A demo for SVRG Boosted by Shifting Objective (BS-SVRG) proposed in Boosting First-order Methods by Shifting Objective: New Schemes with Faster Worst-Case Rates. Kaiwen Zhou, Anthony Man-Cho So, James Cheng, NeurIPS 2020, arXiv.
All algorithms are implemented in C++.
To run the demo in MATLAB, first run mex_all
in the MATLAB terminal to generate the mex file. (Note that the compiler should support at least c++11
Then, run TEST
in the MATLAB terminal, a small demo training a9a
from LIBSVM Data, to generate a plot shown as below.
Test environment: HP Z440 machine with single Intel Xeon E5-1630v4 with 3.70GHz cores, 16GB RAM, Ubuntu 18.04 LTS with GCC 4.8.0, MATLAB R2017b.
Building with 'g++'.
MEX completed successfully.
Model: L2-logistic
Algorithm: SAGA
Time: 11.582018 seconds
Algorithm: Katyusha
Time: 15.778917 seconds
Algorithm: BS_SVRG
Time: 8.186314 seconds
Algorithm: BS_SVRG
Time: 8.189970 seconds