Tensorflow Implementation of 'DRAW: A Recurrent Neural Network For Image Generation'
Install the dependencies. I suggest creating separate python environment for this project. You can do this easily using virtualenv or Anaconda 3.
After activating the virtual environment, install the dependencies.
A Note for Anaconda 3 users:
click to expand
The tensorflow libraries are not available using 'conda install'. You'll have to get them using pip.
This causes some issues when installing the other dependencies.
- I observed that installing the other dependencies using conda caused numpy incompatibility with Tensorflow.
- Tensorflow installs a particular version of numpy (1.16.4) alongside it.
- Conda does not appear to know about Tensorflow's dependency on this version of numpy.
- Conda overwrites it when you install other dependencies such as matplotlib.
- As a workaround, you can install all the dependencies via pip, within the conda environment.
- This solves the problem completely.
Clone this repo, and navigate to it.
Create directories for tensorboard logs, checkpoints, and outputs from the model (such as generated samples).
(draw_virtualenv) $ git clone https://github.com/lucaslingle/draw_tfp/
(draw_virtualenv) $ cd draw_tfp
(draw_virtualenv) $ mkdir tensorboard_logs
(draw_virtualenv) $ mkdir checkpoints
(draw_virtualenv) $ mkdir output
This implementation supports MNIST, CIFAR-10, and SVHN.
The default settings are configured with the hyperparameters to train a DRAW model on MNIST.
You can train a DRAW model on MNIST by running
(draw_virtualenv)$ python app.py --dataset=mnist \
--mode=train --epochs=10 \
--checkpoint_dir=checkpoints/mnist_model_1/ --summaries_dir=tensorboard_logs/mnist_model_1/
It should be done running in less than an hour, which is a 48x speedup over competing implementations.
To train a model on SVHN, here are some hyperparameters that work well:
(draw_virtualenv)$ python app.py --dataset=svhn_cropped \
--img_height=32 --img_width=32 --img_channels=3 \
--batch_size=100 \
--encoder_hidden_dim=800 --decoder_hidden_dim=800 --read_dim=12 --write_dim=12 --z_dim=100 --num_timesteps=32 \
--init_scale=0.04 \
--lr=0.0003 \
--mode=train --epochs=10 \
--checkpoint_dir=checkpoints/svhn_model_1/ --summaries_dir=tensorboard_logs/svhn_model_1/
Once you've trained a model, you can generate samples like so:
(draw_virtualenv)$ python app.py --dataset=svhn_cropped \
--img_height=32 --img_width=32 --img_channels=3 \
--batch_size=100 \
--encoder_hidden_dim=800 --decoder_hidden_dim=800 --read_dim=12 --write_dim=12 --z_dim=100 --num_timesteps=32 \
--mode=generate_gif \
--checkpoint_dir=checkpoints/svhn_model_1/ --load_checkpoint=checkpoints/svhn_model_1/ \
And you'll get a GIF of the model drawing!
You can also generate visualizations of the model reconstructing real data. You can generate reconstruction gifs like so:
(draw_virtualenv)$ python app.py --dataset=svhn_cropped \
--img_height=32 --img_width=32 --img_channels=3 \
--encoder_hidden_dim=800 --decoder_hidden_dim=800 --read_dim=12 --write_dim=12 --z_dim=100 --num_timesteps=32 \
--mode=generate_gif \
--checkpoint_dir=checkpoints/svhn_model_1/ --load_checkpoint=checkpoints/svhn_model_1/ \
And you'll get a GIF of the reconstruction process!