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Bjarne Roß edited this page Nov 10, 2018 · 5 revisions

How To Build Loqui

What you need

Prepare Your System

Before you can build the Application you need to prepare your system. By now this is thankfully just one small step. Open the command-line applicaion of your operating System. If you installed Node.js properly, you should be able to run the following command.

npm install -g grunt-cli

This installs the Grunt Task Runner command-line tool we need to build Loqui.

Download the Source Code

After you set up your machine you need the source of Loqui. For this open your local command-line and navigate to the directory you want to store the source code in. Then run the following command.

git clone

Depending on your Internet connection this will take a few seconds.

Install The Dependencies

Now you can change into the newly created source folder, and from there you need to run npm install to install all the dependencies our project relies on.

Create A Build

Now you can finally create a build by running grunt and the grunt task runner will run all the tasks required to use loqui on the different platforms.

Flash Your Build

If you want to use the build you just created, you need to flash it to your device. For that you need to open up your Firefox. If you press Shift + F8 the Web IDE should open up and you will be able to add the loqui_source_folder/dist/firefoxos as a new packaged app. Then just install it by connecting your device and hitting the install button.

Ubuntu Touch

After grunt command extract the * file in the /packages folder, make the whole extracted directory executable by running sudo chmod -R 755 *ubuntutouch, move to that directory and run click build . from there. Install the created click package on your Ubuntu Touch device (e.g. by using the UT tweaker tool from the OpenStore).