Lately, I've largely been writing Zig libraries. If you're interested in learning Zig, check out my Learning Zig series of blog posts.
- pg.zig - Native PostgreSQL driver
- http.zig - An HTTP/1.1 server
- websocket.zig - A websocket server
- ztl - An erb-inspired templating language
- mqttz - Allocation free, no sdlib required MQTT client
- logz.zig - Structured logger
- metrics.zig - Prometheus metrics library
- zqlite.zig - A thin wrapper for sqlite
- zuckdb.zig - A thin wrapper for duckdb
- cache.zig - Thread-safe, expiration-aware, LRU cache
- smtp_client.zig - An SMTP client
- validate.zig - A validation library
- otp.zig - Library for creating & verifying TOTP codes
- localize.zig - ICU message parser and renderer
- singleflight.zig - Duplicate function call suppression
- zul - zig utility library
- buffer.zig - A poolable string builder (aka string buffer)
- aolium-api - a blogging / link sharing platform
- duckdb-proxy - An HTTP proxy for DuckDB
I also have a few Elixir libraries you might find useful:
- exws - A minimalist Websocket server for Elixir (+ channel library)
- dcache - A fast caching library for Elixir
And a few low-friction services:
- goblgobl/assets - A performance-focused static asset proxy
- goblgobl/authen - An authentication enhancement service
My most popular repos are:
- ccache - An LRU caching library for Go
- the-little-go-book - The Little Go Book
- the-little-redis-book - The Little Redis Book
Semi-retired, but always open to hearing about opportunities. Contact on my blog.