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Josip Skafar edited this page Aug 2, 2024 · 15 revisions

The idea of the DnA Platform originated from the common challenge every big company has - the need for transparency in the data and analytics area. In addition, several features were envisioned and realized, this time with the idea to enable a self-service and cloud-independent platform based holistically on open-source software. The goal is to simplify life and speed up the work of everybody who is working with data. Let's look at the features DnA Platform offers out of the box.

Feature Name Description
DnA Portal Feature Wrapper feature that packages all features into one streamlined user experience.
Solution Transparency feature Feature that enables you getting transparency on different initiatives around Data/ML/AI and collaboration between people working on similar activities.
Report Transparency feature Feature that enables you creating transparency on reports and dashboards produced in organization.
Data sharing Transparency feature Feature that enables you creating transparency on which data is being used where in the company and for which purpose.
Data product Transparency feature Feature that enables you creating transparency on which data products are existing in the company and through which access type they can be used (eg. SQL, Kafka, API, file,...).
Malware Scan As A Service Feature Feature that provides a simple REST API to check all kinds of attachments for malicious code, abstracting the ClamAV scanner usage and making it ready for web world.
Data Pipeline Feature This feature integrates Apache Airflow as major component in DnA Platform, enabling processing and transforming of data
Jupyter Notebook Workspace Feature Feature based on JupyterHub enables users to start working on their models without any additional software installation.
Dataiku integration feature This is the only feature that does not follow the open source principle completely as Dataiku is a licensed product. Still, even for Dataiku we are offering integration into the DnA Platform in case you are operating it also (if not, simply disable it in configuration).
MLOps Pipeline A holistic Kubernetes native MLOps pipeline based on Kubeflow components and optimized for secure enterprise environments. For more info, you can read the DnA - Kubeflow Pipelines & DnA - Kserve tutorials.
Code Spaces feature Feature that provides Visual Studio Code for single developer or team (Collaboration) with code templates for different technologies in the web and enables you automatic deployments.
Storage bucket feature Feature that provides S3 compliant storage based on MinIO possibility for self service user.
Data Sharing Feature that enables sharing of data in firewall friendly way using Trino.
Web Analytics Feature that enables self service creation of Matomo Web Analytics tracking project for your solution.
Microsoft Fabric Feature that enables self service creation of Microsoft Fabric workspaces
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