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Controller Methods

lythx edited this page Apr 6, 2023 · 35 revisions



(mapUid: string): Promise<number | undefined>
Fetches map database id

  • mapUid Map uid
  • Returns Map id or undefined if map is not in database

(mapUids: string[]): Promise<{ uid: string, id: number }[]>
Fetches multiple map database ids

  • mapUids Array of map uids
  • Returns Array of objects containing map id and uid. If map is not in the database it won't be in the array


(login: string): Promise<number | undefined>
Fetches player database id

  • login Player login
  • Returns Player id or undefined if player is not in database


(logins: string[]): Promise<{ login: string, id: number }[]> Fetches multiple player database ids.

  • logins Player login
  • Returns Array of objects containing player id and login. If map is not in the database it won't be in the array


(query: string, ...params: any[]): Promise<any[] | Error>
Executes a query on the database

  • query Query to execute
  • Returns Database response or error on invalid query


(): Promise<(query: string, ...params: any[]) => Promise<any[] | Error>>
Initializes a database client and returns a function which executes database queries using the client. Client queries are handled by a separate thread which makes them a bit faster. Use this only if your plugin needs to execute database queries very frequently. Only a few clients can be active at the same time, if there is too many the program might hang.

  • Returns Function to execute database queries using the client



(mapId: string): Promise<tm.TMXMap | Error>
Fetches TMX for map information.

  • mapId map UID
  • Returns Map info from TMX or error if unsuccessful static async fetchMapInfo(tmxId: number, prefix: TMXPrefix): Promise<Omit<tm.TMXMap, 'id'> | Error>
    Fetches TMX for map information.
  • tmxId Map TMX ID
  • Returns Map info from TMX or error if unsuccessful


(mapId: string): Promise<{ name: string, content: Buffer } | Error>
Fetches map file from TMX via its UID.

  • mapId Map UID
  • Returns Object containing map name and file content, or Error if unsuccessfull

(tmxId: number, site?: tm.TMXSite): Promise<{ name: string, content: Buffer } | Error>
Fetches map file from TMX via its TMX ID.

  • tmxId Map TMX ID
  • site Optional TMX site (TMNF by default)
  • Object containing map name and file content, or Error if unsuccessfull


(query?: string, site: tm.TMXSite = 'TMNF', count: number = config.defaultTMXSearchLimit): Promise<Error | tm.TMXSearchResult[]>
Searches for maps matching the specified name on TMX.

  • query Search query
  • site TMX Site to fetch from
  • count Number of maps to fetch
  • Returns An array of searched map objects or Error if unsuccessfull


(site: tm.TMXSite = 'TMNF'): Promise<{ name: string, content: Buffer } | Error>
Fetches a random map file from TMX.

  • site Optional TMX site (TMNF by default)
  • Returns Object containing map name and file content, or Error if unsuccessfull



(login: string): Readonly<tm.Player & { currentCheckpoints: Readonly<Readonly<tm.Checkpoint>[]> }> | undefined
Gets the player information from runtime memory. Only online players are stored.

  • login Player login
  • Returns Player object or undefined if the player isn't online

(logins: string[]): Readonly<tm.Player & { currentCheckpoints: Readonly<Readonly<tm.Checkpoint>[]> }>[]
Gets multiple players information from runtime memory. Only online players are stored If some player is not online he won't be returned. Returned array is not in initial order.

  • logins Array of player logins
  • Returns Array of player objects


(login: string): Promise<tm.OfflinePlayer | undefined>
Fetches a player from the database. This method should be used to get players who are not online.

  • login Player login
  • Returns Player object or undefined if player is not in the database

(logins: string[]): Promise<tm.OfflinePlayer[]>
Fetches multiple players from the database. This method should be used to get players who are not online of some player is not present in the database he won't be returned. Returned array is not in initial order.

  • logins Array of player logins
  • Returns Player objects array


All online players.


Number of online players.


Number of all players who visited the server.



(login: string): tm.LocalRecord | undefined
Gets the players local record on the current map.

  • login Player login
  • Returns Local record object or undefined if the player doesn't have a local record

(logins: string[]): tm.LocalRecord[]
Gets multiple local records on the current map from runtime memory. If some player has no local record his record object wont be returned. Returned array is sorted primary by time ascending, secondary by date ascending.

  • logins Array of player logins
  • Returns Array of local record objects


(login: string): tm.FinishInfo | undefined
Gets the players live record

  • login Player login
  • Returns Live record object or undefined if the player doesn't have a live record

(logins: string[]): tm.FinishInfo[]
Gets multiple live records If some player has no live record his record object wont be returned.Returned array is sorted primary by time ascending, secondary by date ascending.

  • logins Array of player logins
  • Returns Array of live record objects


(...mapIds: string[]): tm.Record[]
Gets local records on the given map if it's in map queue. Returned array is sorted primary by queue position ascending, time ascending and date ascending.

  • madIds Array of map ids
  • Returns Array of record objects


(login: string, mapId: string): tm.Record | undefined
Gets local record of the given player, on the given map if it's in map queue.

  • login Player login
  • mapId Map id
  • Returns Record object or undefined if record doesn't exist


(...mapIds: string[]): tm.Record[]
Gets local records on the given map if it's in map history. Returned array is sorted primary by history position ascending, time ascending and date ascending.

  • mapIds Array of map ids
  • Returns Array of record objects


(login: string, mapId: string): tm.Record | undefined
Gets local record of the given player, on the given map if it's in map history.

  • login Player login
  • Returns Record object or undefined if record doesn't exist


(player: { login: string, nickname: string }, mapId: string, caller?: { login: string, nickname: string }): void
Removes a player record.

  • player Player object
  • mapId Map uid
  • caller Caller player object


(mapId: string, caller?: { login: string, nickname: string }): void
Removes all records on a given map.

  • mapId Map uid
  • caller Caller player object
  • Returns Database response


(...mapIds: string[]): Promise<tm.Record[]>
Fetches local records for given logins from the database. Returned array is sorted primary by time ascending, secondary by date ascending.

  • mapIds Map uids
  • Returns Array of record objects

(laps: number, ...mapIds: string[]): Promise<tm.Record[]>
Fetches local records on given maps with specified laps amount from the database. Returned array is sorted primary by time ascending, secondary by date ascending.

  • mapIds Map uids
  • laps Record laps amount
  • Returns Array of record objects


(mapId: string, login: string): Promise<tm.Record | undefined>
Fetches a given player record on a given map.

  • mapId Map uid
  • login Player login
  • laps Record laps amount (fetches TimeAttack record if undefined)
  • Returns Record object or undefined if player has no record


(...logins: string[]): Promise<tm.Record[]>
Fetches local records for given logins from the database. Returned array is sorted primary by time ascending, secondary by date ascending.

  • logins Player logins
  • Returns Array of record objects


(login: string): Promise
Fetches number of records a player has in the database.

  • login Player login
  • Returns Number of records


(login: string, mapId: string): number | undefined
Gets given player local rank on given map.

  • login Player login
  • mapId Map uid
  • Returns Rank or undefined if player doesn't have a record

(login: string, mapIds?: string[]): { mapId: string, rank: number }[]
Gets given player local ranks on given maps.

  • login Player login
  • mapIds Array of map uids
  • Returns Array of objects with player ranks and map uids

(login: string): { mapId: string, rank: number }[]
Gets given player local ranks on all maps.

  • login Player login
  • Returns Array of objects with player ranks and map uids


(login: string): tm.LocalRecord | undefined
Gets the players lap record on the current map. If the map is not in laps mode returns a local record instead.

  • login Player login
  • Returns Lap record object or undefined if the player doesn't have a lap record

(logins: string[]): tm.LocalRecord[]
Gets multiple lap records on the current map from runtime memory. If the map is not in laps mode returns local records instead. If some player has no lap record his record object wont be returned. Returned array is sorted primary by time ascending, secondary by date ascending.

  • login Array of player logins
  • Returns Array of lap record objects


(login: string): tm.FinishInfo | undefined
Gets the players current round record.

  • login Player login
  • Returns Round record object or undefined if the player doesn't have a round record

(logins: string[]): tm.FinishInfo[]
Gets multiple round records. If some player has no round record his record object wont be returned. Returned array is sorted primary by time ascending, secondary by date ascending.

  • logins Array of player logins
  • Returns Array of round record objects


Current map local records.


Number of local records on the current map.


Current live records.


Number of live records.


Maximum amount of local records. All local records get fetched, but only the ones below max amount count towards server rank.


Current map lap records. Same as local records if the map is not in multilap mode.


Number of lap records on the current map. Same as local records if the map is not in multilap mode.


Current round records.


Number of current round records.



(login: string): tm.FinishInfo | undefined
Gets the players current round record.

  • login Player login
  • Returns Round record object or undefined if the player doesn't have a round record

(logins: string[]): tm.FinishInfo[]
Gets multiple round records. If some player has no round record his record object wont be returned. Returned array is sorted primary by time ascending, secondary by date ascending.

  • logins Array of player logins
  • Returns Array of round record objects


Current round records.


Number of current round records.


Current team scores (Teams mode only).


Point system for Rounds and Cup mode.


Amount of points to end the map in Rounds mode.


Amount of points to become a finalist in Cup mode.


Amount of points to end map in Teams mode.


Current round points ranking (Rounds/Cup mode only).


Max amount of winners in Cup mode.


Current Cup winners (Cup mode only).



(options: { limit?: number; date?: Date; }): Promise<tm.Message[]>
Fetches chat messages.

  • options Limit is maximum amount of fetched messages, date is timestamp after which messages will be fetched.
  • Returns Array of message objects


(login: string, options: { limit?: number; date?: Date; }): Promise<tm.Message[]>
Fetches chat messages written by specified player.

  • login Player login
  • options Limit is maximum amount of fetched messages, date is timestamp after which messages will be fetched
  • Returns Array of message objects


(login: string): Readonly<tm.Message>[]
Gets recent chat messages written by specified player.

  • login Player login
  • Returns Array of message objects


(callback: MessageFunction, position: number): void
Registers a function to add a prefix or postfix to chat messages when using manual chat routing.

  • callback The function takes MessageInfo object and returns string (the prefix) or undefined (then its ignored)
  • position Prefixes are positioned based on this, lowest one is first, negative values are positioned before the nickname, positive after it


(callback: MessageFunction, importance: number)
Registers a function to modify the player name on chat message.

  • callback The function takes MessageInfo object and returns string (the name) or undefined (then its ignored)
  • importance In case multiple functions are registered the most important one will be executed. If it returns undefined the 2nd most important function will be executed and so on


(callback: ModifyTextFunction, importance: number)
Registers a function to modify chat message text.

  • callback The function takes MessageInfo object and returns string (the name), error (prevents message from being sent) or undefined (then its ignored)
  • importance In case multiple functions are registered the most important one will be executed. If it returns undefined the 2nd most important will be executed and so on


Recent chat messages.


Number of recent chat messages.



(...commands: tm.Command[]): void
Adds chat commands to the server.

  • commands Chat commands to register


All registered chat commands.



(method: string, params: tm.CallParams[] = []): Promise<any | Error>
Calls a dedicated server method and awaits the response.

  • method Dedicated server method to be executed
  • params Optional params for the dedicated server method
  • Returns Server response or error if the server returns one

(method: 'system.multicall', params: tm.Call[] = []): Promise<({ method: string, params: any } | Error)[] | Error>
Calls multiple dedicated server methods using system.multicall and awaits the response.

  • method 'system.multicall'
  • params Array of Call objects
  • Returns Array of server responses or error if the server returns one


(method: string, params: tm.CallParams[] = []): void
Calls a dedicated server method without caring for the response.

  • method Dedicated server method to be executed
  • params Optional params for the dedicated server method

(method: 'system.multicall', params: tm.Call[] = []): void
Calls multiple dedicated server methods using system.multicall without caring for the response.

  • method 'system.multicall'
  • params Array of Call objects


(methods: string[], callback: ((method: string, params: tm.CallParams[], response: any) => void)): void
Adds a callback listener which will be executed when one of the specified dedicated server methods gets called.

  • methods Array of dedicated server methods
  • callback Callback to execute



(uid: string): Readonly<tm.Map> | undefined
Gets a map from current playlist. Playlist is stored in runtime memory.

  • uid Map uid
  • Returns map object or undefined if map is not in the playlist

(uids: string[]): Readonly<tm.Map>[]
Gets multiple maps from current playlist. Playlist is stored in runtime memory. If some map is not present in memory it won't be returned. Returned array is not in the initial order.

  • uids Array of map uids
  • Returns Array of map objects


(uid: string): Promise<tm.Map | undefined>
Fetches a map from the database. This method should be used to get maps which are not in the current Match Settings.

  • uids Array of map uid
  • Returns Map object or undefined if map is not in the database

(uids: string[]): Promise<tm.Map[]> Fetches multiple maps from the database. This method should be used to get maps which are not in the current Match Settings. If some map is not present in the database it won't be returned. Returned array is not in the initial order.

  • uids Array of map uids
  • Returns Map objects array


(filename: string, caller?: { login: string, nickname: string }, dontJuke: boolean = false): Promise<tm.Map | Error>
Adds a map to the server. Map needs to be present in the server files.

  • filename Path to the map file
  • caller Object containing login and nickname of the player who is adding the map
  • dontJuke If true the map doesn't get enqueued, false by default
  • Returns Added map object or error if unsuccessful


(fileName: string, file: Buffer, caller?: { nickname: string, login: string }, options?: { dontJuke?: boolean, cancelIfAlreadyAdded?: boolean }): Promise<{ map: tm.Map, wasAlreadyAdded: boolean } | Error>
Writes a map file to the server, adds it to the current Match Settings and to the jukebox.

  • fileName Map file name (file will be saved with this name on the server)
  • file Map file buffer
  • caller Object containing login and nickname of the player who is adding the map
  • options Optional parameters:
    • dontJuke If true the map doesn't get enqueued, false by default
    • cancelIfAlreadyAdded - If the map was already on the server returns from the function without searching for the map object. If that happens the map in returned object will be undefined.
  • Returns Error if unsuccessfull, object containing map object and boolean indicating whether the map was already on the server


(id: string, caller?: { login: string, nickname: string }): Promise<boolean | Error>
Removes a map from the server.

  • id Map uid
  • caller Object containing login and nickname of the player who is removing the map
  • Returns True if map was successfuly removed, false if map was not in the map list, Error if server fails to remove the map


All maps from current playlist.


Currently played map.


Amount of maps in current playlist.



(...lines: any[]): Promise
Outputs an fatal error message into the console and exits the process.

  • lines Message lines


(...lines: any[]): Promise
Outputs an error message into the console.

  • lines Message lines


(...lines: any[]): Promise
Outputs a warn message into the console.

  • lines Message lines


(...lines: any[]): Promise
Outputs an info message into the console.

  • lines Message lines


(...lines: any[]): Promise
Outputs a debug message into the console.

  • lines Message lines


(...lines: any[]): Promise
Outputs a trace message into the console.

  • lines Message lines



(mapId: string, caller?: { login: string, nickname: string }, setAsNextMap?: true): Promise<void | Error>
Adds map to the queue.

  • mapId Map UID
  • caller Object containing login and nickname of player adding the map
  • setAsNextMap If true map is going to be placed in front of the queue
  • Returns True if successfull, Error if map is not in the memory


(mapId: string, caller?: { login: string, nickname: string }): Promise
Removes a map from the queue.

  • mapid Map UID
  • caller Object containing login and nickname of player removing the map
  • Returns True if the map was in the jukebox, false if it wasn't


(caller?: { login: string, nickname: string }): Promise
Removes all maps from the jukebox.

  • caller Object containing login and nickname of player clearing the jukebox


(caller?: { login: string, nickname: string }): Promise
Randomly changes the order of maps in the maplist.

  • caller Object containing login and nickname of the player who called the method


(uid: string): Readonly<tm.Map> | undefined
Gets a map from the queue.

  • uid Map uid
  • Returns Map object or undefined if map is not in the queue

(uids: string[]): Readonly<tm.Map>[]
Gets multiple maps from queue. If some map is not present in queue it won't be returned. Returned array is not in initial order.

  • uids Array of map uids
  • Returns Array of map objects


(uid: string): Readonly<{ map: tm.Map, callerLogin?: string }> | undefined
Gets a map from the jukebox.

  • uid Map uid
  • Returns Jukebox object or undefined if map is not in the jukebox

(uids: string[]): Readonly<{ map: tm.Map, callerLogin?: string }>[]
Gets multiple maps from jukebox. If some map is not present in jukebox it won't be returned. Returned array is not in initial order.

  • uids Array of map uids
  • Returns Array of jukebox objects


(uid: string): Readonly<tm.Map> | undefined
Gets a map from map history.

  • uid Map uid
  • Returns Map object or undefined if map is not in the history

(uids: string[]): Readonly<tm.Map>[]
Gets multiple maps from map history. If some map is not present in history it won't be returned. Returned array is not in initial order.

  • uids Array of map uids
  • Returns Array of map objects


Amout of maps in the queue (maps juked by the players and the server). This is always equal to maxQueueCount.


Amount of maps in the history.


Max amount of maps in the queue (maps juked by the players and the server).


Max amount of maps in the history.


Amount of maps juked by the players.


Map queue (maps juked by the players and the server).


Map history.


Currently played map.


Maps juked by the players.



(player: { login: string, nickname?: string }, vote: -3 | -2 | -1 | 1 | 2 | 3): void
Adds a vote on the current map to runtime memory and database.

  • player Player object
  • vote Vote value

(votes: { login: string, vote: -3 | -2 | -1 | 1 | 2 | 3 }[]): void
Adds multiple votes on the current map to runtime memory and database.

  • votes Vote objects


(mapId: string): Promise<tm.Vote[] | undefined>
Fetches all the player votes for a given map UID.

  • mapId Map UID
  • Returns Array of vote objects or undefined if map is not in the database

(mapIds: string[]): Promise<{ uid: string, votes: tm.Vote[] }[]>
Fetches all the player votes for given map UIDs.

  • MapIds Array of Map UIDs
  • Returns Array of objects containing map UID and vote objects array. If some map is not in the database it won't be in the returned array


(uid: string): tm.Vote[] | undefined
Gets all the player votes for given map UID from the runtime memory. Only votes for maps in the history, queue and the current map are stored.

  • uid Map UID
  • Returns Array of vote objects or undefined if map is not in the memory

(uids: string[]): { uid: string, votes: tm.Vote[] }[] Gets all the player votes for given map UIDs from the runtime memory. Only votes for maps in the history, queue and the current map are stored.

  • uids Array of Map UIDs
  • Returns Array of objects containing map UID and vote objects array. If some map is not in the memory it won't be in the returned array.


Current map votes.


Current map vote count.


All votes in runtime memory. Only votes for maps in the history, queue and the current map are stored.



(): void
Enables the dynamic timer after map change. Dynamic timer allows players to change remaining race time in real time.


(): void
Disables the dynamic timer after map change.


(): boolean
Pauses the timer. This method works only if dynamic timer is enabled and server is in 'race' state.

  • Returns Boolean indicating whether the timer got paused


(): boolean
Resumes the timer. This method works only if dynamic timer is enabled and server is in 'race' state.

  • Returns Boolean indicating whether the timer got resumed


(miliseconds: number): boolean
Sets remaining race time. If the time is lower than "dynamicTimerSubtractionLimit" from config it will be set to it. This method works only if dynamic timer is enabled and server is in 'race' state.

  • miliseconds Amount of time to set in miliseconds
  • Returns Boolean indicating whether the time got set


(miliseconds: number): boolean
Adds remaining race time. This method works only if dynamic timer is enabled and server is in 'race' state.

  • miliseconds Amount of time to add in miliseconds
  • Returns Boolean indicating whether the time got added


(miliseconds: number): boolean
Subtracts remaining race time. If the time is lower than "dynamicTimerSubtractionLimit" from config it will be set to it. This method works only if dynamic timer is enabled and server is in 'race' state.

  • miliseconds Amount of time to subtract in miliseconds
  • Returns Boolean indicating whether the time got subtracted


Remaining race time in miliseconds.


Remaining result screen time in miliseconds.


Race time limit in the current round.


Result time limit in the current round.


Timestamp at which the current map has started.


Boolean indicating whether the dynamic timer is paused.


Boolean indicating whether the dynamic timer is enabled.


Boolean indicating whether the dynamic timer will be enabled in the next round.



(login: string, privilege: number, caller?: { login: string, nickname: string }): Promise
Sets a player privilege level.

  • login Player login
  • privilege Privilege level to set
  • caller Optional caller player object


(ip: string, login: string, caller: { login: string, privilege: number, nickname: string }, nickname?: string, reason?: string, expireDate?: Date): Promise
Bans, blacklists and kicks a player. If player is not on the server adds him to banOnJoin array. Adds him to banlist table.

  • ip Player IP address
  • login Player login
  • caller Caller player object
  • nickname Optional player nickname
  • reason Optional ban reason
  • expireDate Optional ban expire date
  • Returns True if successful, false if caller privilege is too low or if it's not higher than target privilege


(login: string, caller?: { login: string, privilege: number, nickname: string }): Promise<boolean | 'Player not banned' | Error>
Unbans a player and unblacklists him if he is not blacklisted. Deletes all ips tied to his login from the banlist table.

  • login Player login
  • caller Caller player object
  • Returns True if successful, false if caller privilege is too low, 'Player not banned' if player was not banned and Error if dedicated server call fails.


(login: string, caller: { login: string, privilege: number, nickname: string },nickname?: string, reason?: string, expireDate?: Date): Promise<boolean | Error>
Blacklists and kicks a player, adds him to blacklist table. Saves the server blacklist.

  • login Player login
  • caller Caller player object
  • nickname Optional player nickname
  • reason Optional blacklist reason
  • expireDate Otional blacklist expire date
  • Returns True if successful, false if caller privilege is too low or if it's not higher than target privilege, Error if dedicated server call fails


(login: string, caller?: { login: string, privilege: number, nickname: string }): Promise<boolean | 'Player not blacklisted' | Error>
Unblacklists a player if he is not banned and deletes him from blacklist table. Saves the server blacklist.

  • login Player login
  • caller Caller player object
  • Returns True if successful, false if caller privilege is too low, 'Player not blacklisted' if player was not blacklisted and Error if dedicated server call fails


(login: string, caller: { login: string, privilege: number, nickname: string }, nickname?: string, reason?: string, expireDate?: Date): Promise
Mutes a player and adds him to mutelist table.

  • login Player login
  • caller Caller player object
  • nickname Optional player nickname
  • reason Optional mute reason
  • expireDate Optional mute expire date
  • Returns True if successful, false if caller privilege is too low


(login: string, caller?: { login: string, privilege: number, nickname: string }): Promise<boolean | 'Player not muted' | Error>
Unmutes a player and deletes him from mutelist table

  • login Player login
  • caller Caller player object
  • Returns True if successful, false if caller privilege is too low, 'Player not muted' if player was not muted, Error if dedicated server call fails


(login: string, caller: { login: string, privilege: number, nickname: string }, nickname?: string): Promise<boolean | 'Already guest' | Error>
Adds a player to server guestlist, saves it and adds him to guestlist table.

  • login Player login
  • caller Caller player object
  • nickname Optional player nickname
  • Returns True if successful, false if caller privilege is too low, 'Already guest' if player was already in the guestlist, Error if server call fails


(login: string, caller?: { login: string, privilege: number, nickname: string }): Promise<boolean | 'Player not in guestlist' | Error>
Removes a player from server guestlist, saves it and deletes him from guestlist table.

  • login Player login
  • caller Caller player object
  • Returns True if successful, false if caller privilege is too low, 'Player not in guestlist' if player was not in the guestlist, Error if dedicated server call fails


(login: string): Readonly<tm.BanlistEntry> | undefined Gets ban information for given login.

  • login Player login
  • Returns Ban object or undefined if the player isn't banned

(logins: string[]): Readonly<tm.BanlistEntry>[] Gets multiple bans information for given logins.

  • logins Array of player logins
  • Returns Array of ban objects


(login: string): Readonly<tm.BlacklistEntry> | undefined
Gets blacklist information for given login.

  • login Player login
  • Returns Blacklist object or undefined if the player isn't blacklisted

(logins: string[]): Readonly<tm.BlacklistEntry>[]
Gets multiple blacklists information for given logins

  • logins Array of player logins
  • Returns Array of blacklist objects


(login: string): Readonly<tm.MutelistEntry> | undefined
Gets mute information for given login.

  • login Player login
  • Returns Mute object or undefined if the player isn't muted

(logins: string[]): Readonly<tm.MutelistEntry>[]
Gets multiple mutes information for given logins.

  • logins Array of player logins
  • Returns Array of mute objects


(login: string): Readonly<tm.GuestlistEntry> | undefined Gets guest information for given login.

  • login Player login
  • Returns Guest object or undefined if the player isn't in the guestlist

(logins: string[]): Readonly<tm.GuestlistEntry>[] Gets multiple guests information for given logins.

  • logins Array of player logins
  • Returns Array of guest objects


Banned players.


Blacklisted players.


Muted players.


Server guests.


Number of banned players.


Number of blacklisted players.


Number of muted players.


Number of guests.


Privilege levels for each of the administrative actions.


Relative path (/GameData/Config/) to the blacklist file.


Relative path (/GameData/Config/) to the guestlist file.



Controller config.


Current dedicated server config.


Current game config.



(time: number): string
Formats time for prettier display.

  • time Time to format
  • Returns Formatted time string (eg. 25:12.63, 0:56.92)


(pos: number): string Adds an ordinal suffix to numbers.

  • pos Number to add the suffix to
  • Returns Number with the suffix (eg. 1st, 9th)


(str: string, removeColours: boolean = true): string
Removes all Trackmania specific formatting (e.g. $w, $fff, etc.) from the supplied string.

  • str String to strip formatting from
  • removeColours Whether to remove colours from the string, defaults to true
  • Returns String without formatting


(str: string): string
Attempts to convert supplied string to latin text based on the special charmap.

  • str String to convert
  • Returns Converted string


(region: string): { region: string, country: string, countryCode?: string }
Gets country information from region in Nadeo format (eg. World|Poland|Pomorskie)

  • region Region in Nadeo format, can start with World but doesn't have to
  • Returns Object containing parsed region (eg. Poland|Pomorskie), country and country code (eg. POL) if matching one was found


(searchString: string, possibleMatches: string[], stripSpecialChars?: true): { str: string, value: number }[]
Checks similarity of given strings, returns best matches sorted based on similarity.

  • searchString String to compare possible matches to
  • possibleMatches Array of strings to sort by similarity
  • stripSpecialChars If true special characters get in strings get replaced with latin if possible
  • Returns Array of objects containing string and its similarity value

matchString<T extends { [key: string]: any }>(searchString: string, possibleMatches: T[], key: keyof T, stripSpecialChars?: true): { obj: T, value: number }[]
Checks similarity of given strings in an array of objects, returns best matches sorted based on similarity.

  • searchString String to compare possible matches to
  • possibleMatches Array of objects to sort by similarity
  • key Key in objects containing the string to compare
  • stripSpecialChars If true special characters get in strings get replaced with latin if possible
  • Returns Array of objects containing object and its similarity value


(country: string): string | undefined
Gets the country code (non-ISO) for the specified country name

  • country Country name (eg. Poland)
  • Returns Country code (eg. POL)


(current: { time: number, position: number }, previous?: { time: number, position: number }): { status: '' | 'acquired' | 'obtained' | 'equaled' | 'improved', difference?: string }
Gets the appropriate verb and calculates record differences.

  • current Object containing current record time and position
  • previous Optional object containing previous record time and position
  • Returns Object containing the verb to use (eg. 'acquired', 'improved') and the time difference string if previous record was specified


(payerLogin: string, amount: number, message: string, targetLogin: string = ''): Promise<boolean | Error>
Sends coppers with specified parameters.

  • payerLogin Login of the payee
  • amount Coppers amount
  • message Message to attach in the in-game mail
  • targetLogin Login of the receiver
  • Returns Whether the payment went through or error


(targetLogin: string, amount: number, message: string): Promise<true | Error>
Pays coppers from the server with specified parameters.

  • targetLogin Login of the receiver
  • amount Coppers amount
  • message Message to attach in the in-game mail
  • Returns True on payment success or error


(ms: number): string
Converts milliseconds to humanly readable time.

  • ms Time to convert (in milliseconds)
  • Returns Humanly readable time string (eg. 2 hours, 12 minutes and 30 seconds)


(str: string): string
Removes certain HTML tags that may harm XML manialinks.

  • str Original string
  • Returns Escaped string


(url: string): string
In Trackmania, https links won't work

  • url Original URL
  • Returns URL that will likely function properly


(nickname: string, options?: { similarityGoal: number,minDifferenceBetweenMatches: number): tm.Player | undefined
Attempts to convert the player nickname to their login via charmap.

  • nickname Player nickname
  • options Options to modify search similarity goals
  • Returns Possibly matching login or undefined if unsuccessful


(dateStr: string): number | Error
Converts date string to time in miliseconds. This method is used to parse time in chat commands.

  • dateStr Date string, number followed by optional modifier [s - seconds, m - minutes, h - hours, d - days]). If no modifier is specified the number will be treated as minutes.
  • Returns Time in miliseconds
  • Throws Time in miliseconds, RangeError if time is bigger than max js Date, TypeError if the dateStr is not a valid date string


(date: Date, displayDay?: true): string
Formats date into calendar display.

  • date Date to be formatted
  • displayDay Whether to display day
  • Returns Formatted date string (dd/mm/yyyy)


(commandParams: tm.Command['params']): string
Creates string representation of chat command parameters.

  • commandParams Chat command paramaters
  • Returns Stringified parameters (eg. login , duration[, count, reason])


(coppers: number): number
Calculates nadeo tax for given coppers amount and subtracts it from the amount. Nadeo tax formula:

  • coppers Coppers amount
  • Returns Coppers amount after subtracting tax


(str: string, variables: { [name: string]: any }): string
Replaces #{variableName} in string with given variables.

  • str String to replace #{variableName} in
  • variables Object containing values for variable names (key is variableName)
  • Returns String with replaced variables

(str: string, variables: any[]): string Replaces #{variableName} in string with given variables

  • str String to replace #{variableName} in
  • variables Array containing values for variables in order
  • Returns String with replaced variable


List of colours in Trackmania format (prefixed with $ and in 3 digit hex).


Server palette of colours defined in config.


List of Trackmania countries and country codes.


(message: string, login?: string | string[], prefix: boolean = true): void
Sends a server message.

  • message Message to be sent
  • login Optional player login or array of logins


(manialink: string, login?: string | string[], deleteOnClick: boolean = false, expireTime: number = 0): void
Sends a server manialink.

  • manialink Manialink XML to be sent
  • login Optional player login or array of logins
  • deleteOnClick Whether to remove the manialink on player interaction
  • expireTime Amount of time (in seconds) for the manialink to disappear


(...players: { login: string, nickname?: string, region?: string, title?: string }[]): Promise Updates player information in runtime memory and database.

  • players Objects containing player login and infos to update


(): tm.ServerState
Gets current server state. ('result', 'race', 'transition')


(): tm.GameMode
Gets current server gamemode. ('Rounds', 'TimeAttack', 'Teams', 'Laps', 'Stunts', 'Cup')


(event: keyof tm.Events, callback: ((params: tm.Events[T]) => void | Promise), prepend?: true): void
Add callback function to execute on given event.

  • event Dedicated server callback event
  • callback Function to execute on event
  • prepend If set to true puts the listener on the beggining of the array (it will get executed before other listeners)

(event: (keyof tm.Events)[], callback: ((params: any) => void | Promise), prepend?: true): void
Add callback function to execute on given events.

  • event Array of dedicated server callback events
  • callback Function to execute on events
  • prepend If set to true puts the listener on the beggining of the array (it will get executed before other listeners)


(callback: Function): void
Removes event listener.

  • callback Callback function of the listener to remove


(id: number, login: string): void
Emits ManialinkClick for given player and actionId. Used for manialink interaction such as opening UI windows.

  • id Manialink ID
  • login Player login
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