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120 lines (96 loc) · 4.11 KB

Another AoC staple, a graph search that can be solved with recursive knot tying! The last one I remember off the top of my head was 2019 Day 6.

Here we can represent a graph as a map of vertices to other vertices, with an edge value:

type Graph v e = Map v (Map v e)

Exercise is left to the reader to parse our dataset into a Graph String Int, a graph of bags to bags with Int edges.

Because our map has no cycles, we can take advantage of recursive knot tying to "fold up" all children and sub-children.

For example, part 1 can be written as:

allDescendants :: Ord v => Graph v e -> Map v (Set v)
allDescendants gr = descendantMap
    descendantMap = gr <&>
      M.foldMapWithKey (\v _ -> S.insert v (M.findWithDefault S.empty v descendantMap))

-- note: (<&>) is flip fmap

Here we "assume" we already have a fully-featured Map v (Set v) map of vertices to all their descendants, and then build descendantMap in terms of it. For every vertex v in the Map v e directly underneath a given vertex, v is a descendant, and also all of v's descendants (which we find by looking things up in descendantMap, the map of all descendants).

Oh, um...oops, this found all the descendants, but we want all of the ancestors. So we have to flip the graph if we want to use this.

flipGraph :: Ord v => Graph v e -> Graph v e
flipGraph mp = M.fromListWith M.union
    [ (m, M.singleton n e)
    | (n, ms) <- M.toList mp
    , (m, e ) <- M.toList ms

allAncestors :: Ord v => Graph v e -> Map v (Set v)
allAncestors = allDescendants . flipGraph

And so that leaves Part 1 as:

part1 :: Graph String (String Int) -> Maybe (Set String)
part1 = M.lookup "shiny gold" . allAncestors

Part 2 we can do a similar way, by "assuming" we have a map of all vertices to their "usage count", and looking things up to build it:

usageCounts :: Ord v => Graph v Int -> Map v Int
usageCounts gr = usageMap
    usageMap = gr <&> \neighbors -> sum
      [ n * (M.findWithDefault 0 v usageMap + 1)
      | (v, n) <- M.toList neighbors

So to find the total usage of each bag, we look under each (v, Int) pair in the Map v Int underneath a given vertex, look up the usage of that v (by looking it up in usageMap), add 1 (because the bag itself is used), and multiply by n, the number of times the full contents of the bag is used.

And so Part 2 is:

part2 :: Graph String (String Int) -> Maybe Int
part2 = M.lookup "shiny gold" . usageCounts

If we stare at the two implementations, we note that both are pretty much the same overall structure: we are accumulating some sort of fold over all descendants of a given node. If we "outsource" this accumulation as a monoidal one (for part 1, it's Set union, and for part 2, it's Sum Int addition), we can needlessly hyper-generalize this to fold over any Monoid instance.

-- | Recursively fold up a monoid value for each vertex and all of its
-- children's monoid values.  You can transform the value in-transit before it
-- is accumulated if you want.
    :: (Ord v, Monoid m)
    => (v -> m)         -- ^ embed the vertex
    -> (e -> m -> m)    -- ^ transform with edge before it is accumulated
    -> Graph v e
    -> Map v m
foldMapGraph f g gr = res
    res = gr <&>
      M.foldMapWithKey (\s v -> f s <> foldMap (g v) (M.lookup s res))

allDescendants :: Ord v => Graph v e -> Map v (Set v)
allDescendants = foldMapGraph
    S.singleton     -- the node is embedded as itself
    (\_ -> id)      -- ignore the edge

usageCounts :: Ord v => Graph v Int -> Map v (Sum Int)
usageCounts = foldMapGraph
    (const 0)                   -- ignore the nodes
    (\n x -> Sum n * (x + 1))   -- the edge multiplies the accumulator plus one

That's the curse of Haskell, I guess? If you write these things you can't help but notice the common patterns, and you somehow wind up trying to figure out the higher-order function that can abstract over them, even though you know you don't need to :)