Container image is available at ghcr.io/mercedes-benz/garm-operator/garm-operator:v0.2.0
contains the operator deployment manifest with all the required RBAC rules and certificate configurations.garm_operator_crds.yaml
contains the CRDs for the operator.garm_operator_all.yaml
is the combination of the above two files.
✨ Features
- 036999a: feat(docs): improve docs with examples (#31) (@rafalgalaw)
- 5c34d41: feat: add initialization of garm instance (#30) (@H777K)
- 94cf503: feat: garm runners will be reflected into kubernetes as runner resource (#23) (@rafalgalaw)
- 3bb715e: feat: toggle runner sync feature and configurable polling intervall (#39) (@rafalgalaw)
📚 Documentation
- 837e271: docs: describe local debug via delve (#32) (@bavarianbidi)
- ad14380: docs: fix anchor in configuration parsing documentation (#25) (@H777K)
🌱 Others
- c2faa32: chore(deps): bump golang.org/x/crypto from 0.14.0 to 0.17.0 (#41) (@dependabot[bot])
- 573272d: chore(docs): cla-handling is done by an assistant (#29) (@bavarianbidi)
- 005c664: chore: bump go from 1.21.4 to 1.21.5 (#34) (@bavarianbidi)
- c9c5840: chore: enable PR title validation (#33) (@bavarianbidi)
- bfa89d1: chore: temporary disable blackduck scan (#42) (@bavarianbidi)