MixEHR-Nest: Identifying Subphenotypes within Electronic Health Records through Hierarchical Guided-Topic Modeling
For each patient d
, MixEHR-Nest initializes the Phenotype topic prior for subtopic m
within Phenotype topic k
) by aligning the patient's ICD9-Code with Phenotype topics using an ICD-Phecode mapping.
- Seed Topics: The topic prior for subtopics associated with seed topics is set to
. - Regular Subtopics: The topic prior for regular subtopics is stochastically sampled from a range of
MixEHR-Nest integrates information from multiple modalities within EHR data to generate multi-view EHR features. These features are then decomposed into Phenotype topic distributions for each modality t
, as well as patient-topic mixture membership.
In the probabilistic graphical model (PGM) representing the data generative process for patient d
and EHR feature j
- The patient-topic mixture
is drawn from aK×M
-dimensional Dirichlet distribution with hyperparameterα_d
. - The Phenotype topic
is sampled from a Categorical distribution with probabilities determined byθ_d
. - Given the topic assignment
z_{d,j} = k_m
, the EHR featureX_{d,j}
is then sampled from another Categorical distribution with probabilities specified byφ_{.,z{d, j}}
, whereφ_{.,z{d, j}}
is aV
-dimensional Dirichlet variable with a flat hyperparameterβ
This repository contains three steps to run the model using the provided Python scripts.
This step initializes the parameters for the model.
python step0_initialization.py --subtopic_num SUBTOPIC_NUMBER --output_dir STORE_DIR --metadata_folder METADATA_FOLDER
: Number of subtopics per phenotype (default: 3)--output_dir
: Directory to store parameters (default: 'MixEHR_param')--metadata_folder
: Metadata folder name (required)
This step trains the model using the initialized parameters.
python step1_trainModel.py --subtopic_num SUBTOPIC_NUMBER --param_dir PARAM_DIR --out_dir OUT_DIR --eta ETA --iteration ITERATION
: Number of subtopics per phenotype (default: 3)--param_dir
: Path to directory storing initialized parameters (default: 'MixEHR_param')--out_dir
: Path to output directory (default: 'MixEHR_out')--eta
: The value to downscale the contribution of non-ICD modality in training (default: 0.6)--iteration
: Training iterations (default: 20)
This step uses the trained model to infer new patient data.
python step2_inferNewPat.py --subtopic_num SUBTOPIC_NUMBER --param_dir PARAM_DIR --train_out_dir TRAIN_OUT_DIR --out_dir OUT_DIR --iteration ITERATION
: Number of subtopics per phenotype (default: 3)--param_dir
: Path to directory storing initialized parameters (default: 'MixEHR_param')--train_out_dir
: Path to directory storing training results (default: 'MixEHR_out')--out_dir
: Path to directory storing new patients infer results (default: 'MixEHR_infer')--iteration
: Training iterations (default: 20)
Here is an example of how to run the steps sequentially:
# Step 0: Initialization
python step0_initialization.py --subtopic_num 3 --output_dir MixEHR_param --metadata_folder Admit
# Step 1: Train Model
python step1_trainModel.py --subtopic_num 3 --param_dir MixEHR_param --out_dir MixEHR_out --eta 0.6 --iteration 20
# Step 2: Infer New Patient
python step2_inferNewPat.py --subtopic_num 3 --param_dir MixEHR_param --train_out_dir MixEHR_out --out_dir MixEHR_infer --iteration 20