 - 1), pPass !! (pIx2 - 1)]

And so parts 1 and 2 are just a count of how many policies are true :)

part1 :: [Policy] -> Int
part1 = countTrue validate1

part2 :: [Policy] -> Int
part2 = countTrue validate2

Day 2 Benchmarks

>> Day 02a
time                 63.45 μs   (63.37 μs .. 63.58 μs)
                     1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 63.86 μs   (63.67 μs .. 64.19 μs)
std dev              845.2 ns   (551.1 ns .. 1.398 μs)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

>> Day 02b
time                 61.02 μs   (60.43 μs .. 61.64 μs)
                     1.000 R²   (0.999 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 60.48 μs   (60.21 μs .. 60.71 μs)
std dev              869.0 ns   (744.8 ns .. 1.093 μs)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

Day 3

Top / Prompt / Code / Standalone

Here I'm going to list two methods --- one that involves pre-building a set to check if a tree is at a given point, and the other involves just a single direct traversal checking all valid points for trees!

First of all, I'm going to reveal one of my favorite secrets for parsing 2D ASCII maps!

asciiGrid :: IndexedFold (Int, Int) String Char
asciiGrid = reindexed swap (lined <.> folded)

This gives you an indexed fold (from the lens package) iterating over each character in a string, indexed by (x,y)!

This lets us parse today's ASCII forest pretty easily into a Set (Int, Int):

parseForest :: String -> Set (Int, Int)
parseForest = ifoldMapOf asciiGrid $ \xy c -> case c of
    '#' -> S.singleton xy
    _   -> S.empty

This folds over the input string, giving us the (x,y) index and the character at that index. We accumulate with a monoid, so we can use a Set (Int, Int) to collect the coordinates where the character is '#' and ignore all other coordinates.

Admittedly, Set (Int, Int) is sliiiightly overkill, since you could probably use Vector (Vector Bool) or something with V.fromList . map (V.fromList . (== '#')) . lines, and check for membership with double-indexing. But I was bracing for something a little more demanding, like having to iterate over all the trees or something. Still, sparse grids are usually my go-to data structure for Advent of Code ASCII maps.

Anyway, now we need to be able to traverse the ray. We can write a function to check all points in our line, given the slope (delta x and delta y):

countTrue :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Int
countTrue p = length . filter p

countLine :: Int -> Int -> Set (Int, Int) -> Int
countLine dx dy pts = countTrue valid [0..322]
    valid i = (x, y) `S.member` pts
        x = (i * dx) `mod` 31
        y = i * dy

And there we go :)

part1 :: Set (Int, Int) -> Int
part1 = countLine 1 3

part2 :: Set (Int, Int) -> Int
part2 pts = product $
    [ countLine 1 1
    , countLine 3 1
    , countLine 5 1
    , countLine 7 1
    , countLine 1 2
    ] <*> [pts]

Note that this checks a lot of points we wouldn't normally need to check: any y points out of range (322) for dy > 1. We could add a minor optimization to only check for membership if y is in range, but because our check is a set lookup, it isn't too inefficient and it always returns False anyway. So a small price to pay for slightly more clean code :)

So this was the solution I used to submit my original answers, but I started thinking the possible optimizations. I realized that we could actually do the whole thing in a single traversal...since we could associate each of the points with coordinates as we go along, and reject any coordinates that would not be on the line!

We can write a function to check if a coordinate is on a line:

    :: Int      -- ^ dx
    -> Int      -- ^ dy
    -> (Int, Int)
    -> Bool
validCoord dx dy = \(x,y) ->
    let (i,r) = y `divMod` dy
    in  r == 0 && (dx * i) `mod` 31 == x

And now we can use lengthOf with the coordinate fold up there, which counts how many traversed items match our fold:

countLineDirect :: Int -> Int -> String -> Int
countLineDirect dx dy = lengthOf (asciiGrid . ifiltered tree)
    checkCoord = validCoord dx dy
    tree pt c = c == '#' && checkCoord pt

And this gives the same answer, with the same interface!

part1 :: String -> Int
part1 = countLineDirect 1 3

part2 :: String -> Int
part2 pts = product $
    [ countLineDirect 1 1
    , countLineDirect 3 1
    , countLineDirect 5 1
    , countLineDirect 7 1
    , countLineDirect 1 2
    ] <*> [pts]

Is the direct single-traversal method any faster?

Well, it's complicated, slightly. There's a clear benefit in the pre-built set method for part 2, since we essentially build up an efficient structure (Set) that we re-use for all five lines. We get the most benefit if we build the set once and re-use it many times, since we only have to do the actual coordinate folding once.

So, directly comparing the two methods, we see the single-traversal as faster for part 1 and slower for part 2.

However, we can do a little better for the single-traversal method. As it turns out, the lens indexed fold is kind of slow. I was able to write the single-traversal one a much faster way by directly just using zip [0..], without losing too much readability. And with this direct single traversal and computing the indices manually, we get a much faster time for part 1 (about ten times faster!) and a slightly faster time for part 2 (about 5 times faster). The benchmarks for this optimized version are what is presented below.

Day 3 Benchmarks

>> Day 03a
time                 220.2 μs   (219.7 μs .. 220.6 μs)
                     1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 219.5 μs   (219.1 μs .. 219.8 μs)
std dev              1.210 μs   (972.0 ns .. 1.602 μs)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

>> Day 03b
time                 1.050 ms   (1.045 ms .. 1.067 ms)
                     0.995 R²   (0.985 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 1.060 ms   (1.047 ms .. 1.105 ms)
std dev              65.92 μs   (4.189 μs .. 127.9 μs)
variance introduced by outliers: 50% (moderately inflated)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

Day 4

Top / Prompt / Code / Standalone

I almost hit the leaderboard today, but hit the 1 minute timeout because I didn't read carefully enough to treat cid as optional ;_;

Ah well, that's life!

Anyway, there are a lot of great Haskell solutions out there involving parser combinators and validation of different fields, stuff like that. My original solution parsed a map of fields to values, and then validated those values according to their keys.

But taking a step back from it all, I thought it would be a nice opportunity to try out the principal of Parse, Don't Validate and see if I can take it its extremes! And implementing this in a nice way lead me also to refinement types with the refined library, and also and the higher-kinded data pattern, supported by the barbies library.

So, what is "Parse, Don't Validate"? It means: instead of parsing your data into some structure and then checking if the structure is valid (like my original parse-a-map-then-check-it), try instead to represent your data in a structure where it is imposssible to represent or create an invalid instance in the first place. And so what was originally "validation" is now simply parsing your data into that correct-by-construction structure.

This seemed like a good candidate for the refined library, which gives us data types that are "literally" impossible to construct unless they are in the right shape.

-- | (a <-> b) will represent the type of an integer between a and b
type a <-> b  = Refined (FromTo a b) Int
-- | (n ** a) will represent the type of a list of a's with exactly n elements
type n ** a   = Refined (SizeEqualTo n) [a]

-- | These come included in the library
refineThrow :: Int -> Maybe (a <-> b)
refineThrow :: [a] -> Maybe (n ** a)

Which gives us a good picture for the type of our "correct-by-construction" passport:

data Height =
    HCm (150 <-> 193)
  | HIn ( 59 <->  76)

data Eye = AMB | BLU | BRN | GRY | GRN | HZL | OTH

data Passport = Passport
    { pByr :: 1920 <-> 2002
    , pIyr :: 2010 <-> 2020
    , pEyr :: 2020 <-> 2030
    , pHgt :: Height
    , pHcl :: 6 ** (0 <-> 15)
    , pEcl :: Eye
    , pPid :: 9 ** (0 <-> 9)

Et voila! We now have a passport where it is impossible to construct unless you have all the correct components!

That's great and all, do we actually parse our data type into this?

One way that could work is to parse each key-value pair into a Passport with all fields blank except for the field corresponding to that key-value pair, and then combining those optional-field passports into a "certain" passport.

So we can imagine:

data PassportMaybe = PassportMaybe
    { pByrMaybe :: Maybe (1920 <-> 2002)
    , pIyrMaybe :: Maybe (2010 <-> 2020)
    , pEyrMaybe :: Maybe (2020 <-> 2030)
    , pHgtMaybe :: Maybe Height
    , pHclMaybe :: Maybe (6 ** (0 <-> 15))
    , pEclMaybe :: Maybe Eye
    , pPidMaybe :: Maybe (9 ** (0 <-> 9))

with an appropriate Monoid instance that merges known fields together, and a function like

fromPassportMaybe :: PassportMaybe -> Maybe Passport

that will only work if all the fields are Just.

And hey, we would also maybe like to keep a collection of all the parsers so we can dispatch them whenever we want...

data PassportParser = PassportParser
    { pByrParser :: String -> Maybe (1920 <-> 2002)
    , pIyrParser :: String -> Maybe (2010 <-> 2020)
    , pEyrParser :: String -> Maybe (2020 <-> 2030)
    , pHgtParser :: String -> Maybe Height
    , pHclParser :: String -> Maybe (6 ** (0 <-> 15))
    , pEclParser :: String -> Maybe Eye
    , pPidParser :: String -> Maybe (9 ** (0 <-> 9))

And wait a minute ... doesn't part 1 require us to create a passport without validating the strings? So we also need to create

data PassportRaw = PassportRaw
    { pByrRaw :: String
    , pIyrRaw :: String
    , pEyrRaw :: String
    , pHgtRaw :: String
    , pHclRaw :: String
    , pEclRaw :: String
    , pPidRaw :: String

And also

data PassportRawMaybe = PassportRawMaybe
    { pByrRaw :: Maybe String
    , pIyrRaw :: Maybe String
    , pEyrRaw :: Maybe String
    , pHgtRaw :: Maybe String
    , pHclRaw :: Maybe String
    , pEclRaw :: Maybe String
    , pPidRaw :: Maybe String

as well, for the accumulation part? Wow, this sounds like a horrible idea!

Or...does it? What if we try the old higher-kinded data trick?

data Passport f = Passport
    { pByr :: f (1920 <-> 2002)
    , pIyr :: f (2010 <-> 2020)
    , pEyr :: f (2020 <-> 2030)
    , pHgt :: f Height
    , pHcl :: f (6 ** (0 <-> 15))
    , pEcl :: f Eye
    , pPid :: f (9 ** (0 <-> 9))
  deriving (Generic)

Neat, huh? We now have a flexible data type that can account for all usage patterns! For example:

-- | the original
type FullPassport = Passport Identity

-- | the optional-field
type PassportMaybe = Passport Maybe

-- | the parser collection
newtype Parser a = Parser { runParser :: String -> Maybe a }
type PassportParser = Passport Parser

-- | the raw strings
newtype Const w a = Const { getConst :: w }
type PassportRaw = Passport (Const String)

 -- | the optional raw strings
type PassportRaw = Passport (Const (Maybe String))

We get all of our original desired types, all from a single type definition, by swapping out the functor f we use! And then we can just use the barbies library to convert between the different formats. Neat!

Well, what are we waiting for?

First, let's derive all of the instances necessary for our parsing to work, given by the barbies and one-liner-instances packages.

instance FunctorB Passport
instance ApplicativeB Passport
instance TraversableB Passport
instance ConstraintsB Passport
deriving via GMonoid (Passport f) instance AllBF Semigroup f Passport => Semigroup (Passport f)
deriving via GMonoid (Passport f) instance AllBF Monoid f Passport => Monoid (Passport f)
deriving instance AllBF Show f Passport => Show (Passport f)

Now we can write our parsers:

newtype Parser a = Parser { runParser :: String -> Maybe a }

passportParser :: Passport Parser
passportParser = Passport
    { pByr = Parser $ refineThrow <=< readMaybe
    , pIyr = Parser $ refineThrow <=< readMaybe
    , pEyr = Parser $ refineThrow <=< readMaybe
    , pHgt = Parser $ \str ->
                let (x, u) = span isDigit str
                in  case u of
                      "cm" -> fmap HCm . refineThrow =<< readMaybe x
                      "in" -> fmap HIn . refineThrow =<< readMaybe x
                      _    -> Nothing
    , pHcl = Parser $ \case
                '#':n -> refineThrow =<< traverse readHex n
                _     -> Nothing
    , pEcl = Parser $ readMaybe . map toUpper
    , pPid = Parser $ refineThrow <=< traverse (refineThrow <=< readMaybe . (:[]))
    readHex c
      | isHexDigit c = refineThrow (digitToInt c)
      | otherwise    = Nothing

The usage of refineThrow means that we use the machinery already defined in the refined library to automatically check that our data is within the given need for manual range checking!

Now we can load a single key:val token into a passport that is empty (all fields are Const Nothing) except for the value at the seen key

-- | Load a single "key:val" token into a passport
loadPassportField :: String -> Passport (Const (Maybe String))
loadPassportField str = case splitOn ":" str of
    [k,v] -> case k of
      "byr" -> mempty { pByr = Const (Just v) }
      "iyr" -> mempty { pIyr = Const (Just v) }
      "eyr" -> mempty { pEyr = Const (Just v) }
      "hgt" -> mempty { pHgt = Const (Just v) }
      "hcl" -> mempty { pHcl = Const (Just v) }
      "ecl" -> mempty { pEcl = Const (Just v) }
      "pid" -> mempty { pPid = Const (Just v) }
      _     -> mempty
    _     -> mempty
ghci> loadPassportField "eyr:1234"
  { pByr = Const Nothing
  , pIyr = Const Nothing
  , pEyr = Const (Just "1234")
  , pHgt = Const Nothing
  , pHcl = Const Nothing
  , pEcl = Const Nothing
  , pPid = Const Nothing

Now we can parse a field in its entirety by using bzipWith (from barbies), to "zip together" a Passport Parser and Passport (Const (Maybe String)) with a given function that tells how to merge the values in any two fields.

parsePassportField :: String -> Passport Maybe
parsePassportField = bzipWith go passportParser . loadPassportField
    go p (Const x) = runParser p =<< x

In the above, go is run between each matching field in the Passport Parser and the Passport (Const (Maybe String)), and the overall effect is that each string is run with the appropriate parser for its field.

ghci> parsePassportField "eyr:2025"
  { pByr = Nothing
  , pIyr = Nothing
  , pEyr = Just (refined 2025)
  , pHgt = Nothing
  , pHcl = Nothing
  , pEcl = Nothing
  , pPid = Nothing
ghci> parsePassportField "eyr:2050"
  { pByr = Nothing
  , pIyr = Nothing
  , pEyr = Nothing
  , pHgt = Nothing
  , pHcl = Nothing
  , pEcl = Nothing
  , pPid = Nothing

And the way the Monoid instance works, we can just combine two Passport Maybes with <>:

ghci> parsePassportField "eyr:2025" <> parsePassportField "ecl:brn"
  { pByr = Nothing
  , pIyr = Nothing
  , pEyr = Just (refined 2025)
  , pHgt = Nothing
  , pHcl = Nothing
  , pEcl = Just BRN
  , pPid = Nothing

Which gives us a nice function to parse a whole passport, with the help of btraverse to flip a Passport Maybe into a Maybe (Passport Identity)

parsePassport :: String -> Maybe (Passport Identity)
parsePassport = btraverse (fmap Identity)
              . foldMap parsePassportField
              . words

The result of foldMap parsePassportField . words is a Passport Maybe, and btraverse "pulls out" all of the Just fields and returns a Passport Identity if all of the fields are Just, failing with Nothing if any of the fields are Nothing.

And...that's it for part 2!

-- | Get a list of all valid passports.
part2 :: String -> [Passport Identity]
part2 = mapMaybe parsePassport . splitOn "\n\n"

This works because we know that if we have a Passport Identity, we know it has to be a valid passport. It's physically impossible to create one that isn't valid!

All hail "Parse, Don't Validate"!

And part 1 is a fun diversion: instead of a Passport Identity, we want to parse into a Passport (Const String) instead. The mechanics are pretty much the same:

loadPassport :: String -> Maybe (Passport (Const String))
loadPassport = btraverse (\(Const x) -> Const <$> x)
             . foldMap loadPassportField
             . words

The result of foldMap loadPassportField is a Passport (Const (Maybe String)), and so btraverse will pull out all the Justs again, returning a Passport (Const String) and failing if any of those values were Nothings. Note the sliiight abuse of the Monoid instance for Maybe, which combines strings by concatenation. But we're more concerned about whether or not it is present than the actual contents of the string.

Anyway, here's wonderwall.

-- | Get a list of all complete passports field string values.
part1 :: String -> [Passport (Const String)]
part1 = mapMaybe loadPassport . splitOn "\n\n"

Day 4 Benchmarks

>> Day 04a
time                 1.255 ms   (1.251 ms .. 1.258 ms)
                     1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 1.255 ms   (1.253 ms .. 1.258 ms)
std dev              8.828 μs   (5.498 μs .. 14.25 μs)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

>> Day 04b
time                 3.719 ms   (3.713 ms .. 3.728 ms)
                     1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 3.719 ms   (3.715 ms .. 3.725 ms)
std dev              15.69 μs   (11.54 μs .. 20.34 μs)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

Day 5

Top / Prompt / Code / Standalone

So, compared to yesterday's, this was decently chill :)

The main insight here probably is that the puzzle is just describing that the seat ID's are straight up binary notation for numerals, with F/L representing what is traditionally 0, and B/R representing what is traditionally 1. So we can use any of our binary parsers from the standard libraries, or we can just directly pull it into binary.

seatId :: String -> Int
seatId = foldl' iGuessWe'reDoingThis 0
    iGuessWe'reDoingThis n = \case
      'B' -> 2*n+1
      'R' -> 2*n+1
      _   -> 2*n

A nice one-pass way to find the missing seat ID is to realize that if we sum all the numbers from min to max, and sum all of our lists's seat id's, then the difference is the missing number. Luckily there's a nice closed-form solution for the sum of all numbers in a given range (the sum of numbers from a to b is b*(b+1)`div`2 - a*(a-1)`div`2), so we can do all of this in a single pass using the foldl library

{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
import qualified Control.Foldl as F

findHole :: F.Fold Int (Maybe Int)
findHole = do
    mn <- F.minimum
    mx <- F.maximum
    sm <- F.sum
    pure $
      missingItem <$> mn <*> mx <*> pure sm
    missingItem mn mx sm = totalSum - sm
        totalSum = mx*(mx+1)`div`2 - mn*(mn-1)`div`2

A F.Fold Int (Maybe Int) folds a list of Ints into a Maybe Int. You can run it with F.fold :: F.Fold a b -> [a] -> b.

I really like the foldl library because it lets you build a complex single-pass fold by combining multiple simple single-pass folds (like F.minimum, F.maximum, F.sum) using an Applicative interface. We need to do a bit of wrangling with the Maybes because F.minimum and F.maximum each return Maybe Int.

And that's more or less it! We can actually represent the entire thing as a fold if we use F.premap, to pre-map a fold...

F.premap                 :: (c -> a) -> F.Fold a b -> F.Fold c b

-- "pre-apply" `setId` so we fold over a string instead
F.premap seatId findHole :: F.Fold String (Maybe Int)

And...that's enough to do it all in a single pass!

part1 :: [String] -> Maybe Int
part1 = F.fold $ F.premap seatId F.maximum

part2 :: [String] -> Maybe Int
part2 = F.fold $ F.premap seatId findHole

Bonus: I was tipped off that the 3rd from last digit of F/L are 1, while the same digit of B/R are 0:

ghci> (.&. 1) . (`shiftR` 2) . ord <$> "FLBR"

So we can actually use this for seatId to get a slight speed boost and help out the branch predictor maybe:

import Data.Bits

seatId :: String -> Int
seatId = foldl' iGuessWe'reDoingThis 0
    iGuessWe'reDoingThis n c =
      2 * n + (complement (ord c) `shiftR` 2) .&. 1

Day 5 Benchmarks

>> Day 05a
time                 25.96 μs   (25.89 μs .. 26.04 μs)
                     1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 25.93 μs   (25.89 μs .. 25.97 μs)
std dev              140.6 ns   (120.9 ns .. 172.3 ns)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

>> Day 05b
time                 22.65 μs   (22.64 μs .. 22.67 μs)
                     1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 22.65 μs   (22.63 μs .. 22.67 μs)
std dev              61.92 ns   (48.11 ns .. 80.83 ns)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

Day 6

Top / Prompt / Code / Standalone

Another day that is fairly straightforward in Haskell, I feel! But in other languages that support functional approaches, it should be straightforward as well.

The answer involves lists of groups of responses:

import           Data.List.NonEmpty
import           Data.Set
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Set           as S

type Response = Set Char
type Group    = NonEmpty Response

parseAnswers :: Set Char -> [Group]
parseAnswers = mapMaybe ((fmap . fmap) S.fromList . NE.nonEmpty . lines)
             . splitOn "\n\n"

And now we just need to decide how to aggregate each group. For part 1, this requires a set union between every Response in a Group:

part1 :: [Group] -> Int
part1 = sum . map (S.size . foldr1 S.union)

(foldr1 here is safe because we have a non-empty container)

And for part 2, this requires a set intersection between every Response in a Group:

part2 :: [Group] -> Int
part2 = sum . map (S.size . foldr1 S.intersection)

That's it!

Day 6 Benchmarks

>> Day 06a
time                 96.26 μs   (95.08 μs .. 97.17 μs)
                     0.999 R²   (0.999 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 96.25 μs   (95.59 μs .. 96.84 μs)
std dev              2.286 μs   (1.945 μs .. 2.575 μs)
variance introduced by outliers: 19% (moderately inflated)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

>> Day 06b
time                 97.45 μs   (96.94 μs .. 98.20 μs)
                     1.000 R²   (0.999 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 97.23 μs   (96.63 μs .. 97.79 μs)
std dev              1.997 μs   (1.571 μs .. 2.519 μs)
variance introduced by outliers: 15% (moderately inflated)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

Day 7

Top / Prompt / Code / Standalone

Another AoC staple, a graph search that can be solved with recursive knot tying! The last one I remember off the top of my head was 2019 Day 6.

Here we can represent a graph as a map of vertices to other vertices, with an edge value:

type Graph v e = Map v (Map v e)

Exercise is left to the reader to parse our dataset into a Graph String Int, a graph of bags to bags with Int edges.

Because our map has no cycles, we can take advantage of recursive knot tying to "fold up" all children and sub-children.

For example, part 1 can be written as:

allDescendants :: Ord v => Graph v e -> Map v (Set v)
allDescendants gr = descendantMap
    descendantMap = gr <&>
      M.foldMapWithKey (\v _ -> S.insert v (M.findWithDefault S.empty v descendantMap))

-- note: (<&>) is flip fmap

Here we "assume" we already have a fully-featured Map v (Set v) map of vertices to all their descendants, and then build descendantMap in terms of it. For every vertex v in the Map v e directly underneath a given vertex, v is a descendant, and also all of v's descendants (which we find by looking things up in descendantMap, the map of all descendants).

Oh, um...oops, this found all the descendants, but we want all of the ancestors. So we have to flip the graph if we want to use this.

flipGraph :: Ord v => Graph v e -> Graph v e
flipGraph mp = M.fromListWith M.union
    [ (m, M.singleton n e)
    | (n, ms) <- M.toList mp
    , (m, e ) <- M.toList ms

allAncestors :: Ord v => Graph v e -> Map v (Set v)
allAncestors = allDescendants . flipGraph

And so that leaves Part 1 as:

part1 :: Graph String (String Int) -> Maybe (Set String)
part1 = M.lookup "shiny gold" . allAncestors

Part 2 we can do a similar way, by "assuming" we have a map of all vertices to their "usage count", and looking things up to build it:

usageCounts :: Ord v => Graph v Int -> Map v Int
usageCounts gr = usageMap
    usageMap = gr <&> \neighbors -> sum
      [ n * (M.findWithDefault 0 v usageMap + 1)
      | (v, n) <- M.toList neighbors

So to find the total usage of each bag, we look under each (v, Int) pair in the Map v Int underneath a given vertex, look up the usage of that v (by looking it up in usageMap), add 1 (because the bag itself is used), and multiply by n, the number of times the full contents of the bag is used.

And so Part 2 is:

part2 :: Graph String (String Int) -> Maybe Int
part2 = M.lookup "shiny gold" . usageCounts

If we stare at the two implementations, we note that both are pretty much the same overall structure: we are accumulating some sort of fold over all descendants of a given node. If we "outsource" this accumulation as a monoidal one (for part 1, it's Set union, and for part 2, it's Sum Int addition), we can needlessly hyper-generalize this to fold over any Monoid instance.

-- | Recursively fold up a monoid value for each vertex and all of its
-- children's monoid values.  You can transform the value in-transit before it
-- is accumulated if you want.
    :: (Ord v, Monoid m)
    => (v -> m)         -- ^ embed the vertex
    -> (e -> m -> m)    -- ^ transform with edge before it is accumulated
    -> Graph v e
    -> Map v m
foldMapGraph f g gr = res
    res = gr <&>
      M.foldMapWithKey (\s v -> f s <> foldMap (g v) (M.lookup s res))

allDescendants :: Ord v => Graph v e -> Map v (Set v)
allDescendants = foldMapGraph
    S.singleton     -- the node is embedded as itself
    (\_ -> id)      -- ignore the edge

usageCounts :: Ord v => Graph v Int -> Map v (Sum Int)
usageCounts = foldMapGraph
    (const 0)                   -- ignore the nodes
    (\n x -> Sum n * (x + 1))   -- the edge multiplies the accumulator plus one

That's the curse of Haskell, I guess? If you write these things you can't help but notice the common patterns, and you somehow wind up trying to figure out the higher-order function that can abstract over them, even though you know you don't need to :)

Day 7 Benchmarks

>> Day 07a
time                 1.103 ms   (1.094 ms .. 1.110 ms)
                     1.000 R²   (0.999 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 1.077 ms   (1.072 ms .. 1.084 ms)
std dev              16.68 μs   (13.50 μs .. 21.21 μs)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

>> Day 07b
time                 9.221 μs   (9.213 μs .. 9.230 μs)
                     1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 9.215 μs   (9.206 μs .. 9.222 μs)
std dev              29.47 ns   (24.84 ns .. 35.25 ns)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

Day 8

Top / Prompt / Code / Standalone

Nothing tooooo complicated about today's, I feel: it is another staple of AoC --- simulating a virtual machine! :) Only this time our program is separate from our memory, so we don't have any actual self-modifying code. However, my guard is up: this might turn into one of those soon in another day.

At least, there are some interesting things we can do to prepare for a potential switch to different requirements in a later day (with the Ixed) typeclass, and also a nice way to handle the perturbations in Part 2 using holesOf and lens traversal composition.

My main program was a sequence of Command:

data Instr = NOP | ACC | JMP

type Command = (Instr, Int)

But, what container should we use for these?

  1. [Command]: Nope, bad, literally no reason to ever use this except for O(1) push and pop. The main operation here is indexing, and it's O(i) on the index.
  2. Vector Command: Very fast indexing (O(1) on the index), but very bad for any sort of addition of new instructions in-flight if that comes up in the future. But good enough for now.
  3. Seq Command: Efficient indexing (O(1) on the index), and very good for adding new instructions to either end (or even in the middle) in-flight if it comes to that.
  4. IntMap Command: Efficient indexing (O(1) on the index), very good for adding new instructions to either end, and also good for a sparse program bank if it ever comes to that.

Luckily, we can get a common interface for all four of these options by using the Ixed typeclass from the lens library, which abstracts over different "indexable" things. You'd get a safe index with xs ^? ix i. So whenever possible, I've written all my code to work generally over all four of these in case I have to swap quickly in the future.

One theoretical nice container would actually be the PointedList data type (one implementation is in the pointedlist library). This is because all of our addressing is relative, so instead of storing a "current index", we could just always point towards the focus of the tape, and shift the tape left or right for JMP.

However, this is kind of difficult to adapt to work in a uniform interface to the other four, goodbye theoretical nicety, sacrificed in the name of adaptivity :'(

So for my solution I used Vector, which has just the API necessary without the extra flexibility that Seq and IntMap offer, since we don't need it! But, just know that things could be swapped at any time, thanks to the magic (or horror, depending on your point of view) of typeclasses.

On the other hand, if we separate out the index from a fixed container, it does make the state a lot simpler. It means that our state is really only the current pointer and the accumulator:

data CState = CS { csPtr :: !Int, csAcc :: !Int }

initialCS :: CState
initialCS = CS 0 0

runCommand :: Vector Command -> CState -> Maybe CState

So our actual program becomes a very tight CState -> Maybe CState loop -- very efficient because the state is only a tuple! That means that we can simply chain things using iterateMaybe go get a list of all successive states:

-- | A handy utility function I keep around
iterateMaybe :: (a -> Maybe a) -> a -> [a]
iterateMaybe f = go
    go x = x : case f x of
      Nothing -> []
      Just y  -> go y

allStates :: Vector Command -> [CState]
allStates cmd = iterateMaybe (runCommand cmd) initialCS

So now we have a generator of all the states a given program bank will ever output. For part 1, we just need to find a loop. Luckily I have another handy utility function that scans a list and reports the first time a projection function's result is repeated

-- | Lazily find the first repeated projection.
firstRepeatedBy :: Ord a => (b -> a) -> [b] -> Maybe b
firstRepeatedBy f = go S.empty
    go seen (x:xs)
      | f x `S.member` seen = Just x
      | otherwise           = go (f x `S.insert` seen) xs
    go _ []     = Nothing

part1 :: Vector Command -> Maybe CState
part1 cmd = firstRepititionBy csPtr states
    states = iterateMaybe (runCommand cmd) inititialCS

Now all that's left is to actually implement runCommand!

    :: Vector Command
    -> CState
    -> Maybe CState
runCommand cmds cs = (cmds ^? ix (csPtr cs)) <&> \case
    (NOP, _) -> cs { csPtr = csPtr cs + 1 }
    (ACC, i) -> cs { csPtr = csPtr cs + 1, csAcc = csAcc cs + i }
    (JMP, i) -> cs { csPtr = csPtr cs + i }

-- note: <&> is flip fmap

And the nice thing about it is that if we leave off the type annotation of runCommand, we actually get a really nice polymorphic type if we ask GHC what it expects:

    :: (Ixed t, Index t ~ Int, IxValue t ~ (Instr, Int))
    => t
    -> CState
    -> Maybe CState

This is the fully polymorphic signature that you get just from using cmds ^? ix (csPtr cs). It says that you can use this on any program bank t that's an instance of Ixed, as long as its index type is Int and the value at that index is a (Instr, Int). Nothing about the typeclasses here is inherently lensy, it's just a typeclass (like any other) to abstract over common interfaces that many types might have. In this fully polymorphic signature, we can use this on Vector Command, [Command], Seq Command, and IntMap Command, as we wish to in the future if the need comes up.

For part 2 we can take advantage of some actual lens/optics magic, by using holesOf:

    :: Traversal' s a
    -> s
    -> [Pretext (->) a a s]

The type is definitely scary, but holesOf is saying:

  1. Give me a specification of which holes you want to poke (Traversal' s a, a value s with holes a)
  2. ... and an item you want to poke the holes in (s)
  3. ... and I'll return to you a list of continuations (Pretext (->) a a (t a)), each one allowing you to edit a different hole in s.

Pretext is a bit of a complicated type, but the main interface you would use it with is:

peeks :: (a -> a) -> Pretext (->) a a s -> s

peeks as for a function you would want to run on a hole (the a -> a), the continuation you got from holesOf, and then returns the "modified" s, modified according to that transformation you ran on that hole.

(thanks to mniip on freenode IRC for pointing out how these two work together to me!)

Every item in the list returned by holesOf corresponds to a different hole, so for example:

ghci> map (peeks negate) (holesOf traverse [1,2,3])
  [ [-1, 2, 3]
  , [ 1,-2, 3]
  , [ 1, 2,-3]

The traverse :: Traversal' [a] a is a Traversal that specifies the "holes" of a list [a] to be each item a in that list. And so holesOf traverse [1,2,3] will return three Pretexts: one corresponding to modifying each item in the list individually.

peeks negate on each of the three items returned by holesOf traverse [1,2,3] will return the modified list, each with a single hole edited by negate.

In our case, instead of negate, we can use a flipInstr that flips NOP to JMP and JMP to NOP:

flipInstr :: Command -> Command
flipInstr = \case
    NOP -> JMP
    ACC -> ACC
    JMP -> NOP

And now peeks flipInstr will do the right thing:

ghci> map (peeks flipInstr) (holesOf traverse [NOP,ACC,JMP,JMP])

An extra coolio thing is that traversals compose with ., so we can actually use a traversal _1 (here, Traversal' (a,b) a, which says the single "hole" in an (a,b) is the first item in the tuple) to be more nuanced with our hole selection:

ghci> map (peeks flipInstr)
        (holesOf (traverse . _1) [(NOP,1),(ACC,2),(JMP,3),(JMP,4)])
  [ [(JMP,1),(ACC,2),(JMP,3),(JMP,4)]
  , [(NOP,1),(ACC,2),(JMP,3),(JMP,4)]
  , [(NOP,1),(ACC,2),(NOP,3),(JMP,4)]
  , [(NOP,1),(ACC,2),(JMP,3),(NOP,4)]


With that we can fully write part2: for each perturbation, check if there is a loop. If there is a loop, this ain't it. If there isn't a loop, then we hit the jackpot: return the last item in our list of seen states, as that's the last state before termination.

part2 :: Vector Command -> Maybe CState
part2 cmds0 = listToMaybe
    [ res
    | cmds <- peeks flipInstr <$> holesOf (traverse . _1) cmds0
    , let states = iterateMaybe (runCommand cmds) initialCS
    , res  <- case firstRepeatedBy csPtr stats of
        Nothing -> [last states]    -- loop found
        Just _  -> []               -- no loop found

In my actual code, I actually use the experiment function instead of peeks -- it's like a "peeksM", in a way:

peeks      :: (a ->   a) -> Pretext (->) a a s ->   a
experiment :: (a -> f a) -> Pretext (->) a a s -> f a

So instead of giving it a Instr -> Instr, you could give it an Instr -> Maybe Instr, and "cancel out" any branches that don't need to be addressed:

experiment :: (a -> Maybe a) -> Pretext (->) a a s -> Maybe a   -- in our case

flipInstrs :: Command -> Maybe Command
flipInstrs = \case
    NOP -> Just JMP
    ACC -> Nothing  -- for ACC indices, don't do anything
    JMP -> Just JMP
ghci> map (experiment flipInstrs)
        (holesOf (traverse . _1) [(NOP,1),(ACC,2),(JMP,3),(JMP,4)])
[ Just [(JMP,1),(ACC,2),(JMP,3),(JMP,4)]
, Nothing
, Just [(NOP,1),(ACC,2),(NOP,3),(JMP,4)]
, Just [(NOP,1),(ACC,2),(JMP,3),(NOP,4)]
part2 :: Vector Command -> Maybe CState
part2 cmds0 = listToMaybe
    [ res
    | Just cmds <- experiment flipInstr <$> holesOf (traverse . _1) cmds0
    , let states = iterateMaybe (runCommand cmds) initialCS
    , res  <- case firstRepeatedBy csPtr stats of
        Nothing -> [last states]    -- loop found
        Just _  -> []               -- no loop found

Not a super huge improvement, but maybe more theoretically nice because we can skip over the possible trials where we are permuting an ACC. By my reckoning, 52% of my input file instructions were ACC instructions, so this small thing actually shaves off a decent amount of time.

Day 8 Benchmarks

>> Day 08a
time                 4.606 μs   (4.596 μs .. 4.615 μs)
                     1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 4.589 μs   (4.581 μs .. 4.596 μs)
std dev              26.74 ns   (22.37 ns .. 31.28 ns)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

>> Day 08b
time                 1.898 ms   (1.885 ms .. 1.908 ms)
                     1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 1.869 ms   (1.864 ms .. 1.876 ms)
std dev              21.66 μs   (18.97 μs .. 25.17 μs)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

Day 9

Top / Prompt / Code / Standalone

Let's tackle day 9!

A good way to check if a sequence of 25 numbers can add to the 26th number is to just iterate over everything, like we might have done in day 1:

-- | check if, for ([x,y,z] ++ [a]), no pair in xyz can add to 'a'.  If it's
-- bad, it returns 'Just a'.
isBad :: [Int] -> Maybe Int
isBad xs0 = do
    x : xs <- Just $ reverse xs0
    let badCheck = null do
          y:ys <- tails (toList xs)
          z    <- ys
          guard $ (y + z) == x
    x <$ guard badCheck

I use my favorite Maybe do-notation trick of pattern matching within the block to take advantage of do block short circuiting for Maybe with its MonadFail instance. If you reverse xs0 then you can get the last item as the head, and the rest as the tail :)

In badCheck we do a list-monad powered search (see my Day 1 Reflections) for more details on how it works. badCheck will return True if the search is empty (with null). guard badCheck will be Nothing if badCheck fails (and our list is good) and Just x if badCheck succeeds (and our list is bad).

Part 1 is then just finding the first bad sequence:

part1 :: [Int] -> Maybe Int
part1 xs = listToMaybe
    [ y
    | ys     <- tails xs
    , Just y <- [isBad (take 26 ys)]

For part 2, there's a nice-ish way to do it in constant-time. First, we can generate a cumulative sum cumSum for the entire list. Then we know that sumFrom(i,j) in our original list is just cumSum(j) - cumSum(i). This is similar to how definite integrals work, or also how you can find the area under a probability density function by subtracting two points from its cumulative distribution function.

So now the problem just becomes finding i,j where cumSum(j) - cumSum(i) == goal. There's a clean imperative-ish way to do this that involves just "sliding" your window i,j up from 0,1. If cumSum(j) - cumSum(i) is too small, increase j by 1 to open the window up a bit. If it's too big, increase i by 1 to close the window up a bit.

findBounds :: V.Vector Int -> Int -> Maybe (Int, Int)
findBounds ns goal = go 0 1
    go !i !j = do
      x <- ns V.!? i
      y <- ns V.!? j
      case compare (y - x) goal of
        LT -> go i (j + 1)
        EQ -> pure (i, j)
        GT -> go (i + 1) j

And there you go!

part2 :: [Int] -> Maybe Int
part2 xs = do
    goal <- part1 xs
    let cumSum = V.fromList (scanl' (+) 0 xs)       -- cumulative sum
    (i, j) <- findBounds cumSum goal
    let xs = take (j - i) . drop i $ ns
    pure $ minimum xs + maximum xs

If anything, maybe the implementation of findBounds shows how one might directly translate a tight mutable loop in an imperative language into a tail-recursive function in Haskell!

We do often like to avoid explicitly writing recursive functions when we can, but in this case I'm not sure if there's a way to get around it other than switching to a full on mutable answer, or in a very complex way that is extremely specific to the situation. If you think of one, let me know! :D

Day 9 Benchmarks

>> Day 09a
time                 165.5 μs   (164.2 μs .. 168.1 μs)
                     0.995 R²   (0.987 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 165.4 μs   (164.0 μs .. 171.1 μs)
std dev              9.331 μs   (572.3 ns .. 19.81 μs)
variance introduced by outliers: 56% (severely inflated)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

>> Day 09b
time                 183.2 μs   (183.0 μs .. 183.3 μs)
                     1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 183.1 μs   (183.0 μs .. 183.5 μs)
std dev              908.3 ns   (587.5 ns .. 1.414 μs)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

Day 10

Top / Prompt / Code / Standalone

Today is another day where the "automatically build a memoized recursive map" in Haskell really shines :) It's essentially the same problem as Day 7.

For the first part, once you sort the list, you can compute the differences and then build a frequency map

-- | Build a frequency map
freqs :: Ord a => [a] -> Map a Int
freqs = M.fromListWith (+) . map (,1) . toList

diffs :: [Int] -> [Int]
diffs xs@(_:ys) = zipWith (-) ys xs
ghci> diffs [1,3,4,7]

And so part 1 can be done with:

part1 :: [Int] -> Int
part1 xs = (stepFreqs M.! 1) * (stepFreqs M.! 3)
    xs' = 0 : xs ++ [maximum xs + 3]
    stepFreqs = freqs (diffs (sort xs'))

For part 2, if we get an IntSet of all of your numbers (and adding the zero, and the goal, the maximum + 3), then we can use it to build our IntMap of all the number of paths from a given number.

import           Data.IntMap (IntMap)
import           Data.IntSet (IntSet)
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
import qualified Data.IntSet as IS

-- | A map of numbers to the count of how many paths from that number to
-- the goal
pathsToGoal :: IntSet -> IntMap Int
pathsToGoal xs = res
    res = flip IM.fromSet xs $ \i ->
      if i == goal
        then 1
        else sum [ IM.findWithDefault 0 (i + j) res
                 | j <- [1,2,3]
    goal = IS.findMax is

Our answer is res, the map of numbers to the count of how many paths exist from that number to the goal. To generate the count for a given number i, we add the number of paths from i+1, i+2, and i+3. We get that count by looking it up in res!

part2 :: [Int] -> Int
part2 xs = pathsToGoal xs IM.! 0
    xs' = IS.fromList (0 : xs ++ [maximum xs + 3])

A quick note --- after some discussion on the irc, we did find a closed-form solution...I might be editing this to implement it in Haskell eventually :)

Day 10 Benchmarks

>> Day 10a
time                 4.547 μs   (4.529 μs .. 4.562 μs)
                     1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 4.555 μs   (4.547 μs .. 4.564 μs)
std dev              32.22 ns   (28.43 ns .. 38.57 ns)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

>> Day 10b
time                 6.334 μs   (6.313 μs .. 6.361 μs)
                     1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 6.343 μs   (6.332 μs .. 6.358 μs)
std dev              40.12 ns   (31.52 ns .. 50.46 ns)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

Day 11

Top / Prompt / Code / Standalone

My first day on the leaderboard! :D 21 / 352. Had a big dip on my second part because I had some silly typos that were difficult to catch in the moment D:

After refactoring things, I realized that part 1 and part 2 are really the same, with only two differences:

  1. Each point as a different neighborhood set (in part 1, it's the immediate neighbors; in part 2, it's all of the line-of-sights in each direction).
  2. Threshold for seats unseating is 4 for part 1 and 5 for part 2.

So let's write our function parameterized on those two. We'll be storing our world as a Map Point Bool, where False represents an empty seat and True represents a full one. Floor points are not included in the map.

-- | A 2-vector type from the linear library, with a very convenient Num
-- instance.
data V2 a = V2 a a

type Point = V2 Int

-- | A useful utility function I keep around that counts the number of items in
-- a container matching a predicate
countTrue :: Foldable f => (a -> Bool) -> f a -> Int
countTrue p = length . filter p . toList

    :: Int                       -- ^ exit seat threshold
    -> Map Point (Set Point)     -- ^ neighbors for each point
    -> Map Point Bool
    -> Map Point Bool
seatRule thr nmp mp = M.intersectionWith go nmp mp
    go neighbs = \case
      Empty -> not (all (mp M.!) neighbs)
      Full  ->
        let onNeighbs = countTrue (mp M.!) neighbs
        in  not (onNeighbs >= thr)

Now we just need to create our neighborhood maps.

-- | The eight immediate neighbors around 0,0
immediateNeighbs :: [Point]
immediateNeighbs =
    [ V2 dx dy
    | dx <- [-1 .. 1]
    , dy <- if dx == 0 then [-1,1] else [-1..1]

-- | From a set of seat locations, get a map of points to all of those points'
-- neighbors where there is a seat. Should only need to be computed once.
    :: Set Point
    -> Map Set (Set Point)
lineOfSeights1 pts = M.fromSet go mp
    go p _ = S.fromList
           . filter (`S.member` pts)
           . (+ p)
           $ immediateNeighbs

-- | From a set of seat locations, Get a map of points to all of those points'
-- visible neighbors. Should only need to be computed once.
    :: Set Point
    -> Map Point (Set Point)
lineOfSights2 bb pts = M.mapWithKey go pts
    go p _ = S.fromList
           . mapMaybe (los p)
           $ immediateNeighbs
    los p d = find (`S.member` pts)
            . takeWhile inBoundingBox
            . tail
            $ iterate (+ d) p
    inBoundingBox = all (inRange (0, 99))
        -- inRange from Data.Ix
        -- all from Data.Foldable and V2's Foldable instance

(I hard-coded the bounds here, but in my actual solution I inferred it from the input.)

Now to solve!

-- | Handy utility function I have; repeat a function until you get the same
-- result twice.
fixedPoint :: Eq a => (a -> a) -> a -> a
fixedPoint f = go
    go !x
        | x == y    = x
        | otherwise = go y
        y = f x

    :: Int                      -- ^ exit seat threshold
    -> Map Point (Set Point)    -- ^ neighbors for each point
    -> Map Point Bool           -- ^ initial state
    -> Int                      -- ^ equilibrium size
solveWith thr neighbs = countTrue id . fixedPoint (seatRule thr neighbs)

    :: Map Point Bool
    -> Int
part1 mp = solveWith 4 los mp
    los = lineOfSight1 (M.keysSet mp)

    :: Map Point Bool
    -> Int
part2 mp = solveWith 5 los mp
    los = lineOfSight2 (M.keysSet mp)

Day 11 Benchmarks

>> Day 11a
time                 85.80 ms   (85.07 ms .. 86.85 ms)
                     1.000 R²   (0.999 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 84.06 ms   (83.22 ms .. 84.79 ms)
std dev              1.268 ms   (858.3 μs .. 1.791 ms)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

>> Day 11b
time                 78.74 ms   (77.56 ms .. 79.88 ms)
                     1.000 R²   (0.999 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 80.08 ms   (79.56 ms .. 81.12 ms)
std dev              1.188 ms   (496.0 μs .. 1.905 ms)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

Day 12

Top / Prompt / Code / Standalone

Hello! Today's puzzle for me ended up a neat exercise in fitting together simple parts into something fun.

To preface this, I do usually represent all my coordinates using V2 Int from the linear library, which supports addition and scaling:

data V2 a = V2 !a !a

type Point = V2 Int

-- | You can add points using the Num instance
(+) :: Point -> Point -> Point

-- | You can do scaling
(*^) :: Int -> Point -> Point

And I have a utility type that represents a compass direction:

data Dir = North | East | South | West

dirPoint :: Dir -> Point
dirPoint = \case
    North -> V2   0   1
    East  -> V2   1   0
    South -> V2   0 (-1)
    West  -> V2 (-1)  0

rotPoint :: Num a => Dir -> V2 a -> V2 a
rotPoint = \case
    North -> id
    East  -> \(V2 x y) -> V2   y  (-x)
    West  -> \(V2 x y) -> V2 (-y)   x
    South -> negate

And I do like to define a Group interface for my Dir type, just for fun.

-- | If you consider a Dir as a turn, then `mulDir a b` is like turning a, then
-- turning b.
mulDir :: Dir -> Dir -> Dir
mulDir North = id
mulDir East  = \case North -> East
                     East  -> South
                     South -> West
                     West  -> North
mulDir South = \case North -> South
                     East  -> West
                     South -> North
                     West  -> East
mulDir West  = \case North -> West
                     East  -> North
                     South -> East
                     West  -> South

-- | '<>' is 'mulDir'.
instance Semigroup Dir where
    (<>) = mulDir

-- | If you consider Dir as a turn, then turning by North is the same as not
-- turning at all.
instance Monoid Dir where
    mempty = North

-- | Reverse a turn.  Not needed for this puzzle, but still useful in general.
instance Group Dir where
    invert = \case North -> South
                   East  -> West
                   South -> North
                   West  -> East

I did not write any of this for the puzzle --- this is just a nice way I like to think about directions and points in my head :)

One major advantage of defining a Semigroup instance for Dir is that you can take advantage of the pow function from Data.Group:

pow :: Group m => m -> Int -> m

which is like stimes, but supporting negative numbers. pow x 3 is x <> x <> x, and pow x (-3) is invert x <> invert x <> invert x, or invert (x <> x <> x) (same thing, 'cause Group theory). We don't actually need the support for negative numbers in this puzzle, so we could just use stimes, but it's nice that we can just use pow and not think about our input range. And, though it doesn't matter for this challenge, it also uses repeated squaring so it can do these operations in log-n time (pow x 1000000000 only takes 30 operations), which is pretty neat for a lot of different applications (like in my writeup for 2019 Day 22).

Anyway I think that's enough let's use it! :D Each instruction seems to be one of three forms: "go forward", "turn", or "move an absolute vector". So I represented these three as a data type, parameterized by the amount to go forward, the direction to turn, and the vector to move by, respectively.

And each first character gives us a different way to process the Int argument, so I stored those instructions in a Map. Then we can parse it by just using readMaybe :: Read a => String -> Maybe a on a pattern match.

data Instr = Forward Int
           | Turn Dir
           | Move Point
  deriving Show

-- | A map of a Char to the way to interpret the Int argument
mkInstr :: Map Char (Int -> Instr)
mkInstr = M.fromList
    [ ('F', Forward)
    , ('L', Turn . pow West . (`div` 90))
    , ('R', Turn . pow East . (`div` 90))
    , ('N', Move . (*^ dirPoint North))
    , ('S', Move . (*^ dirPoint South))
    , ('E', Move . (*^ dirPoint East ))
    , ('W', Move . (*^ dirPoint West ))

parseInstr :: String -> Maybe Instr
parseInstr []    = Nothing
parseInstr (c:n) = M.lookup c mkInstr <*> readMaybe n
ghci> parseInstr "F30"
Forward 30
ghci> parseInstr "L270"
Turn East
ghci> parseInstr "N15"
Move (V2 0 15)

And now part 1, part 2 are basically just different ways of folding through a list of instructions:

toInstrs :: String -> [Instr]
toInstrs = traverse parseInstr . lines

-- | Use (ship heading, position) as the state
part1 :: [Instr] -> (Dir, Point)
part1 = foldl' go (East, V2 0 0)
    go :: (Dir, Point) -> Instr -> (Dir, Point)
    go (!dir, !p) = \case
      Forward n -> (dir     , p + n *^ dirPoint dir)
      Turn d    -> (dir <> d, p                    )
      Move r    -> (dir     , p + r                )

-- | Use (ship position, waypoint vector from ship) as the state
part2 :: [Instr] -> (Point, Point)
part2 = foldl' go (V2 0 0, V2 10 1)
    go :: (Point, Point) -> Instr -> (Point, Point)
    go (!shp, !wp) = \case
      Forward n -> (shp + n *^ wp, wp           )
      Turn d    -> (shp          , rotPoint d wp)
      Move r    -> (shp          , wp + r       )

And that's it! For part1, we want the mannhattan distance of the ship's final position (the second item in the tuple), and for part2, we want the manhattan distance of the ship's final position (the first item in the tuple).

mannDist :: Point -> Int
mannDist (V2 x y) = abs x + abs y

Day 12 Benchmarks

>> Day 12a
time                 2.728 μs   (2.712 μs .. 2.745 μs)
                     1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 2.745 μs   (2.732 μs .. 2.759 μs)
std dev              46.48 ns   (40.15 ns .. 52.35 ns)
variance introduced by outliers: 16% (moderately inflated)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

>> Day 12b
time                 6.246 μs   (6.223 μs .. 6.270 μs)
                     1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 6.236 μs   (6.226 μs .. 6.250 μs)
std dev              38.05 ns   (30.35 ns .. 46.78 ns)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

Day 13

Top / Prompt / Code / Standalone

Aw man, I feel like I would have leaderboarded today had I not been busy :'( These type of number theory problems are the ones I usually do well on.

Oh well! Silly internet points, right?

For part 1, you just need to minimize a function on each bus ID:

part1 :: Int -> [Int] -> (Int, Int)
part1 t0 xs = minimumBy (comparing snd)
    [ (x, waitTime)
    | x <- xs
    , let waitTime = x - (t0 `mod` x)

Part 2 is where things get interesting! Let's try to think of things inductively: start with small lists, and see how we would "add one more".

Let's say we had (offset, id) pairs (0,7) and (1,13), like in the example. This means that we want to find times where t `mod` 7 == 0 and (t + 1) `mod` 13 == 0.

We can sort of do a manual search by hand to get 14 as our lowest candidate. But also, note that 14 + (7*13)n for any integer n would preserve the offset property. 14, 14 + 91, 14 + 182, etc. So the family of all "valid" numbers are 14 + (7*13)n.

Next, what if we wanted to find the situation for pairs (0,7), (1,13), and (4,15)? Well, we already know that any solution that includes (0,7) and (1,13) will be of the form 14 + (7*13)n. So now we just need to find the first one of those that also matches (4,15)

-- 'until' repeatedly applies a function until it finds a value that matches a
-- predicate
ghci> until (\t -> (t + 4) `mod` 15 == 0) (+ (7*13)) 14

Ah hah, good ol' 1106. Well, 1106 isn't the only number that works. We can see that 1106 + (7*13*15)n for any integer n would also work, since it preserves that mod property.

And so, we can repeat this process over and over again for each new number we see.

  1. Keep track of the current "lowest match" (14) and the current "search step" (7*13).
  2. When you see a number, search that family until you find a new lowest match that includes the new number.
  3. Use that new number as the next lowest match, and multiply it to get the new search step.
  4. Rinse and repeat.

Overall, this works pretty well as a foldl, where we keep this (lowest match, search step) pair as an accumulator, and update it as we see each new value in our list.

part2 :: [(Int, Int)] -> Int
part2 = fst . foldl' go (0, 1)
    go (!base, !step) (offset, i) = (base', step * i)
        base' = until (\n -> (n + offset) `mod` i == 0)
                      (+ step)

Day 13 Benchmarks

>> Day 13a
time                 155.1 ns   (154.9 ns .. 155.2 ns)
                     1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 155.0 ns   (154.8 ns .. 155.2 ns)
std dev              468.5 ps   (379.5 ps .. 624.5 ps)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

>> Day 13b
time                 4.118 μs   (4.108 μs .. 4.135 μs)
                     1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 4.173 μs   (4.156 μs .. 4.212 μs)
std dev              95.29 ns   (80.89 ns .. 114.0 ns)
variance introduced by outliers: 26% (moderately inflated)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

Day 14

Top / Prompt / Code / Standalone

I guess today is a "here's the algorithm, now implement it" puzzle, to contrast/take a break from yesterday's "here's the goal, figure out the algorithm" :)

First, let's start with an intermediate data type representing the actions possible on each line:

data Instr =
      Mask [Maybe Bool]
    | Write Int Int

The mask will be a list of Maybe Bool, where X is Nothing, 0 is Just False, and 1 is Just True. However, it's important to reverse the string when parsing it from the input, because we want index 0 to correspond to bit 0, index 1 to correspond to bit 1, etc., to make our lives easier.

That's because we can implement the application of a mask (for part 1) using ifoldl', a version of foldl' that gives you an item's index as you are folding it:

import           Data.Bits (clearBit, setBit)
import           Control.Lens.Indexed (ifoldl')

applyMask1 :: Int -> [Maybe Bool] -> Int
applyMask1 = ifoldl' $ \i x -> \case
    Nothing    -> x
    Just False -> clearBit x i
    Just True  -> setBit   x i

If the bit list contains a Nothing in a given index, leave the item unchanged. If it contains a Just False, clear that index's bit (set it to zero). If it contains a Just Nothing, set that index's bit (set it to one).

And that leaves part 1 as a foldl through all the instructions, keeping the current map and mask as state:

import           Data.IntMap (IntMap)
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM

part1 :: [Instr] -> (IntMap Int, [Maybe Bool])
part1 = foldl' go (IM.empty, [])
    go :: (IntMap Int, [Maybe Bool]) -> Instr -> (IntMap Int, [Maybe Bool])
    go (!mp, !msk) = \case
      Mask  msk'   -> (mp, msk')
      Write addr n ->
        let mp' = IM.insert addr (applyMask1 n msk) mp
        in  (mp', msk)

Part 2's mask application is interesting, because it lives in "non-determinancy". Basically, each bit mask bit application could potentially yield multiple possibilities. We have to accumulate every nested possibility. This feature is given to us by list's Monad instance, so we can swap ifoldl' for ifoldM:

ifoldl' :: (Int -> b -> a ->   b) -> b -> [a] ->   b
ifoldlM :: (Int -> b -> a -> m b) -> b -> [a] -> m b

For ifoldlM, each result lives in monad m, so the semantics of "proceeding along the fold" are deferred to the Monad instance for m. If m is Maybe, it means that you only proceed if you get a Just, or else short-circuit with Nothing. If m is IO, it means that proceeding involves chaining the IO action's execution and binding the result to give it to the function's next iteration. If m is [] (list), it means that subsequent chaining will run the function on every possibility returned by the function's previous call, accumulating every possible way of choosing every possible choice. (I talked about this in more depth in one of my first ever Haskell blog posts).

import           Control.Lens.Indexed (ifoldlM)

applyMask2 :: Int -> [Maybe Bool] -> [Int]
applyMask2 = ifoldlM $ \i x -> \case
    Nothing    -> [clearBit x i, setBit x i]
    Just False -> [x]
    Just True  -> [setBit x i]

For these, we return a list of every possible change from a given bit mask bit. For the Nothing "floating" case, there are two possibilities; for the other two, there is only one. We trust list's Monad instance to properly thread over all possible results into a list of all possible changes that that Int could have been subjected to.

And so, part 2 looks a lot like part 1!

part2 :: [Instr] -> (IntMap Int, [Maybe Bool])
part2 = foldl' go (IM.empty, [])
    go :: (IntMap Int, [Maybe Bool]) -> Instr -> (IntMap Int, [Maybe Bool])
    go (!mp, !msk) = \case
      Mask  msk'   -> (mp, msk')
      Write addr n ->
        let newMp = IM.fromList ((,n) <$> applyMask2 addr msk)
        in  (newMp <> mp, msk)

(<>) here is a left-biased merger, so it merges in all of the newly seen indices into the existing ones.

Day 14 Benchmarks

>> Day 14a
time                 186.7 μs   (186.5 μs .. 187.1 μs)
                     1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 186.8 μs   (186.5 μs .. 187.2 μs)
std dev              1.053 μs   (594.2 ns .. 1.714 μs)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

>> Day 14b
time                 24.93 ms   (24.72 ms .. 25.09 ms)
                     1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 25.11 ms   (25.02 ms .. 25.19 ms)
std dev              198.9 μs   (152.1 μs .. 279.0 μs)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

Day 15

Top / Prompt / Code / Standalone

So it is yet another "here's the algorithm, implement it" days again! Only the challenge this time should probably implement it to be really fast!

I don't think there is too much wiggle room in how to implement things here; my original solution basically kept an IntMap to the last seen time of any value, and just repeatedly looked things up and modified the (current time, last said) tuple.

My original solution took around 70 seconds to run, and that was what I used to submit things originally. But let's see if we can get it down to something a little less...perceptible :) This reflection can be a deep dive into writing tight, performant Haskell.

The data type we'll be using is an unboxed mutable array. There's a trick we can use because we have a map from integers to values, we can just use the integer keys as the index to an array. This is usually a bad idea but for the fact that the keys we'll be using are bounded within a decently small range (we won't ever say a number that is greater than 30 million), so we can definitely accumulate 30 million-item array into memory without any major problems. We'll also store our last-said times as Int32 to be a little bit more efficient since we're trying to eek out every last bit of perf.

So overall we still keep some state: the current time and the last said item. Since those are just integers, we can keep that as pure in memory using StateT running over ST s (the mutable state monad, where our mutable vectors will live).

import           Control.Monad.ST
import           Control.Monad.State
import           GHC.Int (Int32)
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as MV

data LoopState = LS
    { lsLastSaid :: !Int
    , lsCurrTime :: !Int32

    :: MV.MVector s Int32                   -- ^ the mutable vector of last-seen times
    -> StateT (T2 Int32 Int) (ST s) ()      -- ^ an 'ST s' action with some pure (T2 Int32 Int) state
sayNext v = do
    L s i <- get                        -- get the current pure state
    lst <- v x                  -- our last said is x, so look up the last time we saw it
    MV.write v x i                      -- update the last-time-seen
    let j | lst == 0  = 0               -- we haven't seen it
          | otherwise = i - lst         -- we have seen it
    put (LS (fromIntegral j) (i + 1))   -- update last seen and current time
{-# INLINE sayNext #-}

We will want to INLINE this so that it gets inlined directly into our main loop code.

Oh, let's also write a function to initialize our sequence with starting inputs:

    :: MV.MVector s Int32                   -- ^ the mutable vector of last-seen times
    -> Int                                  -- ^ a number to "say"
    -> StateT (T2 Int32 Int) (ST s) ()      -- ^ an 'ST s' action with some pure (T2 Int32 Int) state
saySomething v y = do
    LS x i <- get
    MV.unsafeWrite v x i          -- write the last seen number with the right time
    put (LS y (i + 1))            -- queue up the write of the number to say
{-# INLINE saySomething #-}

And now we're good to go to put it all together! We can use whileM_ from Control.Monad.Loops to emulate a while loop, where our condition is whenever lsCurrTime reaches the maximum value.

-- | Returns 'True' until we need to stop
stopCond :: Int32 -> StateT (T2 Int32 Int) m Bool
stopCond n = gets $ \(LS _ i) -> i < n
{-# INLINE stopCond #-}
-- gets f = f <$> get, it maps a function on top of a get

looper :: Int -> [Int] -> Int
looper n xs = runST $ flip evalStateT (LS 0 0) $ do
    v <- MV.replicate n 0       -- initialize our vector with zeros
    traverse_ (saySomething v) xs
    whileM_ (stopCond n) (sayNext v)
    gets lsLastSaid

On my machine (with some minor optimizations, like using unsafeRead/unsafeWrite), this runs in 230ms for part 2...a much more reasonable improvement over my original 70 seconds! :)

part1 :: [Int] -> Int
part1 = looper 2020

part2 :: [Int] -> Int
part2 = looper 30000000

Day 15 Benchmarks

>> Day 15a
time                 2.519 μs   (2.475 μs .. 2.588 μs)
                     0.997 R²   (0.996 R² .. 0.998 R²)
mean                 2.511 μs   (2.472 μs .. 2.545 μs)
std dev              122.4 ns   (106.8 ns .. 135.3 ns)
variance introduced by outliers: 63% (severely inflated)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

>> Day 15b
time                 281.7 ms   (272.7 ms .. 290.8 ms)
                     0.999 R²   (0.997 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 290.7 ms   (285.1 ms .. 301.1 ms)
std dev              10.94 ms   (1.407 ms .. 14.57 ms)
variance introduced by outliers: 16% (moderately inflated)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

Day 16

Top / Prompt / Code / Standalone

Today was a nice little self-contained constraint satisfaction problem! Well, it didn't have to be (apparently), but it was fun as one :)

First, our data type:

type Passport = [Int]

data Info = Info
      { iFields :: IntervalMap Int (Set Text)
      , iYours  :: Passport
      , iTheirs :: [Passport]

Here we're using IntervalMap from the data-interval package, which makes it easy to store data at different intervals with easy lookups. For example, if we have ["class"] at interval (1,5), and we had ["row"] at interval (3,7), IntervalMap will merge them together (with <>, if we choose) to get ["class"] at (1,3), ["class","row"] at (3,5), and ["row"] at (5,7).

If we have this IntervalMap, part 1 becomes straightforward enough with the efficient IM.notMember:

import qualified Data.IntervalMap.Lazy as IM

part1 :: Info -> Int
part1 info = sum
    [ n
    | ns <- iTheirs info
    , n  <- ns
    , n `IM.notMember` iFields info

So now let's move on to the search for part 2!

Our goal is to get a list [(Int, Set Text)] of a column number (in the passport) with the set of all valid field names for that position. And because we are going to be doing a search, we want this list in order of smallest to largest valid-name sets.

First, we can replace the Ints in each passport instead with the set of fields they are valid for

validate :: IntervalMap Int (Set Text) -> [Int] -> Maybe [Set Text]
validate flds = traverse (`IM.lookup` flds)

validateAll :: IntervalMap Int (Set Text) -> [Passport] -> [[Set Text]]
validateAll flds = mapMaybe (validate flds)

Here (`IM.lookup` flds) is Int -> Set Text: it'll look up the Set Text corresponding to the interval that the Int falls under in the IntervalMap. It'll return Nothing if any of the Ints are invalid, and Just if all of the Ints are valid.

Next we want to build our [(Int, Set Text)]. The Set Text is a set of what is valid for that column number, so to get the Set Text for 0, for instance, we need to S.intersection all of the first Set Texts in our list,; to get the Set Text for 1, we need to S.intersection all of the second Set Texts in our lists, etc. This can be done succinctly with a transpose (transpose [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] == [[1,4],[2,5],[3,6]]). Then we can use sortOn to sort by the size of the valids set.

columnSets :: [[Set Text]] -> [(Int, Set Text)]
columnSets = sortOn (S.size . snd)
           . zip [0..]
           . map (foldl1' S.intersection)
           . transpose

Now we're ready for our search! We'll be using StateT over list, to get a backtracking search with backtracking state (I described this technique in a constraint solving blog post). Our state will be the Set Text of all the "committed" fields so far.

search :: [(Int, Set Text)] -> Maybe [(Int, Text)]
search candidateMap = listToMaybe . flip evalStateT S.empty $ do
    for candidates $ \(i, cands) -> do              -- for each (Int, Set Text):
      soFar <- get                                  -- get the seen candidates
      pick  <- lift . toList $ cands S.\\ soFar     -- pick from the Set Text not including seens
      (i, pick) <$ modify (S.insert pick)           -- propose this index/pick, inserting into seens

And that should be it for our search! In the end this gets the first [(Int, Text)] that is valid, matching a column ID to the field at that column. Our search supports backtracking through the list monad, but it should be noted that we actually don't end up needing it for the way the puzzle input is structured. But, because we sort our lists first from smallest to largest valid-sets, our solution ends up being equivalent to the non-backtracking method and backtracking is never actually triggered.

And we can wrap it all up:

part2 :: Info -> Int
part2 = product
    [ iYours info !! i
    | (i, fld) <- res
    , "departure" `isPrefixOf` fld
    cSets    = columnSets $ validateAll (iFields info) (iTheirs info)
    Just res = search cSets

Day 16 Benchmarks

>> Day 16a
time                 602.5 μs   (601.9 μs .. 603.2 μs)
                     1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 600.7 μs   (600.1 μs .. 601.4 μs)
std dev              2.309 μs   (1.614 μs .. 3.329 μs)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

>> Day 16b
time                 653.1 μs   (632.8 μs .. 688.4 μs)
                     0.991 R²   (0.981 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 622.3 μs   (616.6 μs .. 637.1 μs)
std dev              29.84 μs   (11.71 μs .. 54.55 μs)
variance introduced by outliers: 41% (moderately inflated)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

Day 17

Top / Prompt / Code / Standalone

Neat, Game of Life! :D Actually, the 3D/4D twist does make a big impact for the best method we'd pick: we run into the curse of dimensionality. It means that when we get to 3D and 4D, our world will become vanishingly sparse. In my own input, only about 4% of the 3D space ended up being active, and 2% of my 4D space ends up being active. This means that holding a dense vector of all possible active points (which will be (6+8+6)^n) is up to 98% wasteful. And because of the way this process works, we have to completely copy our entire space at every iteration.

In these times, I'm happy that Haskell has a nice immutable sparse data structure like Set. Sparse being beneficial in that we can easily look up and process only the 2% of active squares, and immutable being beneficial in that each step already requires a full copy in any case, so immutability doesn't give us any drawback.

First a function to get all neighbors of a point, using the V3 type from the linear library, which I've used many times already for its convenient Num and Applicative instances:

import           Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as S

-- from linear
data V3 a = V3 a a a
-- its Applicative instance
pure x = V3 x x x

neighbsSet :: V3 Int -> Set (V3 Int)
neighbsSet p = S.fromList
    [ p + d
    | d <- sequence (pure [-1,0,1])
    , d /= pure 0

Just as a reminder, pure [0,1] for V3 Int gives us V3 [0,1] [0,1] [0,1], and if we sequence that we get a cartesian N-product of all combinations [V3 0 0, V3 0 0 1, V3 0 1 0, V3 0 1 1, V3 1 0 0, .. etc.]. We add each of those to p, except for the one that is V3 0 0 0.

Now we can write our stepper, which takes a Set (V3 Int) and returns the next Set (V3 Int) after applying the rules. We can do that first by making a Map (V3 Int) Int, where Int is the number of neighbors at a given point. This can be done by "exploding" every V3 Int in our set to a Map (V3 Int) Int, a map of all its neighbors keyed to values 1, and then using M.unionsWith (+) to union together all of those exploded neighbors, adding any overlapping keys.

import           Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M

neighborMap :: Set (V3 Int) -> Map (V3 Int) Int
neighborMap ps = M.unionsWith (+)
    [ M.fromSet (const 1) (neighbsSet p)
    | p <- S.toList ps

Now to implement the rules:

    :: Set (V3 Int)
    -> Set (V3 Int)
stepper ps = stayAlive <> comeAlive
    neighborCounts = neighborMap ps
    stayAlive = M.keysSet . M.filter (\n -> n == 2 || n == 3) $
                  neighborCounts `M.restrictKeys` ps
    comeAlive = M.keysSet . M.filter (== 3) $
                  neighborCounts `M.withoutKeys`  ps

stayAlive is all of the neighborCounts keys that correspond to already-alive points (neighborCounts `M.restrictKeys` ps), but filtered to the counts that are 2 or 3. comeAlive is all of the neighborCounts keys that correspond to dead points (neighborCounts `M.withoutKeys` ps), but filtered to only counts that are exactly 3. And our result is the set union of both of those.

So our part 1 becomes:

part1 :: Set (V3 Int) -> Int
part1 = S.size . (!! 6) . iterate stepper

And for part 2...notice that all of our code actually never does anything specific to V3! In fact, if we leave the type signatures of neighbsSet and neighborMap and stepper off, GHC will actually suggest more general type signatures for us.

    :: (Applicative f, Num a, Ord (f a), Traversable f)
    => f a -> Set (f a)

    :: (Applicative f, Num a, Ord (f a), Traversable f)
    => Set (f a)
    -> Map (f a) Int

    :: (Applicative f, Num a, Ord (f a), Traversable f)
    => Set (f a)
    -> Set (f a)

Neat! This means that our code already works for any other fixed-sized Vector type with a Num instance. Like, say...V4, also from linear?

-- also from the Linear library, with all the same instances
data V4 a = V4 a a a a

part1 :: Set (V3 Int) -> Int
part1 = S.size . (!! 6) . iterate stepper

part2 :: Set (V4 Int) -> Int
part2 = S.size . (!! 6) . iterate stepper

And that's it --- code that should work for both parts :)

Day 17 Benchmarks

>> Day 17a
time                 1.157 ms   (1.145 ms .. 1.184 ms)
                     0.996 R²   (0.991 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 1.160 ms   (1.150 ms .. 1.193 ms)
std dev              59.47 μs   (6.700 μs .. 117.2 μs)
variance introduced by outliers: 40% (moderately inflated)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

>> Day 17b
time                 1.984 ms   (1.946 ms .. 2.016 ms)
                     0.998 R²   (0.995 R² .. 0.999 R²)
mean                 2.004 ms   (1.970 ms .. 2.086 ms)
std dev              167.7 μs   (42.52 μs .. 324.8 μs)
variance introduced by outliers: 60% (severely inflated)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

Day 18

Top / Prompt / Code / Standalone

Let's parse with parser combinators!

The main way I have learned how to deal with these binary-operation parsers is to separate out the stages into a "bottom" level containing only the leaves (here, the int literals) and parentheses, and then build up layers of precedence one-by-one from highest to lowest. For the first part we only have two layers, then, since we only have one level of precedence.

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import qualified Text.Megaparsec            as P
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char       as P
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer as PP

type Parser = P.Parsec Void String

parseBottom1 :: Parser Int
parseBottom1 = P.choice
    [ PP.decimal
    , P.between "(" ")" parseTop1  -- use -XOverloadedStrings to get parsers that match strings

parseTop1 :: Parser Int
parseTop1 = do
    leftOfOp <- parseBottom1   -- parse the left hand side of a possible binary operator
    doNext acc
    doNext acc = P.choice          -- once we parse a left hand side, pick from:
      [ do " * "                        -- either it's a *
           rightOfOp <- parseBottom1    --   ... so we parse the right hand side and multiply
           doNext (acc * rightOfOp)
      , do " + "                        -- or it's a +
           rightOfOp <- parseBottom1    --   ... so we parse the right hand side and add
           doNext (acc + rightOfOp)
      , pure acc                        -- otherwise that was it, no operator

Remember that leftOfOp could either come from a leaf literal number or from a parenthesized equation. In the end, we get an Int, representing whatever number was on the left hand side of our operator. Then we move into doNext, which continually accumulates new operations after that first leftOfOp parse.

If we see a *, we parse the right hand side, fold that into our accumulator and repeat until we hit a dead end and yield our accumulated value; same for +.

So there's this sort of "cycle" that parseTop defers to parseBottom for its underlying things "in between" the operators, but parseBottom loops back up to parseTop to handle what is in the parentheses.

part1 :: String -> Maybe Int
part1 = P.parseMaybe $
          sum <$> P.many parseTop1

The twist for part 2 is that now we have to have another layer of precedence, so we split things out:

parseBottom2 :: Parser Int
parseBottom2 = P.choice
    [ PP.decimal
    , P.between "(" ")" parseTop2

parseMiddle2 :: Parser Int
parseMiddle2 = do
    leftOfOp <- parseBottom2
    doNext leftOfOp
    doNext acc = P.choice
      [ do " + "
           rightOfOp <- parseBottom2
           doNext (acc + rightOfOp)
      , pure acc

parseTop2 :: Parser Int
parseTop2 = do
    leftOfOp <- parseMiddle2
    doNext leftOfOp
    doNext acc = P.choice
      [ do " * "
           rightOfOp <- parseMiddle2
           doNext (acc * rightOfOp)
      , pure acc

So the parser dependency again is kind of interesting: parseTop2 is built up of chained parseMiddle2s, which is built up of chained parseBottom2, which could loop back up with parseTop2 if detect parentheses.

part2 :: String -> Maybe Int
part2 = P.parseMaybe $
          sum <$> (parseTop2 `P.sepBy` P.newline)

Note that this chaining and looping behavior can be abstracted out --- that's essentially what I wrote in my cleaned up solution. But also the Control.Monad.Combinators.Expr module also abstracts over this pattern, letting you specify the "layers" you want, and it'll generate the right parser for you with the correct weaving of dependencies like I described here. But still, I think it's fun to see how these things end up looking like under the hood :)

Day 18 Benchmarks

>> Day 18a
time                 1.266 ms   (1.259 ms .. 1.274 ms)
                     0.999 R²   (0.999 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 1.257 ms   (1.249 ms .. 1.266 ms)
std dev              29.95 μs   (21.19 μs .. 42.67 μs)
variance introduced by outliers: 13% (moderately inflated)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

>> Day 18b
time                 1.284 ms   (1.279 ms .. 1.288 ms)
                     1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 1.266 ms   (1.262 ms .. 1.272 ms)
std dev              17.54 μs   (13.23 μs .. 22.66 μs)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

Day 19

Top / Prompt / Code / Standalone

I had originally solved this puzzle using recursive knot tying and a funky custom Monad --- the writeup for that is available online here. But after some thought and reflection, I saw that things might be a little cleaner as a hylomorphism from recursion-schemes, so I did a rewrite based on it! It also ended up being about 25% faster to run, which was a nice bonus. Note that I do have a blog post on hylomorphisms and recurion schemes (, if you'd like to investigate more about the topic :)

The central type ("base functor") is Rule:

data Rule a = Simple Char
            | Compound [[a]]
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, Functor)

A Rule a is either a "base" Char match, or it is a list of options of sequences (a list of "or"'s of "and then"'s) of a. The choice of a gives us our interesting behavior.

For example, our initial ruleset from the input file is a list of Rule Ints: either they are a simple Char, or they contain a list of options of sequences of rule id's (Int). We can load it all as an IntMap (Rule Int), where each Rule Int is stored under its rule ID.

Just to help us get an intuition for this type, let's look at what happens if we want to "expand" out a rule all the way to only leaves at the end of a bunch of nested choices and sequences. This isn't required for the solve, but could be pretty fun.

For that, we can use the Fix data type:

newtype Fix f = Fix (f (Fix f))

type ExpandedRule = Fix Rule

A Fix Rule is infinite nested Rules: it's essentially Rule (Rule (Rule (Rule ...))) forever, meaning underneath each Compound are new rules, and at the end of it all we only have Leaf Chars, and no more Ints. For example, we could represent rule 0 of

0: 1 2 | 3
1: 3
2: 3 3
3: "a"


Fix $ Compound [
    [Fix $ Compoud [[Fix (Leaf 'a')]], Fix $ Compound [[Fix (Leaf 'a'), Fix (Leaf 'a')]]]
  , [Fix (Leaf 'a')]

But, given an IntMap (Rule Int) (the "unexpanded" raw rules as they are in the input file), how do we get our Fix Rule?

We can use the handy ana function, which, given an expansion function a -> Rule a, returns a a -> Fix Rule: It runs the a -> Rule a expansion function on the "seed" a, and then runs it again on all the as in the result, and again, and again, etc., until there are no more as to expand.

Well, in our case, our "expansion" function is Int -> Rule Int: "To expand an Int, look it up in the IntMap Int (RuleInt)". And that gives us a function to fully expand any rule number:

expandRule :: IntMap (Rule Int) -> Int -> Fix Rule
expandRule rs = ana (rs IM.!)

Neat, huh? That will fully expand the rule at any index by repeatedly re-expanding it with (rs IM.!) until we are out of things to expand.

Another fun thing we can write that we could actually use for part 1 is to turn an Fix Rule into a list of all possible strings to match. We want to write a Fix Rule -> [String] function by tearing down our recursive data type, and this could be nicely expressed with a catamorphism (cata :: (Rule a -> a) -> Fix Rule -> a), where we specify how to tear down a "single layer" of our Rule type, and cata will generalize that to tear down the entire structure. I talk about this a bit in my recursion schemes blog post, and the explanation I give is "The a values in the Rule become the very things we swore to create." --- in this case, the [String]

So let's write our Rule [String] -> [String]:

generateAlg :: Rule [String] -> [String]
generateAlg = \case
    Simple c   -> [[c]]                                   -- the single single-char string is created
    Compoud xs -> concatMap (fmap concat . sequence) xs   -- concat/sequence all options

And now cata generateAlg will generate all possible matches from a ruleset

ghci> cata generateAlg
    (Fix $ Compound [[Fix (Leaf 'h'), Fix (Leaf 'e')], [Fix (Leaf 'h')], [Fix (Leaf 'q')]])

Okay, that's enough playing around for now...time to find our real solution :)

Note that we can "interpret" a rule to match it on a string by turning it into a String -> [String]: it'll take a string and return a list of the leftovers of every possible match. For example, running the rules (he)|h|q on "hello" should give us ["llo","ello"]. Then we can just see if we have any matches that return empty leftovers.

For aid in thinking, let's imagine turning a Fix Rule into a String -> [String]. We can do that with the help of cata :: (Rule a -> a) -> Fix Rule -> a. Because we want to write a Fix Rule -> (String -> [String]), our catamorphism function ("algebra") is Rule (String -> [String]) -> (String -> [String]):

matchAlg :: Rule (String -> [String]) -> String -> [String]
matchAlg = \case
    Simple c -> \case
      []   -> []
      d:ds -> if c == d then [ds] else []
    Compound xs -> \str ->
      concatMap (sequenceAll str) xs
    -- run the String -> [String]s on an input String one after the other
    sequenceAll :: String -> [String -> [String]] -> [String]
    sequenceAll s0 fs = foldr (>=>) pure fs s0

match :: Fix Rule -> String -> [String]
match = cata matchAlg

We want to fail on our input string (return no matches) if we see a Simple c with either an empty input string or one that doesn't match the c. Then for the Compound case with our xs :: [[String -> [String]]], we take a choice (concatMap) of all of the possible full sequences of the inner [String -> [String]] sequences.

ghci> match (Fix $ Compound [[Fix (Leaf 'h'), Fix (Leaf 'e')], [Fix (Leaf 'h')], [Fix (Leaf 'q')]])
["llo", "ello"]

Alright, so now how do we solve the final puzzle?

It looks like we need to "generate" a Fix Rule, and immediately tear it down into a String -> [String] to use it to match a string. "Generate recursively and immediately tear down recursively"...that's a hylomorphism!

hylo :: Functor f => (f b -> b) -> (a -> f a) -> a -> b

-- which we use as...
hylo :: (Rule b -> b) -> (a -> Rule a) -> a -> b

-- which we use as...
hylo  :: (Rule (String -> [String]) -> (String -> [String]))
      -> (Int -> Rule Int)
      -> Int
      -> (String -> [String])

If we give hylo a way to "break down nested Rules" and a way to "build up nested Rules", then it can actually iteratively expand up Rules while immediately tearing them down. The nice thing about this is that it's very lazy: it'll only call the generator function if you ever need the thing during your teardown function. Since our teardown function (the String -> [String]) will terminate whenever we encounter an empty string or no matches, hylo will only run the build-up function until the point that we hit one of those conditions. You can also think of it as running it on a Rule Int where each Int is dynamically looked up as you need it from the rules map.

The neat thing about this is that we don't ever need Fix at all: it's all built up and torn down "in-place", and we never built up any intermediate value. That's why I mentioned that the Fix part earlier was more of a side-tangent! But it definitely helps us understand the big picture, I feel.

Our final code (the whole of it, minus the parser) ends up being:

data Rule a = Simple Char
            | Compound [[a]]
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, Functor)

matchAlg :: Rule (String -> [String]) -> String -> [String]
matchAlg = \case
    Simple c -> \case
      []   -> []
      d:ds -> if c == d then [ds] else []
    Compound xs -> \str ->
      concatMap (sequenceAll str) xs
    sequenceAll s0 fs = foldr (>=>) pure fs s0

matcher :: IntMap (Rule Int) -> String -> [String]
matcher rules = hylo matchAlg (rules IM.!) 0

solver :: IntMap (Rule Int) -> [String] -> Int
solver rules = length . filter (any null . matcher rules)

part1 :: IntMap Rule -> [String] -> Int
part1 = solver

part2 :: IntMap Rule -> [String] -> Int
part2 rs = solver (extraRules <> rs)

extraRules :: IntMap (Rule Int)
extraRules = IM.fromList [
    (8 , Compound [[42],[42,8]])
  , (11, Compound [[42,31],[42,11,31]])

As a nice little bonus, we can also use generateAlg with a hylomorphism to also turn an IntMap (Rule Int) into a list of all possible strings, which works for part 1 but would return an infinite list for part 2.

generateAll :: IntMap (Rule Int) -> Int -> [String]
generateAll rules = hylo generateAlg (rules IM.!) 0

Day 19 Benchmarks

>> Day 19a
time                 3.926 ms   (3.899 ms .. 3.949 ms)
                     0.999 R²   (0.999 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 3.913 ms   (3.890 ms .. 3.942 ms)
std dev              82.24 μs   (64.05 μs .. 112.8 μs)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

>> Day 19b
time                 24.08 ms   (23.82 ms .. 24.43 ms)
                     1.000 R²   (0.999 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 24.24 ms   (24.10 ms .. 24.35 ms)
std dev              281.5 μs   (205.7 μs .. 377.0 μs)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

Day 20

Top / Prompt / Code / Standalone

Ah, the infamous Day 20 :) I actually went through a few different possible solutions for this before settling on the one I have now. It also pushed me to flesh out my "direction manipulation" mini-library (that I used Day 12) to be a full "orientation manipulation" mini-library. With it, I get to enumerate, manipulate, and combine the eight possible orientations of a 2d square grid in a nice way.

data Dir = North | East | South | West

-- | Rotate a point by a direction
rotPoint :: Num a => Dir -> V2 a -> V2 a

allDir :: [Dir]
allDir = [North ..]

-- All of these instances are described in my day 12 writeup
instance Semigroup Dir where
instance Monoid Dir where
instance Group Dir where
instance Abelian Dir

-- | A possible orientation (flip and rotate) of a 2d square grid
data D8 = D8 { d8Rot :: Dir, d8Flip :: Bool }

instance Semigroup D8 where
    D8 x1 False <> D8 x2 y2 = D8 (x1 <> x2) y2
    D8 x1 True  <> D8 x2 y2 = D8 (x1 <> invert x2) (not y2)

instance Monoid D8 where
    mempty = D8 North False

instance Group D8 where
    invert (D8 x False) = D8 (invert x) False
    invert (D8 x True ) = D8 x          True

allD8 :: [D8]
allD8 = D8 <$> allDir <*> [False, True]

-- | Rotate and flip a point by a 'D8'
orientPoint :: Num a => D8 -> V2 a -> V2 a
orientPoint = \case
    D8 North False -> id
    D8 East  False -> \(V2 x y) -> V2   y  (-x)
    D8 West  False -> \(V2 x y) -> V2 (-y)   x
    D8 South False -> \(V2 x y) -> V2 (-x) (-y)
    D8 North True  -> \(V2 x y) -> V2 (-x)   y
    D8 East  True  -> \(V2 x y) -> V2   y    x
    D8 West  True  -> \(V2 x y) -> V2 (-y) (-x)
    D8 South True  -> \(V2 x y) -> V2   x  (-y)

Having orientations as a data type I can manipulate as first-class values helped me "think" my way through everything a little easier.

First things first, we can break apart a 10x10 tile into the parts that actually matter: its eight edges (which we can represent as a set of Finite 10s) and its core (which we can represent as a set of V2 (Finite 8), 8x8 points). I'm using Finite from finite-typelits mostly as a way for me to keep track of what I have at each stage --- remember that Finite 8, for instance, is one of 0,1,2,3,4,5,6, or 7. This is also handy because the library gives us strengthen <=< unshift :: Finite 10 -> Maybe (Finite 8), that lets us "chop off" the outer edges of a Set (Finite 10) to get the Set (Finite 8) core.

type Edge = Set (Finite 10)
type Core = Set (V2 (Finite 8))

-- | Shift corner to (0,0)
shiftToZero :: (Applicative f, Num a, Ord a) => Set (V2 a) -> Set (V2 a)

-- | mapMaybe but for sets
mapMaybeSet :: Ord b => (a -> Maybe b) -> Set a -> Set b

    :: Set (V2 (Finite 10))
    -> ((Core, D8 -> Edge), Map Edge D8)
toTiles ps = ((core, getEdge), M.toList (map swap oToEdge))
    core      = mapMaybeSet (traverse (strengthen <=< unshift)) ps
    getEdge o = oMap M.! o
    oMap      = M.fromList oToEdge
    oToEdge   =
        [ (o, mapMaybeSet (\(V2 x y) -> x <$ guard (y == 0)) ps')
        | o <- allD8
        , let ps' = shiftToZero $ orientPoint (invert o) `` ps

Both "orientation to edge at that orientation" (D8 -> Edge) and "edge to the orientation that that edge exists at" (Map Edge D8) are useful things to have, so we can generate them both here.

Once we do this we can get three separate IntMaps after parsing the file:

IntMap Core          -- a map of tile id's to their cores (for drawing)
IntMap (D8 -> Edge)  -- a map of tile id's to their edges at each orientation
IntMap (Map Edge D8) -- a map of tile id's to all of their edges and the orientations they are at

Now for the actual solve --- we're going to build up a Map Point (Int, D8) one at a time, where the point (V2 Int) is going to contain the tile id at that point, as well as the orientation that tile has to be at.

To do that, we're going to use a queue of "open edges": the location that the open edge is facing, and the direction (north/south/east/west) of that open edge -- a Map Edge (Point, Dir). We'll also keep a set of tile id's that have not been placed yet. And then at each step:

  1. Pop an edge off of that queue -- (Edge, (Point, Dir))
  2. Search to see if any non-used tiles have any matching edge a. If there is not any, it means that that edge is at the edge of the overall map, so just skip. b. If there is a tile, place that tile at the indicated (Point, Dir) and place all of its edges into the queue.
  3. Repeat until the queue is empty.
-- | A placement is a Tile ID and the orientation of that tile
type Placement = (Int, D8)
type Point     = V2 Int

    :: IntMap (D8 -> Edge)              -- ^ tile id to the edge at each orientation
    -> IntMap (Map Edge Placement)      -- ^ tile id to the map of edges to what tile id, orientation that edge is at
    -> Map Point Placement              -- ^ map of points to the tile id, orientation at each point
assembleMap tileMap tiles0 =
        go (toQueue 0 mempty t0id allDir)
           (IM.keysSet tiles1)
           (M.singleton 0 (t0id, mempty))
    -- populate the initial tile and the initial queue
    ((_   , t0Map), tiles1)  = IM.deleteFindMin tiles0
    ((_, (t0id, _)), _     ) = M.deleteFindMin  t0Map

    -- a cache of edges to tiles ID's (and orientations) that have that edge.
    tileCache :: Map Edge [Placement]
    tileCache = M.fromListWith (++)
      [ (edge, [placement])
      | (_   , tileEdges) <- IM.toList tiles0
      , (edge, placement) <- M.toList tileEdges

    go  :: Map Edge (Point, Dir)     -- ^ queue: edge -> place, orientation
        -> IntSet                    -- ^ leftover points
        -> Map Point Placement       -- ^ current map
        -> Map Point Placement       -- ^ sweet tail rescursion
    go queue tiles mp = case M.minViewWithKey queue of
      Nothing -> mp
      Just ((edge, (pos, d)), queue') ->
        case find ((`IS.member` tiles) . fst) (tileCache NEM.! edge) of
          Nothing          -> go queue' tiles mp
          Just (tileId, o) ->
                -- If we're adding a North edge, then it's the new tile's South
                -- edge; if we are adding a East edge, it's the new tile's West
                -- edge, etc; (d <> South) is the right relationship to properly
                -- flip
            let o'       = o <> D8 (d <> South) True
                newQueue = toQueue pos o'
                    (filter (/= d <> South) allDir)
            in  go  (newQueue <> queue)
                    (IS.delete tileId tiles)
                    (M.insert pos (tileId, invert o') mp)

    -- | For a given image, add the given edges into the queue
        :: Foldable f
        => Point            -- ^ location of corner
        -> D8               -- ^ orientation to insert
        -> Int              -- ^ tile id
        -> f Dir            -- ^ edges to insert
        -> Map Edge (Point, Dir)
    toQueue p0 o tileId ds = M.fromList $ ds <&> \d ->   -- for each dir
        ( (tileMap IM.! tileId) (o <> D8 d False)   -- the edge
        , ( p0 + rotPoint d (V2 0 (-1))             -- the new point
          , d

We can wrap this all up in a solver to extract the Map Point Placement (using assembleMap) and the Set Point --- the "actual" pixel map that represents all of the points themselves in 2d space.

    :: IntMap (Set (V2 (Finite 10)))
    -> (Map Point Placement, Set Point)
solve ts = (shiftToZero mp, blitted)
    info    = toTiles <$> ts
    edgeMap = IM.mapWithKey (\i (_, e) -> (i,) <$> e) info
    edges   = snd . fst <$> info
    mp      = assembleMap edges edgeMap
    blitted = flip M.foldMapWithKey mp $ \p (tileId, o) ->
      let core = fst . fst $ info IM.! tileId
      in ((+ (p * 8)) . shiftToZero . orientPoint o) core

We can use the Map Point Placement to get the answer to part 1: just look at the tile id's at the corners of the map. Since we shiftToZero, we can just look up mp M.! V2 0 0, mp M.! V2 0 12, mp M.! V2 12 0, and mp M.! V2 12 12, and multiply them all together.

For part 2, after we assemble the actual Point, we can do a search for all dragons at all orientations.

-- | given a pattern and a map of points, poke out all points matching that
-- pattern.
    :: Set Point    -- ^ pattern
    -> Set Point    -- ^ map
    -> Set Point
pokePattern pat ps0 = foldl' go ps0 (range (V2 0 0, V2 96 96))
    go ps d
        | pat' `S.isSubsetOf` ps = ps S.\\ pat'
        | otherwise              = ps
        pat' = S.mapMonotonic (+ d) pat

And now we try pokePattern with the dragon at all orientations until we find one that gets any pokes:

dragon :: Set Point         -- the dragon image

allDragons :: [Set Point]   -- the dragon image at all orientations
allDragons =
    [ shiftToZero $ orientPoint o `` dragon
    | o <- allD8

    :: Set Point
    -> Maybe Int
dragonCount fullMap = listToMaybe
    [ res
    | drgn <- allDragons
    , let res = S.size $ pokePattern drgn fullMap
    , res /= S.size fullMap

And that concludes my solve of what was probably the most complex challenge of the month! Overall a lot of moving parts, but I was at least very happy to be able to use some knowledge of group theory (in particular, how the orientations of a square compose and interact) to break the puzzle down into pieces that were much easier to think about.

Day 20 Benchmarks

>> Day 20a
(No parse)
>> Day 20b
(No parse)

Day 21

Top / Prompt / Code / Standalone

Another nice self-contained constraint satisfaction problem, along the lines of Day 16 :) Actually, after solving this one, I went back and rewrote my day 16 solution in terms of a common solver function that works for both!

-- | Given a map of @k@ to possible @a@s for that @k@, find possible
-- configurations where each @k@ is given its own unique @a@.
pickUnique :: (Ord k, Ord a) => [(k, Set a)] -> [Map k a]
pickUnique mp = flip evalStateT S.empty $ do
    fmap M.fromList . for opts . traverse $ \poss -> do
      seen <- get
      pick <- lift $ S.toList (poss `S.difference` seen)
      pick <$ modify (S.insert pick)
    opts = sortOn (S.size . snd) mp

It uses StateT over list, like I described in a constraint solving blog post. Basically it explores all of the possibilities of drawing from a state of "items left-over to assign". The state is a Set a of items not yet picked, and at every step we non-deterministically pick an a out of the given (k, Set a) of options that hasn't already been chosen. We use that pick and add that picked item to the picked item set along that branch.

We also sort by the size of the possibility set for each k, because starting with smaller possibilities keeps our tree tight at the top, instead of wide --- we can eliminate options much more quickly.

Now all we need to do is to get our information into a [(k, Set a)]. In our case, this is [(String, Set String)] -- with each allergen, associate a set of possible foods they might be associated with.

We can do this by just taking an intersection of all the possibilities on each line:

    :: (Ord k, Ord a)
    => [(Set a, Set k)] -- set of foods, set of allergens
    -> Map k (Set a)    -- each allergen with the foods they were seen with in all occurrences
assembleOptions info = M.unionsWith S.intersection $
    [ M.fromSet (const igr) alg   -- a map of allergens to all foods they were seen with in this item
    | (igr, alg) <- info

We generate a list of allergens to all foods they were seen with on each item, and then intersect all of those foods within an allergen, so that our final Map k (Set a) matches each k allergen with a set ofall foods that were present in all of the occurrences of each allergen.

Now part 2 is basically just reading off the results of pickUnique

part2 :: [(Set String, Set String)] -> Maybe [String]
part2 = fmap M.elems . listToMaybe . pickUnique . assembleOptions

We definitely have a nice advantage here in that the Map String String (the result map of allergens to foods) already is sorted in order of allergens (alphabetically), so no need to do anything other than just M.elems :)

Part 1 is definitely slightly more complicated: not only do we need to find the allergenic foods, we have to count the occurrences of non-allergenic foods in all the items:

part2 :: [(Set String, Set String)] -> Maybe Int
part2 info = do
    allergenicFoods <- fmap (S.fromList . M.elems)
                     . listToMaybe
                     . pickUnique
                     . assembleOptions
                     $ info
    pure . sum $
      [ length $ filter (`S.notMember` allergenicFoods) foods
      | (foods, _) <- info
    allFoodOccurrences :: [String]
    allFoodOccurrences = concatMap (S.toList . fst) info

Day 21 Benchmarks

>> Day 21a
time                 202.2 μs   (201.8 μs .. 202.4 μs)
                     1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 199.8 μs   (198.9 μs .. 200.4 μs)
std dev              2.637 μs   (2.122 μs .. 3.172 μs)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

>> Day 21b
time                 114.5 μs   (113.7 μs .. 114.9 μs)
                     0.999 R²   (0.999 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 110.8 μs   (109.9 μs .. 111.7 μs)
std dev              3.248 μs   (2.926 μs .. 3.554 μs)
variance introduced by outliers: 27% (moderately inflated)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

Day 22

Top / Prompt / Code / Standalone

This one can be a fun exercise in explicit/direct tail recursion :) It's a straightforward implementation of an "imperative" algorithm, but we actually gain a lot from implementing our imperative algorithm in a purely functional setting, and can write something that runs faster than we might write in a language with implicit mutation. Immutability can be an optimization, since our data structures are designed around sharing and avoiding deep clones, so storing references and caches to old values are extremely cheap. I explain more about this at the end, but it's nice that we can get the advantages of imperative programming without most of the drawbacks of implicit mutation slowing down our code.

This problem is also a nice showcase of Haskell's standard "queue" data type, Seq from Data.Sequence, with O(1) pushing and popping from both ends.

I decided to write a function that I could use to parameterize on for both parts.

import           Data.Sequence              (Seq(..))
import           Data.Sequence.NonEmpty     (NESeq(..))
import qualified Data.Sequence              as Seq

type Deck   = Seq Int
type NEDeck = NESeq Int

data Player = P1 | P2

    :: (NEDeck -> NEDeck -> Maybe Player)       -- ^ handler
    -> Deck                                     -- ^ p1 starting deck
    -> Deck                                     -- ^ p2 starting deck
    -> (Player, Deck)                           -- ^ winner and deck

The handler function will let us specify how to handle the situation when both decks are non-empty (represented by Data.Sequence.NonEmpty). If returns Nothing, we defer to the higher-card-wins War rules, and if it returns Just, we take that Player as the winner of that round.

For part 1, we always defer to the higher-card-wins rule, so we can ignore our decks and return Nothing.

game1 :: Deck -> Deck -> (Player, Deck)
game1 = playGameWith $ \_ _ -> Nothing

For part 2, we want to play a game with the tops of the decks given to us, but only if we have enough cards.

game2 :: Deck -> Deck -> (Player, Deck)
game2 = playGameWith $ \(x :<|| xs) (y :<|| ys) -> do
    xs' <- takeExactly x xs
    ys' <- takeExactly y ys
    pure $ fst (game2 xs' ys')

takeExactly :: Int -> Seq a -> Maybe (Seq a)
takeExactly n xs = Seq.take n xs <$ guard (Seq.length xs >= n)

If we don't have enough items to take exactly x items from xs, then we fail and defer to higher-card-wins rules (and same for y and ys). Otherwise, we play a game2 with the exactly-sized deck tops to determine the winner. The way the recursion is structured here is pretty night because there is a loop between the two function pointers (game2, and the lambda passed to it), so we can go back and forth between them without allocating new functions.

Now the only thing left is to actually write playGameWith :D This one is not too bad if we use a helper function to make sure things stay tail-recursive so we don't accidentally leak space. We also would like to make sure we keep the same top-level f in the closure for the whole time, so that the recursive call in go to go will go exactly back to its own function pointer.

import           Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as S

    :: (NEDeck -> NEDeck -> Maybe Player)       -- ^ handler
    -> Deck                                     -- ^ p1 starting deck
    -> Deck                                     -- ^ p2 starting deck
    -> (Player, Deck)                           -- ^ winner and deck
playGameWith f = go S.empty
    go :: Set (Deck, Deck) -> Deck -> Deck -> (Player, Deck)
    go !seen !xs0 !ys0
        | (xs0, ys0) `S.member` seen = (P1, xs0)
        | otherwise                  = case (xs0, ys0) of
            (x :<| xs, y :<| ys) ->
              let winner = case f (x :<|| xs) (y :<|| ys) of
                    Nothing -> if x > y then P1 else P2
                    Just p  -> p
              in  case winner of
                    P1 -> go seen' (xs :|> x :|> y) ys
                    P2 -> go seen' xs (ys :|> y :|> x)
            (Empty, _    ) -> (P2, ys0)
            (_    , Empty) -> (P1, xs0)
        seen' = S.insert (xs0, ys0) seen

Most of this implementation follows the logic straightforwardly, remembering to use f to give the callback a chance to "intercept" the "highest card win" rule if it wants to. We get a lot of mileage here out of the :<|, :|> and Empty constructors for Seq, which allows us to match on the head and tail or an empty Seq as a pattern. Note that this isn't perfectly tail-recursive -- we do get another layer of data allocated whenever we recurse into a game. But at least it's tail-recursive within the same game.

Note that this talk about tail recursion isn't because we are afraid of overflowing the call stack like in other languages (and trying to take advantage of tail-call optimization) --- the value in tail recursion is that we can stay constant-space on the heap (since haskell function calls go on the heap, not a call stack).

This works, but we can make it a little faster in a way that only purely functional languages can benefit from. Checking for seen decks in a Set (Deck, Deck) can be pretty expensive in such a tight loop, and it's definitely the bottleneck of our loop. One quick optimization we can do is use an IntSet instead of a Set, and store a "hash" (really, partition index) of our data:

hashHand ;: Deck -> Deck -> Int
hashHand xs ys = hash (take 2 (toList xs), take 2 (toList ys), length xs)

So instead of checking if a hand pair has been seen before, we can only check hashHand xs0 ys0 `IS.member` seen, and IS.insert (hashHand xs0 ys0) seen at every step. This becomes very efficient (takes my time from 1.8s down to 8ms), effectively eliminating the main bottleneck.

However, this method is mathematically unsound because it's possible for two different decks to "hash" to the same Int. It didn't happen in my own input, but it happened when solving the game for one of my friend's inputs.

Instead what we can do is implement "hash set", with easy negative checks, and expensive positive checks --- but those should only happen basically once per game, and not once per round. We can store a IntMap (Set (Deck, Deck)):

go :: IntMap (Set (Deck, Deck)) -> Deck -> Deck -> (Player, Deck)
go !seen !xs0 !ys0
    | collision = (P1, xs0)
    | otherwise = case (xs0, ys0) of
        (x :<| xs, y :<| ys) ->
          let winner = case f (x :<|| xs) (y :<|| ys) of
                Nothing -> if x > y then P1 else P2
                Just p  -> p
          in  case winner of
                P1 -> go seen' (xs :|> x :|> y) ys
                P2 -> go seen' xs (ys :|> y :|> x)
        (Empty, _    ) -> (P2, ys0)
        (_    , Empty) -> (P1, xs0)
    collision = case IM.lookup (hashHand xs0 ys0) seen of
      Nothing -> False
      Just s  -> (xs0, ys0) `S.member` s
    seen' = IM.insertWith (<>) (hashHand xs0 ys0) (S.singleton (xs0, ys0)) seen

Note storing the (Deck, Deck) in our IntMap is very expensive if we are using in-place mutation for our decks: we'd have to do a full copy of our decks every round to store them into our set, because mutating them will change them. In the purely functional case, we don't have to do anything special because no values are ever mutated --- the reference to our old data is already there!

In addition, inserting/popping values off of a Seq does not require a full copy: because Seq is internally a finger tree (a purely functional persistent data structure optimized for these operations), adding a new value does not require a full copy, but instead allocates very little because most of your "new" tree's internal nodes are pointing at references to the original tree. So no copying is ever made, and storing these Seqs in our IntMap is essentially just storing a pointer.

This is one of the nice ways which immutability can give us performance increases! These are always fun to highlight because there's some common fantasy that immutability = slower, when in reality it's often an optimization.

Day 22 Benchmarks

>> Day 22a
time                 157.9 μs   (157.5 μs .. 158.1 μs)
                     1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 156.9 μs   (156.6 μs .. 157.2 μs)
std dev              1.145 μs   (976.9 ns .. 1.335 μs)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

>> Day 22b
time                 4.760 ms   (4.745 ms .. 4.776 ms)
                     1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 4.770 ms   (4.758 ms .. 4.783 ms)
std dev              42.70 μs   (34.82 μs .. 55.29 μs)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

Day 23

Top / Prompt / Code / Standalone

Day 23 -- this one definitely stumped me a while, and it was the first one to take me more than 24 hours!

Part 1 was straightforward enough with the circular Pointed List, and was pretty fun indeed. But the main problem with extrapolating this to part 2 was the crucial "slow part": finding the index of the "preceding" cup. Using a circular pointed list makes it very fast to do things like take 3 cups and insert 3 cups where you want them, but the tough thing is finding where you want to re-insert them: if you pick up cup #3, then where is cup #2? My circular pointed list (and my later mutable vector based one, among other attempts) all suffered from that same problem: re-arranging the cups is fast, but I couldn't figure out a way to know where to place them without doing a full linear search. And this was tractable for 10 cups, but pretty much impossible for 1 million cups -- especially since the location of the 'preceding cup' soon became very far from the current cup (it goes to the full 500k pretty quickly!)

In frustration, I implemented a mutable circularly linked list library...but found the same problem: I could easily take and insert, but no easy way to find out where the preceding cup was without doing an item-by-item traversal.

The breakthrough finally came when I thought about attaching a pointer to the preceding cup's cell to each linked list cell --- a "backdoor" pointer that skips across the circularly linked list. This should be doable because the structure of "preceding cup" is fixed -- it won't ever change, and so this pointer should also be fixed as well as you shuffle everything over it. I had the visual imagery of "pulling" the three taken cups up back "through" the backdoor pointer, and everything seemed very efficient, since the main inefficiency (finding the preceding cup) was fixed.

Unfortunately I am not skilled enough in pointer manipulation and other imperative programming intricacies to be able to implement this in a nice way. So I stepped back and thought about just "reifying" this pointer structure into an array of indices (pointers), where the addresses were indices.

Each cell would have to contain:

  1. The index of the cup to the right
  2. The index of the preceding cup

Only...#2 doesn't need to actually be a part of the cell, because it's fixed and never mutates. So we only need to have each cell hold #1, and use some sort of scheme to get #2.

And then that's when it hit me --- if I simply stored Cup #1 at index 0, Cup #2 at index 1, Cup #3 at index 2, etc...then #2 is simply "the previous index"! So in the end we only need an array of indices, where each index corresponds to that cup. The "preceding-cup" structure is fixed, and we only need to update the "cup to the right" pointers!

import           Data.Finite
import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable.Sized as MV
import qualified Data.Vector.Sized         as V

type CrabState n s = MV.MVector n s (Finite n)

Our data structure will be a million-sized mutable vector where index i stores the index (cup number, essentially) of the cup labeled i (technically, i+1). We can use Finite n (Finite 1000000 in our case) for our index size because it is constrained to be between 0 and 999999, and subtracting past 0 wraps back up to 999999 like we'd want it to.

    :: forall n m s. (KnownNat n, PrimMonad m, PrimState m ~ s)
    => CrabState n s
    -> Finite n       -- ^ current pointer
    -> m (Finite n)   -- ^ next pointer
step cs lab = do
    -- pull out the next three cups, and the cup fourth to the right
    (gs@[g1,_,g3],lab') <- pull3 lab

    -- update the "cup-to-the-right" of the pointer cup
    MV.write cs lab lab'

    -- find the first valid "preceding cup"
    let target = until (`notElem` gs) (subtract 1) (lab - 1)

    -- what cup is to the right of the target cup?
    aftertarg <- cs target

    -- pointer shuffling: the target cup should point to the pulled cups
    MV.write cs target g1
    -- .. and the final pulled cup should point to where the target cup pointed to originally
    MV.write cs g3 aftertarg

    pure lab'
    pull3 :: Finite n -> m ([Finite n], Finite n)
    pull3 i0 = do
      i1 <- cs i0
      i2 <- cs i1
      i3 <- cs i2
      i4 <- cs i3
      pure ([i1,i2,i3],i4)

Now we just need to initialize from a fully allocated vector by writing at each index the value of the previous cell:

    :: forall n m s. (KnownNat n, PrimMonad m, PrimState m ~ s)
    => V.Vector n (Finite n)            -- ^ vector, organized left-to-right
    -> m (Finite n, CrabState n s)      -- ^ initial pointer
initialize v0 = do
    cs <-
    for_ finites $ \i ->        -- iterate over each index
      MV.write cs (v0 V.! (i - 1)) (v0 V.! i)
    let i0 = v0 `V.index` 0
    pure (i0, cs)

And now a function to mutate our crab state a given number of points, from an initial pointer index:

run :: (KnownNat n, PrimMonad m, PrimState m ~ s)
    => Int                  -- ^ number of steps
    -> Finite n             -- ^ initial index
    -> CrabState n s
    -> m ()
run n i0 cs = go 0 i0
    go m i
      | m == n    = pure ()
      | otherwise = go (m + 1) =<< step cs i

And maybe some functions to read out the actual answers:

    :: Int                  -- ^ how many numbers to pull
    -> CrabState n s
    -> m [Finite n]
numbersFrom1 n cs = go 0 0
    go m i
      | m == n    = pure []
      | otherwise = do
          nxt <- cs i
          (nxt:) <$> go (m+1) nxt

And we have our full pipeline, remembering that we have to subtract 1 to get the index of a cup from the cup number:

part1 :: [Int] -> [Int]
part1 cs0 = runST $ do
    cs <- initialize v0
    run 100 0 cs
    (+ 1) . fromIntegral <$> numbersFrom1 9 cs
    v0 :: V.Vector 10 (Finite 10)
    Just v0 = V.fromList $
        fromIntegral . subtract 1 <$> cs0

part2 :: [Int] -> Int
part2 cs0 = runST $ do
    cs <- initialize v0
    run 10000000 0 cs
    [x,y] <- (+ 1) . fromIntegral <$> numbersFrom1 2 cs
    pure (x * y)
    v0 :: V.Vector 1000000 (Finite 1000000)
    Just v0 = V.fromList $
        (fromIntegral . subtract 1 <$> cs0)
        ++ [9..]

Overall, a very fun puzzle that required a bunch of interesting data structure and representation breakthroughs to tackle :)

Day 23 Benchmarks

>> Day 23a
time                 3.557 μs   (3.551 μs .. 3.563 μs)
                     1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 3.559 μs   (3.556 μs .. 3.564 μs)
std dev              15.18 ns   (10.92 ns .. 20.97 ns)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

>> Day 23b
time                 193.5 ms   (192.4 ms .. 194.5 ms)
                     1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 195.1 ms   (194.2 ms .. 196.3 ms)
std dev              1.402 ms   (770.4 μs .. 1.965 ms)
variance introduced by outliers: 14% (moderately inflated)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

Day 24

Top / Prompt / Code / Standalone

Day 24 brings us our third cellular automata puzzle of the year! :D The other ones were Day 11 and Day 17. In fact, I was able to mostly copy and paste my stepper code for Day 17 :)

The main twist here is that we'd have to use hexy stepping and hexy neighbors. My initial solve used the grid library to get the hexy steps neighbors, but I did go back and implement the tiling myself because it wasn't too bad :)

For part 1, it can be nice to have some intermediate data types

data HexDirection = West
                  | Northwest
                  | Northeast
                  | East
                  | Southeast
                  | Southwest

toDirs :: String -> Maybe [HexDirection]
toDirs = \case
    [] -> Just []
    'w':ds -> (West:) <$> toDirs ds
    'e':ds -> (East:) <$> toDirs ds
    'n':'e':ds -> (Northeast:) <$> toDirs ds
    'n':'w':ds -> (Northwest:) <$> toDirs ds
    's':'e':ds -> (Southeast:) <$> toDirs ds
    's':'w':ds -> (Southwest:) <$> toDirs ds
    _ -> Nothing

hexOffset :: HexDirection -> Point
hexOffset = \case
    West      -> V2 (-1)  0
    Northwest -> V2 (-1)  1
    Northeast -> V2   0   1
    East      -> V2   1   0
    Southeast -> V2   1 (-1)
    Southwest -> V2   0 (-1)

So we can parse into a list of [HexDirection] paths, and then we can get our starting points by xoring all of the final points:

import Data.Bits

initialize :: [[HexDirection]] -> Set Point
initialize = M.keysSet . M.filter id . M.fromListWith xor
           . map (\steps -> (sum (map hexOffset steps), True))

And this gives us the set of all active points, which we can use to answer part one. But now, on to the simulation!

First, we can expand the neighbors of a given point in our hexy coords:

neighbors :: Point -> Set Point
neighbors (V2 x y) = S.fromDistinctAscList
    [ V2 (x-1) y
    , V2 (x-1) (y+1)
    , V2 x     (y-1)
    , V2 x     (y+1)
    , V2 (x+1) (y-1)
    , V2 (x+1) y

And our step function looks more or less the same as day 17:

step :: Set Point -> Set Point
step ps = stayAlive <> comeAlive
    neighborCounts :: Map Point Int
    neighborCounts = M.unionsWith (+)
      [ M.fromSet (const 1) (neighbors p)
      | p <- S.toList ps
    stayAlive = M.keysSet . M.filter (\n -> n == 1 || n == 2) $
                  neighborCounts `M.restrictKeys` ps
    comeAlive = M.keysSet . M.filter (== 2) $
                  neighborCounts `M.withoutKeys`  ps

First we collect a Map Point Int of each point to how many live neighbors it has. Then the live points (neighborCounts `M.restrictKeys` ps) are filtered for only the ones with 1 or 2 live neighbors, and the dead points (neighborCounts `M.withoutKeys` ps) are filtered for only the ones with 2 live neighbors. And the resulting new set of live points is stayAlive <> comeAlive.

part1 :: [[HexDirection]] -> Int
part1 = S.size . initialize

part2 :: [[HexDirection]] -> Int
part2 paths = S.size (iterate step pts !!! 100)
    pts = initialize paths

Day 24 Benchmarks

>> Day 24a
time                 789.7 μs   (788.4 μs .. 792.4 μs)
                     1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 790.1 μs   (788.9 μs .. 791.7 μs)
std dev              4.920 μs   (3.912 μs .. 6.493 μs)

>> Day 24b
time                 159.4 ms   (157.8 ms .. 162.2 ms)
                     1.000 R²   (0.999 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 158.6 ms   (157.9 ms .. 159.9 ms)
std dev              1.396 ms   (715.9 μs .. 2.219 ms)
variance introduced by outliers: 12% (moderately inflated)

Day 25

Top / Prompt / Code / Standalone

Merry Christmas everyone, it's December 25th :D

The Christmas Problem is usually supposed to be a quick and concise one, since Eric wants people to spend the holiday with their family. This one is a bit obscured in the jargon, but once you sort through it, the solution ends up being pretty tidy :)

In the end you are exponentiating the number 7 by a given number of times (the loop count) to get the number you see. So you're solving 7^x = <your number> that's basically a logarithm!

The arithmoi library (which I previously used in problems like Day 13) offers a nice discrete logarithm function, so that's really all we need to use:

type Magic = 20201227

magicGroup :: CyclicGroup Integer Magic
Just magicGroup = cyclicGroup

primBase :: PrimitiveRoot Magic
Just primBase = isPrimitiveRoot magicGroup 7

findSecret :: Mod Magic -> Maybe Natural
findSecret = fmap (discreteLogarithm magicGroup primBase)
           . isMultElement

And so our final solution is just (after converting the input numbers to the Mod Magic data type)...

day25 :: Mod Magic -> Mod Magic -> Maybe Integer
day52 x y = do
    secret <- findSecret x
    pure . getVal $ y ^% secret         -- exponentiate by the loop count

Merry Christmas to everyone, and happy New Years too. Thank you for reading these reflections, and I hope they have been helpful in some way :) Special thanks to Eric Wastl too for such a great event as always. Until next year!

Day 25 Benchmarks

>> Day 25a
time                 996.5 μs   (991.3 μs .. 1.003 ms)
                     0.999 R²   (0.997 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 988.3 μs   (984.0 μs .. 1.000 ms)
std dev              24.01 μs   (6.539 μs .. 45.00 μs)
variance introduced by outliers: 13% (moderately inflated)

* parsing and formatting times excluded