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Starting with paired reads, this pipeline will filter reads, map them to a reference genome and get variants such as:

  • SNPs and small INDELS
  • CNVs
  • DELLY variants (large INDELs, translocations, duplications, inversions)

This pipeline was tested and adapted to a Plasmodium falciparum dataset.

The main script is launched with the command

./bin/ -h
./bin/ usage:
        q) # Launch quality step
        m) # Launch mapping step
        s) # Launch SNP/small INDEL step
        c) # Launch CNV step
        o) # Launch other variants step
        k) # Use this configuration file
        n) # Process this number of samples in parallel (default 1)
        u) # Launch this number of processes per sample (default 1)
        g) # Use this much RAM (default 4G)
        d) # Path to discovarif 'src' scripts (auto-detect if unset)
        h | *) # Show help

The different options available will let you select which step of the pipeline to run, the location of the configuration file and the number of processors to use. All the options can be combined such as several steps of the pipeline can be run one after the other in a single command.


To check if you can run the pipeline, run the command:

./bin/ -k config/

Config file

The previous command might have indicated that some tools are not available or that required files or folders do not exist. This file is used by the pipeline to indicate the path to necessary tools or the location of reads or genome related files.

First, copy the template and create your own config file.

cp config/ config/

Make sure to provide all the input files and binaries necessary for the pipeline to be launched properly. Only the TOBEFILLED parts are required.

To work properly, the pipeline needs raw data files all located in a dedicated folder (see DATADIR in the config file). Similarly, all output files will located in a dedicated folder (OUTDIR). You just need to provide the path to this folder as the rest of the file tree will be generated according to the names of the subfolders in the config file.

The entirety of the DATADIR and OUTDIR folders will be copied from a distant server if your files are located on a remote server (in that case files should be located under a dedicated remote folder, REMOTEDATADIR and REMOTEOUTDIR from the config file).

Samples file

A template is provided in the config folder. This file should be located in the DATADIR folder. For example, use the command:

cp config/ $DATADIR/

Each line corresponds to a sample with a uniquely identified name and both read file names mentioned in the pair1 and pair2 fields (the directory where the reads are located is mentioned in the config file). The group field should contain an integer equal to 0 to characterize a control sample or superior to 0 to characterize a regular group of samples. The keep field is used to tell the pipeline to process samples annotated as yes and exclude those annotated as no.

After the launch of the pipeline, the remaining samples to be processed (keep field set to yes) will be saved in a file whose name is identical to the file provided in the config file, with a .run extension prepended to the original extension.


Now that when you have your own config file and your samples file, you can run the pipeline (Filtering step) using the command:

./bin/ -k config/ -q


Here are quickly described the steps you can launch :

  • Filtering (-q) This option will remove the low quality sequences and sequencing adapters from the reads and provide a quality report.

  • Mapping (-m) This option will use the trimmed reads or raw reads if there are no trimmed reads to mapp them to the reference genome.

  • SNPs/small INDELs calling (-s) This option will use the sorted BAM files and make a VCF file with SNPs and small INDELs. The variants detected will then be filtered.

  • CNVs filtering (-c)

    This option will use the sorted BAM files and output per base CDS coverage in core genome for each sample. These files will then be merged and CNVs wil be filtered.

  • Other variants filtering (-o) This option will use the sorted BAM files and make a VCF filtered file with large INDELs, translocation, duplications and inversions.

At the end of the pipeline, you should obtain a file tree like this one below:

├── out
│   ├── bambai
│   │   ├── metrics
│   │   └── _tmp
│   ├── fastqc
│   ├── trim
│   │   └── metrics
│   └── variants
│       ├── CNVs
│       │   ├── view
│       │   └── summary
│       ├── Others
│       └── SNPs-sINDELs
│           ├── _tmp
│           ├── gvcf
│           └── varif_output

Contents of this file tree are described below (with their corresponding variable in the config file).

  • out (OUTDIR): Output directory.
    • bambai (BAMBAIDIR): Sorted and read-deduplicated BAM files along with their corresponding index. Additionnally, BAM files highlighting variants generated with GATK.
      • metrics: Statistics about duplicates and mapping quality.
      • _tmp (TMPSAMDIR): Temporary mapping files such as SAMs, unsorted and sorted BAMs. These files can take a lot of disk space.
    • fastqc (QUALDIR): FASTQC files.
    • **trim **(TRIMDIR): Paired reads after trimming.
      • metrics: Statistics about trimming.
    • variants (VARIANTDIR): Variants.
      • CNVs (CNVDIR): CNV variants (CDS, non CDS and whole regions).
        • view: To view CNVs in a browser.
        • summary: Filtered CNVs.
      • Others (DELLYDIR): DELLY variants.
      • SNPs-sINDELs (SNPDIR): GATK variants.
        • _tmp (TMPGVCFDIR): GVCF files that are beeing produced and partitions of the genome.
        • varif_output: Filtered SNPs and INDELs.
        • gvcf (GVCFDIR): Successfully produced GVCF files.

Filtering step

This step is launched with the script which can optionally run the trimming (-q) step.

With Illumina adapters provided in the config file (CLIPS), (tested with v 38.87) will trim the raw reads found in the reads folder and output paired and unpaired read files. The paired reads will be the one used for the next steps.

Additionally, the quality of raw and trimmed reads will be analysed using FastQC (tested with FastQC v 0.10.1).

Mapping step

This step is launched with the script which can optionally run the mapping (-m) step.

The trimmed paired reads (or if absent the raw reads) will be mapped on the reference genome (tested with Plasmodium falciparum 3D7 v 67 genome) with bwa (tested with bwa v 0.7.17). The output will then be processed by samtools (tested with samtools v 1.18) in order to obtain sorted BAM files. Finally, duplicated reads are removed using picard (tested with picard v 2.25.5).

Intermediate files such as SAM, unsorted and sorted BAM files will be stored in a temporary folder under TMPSAMDIR named like sam.xxxxxx. After a mapping is complete for a sample, SAM and unsorted BAM files will be deleted to save on disk space. Only the sorted BAM files will remain until the pipeline run ends, which will lead to a removal of this temporary folder.

Variant filtering

SNPs/small INDELs

This step is first launched with the script which can optionally run the variant calling (-v) step on each sample:

This option uses GATK HaplotypeCaller (tested with GATK v on mapped reads to obtain a GVCF file for each sample. The ploidy used by the model must be properly set in the config file and is by default equal to 1. The GVCF files produced by the pipeline will be copied from the temporary folder located under TMPGVCFDIR (named like gvcf.xxxxxx) to the GVCFDIR folder provided in the config file. Because this step can be time consuming, whenever the pipeline detects that a sample has already a GVCF file present in the GVCFDIR, this step is skipped for that specific sample.

After the variant calling for each sample has finished, GATK CombineGVCFs will be used to merge all the GVCF and the final variants will be extracted using GATK GenotypeGVCFs.

Then, varif will be used to filter variants based on read depths and ALT allele frequency. A variant is considered available in a sample only if the total read depth is above 5. Several combinations of ALT and REF allele frequencies are used to filter variants for each group as mentioned in the samples file. For example, the ALT allele frequency of at least one sample must be superior to 0.8 while being in the meantime inferior to 0.2 in at least one other sample (--ratio-alt 0.8 --ratio-ref 0.2). Each group will be individually filtered by varif with the control group (when a control group is provided in the samples file with samples whose group field is equal to 0) or without it.


After restricting the analysis on the locations of the core genome (3D7 core genome annotations provided by Miles A, Iqbal Z, Vauterin P, et al. Indels, structural variation, and recombination drive genomic diversity in Plasmodium falciparum. Genome Res. 2016;26(9):1288-1299. doi:10.1101/gr.203711.115), a file containing the per base coverage in CDS regions (as annotated on the GFF file) is created for each sample using bedtools (tested with bedtools v 2.27.1).

Alternatively, per base coverage is generated in BED and BEDGRAPH format in order to visualise CNVs on a genome browser.

For each position in CDS regions, the coverage is divided by the median coverage of all the CDS regions. A comparison of the median normalised coverage of each CDS is made between samples in order to decide to keep it in the filtered output.

If the median coverage of this CDS is of 1.8 or more in at least 20 % of the samples and 1.5 or less in all the control samples (tested with a drug sensitive sample), the CDS is selected as a potential duplication. If the median coverage of this CDS is of 0.2 or less in at least 20 % of the samples and 0.5 or more in all the control samples, the CDS is selected as a potential deletion.

Other variants

To find other variants such as big INDELs, duplication, translocation and inversion, DELLY (tested with DELLY v 0.8.7) somatic model will be used. Variants of all sizes will be kept if one sample has an ALT allele frequency of 0.5 or more while the control sample has an ALT allele frequency of 0.5 at most if the read depth is at 5 or more reads.

Other options

Multi-threading and memory

You can choose to parallelize the processes to speed up the time required to obtain results. There are two option controlling this: -n for choosing the number of samples to run in parallel and -u for allocating a number of threads for each sample. For example with 8 samples to process, -n 8 -u 2 will process at the same time all the 8 samples with 2 threads for each of them.

By default, the maximum memory used is 4 G, but you can override this value by using the option -g. The memory requested will be equally shared between samples processed at the same time (-n option). Note that some third-party tools like GATK may require a large amount of RAM which might slow down or even abort a job requesting too much processes to be launched at the same time. In that case you should reduce the number of requested processors or request more memory.

When a step of pipeline is not split by sample (like the 'Other variants' step) the number of allocated processors is the result of (value of -n * value of -u). In the example above (-n 8 -u 2), this would result in 16 processors used for these steps.

Downloading files located on a distant server

When raw data and output files are located on a distant server, the variables REMOTEDATADIR, REMOTEADDRESS and REMOTEOUTDIR must be filled. These values correspond to the location of the files on the distant server. DATADIR and OUTDIR point to the location of the files of the client. The client must have the ability to connect to the server via a SSH key to download the files.

The steps of the pipeline will be launched after all the files that exist in the distant server but not locally are downloaded. File modification time is not checked in the process so local files have to be removed to be replaced by those on the distant server. The only exception to this is the Samples file which is always replaced by the remotely located one.

This automatic downloading can be useful especially when the pipeline is launched via a computing grid (e.g., SGE or slurm) which requires files to be located in a node-specific folder. In that case, the DATADIR and OUTDIR should be pointing to node-specific folders, while REMOTEDATADIR and REMOTEOUTDIR should be pointing to data-specific folders.


We tested this pipeline using the programs/inputs described below:

Name Version Usage
FastQC 0.11.7 Viewing quality of reads 38.87 Trimming reads
bwa 0.7.17 Mapping reads
picard 2.25.5 Removing duplicated reads
samtools 1.18 Produce BAM files
bcftools 1.18 Extract DELLY variant files
alfred 0.2.5 Mapping statistics
GATK Getting SNPs/small INDELs
varif 0.5.1 Filtering SNPs/small INDELs
bedtools 2.27.1 Filtering CNVs
bedGraphToBigWig 4 Compressing bed files
DELLY 1.1.6 Filtering other variants
3D7 genome 67 Reference genome
Core annotation 2016 Subseting CNVs


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