- Differential kinematics (control): translating velocity commands from a joystick into movement
Odometry: inverse problem, estimating robot movement from encoder signals
Sensor fusion: improving odometry by fusing data from various sensors to reduce noise (Kalman filters)
- Notes on Section 2: Setup
- Notes on Section 3: Introduction to ROS2. Why ROS2?
- Notes on Section 4: Locomotion. URDF
- Notes on Section 5: Control
- Notes on Section 6: Kinematics
- Notes on Section 7: Differential Kinematics
- Notes on Section 8: TF2 Library
- Notes on Section 10: Probability for Robotics
- Bonus: Notes on building the real bumperbot
- 2D laser sensor:
- Mapping: mapping with a laser scanner assuming we know where the robot is
- Localization: assuming we have a map
- SLAM: simultaneous localization and mapping
- Path planning: comparing different algorithms to plan trajectories to reach a desired location in the map
- Obstacle avoidance: sense the environment constantly and adjust trajectory if there is an unexpected obstacle
- Behaviour trees: more complex logics for flexible navigation techniques
- visual odometry: using camera for localization
- visual SLAM:
- object recognition and tracking: detection of moving obstacles using a camera