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Eslint standard rules #462

merged 2 commits into from
May 9, 2024
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions .github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE/
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Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ These dependencies have been updated to their latest versions:
- `@reduxjs/toolkit`
- `citeproc`
- `eslint`
- `eslint-plugin-import`
- `eslint-plugin-n`
- `eslint-plugin-react`
- `prejudice`
- `pride`
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270 changes: 258 additions & 12 deletions eslint.config.mjs
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@@ -1,33 +1,279 @@
import globals from "globals";
import pluginJs from "@eslint/js";
import pluginReactConfig from "eslint-plugin-react/configs/recommended.js";
import globals from 'globals';
import * as pluginImport from 'eslint-plugin-import';
import pluginN from 'eslint-plugin-n';
import pluginJs from '@eslint/js';
import pluginReactConfig from 'eslint-plugin-react/configs/recommended.js';

export default [
settings: {
react: {
version: "detect"
version: 'detect'
languageOptions: {
ecmaVersion: 2022,
globals: {
document: 'readonly',
navigator: 'readonly',
window: 'readonly'
parserOptions: {
ecmaFeatures: {
jsx: true
plugins: {
import: pluginImport,
n: pluginN
rules: {
"arrow-body-style": ["error", "always"], // Requires {} in arrow function body
"arrow-parens": ["error", "always"], // Requires () around arrow function arguments
"brace-style": ["error", "1tbs"], // Requires one true brace style
"no-empty-function": "error", // Require an empty function to at least have a comment explaining why
"no-var": "error", // Discourages using `var` and recommends using `let` or `const` instead
"semi": ["error", "always"] // Requires a semicolon wherever necessary
'accessor-pairs': ['error', { setWithoutGet: true, enforceForClassMembers: true }],
'array-bracket-spacing': ['error', 'never'],
'array-callback-return': ['error', {
allowImplicit: false,
checkForEach: false
'arrow-spacing': ['error', { before: true, after: true }],
'block-spacing': ['error', 'always'],
camelcase: ['error', {
allow: ['^UNSAFE_'],
properties: 'never',
ignoreGlobals: true
'comma-dangle': ['error', {
arrays: 'never',
objects: 'never',
imports: 'never',
exports: 'never',
functions: 'never'
'comma-spacing': ['error', { before: false, after: true }],
'comma-style': ['error', 'last'],
'computed-property-spacing': ['error', 'never', { enforceForClassMembers: true }],
'constructor-super': 'error',
curly: ['error', 'multi-line'],
'default-case-last': 'error',
'dot-location': ['error', 'property'],
'dot-notation': ['error', { allowKeywords: true }],
'eol-last': 'error',
eqeqeq: ['error', 'always', { null: 'ignore' }],
'func-call-spacing': ['error', 'never'],
'generator-star-spacing': ['error', { before: true, after: true }],
indent: ['error', 2, {
SwitchCase: 1,
VariableDeclarator: 1,
outerIIFEBody: 1,
MemberExpression: 1,
FunctionDeclaration: { parameters: 1, body: 1 },
FunctionExpression: { parameters: 1, body: 1 },
CallExpression: { arguments: 1 },
ArrayExpression: 1,
ObjectExpression: 1,
ImportDeclaration: 1,
flatTernaryExpressions: false,
ignoreComments: false,
ignoredNodes: [
'TemplateLiteral *',
'JSXElement > *',
offsetTernaryExpressions: true
'key-spacing': ['error', { beforeColon: false, afterColon: true }],
'keyword-spacing': ['error', { before: true, after: true }],
'lines-between-class-members': ['error', 'always', { exceptAfterSingleLine: true }],
'multiline-ternary': ['error', 'always-multiline'],
'new-cap': ['error', { newIsCap: true, capIsNew: false, properties: true }],
'new-parens': 'error',
'no-array-constructor': 'error',
'no-async-promise-executor': 'error',
'no-caller': 'error',
'no-case-declarations': 'error',
'no-class-assign': 'error',
'no-compare-neg-zero': 'error',
'no-cond-assign': 'error',
'no-const-assign': 'error',
'no-constant-condition': ['error', { checkLoops: false }],
'no-control-regex': 'error',
'no-debugger': 'error',
'no-delete-var': 'error',
'no-dupe-args': 'error',
'no-dupe-class-members': 'error',
'no-dupe-keys': 'error',
'no-duplicate-case': 'error',
'no-useless-backreference': 'error',
'no-empty': ['error', { allowEmptyCatch: true }],
'no-empty-character-class': 'error',
'no-empty-pattern': 'error',
'no-eval': 'error',
'no-ex-assign': 'error',
'no-extend-native': 'error',
'no-extra-bind': 'error',
'no-extra-boolean-cast': 'error',
'no-extra-parens': ['error', 'functions'],
'no-fallthrough': 'error',
'no-floating-decimal': 'error',
'no-func-assign': 'error',
'no-global-assign': 'error',
'no-implied-eval': 'error',
'no-import-assign': 'error',
'no-invalid-regexp': 'error',
'no-irregular-whitespace': 'error',
'no-iterator': 'error',
'no-labels': ['error', { allowLoop: false, allowSwitch: false }],
'no-lone-blocks': 'error',
'no-loss-of-precision': 'error',
'no-misleading-character-class': 'error',
'no-prototype-builtins': 'error',
'no-useless-catch': 'error',
'no-mixed-operators': ['error', {
groups: [
['==', '!=', '===', '!==', '>', '>=', '<', '<='],
['&&', '||'],
['in', 'instanceof']
allowSamePrecedence: true
'no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs': 'error',
'no-multi-spaces': 'error',
'no-multi-str': 'error',
'no-multiple-empty-lines': ['error', { max: 1, maxBOF: 0, maxEOF: 0 }],
'no-new': 'error',
'no-new-func': 'error',
'no-new-object': 'error',
'no-new-symbol': 'error',
'no-new-wrappers': 'error',
'no-obj-calls': 'error',
'no-octal': 'error',
'no-octal-escape': 'error',
'no-proto': 'error',
'no-redeclare': ['error', { builtinGlobals: false }],
'no-regex-spaces': 'error',
'no-return-assign': ['error', 'except-parens'],
'no-self-assign': ['error', { props: true }],
'no-self-compare': 'error',
'no-sequences': 'error',
'no-shadow-restricted-names': 'error',
'no-sparse-arrays': 'error',
'no-tabs': 'error',
'no-template-curly-in-string': 'error',
'no-this-before-super': 'error',
'no-throw-literal': 'error',
'no-trailing-spaces': 'error',
'no-undef': 'error',
'no-undef-init': 'error',
'no-unexpected-multiline': 'error',
'no-unmodified-loop-condition': 'error',
'no-unneeded-ternary': ['error', { defaultAssignment: false }],
'no-unreachable': 'error',
'no-unreachable-loop': 'error',
'no-unsafe-finally': 'error',
'no-unsafe-negation': 'error',
'no-unused-expressions': ['error', {
allowShortCircuit: true,
allowTernary: true,
allowTaggedTemplates: true
'no-unused-vars': ['error', {
args: 'none',
caughtErrors: 'none',
ignoreRestSiblings: true,
vars: 'all'
'no-use-before-define': ['error', { functions: false, classes: false, variables: false }],
'no-useless-call': 'error',
'no-useless-computed-key': 'error',
'no-useless-constructor': 'error',
'no-useless-escape': 'error',
'no-useless-rename': 'error',
'no-useless-return': 'error',
'no-void': 'error',
'no-whitespace-before-property': 'error',
'no-with': 'error',
'object-curly-newline': ['error', { multiline: true, consistent: true }],
'object-curly-spacing': ['error', 'always'],
'object-property-newline': ['error', { allowMultiplePropertiesPerLine: true }],
'object-shorthand': ['warn', 'properties'],
'one-var': ['error', { initialized: 'never' }],
'operator-linebreak': ['error', 'after', { overrides: { '?': 'before', ':': 'before', '|>': 'before' } }],
'padded-blocks': ['error', { blocks: 'never', switches: 'never', classes: 'never' }],
'prefer-const': ['error', { destructuring: 'all' }],
'prefer-promise-reject-errors': 'error',
'prefer-regex-literals': ['error', { disallowRedundantWrapping: true }],
'quote-props': ['error', 'as-needed'],
quotes: ['error', 'single', { avoidEscape: true, allowTemplateLiterals: false }],
'rest-spread-spacing': ['error', 'never'],
'semi-spacing': ['error', { before: false, after: true }],
'space-before-blocks': ['error', 'always'],
'space-before-function-paren': ['error', 'always'],
'space-in-parens': ['error', 'never'],
'space-infix-ops': 'error',
'space-unary-ops': ['error', { words: true, nonwords: false }],
'spaced-comment': ['error', 'always', {
line: { markers: ['*package', '!', '/', ',', '='] },
block: { balanced: true, markers: ['*package', '!', ',', ':', '::', 'flow-include'], exceptions: ['*'] }
'symbol-description': 'error',
'template-curly-spacing': ['error', 'never'],
'template-tag-spacing': ['error', 'never'],
'unicode-bom': ['error', 'never'],
'use-isnan': ['error', {
enforceForSwitchCase: true,
enforceForIndexOf: true
'valid-typeof': ['error', { requireStringLiterals: true }],
'wrap-iife': ['error', 'any', { functionPrototypeMethods: true }],
'yield-star-spacing': ['error', 'both'],
yoda: ['error', 'never'],

'import/export': 'error',
'import/first': 'error',
'import/no-absolute-path': ['error', { esmodule: true, commonjs: true, amd: false }],
'import/no-duplicates': 'error',
'import/no-named-default': 'error',
'import/no-webpack-loader-syntax': 'error',

'n/handle-callback-err': ['error', '^(err|error)$'],
'n/no-callback-literal': 'error',
'n/no-deprecated-api': 'error',
'n/no-exports-assign': 'error',
'n/no-new-require': 'error',
'n/no-path-concat': 'error',
'n/process-exit-as-throw': 'error',

'arrow-body-style': ['error', 'always'], // Requires {} in arrow function body
'arrow-parens': ['error', 'always'], // Requires () around arrow function arguments
'brace-style': ['error', '1tbs'], // Requires one true brace style
'no-empty-function': 'error', // Require an empty function to at least have a comment explaining why
'no-var': 'error', // Discourages using `var` and recommends using `let` or `const` instead
semi: ['error', 'always'] // Requires a semicolon wherever necessary