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Jochen Görtler edited this page Dec 5, 2016 · 6 revisions

All contributions / ideas welcome!

If you wish to contribute code, please ensure you have a Clojure Contributors Agreement signed and on file. For more information see:

The reason for this is so that core.matrix can become part of "official Clojure" at some point in the future.

Discussions related to core.matrix development generally take place on the "Numerical Clojure" group:

Current Contributor list

  • Mike Anderson (mikera)
  • Joel Boehland (jolby)
  • Alex Burka (durka)
  • Edmund Jackson (ejackson)
  • Paul Lam (Quantisan)
  • Ben Mabey (bmabey)
  • Matthew Willson (mjwillson)
  • Simone Mosciatti (siscia)
  • Robert Lachlan (Heffalump)
  • Jochen Görtler (grtlr)