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Josh Wardell edited this page Sep 22, 2020 · 12 revisions

CANserver uses a simplified version of Lua scripting to process CAN data and send it to the microDisplays. This document contains documentation to write your own display scrips and several examples that can be copy/pasted into the Server web page. The Analysis signals (CAN messages) needed for each display script can also be copy and pasted into the Server Analysis page.

Display scripting documentation

ToDo - document Lua scripting here.

Refer to official Lua documentation

Example display scripts

Battery Power


if (CANServer_getAnalysisVar("DisplayOn") < 1) then
    return "1m t0b1000r"

local battPowerKW = (CANServer_getAnalysisVar("BattVolts") * CANServer_getAnalysisVar("BattAmps") / 1000.0)
local graphBattPower = math.floor(math.min(math.max((24) * (battPowerKW) / (300), -24), 24))

return "65535c" .. math.floor(battPowerKW * 10) .. "vWK  Bu" .. graphBattPower .. "b0m100r"

Analysis signals:

    "n": "BattVolts",
    "fid": 306,
    "sb": 0,
    "bl": 16,
    "f": 0.01,
    "so": 0,
    "s": false,
    "bo": true,
    "v": 1
    "n": "BattAmps",
    "fid": 306,
    "sb": 16,
    "bl": 16,
    "f": -0.1,
    "so": 0,
    "s": true,
    "bo": true,
    "v": 1

Motor Torque(s)

Rear Script:

if (CANServer_getAnalysisVar("DisplayOn") < 1) then
    return "1m t0b1000r"

local rearTorque = CANServer_getAnalysisVar("RearTorque")
local graphRearTorque = math.floor(math.min(math.max((24) * (rearTorque) / (400), -24), 24))

return "65535c" .. math.floor(rearTorque * 10) .. "vMNu" .. graphRearTorque .. "b0m100r"

Front Script:

if (CANServer_getAnalysisVar("DisplayOn") < 1) then
    return "1m t0b1000r"

local frontTorque = CANServer_getAnalysisVar("FrontTorque")
local graphFrontTorque = math.floor(math.min(math.max((24) * (frontTorque) / (400), -24), 24))

return "65535c" .. math.floor(frontTorque * 10) .. "vMNu" .. graphFrontTorque .. "b0m100r"

Analysis signals:

    "n": "RearTorque",
    "fid": 472,
    "sb": 24,
    "bl": 13,
    "f": 0.25,
    "so": 0,
    "s": true,
    "bo": true,
    "v": 1
    "n": "FrontTorque",
    "fid": 469,
    "sb": 24,
    "bl": 13,
    "f": 0.25,
    "so": 0,
    "s": true,
    "bo": true,
    "v": 1

MPH/KPH speedometer with blind spot detection arrows


if (CANServer_getAnalysisVar("DisplayOn") < 1) then
    return "1m t0b1000r"

local battPowerKW = (CANServer_getAnalysisVar("BattVolts") * CANServer_getAnalysisVar("BattAmps") / 1000.0)
local graphBattPower = math.floor(math.min(math.max((24) * (battPowerKW) / (300), -24), 24))

local bsr = CANServer_getAnalysisVar("BSR");
local bsl = CANServer_getAnalysisVar("BSL");
local bsd = 0;

if (bsl == 1 or bsl == 2) then
    bsd = 1;
if (bsr == 1 or bsr == 2) then
    bsd = bsd + 2;
if (bsd > 0) then
	return bsd .. "v63488c6m1000r";
	local speedUnitText = "HMK"
	local displaySpeed = CANServer_getAnalysisVar("VehSpeed")
	if (CANServer_getAnalysisVar("DistanceUnitMiles") == 1) then
		speedUnitText = "HPM"
		displaySpeed = displaySpeed * 0.6213712;

	return "65535c" .. math.floor(displaySpeed * 10) .. "v" .. speedUnitText .. "u" 
				.. graphBattPower .. "b0m100r"

Analysis signals:

Advanced Battery info


if (CANServer_getAnalysisVar("DisplayOn") < 1) then
    return "1m4s               t0b1000r"

local rearTorque = CANServer_getAnalysisVar("RearTorque")
local graphRearTorque = math.floor(math.min(math.max((24) * (rearTorque) / (400), -24), 24))

return "65535c1s -BATTERY STATUS- " .. CANServer_getAnalysisVar("Range") .. "MI "  .. CANServer_getAnalysisVar("uSOE") .. "%SOC   "  .. CANServer_getAnalysisVar("MinBattTemp")*1.8+32 .. "F  " .. CANServer_getAnalysisVar("battTempPct") .. "%   " .. CANServer_getAnalysisVar("EnergyRemaining") .. " OF ".. CANServer_getAnalysisVar("FullPackEnergy") .. "KWHt" .. graphRearTorque .. "b1m1o100r"

Analysis signals:

	"n": "EnergyRemaining",
	"fid": 850,
	"sb": 11,
	"bl": 11,
	"f": 0.1,
	"so": 0,
	"s": false,
	"bo": true,
	"v": 1

	"n": "FullPackEnergy",
	"fid": 850,
	"sb": 0,
	"bl": 11,
	"f": 0.1,
	"so": 0,
	"s": false,
	"bo": true,
	"v": 1

	"n": "FullPackEnergy",
	"fid": 850,
	"sb": 0,
	"bl": 11,
	"f": 0.1,
	"so": 0,
	"s": false,
	"bo": true,
	"v": 1

	"n": "Range",
	"fid": 826,
	"sb": 0,
	"bl": 10,
	"f": 1,
	"so": 0,
	"s": false,
	"bo": true,
	"v": 1

	"n": "battTempPct",
	"fid": 658,
	"sb": 50,
	"bl": 8,
	"f": 0.4,
	"so": 0,
	"s": false,
	"bo": true,
	"v": 1

	"n": "uSOE",
	"fid": 826,
	"sb": 56,
	"bl": 7,
	"f": 1,
	"so": 0,
	"s": false,
	"bo": true,
	"v": 1

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