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MQTT Client for Zig

This is a embedding-friendly MQTT client library for Zig. The library has two client: a platform-agnostic low level MQTT client where you bring your own read/write/close function and a higher level client based on Zig's stdlib.


These example connect to, so please be respectful.

The example folder contains examples of using both clients. The low-level client is implemented using Zig's standard library. This implementation is very basic and not as feature rich as mqtt.posix.Client (i.e. no timeouts) . It is only included to show how to integrate the low-level client within your own platform.

To run the low-level clients: Start the subscriber via: zig build example_low_level_subscriber. Then start the publisher via: zig build example_low_level_publisher.

To run the posix clients: Start the subscriber via: zig build example_posix_subscriber. Then start the publisher via: zig build example_posix_publisher.

In either case, you should see 3 messages printed in your subscriber, then both programs will exit.


Both clients are single-threaded and follow the same paradigm. You'll call functions like connect, subscribe and publish to send messages to the server and call readPacket, as needed, to receive messages.

The "as needed" part of readPacket is where things get interesting. MQTT is bidirectional. If you write a subscribe message, you'd reasonably expect to receive a suback, but you could also get a disconnect AND, if you had previously subscribed to another topic, you could get a publish.

This is why even the higher level client doesn't run a background "read" thread nor does it expose a more linear request->response API (e.g. why the return value of subscribe(...) isn't a Packet.Suback). The message received after "subscribe" might not be "suback".

If you're just publishing, the flow is straightforward (especially if you're using the default at_most_once QoS). Things are similarly straightforward if you're subscribing (possibly to more than 1 topic, but in a single subscribe message) and then receiving.

This generally means that you need to call readPacket in a loop (until you get the expected message) and defensively handle different packet types. If you're subscribed to topics, you'll need to periodically (say, every second) call readPacket to check for new messages.

See the examples in the example folder.


mqtt.posix.Client is a higher level library that uses Zig's standard library and should be the preferred client to use if Zig's standard library is available.

The client supports timeouts and automatic reconnects. It can optionally be configured without an allocator.


All methods are thin wrappers around the lower-level mqtt.Mqtt(t). However, an additional optional parameter has been added (Zig doesn't make composing options easy, so I opted for just adding another parameter - sorry!).

Where the low-level signature is publish(opts: SubscribeOpts) the higher-level signature is: publish(rw: ReadWriteOpts, opts: SubscribeOpts). ReadWriteOpts allows overriding the default retries and timeout.

    .retries 3,
    .timeout = 10_000,
}, .{
    .topic = "saiyan/goku/power",
    .message = "over 9000!",

If a timeout is reached when writing a packet, error.Timeout will be returned. If a timeout is reached when readPacket is called, null will be returned. This allows clients to use a short timeout to periodically check for new packet.

The client will automatically attempt to reconnect and continue the operation when retries > 0. When retries reaches 0, the underlying error is returned. At this point, the client can still be used as any subsequent write/reads will automatically attempt to reconnect.

init(opts: Client.Opts) !Client

Initializes the client. This does not open a TCP connection to the server.

Options are:

  • port: u16 - required
  • ip: ?[]const u8 = null - Either ip or host is required
  • host: ?[]const u8 = null - - Either ip or host is required
  • connect_timeout: i32 = 10_000 - Time in milliseconds to try to connect
  • default_retries: ?u16 = null - When either reading/writing data from/to the server, the default number of times to automatically reconnect and retry on connection failure. Can be overridden on a per-call basis.
  • default_timeout: ?i32 = null - When either reading/writing data from/to the server, the default timeout in milliseconds, to block. Can be overridden on a per-call basis.
  • allocator: ?Allocator = null - Optional if ip is used instead of host and both read_buf and write_buf are provided.
  • read_buf: ?[]u8 = null - The buffer to read messages from the server into. If unspecified, the provided allocator will be used to create a buffer of read_buf_size.
  • read_buf_size: u16 = 8192 - See read_buf.
  • write_buf: ?[]u8 = null - The buffer to write messages to the server into. If unspecified, the provided allocator will be used to create a buffer of write_buf_size.
  • write_buf_size: u16 = 8192 - See write_buf.

When host is specified, is used to resolve and try each possible address. This happens on each reconnection attempt. This is why an allocator must be provided when host is used.

Trying to read a message from the server which is larger than read_buf (or read_buf_size will result in an error.ReadBufferIsFull. Similarly, trying to write a message larger than write_buf (or write_buf_size) will result in an error.WriteBufferIsFull.

deinit(self: *Client) void

Closes the socket (if it's still open) and releases the read_buf and write_buf if they are owned by the client.

For a clean shutdown, you might want to call disconnect before calling deinit.

lastError(self: *Client) ?mqttz.ErrorDetail

The library attempts to make errors easy to manage while still providing some detail. The library typically returns a handful of higher-level errors (which makes it easier) while optionally exposing an error payload. The lastErorr method returns the error payload. (See the errors section.

lastReadPacket(self: *Client) []const u8

The last read packet. Only meant to be used for debugging. Only valid until the next call to readPacket.

connect(self: *Client, rw: ReadWriteOpts, opts: ConnectOpts) !void

Sends a connect packet.

publish(self: *Client, rw: ReadWriteOpts, opts: PublishOpts) !?u16

Sends a publish packet. If opts.qos was either at_least_once or exactly_once, then the returned value is the packet identifier, else it is null. The packet identifier is used to pair this publish with puback, pubrec, pubrel or pubcomp packets received from readPacket.

The packet identifier is an incrementing integer. It can also be explicitly set via opts.packet_identifier.

subscribe(self: *Client, rw: ReadWriteOpts, opts: SubscribeOpts) !u16

Sends a subscribe packet. The return value is a packet identifier used to pair this message with the corresponding suback message read via readPacket.

The packet identifier is an incrementing integer. It can also be explicitly set via opts.packet_identifier.

unsubscribe(self: *Client, rw: ReadWriteOpts, opts: UnsubscribeOpts) !u16

Sends a unsubscribe packet. The return value is a packet identifier used to pair this message with the corresponding unsuback message read via readPacket.

The packet identifier is an incrementing integer. It can also be explicitly set via opts.packet_identifier.

puback(self: *Client, rw: ReadWriteOpts, opts: PubAckOpts) !void

Sends a puback packet. opts.packet_identifier must be set. opts.reason_code defaults to .success.

pubrec(self: *Client, rw: ReadWriteOpts, opts: PubRecOpts) !void

Sends a pubrec packet. opts.packet_identifier must be set. opts.reason_code defaults to .success.

pubrel(self: *Client, rw: ReadWriteOpts, opts: PubRelOpts) !void

Sends a pubrel packet. opts.packet_identifier must be set. opts.reason_code defaults to .success.

pubcomp(self: *Client, rw: ReadWriteOpts, opts: PubCompOpts) !void

Sends a pubcomb packet. opts.packet_identifier must be set. opts.reason_code defaults to .success.

ping(self: *Client, rw: ReadWriteOpts) !void

Sends a ping packet.

disconnect(self: *Client, rw: ReadWriteOpts, opts: DisconnectOpts) !void

Sends a disconnect packet. opts.reason must be set. This is a no-op if the socket is known to be disconnected (which isn't always the case).

If rw.retries is not set, 0 will be set, overriding the default (why retry to connect just to disconnect?).

readPacket(self: *Client, rw: ReadWriteOpts) !?mqttz.Packet

Reads a packet from the server.


The approach of mqtt.Mqtt(T) is to have T provide the, MqttPlatform.write and MqttPlatform.close functions. This decouples the Mqtt(T) library from platform details.

Unlike most generic implementations, Mqtt(T) never references T. It merely calls, T.MqttPlatform.write() and T.MqttPlatform.close() with a per-call specific anytype. This provides greater flexibility and facilitates composition.

Consider this partial example which wraps Mqtt(T) using std:

const Client = struct {
    mqtt: mqtt.Mqtt(Client),
    socket: std.posix.socket_t,

    // wrap mqtt.subscribe
    pub fn subscribe(self: *Client, opts: mqtt.SubscribeOpts) !usize {
        // the first parameter is an anytype and will be passed to the
        // read/write/close function as is
        return self.mqtt.subscribe(MqttPlatform.Context{
            .client = self,
            .timeout = 5000,
        }, opts);

    pub const MqttPlatform = struct {
        const Context = struct {
            client: *Client,
            timeout: i32,

        pub fn write(ctx: *Context, data: []const u8) !void {
            // todo implement timeout using ctx.timeout
            // (the real mqtt.posix.Client has timeout support)
            return std.posix.write(ctx.client.socket, data);

        pub fn read(ctx: *Context, buf: [] u8) !?usize {
            // todo implement timeout using ctx.timeout
            // (the real mqtt.posix.Client has timeout support)
            return try, buf);

        pub fn close(ctx: *Context) void {

While it's common that the state you pass into the various Mqtt(T) methods will be of type *T, as we can see from the above, this is not required.

The read, write and close functions are wrapped in the MqttPlatform container structure only to help avoid conflicts with any read, write and close function you might want on your own type.


T must expose, MqttPlatform.write and MqttPlatform.close functions.

The first parameter to these functions is the same anytype that was passed into the Mqtt(T) function that triggered it. anytype, buf: []u8, calls: usize) !?usize

Reads data into buf - presumably from a socket referenced directly or indirectly by state. Returns the number of bytes read. If 0 is returned, assumes the connection is closed.

If null is returned, then null will be returned from readPacket. Returning null is how timeouts should be implemented, to indicate that there is currently no more data.

Only Mqtt(T).readPacket can currently trigger a call to read. For a single call to Mqtt(T).readPacket, read might be called 0 or more times. It would be called 0 times if a previous call to readPacket had caused multiple packets to be read. The calls parameter indicates the number of times read has been called for a single call to readPacket (it can be ignored in most cases).

T.MqttPlatform.write(state: anytype, data: []const u8) !void

Writes data - presumably from a socket referenced directly or indirectly by state. write must write all of data.

T.MqttPlatform.close(state: anytype) !void

Called with Mqtt(T).disconnect is called.

This can be called internally, via disconnect, by the library as required by the specification (e.g. when a connack response is received with indicating that a session is present, but clean_start was specified).

Since Mqtt(T) is relatively stateless, it's possible for close to be called when your implementations' socket is already closed.


Mqtt(T) methods return errors which are meant to be easy(ish) to manage. The last_error field is an optional tagged union that can include additional information. The ideas is to provide a manageable number of error values without sacrificing additional details (which might traditionally be handled by having a much larger error set, which is harder to handle).

For example, the only errors subscribe can return are: error.Usage, error.WriteBufferIsFull or any error your T.write method returns. If an error is returned, in most cases the optional last_error field will be set.


As a consequence of being a foundation, Mqtt(T) has a simple interface.

init(read_buf: []u8, write_buf: []u8) Mqtt(T)

Initializes an instance.

read_buf must remain valid for the lifetime of the returned Mqtt(T) value. read_buf must be big enough to handle any message received by the server. If you're only publishing message, than read_buf can be relatively small. If you're receiving message, then you'll have to size read_buf accordingly. error.ReadBufferIsFull is returned from reading functions (i.e. readPacket) if read_buf is too small to accommodate the packet.

write_buf must remain valid for the lifetime of the returned Mqtt(T) value. write_buf must be big enough to handle any message sent to the server. If you're only only receiving messages, then write_buf can be relatively small. If you're sending message, then you'll have to size write_buf accordingly. error.WriteBufferIsFull is returned from writing functions (i.e. connect, subscribe, publish, ...) if write_buf is too small to accommodate the packet.

MQTT is a compact protocol. To figure out the size you'll need, you can generally add up the length of your longest strings (like the name of the topic + the message) and add a few bytes of overhead.

connect(state: anytype, opts: ConnectOpts) !void

None of the opts field are required.

Will call T.write(state, data) exactly once.

Possible errors are: error.WriteBufferIsFull, any error returned from your T.MqttPlatform.write.

subscribe(state: anytype, opts: SubscribeOpts) !usize

opts must include at least 1 topic which must contain a filter:

mqtt.subscribe(&ctx, .{
    .topics = &.{
        .{.filter = "a/b"},

This will call T.write(state, data) exactly once.

Possible errors are: error.WriteBufferIsFull, error.Usage, any error returned from your T.MqttPlatform.write. error.Usage happens if no topic is provided.

Returns the packet_identifier. The packet_identifier can be set explicitly via the packet_identifier: ?u16 = null field of the SubscribeOpts. Otherwise, an incrementing integer is used. The packet_identifier is used to pair the subscribe with corresponding suback which can be retrieved via readPacket().

unsubscribe(state: anytype, opts: UnsubscribeOpts) !usize

opts must include at least 1 topic :

mqtt.unsubscribe(&ctx, .{
    .topics = &.{"a/b"},

This will call T.write(state, data) exactly once.

Possible errors are: error.WriteBufferIsFull, error.Usage any error returned from your T.MqttPlatform.write. error.Usage happens if no topic is provided.

Returns the packet_identifier. The packet_identifier can be set explicitly via the packet_identifier: ?u16 = null field of the UnsubscribeOpts. Otherwise, an incrementing integer is used. The packet_identifier is used to pair the unsubscribe with corresponding unsuback which can be retrieved via readPacket().

publish(state: anytype, opts: PublishOpts) !usize

opts must include at a topic and message. These can be empty (an empty topic is common if topic_alias is set.)

mqtt.public(&ctx, .{
    .topics = "power/goku",
    .message = "over 9000!"

This will call T.write(state, data) exactly once.

Possible errors are: error.WriteBufferIsFull, error.Usage any error returned from your T.MqttPlatform.write. error.Usage happens if the retain flag is set, but the server announced (via the connack message) that it did not support retained messages.

Returns the packet_identifier. The packet_identifier can be set explicitly via the packet_identifier: ?u16 = null field of the PublishOpts. Otherwise, an incrementing integer is used. The packet_identifier is used to pair the publish with corresponding pubrec or pubrel assuming the qos option is set.

puback(state: anytype, opts: PubAckOpts) !void

opts must include the packet_identifer of the publish this message is in response to.

This will call T.write(state, data) exactly once.

Possible errors are: error.WriteBufferIsFull, any error returned from your T.MqttPlatform.write.

pubrec(state: anytype, opts: PubRecOpts) !void

opts must include the packet_identifer of the publish this message is in response to.

This will call T.write(state, data) exactly once.

Possible errors are: error.WriteBufferIsFull, any error returned from your T.MqttPlatform.write.

pubrel(state: anytype, opts: PubRelOpts) !void

opts must include the packet_identifer of the publish this message is in response to.

This will call T.write(state, data) exactly once.

Possible errors are: error.WriteBufferIsFull, any error returned from your T.MqttPlatform.write.

pubcomp(state: anytype, opts: PubCompOpts) !void

opts must include the packet_identifer of the publish this message is in response to.

This will call T.write(state, data) exactly once.

Possible errors are: error.WriteBufferIsFull, any error returned from your T.MqttPlatform.write.

disconnect(state: anytype. opts: DisconnectOpts) !void

opts must include the reason for the disconnect. This is an enum.

* `normal`
* `disconnect_with_will_message`
* `unspecified`
* `malformed_packet`
* `protocol_error`
* `implementation_specific`
* `topic_name_invalid`
* `receive_maximum_exceeded`
* `topic_alias_invalid`
* `packet_too_large`
* `message_rate_too_high`
* `quota_exceeded`
* `administrative_action`
* `payload_format_invalid`

This will call T.write(state, data) exactly once.

Possible errors are: any error returned from your T.MqttPlatform.write.

ping(state: anytype) !void

This will call T.write(state, data) exactly once.

Possible errors are: any error returned from your T.MqttPlatform.write.

readPacket(state: anytype) !void

Attempts to read a packet from the server.

This may call, buf, calls) 0 or more times. It will call it 0 times if there is already a packet in read_buf (from a previous call to which read more than 1 packet). calls is the number of times (starting at 1) that has been called in this single invocation of readPacket. This could be used, for example, to control a timeout (in most cases, you'll probably just ignore calls).

Possible errors are:

  • error.Closed - returned 0
  • error.ReadBufferIsFull - The packet was too large to fit in read_buf
  • error.Protocol - A valid packet was received but, from this libraries point of view, the packet didn't make sense. For example, the packet might have had a reason_code which was not valid (not one of the allowed u8 values). If you're using a robust server implementation, this is likely a bug/oversight in this library
  • error.MalformedPacket - An invalid packet was received which could not be parsed. If you're using a robust server implementation, this is likely a bug/oversight in this library.

Plus any error returned by your

On success, readPacket returns a tagged union. This union has the following tags:

  • connack: mqtt.Packet.ConnAck
  • suback: mqtt.Packet.SubAck
  • unsuback: mqtt.Packet.UnsubAck
  • publish: mqtt.Packet.Publish
  • puback: mqtt.Packet.PubAck
  • pubrec: mqtt.Packet.PubRec
  • pubrel: mqtt.Packet.PubRel
  • pubcomp: mqtt.Packet.PubComp
  • disconnect: mqtt.Packet.Disconnect
  • pong: void - called pingresp in the spec, but why?

[]const u8 values in the above structures are only valid until the next call to readPacket.

See the Flow for more information.


The subscribe method allows multiple topics to be specified. The corresponding suback contains 1 reason code per topic. If you subscribed to 3 topics, the corresponding suback.results.len should equal 3. However, suback.results is a []const u8, representing the numeric reason code. Use suback.result(idx) ?mqtt.QoS to get a more meaningful result.

When the subscription is success, you'll get a mqtt.Qos enum value indicating the QoS level of the subscription. Else you'll get one of these errors:

  • error.Protocol
  • error.Unspecified
  • error.ImplementationSpecific
  • error.NotAuthorized
  • error.TopicFilterInvalid
  • error.PacketIdentifierInUse
  • error.QuotaExceeded
  • error.SharedSubscriptionsNotSupported
  • error.SubscriptionIdentifierNotSupported
  • error.WildcardSubscriptionsNotSupported


Like subscribe and suback, unsubscribe and unsuback also allow multiple topics to be specified. Again, unsuback.results is a []const u8 representing the underlying integer code for each unsubscribed topic. Use unsuback.result(idx) to get a meaningful error. On success, this returns nothing. Else you'll get an error:

  • error.Protocol
  • error.NoSubscriptionExisted
  • error.Unspecified
  • error.ImplementationSpecific
  • error.NotAuthorized
  • error.TopicFilterInvalid
  • error.PacketIdentifierInUse

User Properties

All of these packets, except pong might have user properties. These are exposes as an iterator:

var it = suback.userPropertis();
while ( |up| {
    // up.key
    // up.value

The key and value are only valid as long as the packet is valid (which is only valid until the next call to readPacket).

lastReadPacket() []const u8

Returns the full raw packet from the last call to readPacket. Might be useful when debugging.


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