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C++ code examples

Section 3: Introduction to ROS2. Simple publisher subscriber nodes in C++ (3.23, 3.25)

Setup workspace

  • Create workspace
$ mkdir -p bumperbot_ws/src
  • initialize
$ colcon build

Generates automatically build (intermediate files) install (final executable files) and log folders

Create the first package: subscriber in python

create a C++ package named bumperbot_py_examples:

$ cd src
$ ros2 pkg create --build-type ament_cmake bumperbot_cpp_examples

Note difference with command to create a python package:

$ ros2 pkg create --build-type ament_python bumperbot_py_examples

Now if we rebuild the workspace (assuming python package was created too) two packages are created:

$ cd .. && colcon build
Starting >>> bumperbot_cpp_examples
Starting >>> bumperbot_py_examples
Finished <<< bumperbot_cpp_examples [0.62s]
Finished <<< bumperbot_py_examples [0.70s]          

Summary: 2 packages finished [0.92s]
  • activate the workspace so the packages are recognized by sourcing the workspace (only affects current terminal). He claims it is good practice to do it from a different terminal to the one we are using to build it (??)
$ source install/setup.bash
$ ros2 pkg list 

Typical folder structure of CPP package

$ tree ~/bumperbot_ws/src/bumperbot_cpp_examples/
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── include
│   └── bumperbot_cpp_examples
├── package.xml
└── src

include/bumperbot_cpp_examples contains header files with classes declarations and src contains cpp files with implementation

Simple publisher in C++

  1. Create the simple_publisher.cpp file in ../src/bumperbot_cpp_examples/src/ folder

  2. update CMakeLists.txt to add dependencies, declare the executable and install it

# find dependencies
find_package(rclcpp REQUIRED)
find_package(std_msgs REQUIRED)

# declare our executable
add_executable(simple_publisher src/simple_publisher.cpp)

# declare its dependencies
ament_target_dependencies(simple_publisher rclcpp std_msgs)

#install it
  • add the dependencies in package.xml (after the buildtool dependencies):

  • build with colcon
$ colcon build
  • in another terminal source and run the node
$ source install/setup.bash
$ ros2 run bumperbot_cpp_examples simple_publisher
[INFO] [1719255208.416906703] [simple_publisher]: Publishing at 1 Hz
  • inspect the topic /chatter
$ ros2 topic list
$ ros2 topic echo /chatter
$ ros2 topic info /chatter --verbose
$ ros2 topic hz /chatter

Simple subscriber in C++

  1. Create the simple_subscriber.cpp file in ../src/bumperbot_cpp_examples/src/ folder
  • Note: I had to do some changes in the code, needed to compile (may be because I am using ROS2 foxy?).
  1. update CMakeLists.txt to add dependencies, declare the executables and install them
# find dependencies
find_package(rclcpp REQUIRED)
find_package(std_msgs REQUIRED)

# declare executables and their dependencies 
add_executable(simple_publisher src/simple_publisher.cpp)
ament_target_dependencies(simple_publisher rclcpp std_msgs)

add_executable(simple_subscriber src/simple_subscriber.cpp)
ament_target_dependencies(simple_subscriber rclcpp std_msgs)

#install them
  1. nothing new to add in package.xml

  2. build with colcon

$ colcon build
  • in another terminal source and run the node
$ source install/setup.bash
$ ros2 run bumperbot_cpp_examples simple_subscriber
[INFO] [1719259185.791358012] [simple_subscriber]: Listening in topic /chatter
  • check the subscriber manually publishing to topic /chatter
$ ros2 topic pub /chatter std_msgs/msg/String "data: 'Hello ROS2 from C++'" 

And you start receiving messages:

$ ros2 run bumperbot_cpp_examples simple_subscriber 
[INFO] [1719259185.791358012] [simple_subscriber]: Listening in topic /chatter
[INFO] [1719259481.250105869] [simple_subscriber]: I heard: 'Hello ROS2 from C++'
[INFO] [1719259482.249915507] [simple_subscriber]: I heard: 'Hello ROS2 from C++'

Section 4: Locomotion. Parameters in C++ (4.35)

A simple parametric node in C++

  1. Create the simple_parametric.cpp file in ../src/bumperbot_cpp_examples/src/ folder

  2. update CMakeLists.txt to add new dependencies (rcl_interfaces), declare the executable and install it:

# find dependencies
find_package(rcl_interfaces REQUIRED)

# declare executables and their dependencies 
add_executable(simple_parametric src/simple_parametric.cpp)
ament_target_dependencies(simple_parametric rclcpp rcl_interfaces)

#install them
  1. update package.xml with the new dependencies:
  1. build (from the workspace)
$ colcon build
  1. from another terminal, source and run:
$ source install/setup.bash
$ ros2 run bumperbot_cpp_examples simple_parametric
[INFO] [1720397151.996866996] [simple_parametric]: Node started with simple_int_param = 7 and simple_string_param = default
  • you may launch the node with custom values of the parameters:
$ ros2 run bumperbot_cpp_examples simple_parametric --ros-args -p simple_int_param:=30 -p simple_string_param:="custom"
[INFO] [1720397592.683519755] [simple_parametric]: Node started with simple_int_param = 30 and simple_string_param = custom
  • and at runtime you may get or set the values of the parameters
$ ros2 param list
$ ros2 param get /simple_parametric simple_int_param
Integer value is: 30
$ ros2 param set /simple_parametric simple_int_param 48
Set parameter successful
$ ros2 param get /simple_parametric simple_int_param
Integer value is: 48

Note the ros2 param set command triggers a call to the paramChangeCallback() function which in our case checks type and displays a log message in the terminal where the simple_parametric node is running:

[INFO] [1720397763.500604542] [simple_parametric]: New value for simple_int_param: 48

Also if I try to set a parameter of an invalid type, it fails gracefully:

$ ros2 param set /simple_parametric simple_int_param "not_an_integer"
Setting parameter failed: Invalid parameter

Section 6: Kinematics. Roto-translation (6.57,6.60)

Roto-translation in C++

Spawn two turtles:

$ ros2 run turtlesim turtlesim_node
$ ros2 service call /spawn turtlesim/srv/Spawn "x: 4.0
y: 4.0
theta: 0.0
name: 'turtle2'"

turtle1/pose and turtle2/pose topics publish their respective poses.


  • a header file simple_turtlesim_kinematics.hpp inside bumperbot_cpp_examples/include/bumperbot_cpp_examples, contains declaration of classes and functions and initialization of attributes
  • and a node simple_turtlesim_kinematics.cpp inside bumperbot_cpp_examples/src folder, that contains the definition, i.e. the behavior: publishes the translation vector between turtle2 and turtle1

To find the type of messages:

$ ros2 topic info /turtle1/pose
Type: turtlesim/msg/Pose
Publisher count: 1
Subscription count: 0

So we add a dependency to the header:

#include <turtlesim/msg/pose.hpp>

In CMakeLists.txt, add dependencies, install include folder to find .hpp and add .cpp as executable :

find_package(turtlesim REQUIRED)

  DIRECTORY include/
add_executable(simple_turtlesim_kinematics src/simple_turtlesim_kinematics.cpp)
ament_target_dependencies(simple_turtlesim_kinematics rclcpp turtlesim)

#install them

Add dependency to package.xml:


build source and run

Note: the difficulty was in C++! I had to modify the code to get it to work: used SharedPtr in callback arguments and in the variables to store the last pose.

Section 7: Differential Kinematics.

Simple Velocity Controller in C++ (7.70)

Subscribes to \cmd_vel commands coming from the joystick V, W, calculates $\omega_R$, $\omega_L$ and publishes them in the topic simple_velocity_controller/commands

TBC C++ node with:

  • two parameters wheel_radius and wheel_separation that describe the robot geometry
  • a subscriber that listens to joystick commands of type TwistStamped in topic bumperbot_controller/cmd_vel. The joystick message contains the target robot linear and angular velocities.
  • the subscriber has a callback function velCallback that computes wheel commands from robot linear and angular velocities using the equations derived in
  • a publisher for wheel speed commands of type Float64MultiArray in topic simple_velocity_controller/commands (see details of the topic and message type used by the ros2 controller in

Add dependencies to CMakeLists.txt and package.xml