This is the source code of what is currently a minimum viable product for the Civil Claims exemplar. The application consists in a single form that claimants of accelerated claims fill out to download a PDF. The PDF is the standard accelerated claim form from HMCTS, is filled out with the details that the claimant has provided, and can be signed and sent by post.
Install the following:
- PhantomJS -
brew install phantomjs
- pdftk server - download from
- Redis -
brew install redis
Configuration data is loaded from the .env file (via dotenv gem). The default configuration will work for local development, but see the file for optional variables.
Install the bundle, then start the rails server and PDF strike through service:
bundle install
foreman start
See the Procfile
for individual startup invocations.
Please remember to set the environment SECRET_KEY_BASE variable.
Stephen Richards and Mike Pountney are working on dockerizing this app in order to provide a standardised environment for development, deployment and production running.
The development environment uses Virtual Box and Vagrant to create a linux vm in which to run the docker container. The Vagrantfile and Dockerfile in this project contain all the instructions necessary to provision the vm, create and run the docker container, and run the app inside the container.
vagrant up
The app runs on port 3000 inside the container, which is exposed to the outside world as port 3002 on localhost, therefore to see your app running, navigate to http://localhost:3002
Unit, lib, routing and controller specs can, and should, be run inside the container. There is a rake task spec:docker
set up to do this:
vagrant ssh # ssh into the virtual machine
docker ps # get the container id of the docker container running in the virtual machine
docker exec -i -t <container_id> bash # get an interactive shell inside the docker container
rake spec:docker # run all the tests in ```spec/lib spec/models spec/routing spec/controllers```
Feature tests should be run on localhost against the instance running in the container by specifying docker
as the remote environment. This can also be done using the spec:features
rake task.
env=docker rspec spec/features
or rake spec:features
- Virtual Box - install from
- Vagrant - install from
- We are using Ideal postcodes.
- API key is set in ENV
- Account info is in HMCTS Confluence under Ideal postcodes