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Cholesky Decomposition

Prasant Chidella edited this page Aug 17, 2014 · 1 revision

Cholesky Decomposition is the factorizaiton A = LLT, where A is an n n symmetric positive matrix, L is an n x n lower triangular matrix with real and positive diagonal entries and LT is the conjugate transpose of L.
Every symmetric positive definite matrix can be factorized by cholesky decomposition and this cholesky factorization is unique for every such matrix.

A symmetrix n x n real matrix is a positive definite matrix if for every z, where z is a non zero vector of size n, zTMz > 0. To put more intuitively, if all eigen values of a positive symmetric matrix are real and positive, then it is positive definite.

Just like all positive numbers, all positive symmetric matrices have "square roots". When a positive symmetric matrix is decomposed into LLT, we may think of L as a matrix square root of A. Matrix square roots of a matrix are not unique.

consider the cholesky decomposition of a 3x3 matrix A,

    ⌈a₁₁ a₁₂ a₁₃⌉
A = |a₂₁ a₂₂ a₂₃|
	⌊a₃₁ a₃₂ a₃₃⌋

    ⌈l₁₁  0   0 ⌉ ⌈l₁₁ l₂₁ l₃₁⌉
  =	|l₂₁ l₂₂  0 | | 0  l₂₂ l₃₂| ≡ LL* 
	⌊l₃₁ l₃₂ l₃₃⌋ ⌊ 0   0  l₃₃⌋

    ⌈l₁₁l₁₁     l₂₁l₁₁             l₃₁l₁₁       ⌉
  =	|l₂₁l₁₁  l₂₁l₂₁+l₂₂l₂₂      l₃₁l₂₁+l₃₂l₂₂   |
	⌊l₃₁l₂₁  l₃₁l₂₁+l₃₂l₂₂  l₃₁l₃₁+l₃₂l₃₂+l₃₃l₃₃⌋  

from here, we can generalize for diagonal elements

and for elements in L below the diagonal

to perform cholesky decomposition in core.matrix, we use the linear/cholesky function. Like all decomposition functions in this library, we can specify which matrix we want out of the resultant matrix by passing a :return parameter in the options map. If :return is not passed, both L and LT will be returned.

(let [{:keys [L L*]} (cholesky M)] ....)
(let [{:keys [L*]} (cholesky M {:return [:L*]})] ....)

Cholesky decomposition can sometimes be used instead of LU decomposition when positive definite matrices are involved

Solving Equation for a positive definite A

If we have a to solve an equation Ax = b, where A is positive definite, we factor A as A = LLT using cholesky decomposition and then solve LLTx = b

  • forward substitution: Lz = b
  • backward substitution: LTx = z