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James Eapen edited this page Feb 23, 2024 · 50 revisions

By default, Nvim-R will run R in a built-in terminal emulator, but you can change this behavior (see R_external_term).

Key bindings

Note: The <LocalLeader> is '\' by default.

To use the plugin, open a .R, .Rnw, .Rd, .Rmd, .Rrst, or .qmd file with Vim and type <LocalLeader>rf. Then, you will be able to use the plugin key bindings to send commands to R.

This plugin has many key bindings, which correspond with menu entries. In the list below, the backslash represents the <LocalLeader>. Not all menu items and key bindings are enabled in all file types supported by the plugin (r, rnoweb, rhelp, rrst, rmd, and quarto).


Action Default shortcut
Start R (default) \rf
Start R (custom) \rc
Close R (no save) \rq
Stop (interrupt) R :RStop


Action Default shortcut
File \aa
File (echo) \ae
File (open .Rout) \ao
Block (cur) \bb
Block (cur, echo) \be
Block (cur, down) \bd
Block (cur, echo and down) \ba
Chunk (cur) \cc
Chunk (cur, echo) \ce
Chunk (cur, down) \cd
Chunk (cur, echo and down) \ca
Chunk (from first to here) \ch
Function (cur) \ff
Function (cur, echo) \fe
Function (cur and down) \fd
Function (cur, echo and down) \fa
Selection \ss
Selection (echo) \se
Selection (and down) \sd
Selection (echo and down) \sa
Selection (evaluate and insert output in new tab) \so
Send motion region \m{motion}
Paragraph \pp
Paragraph (echo) \pe
Paragraph (and down) \pd
Paragraph (echo and down) \pa
Line \l
Line (and down) \d
Line (and new one) \q
Left part of line (cur) \r<Left>
Right part of line (cur) \r<Right>
Line (evaluate and insert the output a comment) \o
All lines above the current one \su


Action Default shortcut
List space \rl
Clear console \rr
Remove objects and clear console \rm
Print (cur) \rp
Names (cur) \rn
Structure (cur) \rt
View data.frame (cur) in new tab \rv
View data.frame (cur) in horizontal split \vs
View data.frame (cur) in vertical split \vv
View head(data.frame) (cur) in horizontal split \vh
Run dput(cur) and show output in new tab \td
Arguments (cur) \ra
Example (cur) \re
Help (cur) \rh
Summary (cur) \rs
Plot (cur) \rg
Plot and summary (cur) \rb
Set working directory (cur file path) \rd
Sweave (cur file) \sw
Sweave and PDF (cur file) \sp
Sweave, BibTeX and PDF (cur file) (Linux/Unix) \sb
Knit (cur file) \kn
Knit, BibTeX and PDF (cur file) (Linux/Unix) \kb
Knit and PDF (cur file) \kp
Knit and Beamer PDF (cur file) \kl
Knit and HTML (cur file, verbose) \kh
Knit and ODT (cur file) \ko
Knit and Word Document (cur file) \kw
Markdown render (cur file) \kr
Spin (cur file) (only .R) \ks
Markdown render (cur file) (all in YAML) \ka
Quarto render (cur file) \qr
Quarto preview (cur file) \qp
Quarto stop preview (all files) \qs
Open attachment of reference (Rmd, Rnoweb) \oa
Open PDF (cur file) \op
Search forward (SyncTeX) \gp
Go to LaTeX (SyncTeX) \gt
Debug (function) \bg
Undebug (function) \ud
Build tags file (cur dir) :RBuildTags


Action Default shortcut
Insert <- _
Complete object name CTRL-X CTRL-O
Go (next R chunk) \gn
Go (previous R chunk) \gN

Object Browser

Action Default shortcut
Open/Close \ro
Expand (all lists) \r=
Collapse (all lists) \r-
Toggle (cur) Enter


Action Default shortcut
Help (plugin)
Help (R) :Rhelp

Please see Nvim-R-key-bindings to learn how to customize the key bindings without editing the plugin directly.

The plugin commands that send code to R Console are the most commonly used. If the code to be sent to R has a single line it is sent directly to the R Console. If it has more than one line (a selection of lines, a block of lines between two marks, a paragraph etc) the lines are written to a file and the plugin sends R the command to source the file.

To send the line currently under the cursor to the R Console you should type <LocalLeader>d. If you want to see what lines are being sourced when sending a selection of lines, you can use either <LocalLeader>se or <LocalLeader>sa instead of <LocalLeader>ss. The <LocalLeader>m{motion} command sends the lines from the motion command that follows <LocalLeader>m, e.g. <LocalLeader>m} (from the current line to the end of paragraph) or <LocalLeader>m3j (the next 3 lines including the current line).

If the cursor is between manually inserted marks, the plugin will send the lines between them to R if you press <LocalLeader>bb. If the cursor is above the first mark, the plugin will send from the beginning of the file to the mark. If the cursor is below the last mark, the plugin will send from the mark to the end of the file. The mark above the cursor is included and the mark below is excluded from the block to be sent to R. To create a mark, press m<letter> in Normal mode (see |mark|). For example, consider the following code (with line numbers):

2  x <- 3
3  y <- 2
5  z <- x + y

In Normal mode, go to line 1 and press ma; go to line 6 and press mb; go to line 4 and press <LocalLeader>bb to send lines 1 to 5 to R. Normally, Vim marks are not visible, but there are plugins that highlight them.

You can also use the command :RSend to type and, then, send a line of code to R. If you use this command frequently, you may consider creating a map for it in your vimrc. For example:

nmap <LocalLeader>: :RSend

Observe that there is an empty space after :RSend, so you do not have to type it.

The command <LocalLeader>o runs in the background the R command print(line), where line is the line under the cursor, and adds the output as commented lines to the source code.

Rnoweb, RMarkdown, Quarto or RreStructuredText document), and you use one of the commands that send a single line of code to R, then the plugin will send to R the command to knit the child document.

After the commands that send, sweave or knit the current buffer, Vim will save the current buffer if it has any pending changes before performing the tasks. After <LocalLeader>ao, Vim will run R CMD BATCH --no-restore --no-save on the current file and show the resulting .Rout file in a new tab. Please see R_routnotab if you prefer that the file is open in a new split window. Note: The command <LocalLeader>ao, silently writes the current buffer to its file if it was modified and deletes the .Rout file if it exists.

R syntax uses <- to assign values to variables which is inconvenient to type. In insert mode, typing a single underscore, _, will write <-, unless you are typing inside a string. The replacement will always happen if syntax highlighting is off (see :syn-on and :syn-off). If necessary, it is possible to insert an actual underscore into your file by typing a second underscore. This behavior is similar to the EMACS ESS mode some users may be familiar with and is enabled by default. You have to change the value of R_assign to disable underscore replacement.

When you press <LocalLeader>rh, the plugin shows the help for the function under the cursor. The plugin also checks the class of the first object passed as argument to the function to try to figure out whether the function is a generic one and whether it is more appropriate to show a specific method. The same procedure is followed with <LocalLeader>rp, that is, while printing an object. For example, if you run the code below and, then, press <LocalLeader>rh and <LocalLeader>rp over the two occurrences of summary, the plugin will show different help documents and print different function methods in each case:

y <- rnorm(100)
x <- rnorm(100)
m <- lm(y ~ x)

Nvim-R will not check the class of the first object if the = operator is present. For example, in the two cases below you would get the generic help for summary:

summary(object = x)
summary(object = m)

To get help on an R topic, you can also type in Vim (Normal mode):

:Rhelp topic

The command may be abbreviated to :Rh and you can either press <Tab> to trigger the autocompletion of R objects names or hit CTRL-D to list the possible completions (see |cmdline-completion| for details on the various ways of getting command-line completion). The list of objects used for completion is the same available for omni completion (see R_start_libs). You may close the R documentation buffer by simply pressing q.

The command <LocalLeader>td will run dput() with the object under cursor as argument and insert the output in a new tab. The command <LocalLeader>rv will also run dput() with the object under cursor as argument and show the output in a new tab, while <LocalLeader>vs will show it in a horizontal split, and <LocalLeader>vv will show it in a vertical split.

However, if the object under the cursor is a data.frame or a matrix, instead of displaying the output of dput(), the commands will save the data.frame or matrix in a text file with values separated by tab characters and display this file. The command <LocalLeader>vh will show the head() of the data.frame or matrix in a horizontal split that opens above the current window. This behavior can be customized, and you can configure Nvim-R to call an external application to display the data.frame or matrix (see Nvim-R-df-view). All files involved in these operations are created in Nvim-R's temporary directory and deleted when R quits.

You can source all .R files in a directory with the Normal mode command :RSourceDir, which accepts an optional argument (the directory to be sourced).

In Normal mode :RStop sends to R SIGINT which is the same signal sent when you press CTRL-C into R's Console. If R does not quit normally, you can kill it with the :RKill command.


The command :Rinsert <cmd> inserts one or more lines with the output of the R command sent to R. By using this command we can avoid the need of copying and pasting the output R from its console to Vim. For example, to insert the output of dput(levels(var)), where var is a factor vector, we could do in Vim:

:Rinsert dput(levels(var))

The output inserted by :Rinsert is limited to 5012 characters.


The command :Rformat calls the function style_text() (if the package styler is installed) or the function tidy_source() (if the package formatR is installed) to format either the entire buffer or the selected lines. The command only works if R is running. If style_text() is used the value of 'shiftwidth' is passed as indent_by, and if tidy_source() is used, the value of the width.cutoff argument is set to the buffer's 'textwidth' if it is not outside the range 20-180.

See R help on tidy_source for details on how to control the function behavior.

Editing Rnoweb files

In Rnoweb files (.Rnw), when the cursor is over the @ character, which finishes an R chunk, the sending of all commands to R is suspended and the shortcut to send the current line makes the cursor to jump to the next chunk. While editing Rnoweb files, the following commands are available in Normal mode:

Go to the next chunk of R code:


Go to the previous chunk of R code:


You can also press <LocalLeader>gt to go the corresponding line in the generated .tex file (if SyncTeX is enabled).

The commands <LocalLeader>cc, ce, cd and ca send the current chunk of R code to R Console. The command <LocalLeader>ch sends the R code from the first chunk up to the current line.

The commands <LocalLeader>kn builds the .tex file from the Rnoweb one using the knitr package and <LocalLeader>kp compiles the pdf; for Sweave, the commands are, respectively <LocalLeader>sw and <LocalLeader>sp. You can jump from the Rnoweb file to the PDF (forward search) with the command <LocalLeader>gp. The command to jump from a specific location in the PDF to the corresponding line in the Rnoweb (backward search) is specific to each pdf viewer:

  • Zathura: <C-LeftMouse>

  • Evince: <C-LeftMouse>

  • Okular: <S-LeftMouse>

  • Skim: <S-Cmd-Click>

  • Sumatra: <Double-click>

In any case, the pdf viewer must be started by the Nvim-R plugin. See Nvim-R-SyncTeX for details.

Omni completion

The plugin adds some features to the default syntax highlight of R code. One such feature is the highlight of R functions.


  • If you have too many loaded packages Vim may be unable to load the list of functions for syntax highlight.

  • The features described in this section do not work when using treesitter to highlight code on Neovim.

If cmp-nvim-r (a source for nvim-cmp) is installed, Neovim can automatically complete the names of R objects as you type them (but conventional Vim omni completion does not work if cmp-nvim-r is installed).

Nvim-R does not complete the names of all functions of all installed packages (see R_start_libs).

For both library() and require(), when completing the first argument, the popup list shows the names of installed packages.

Vim uses one file to store the names of .GlobalEnv objects and a list of files for all other objects. The .GlobalEnv list is stored in the $NVIMR_TMPDIR directory and is deleted when you quit Vim. The other files are stored in the $NVIMR_COMPLDIR directory, are automatically updated and remain available unless you manually delete them.

The Object Browser

You have to use <LocalLeader>ro to either open or close the Object Browser. The Object Browser has two views: .GlobalEnv and Libraries. If you press on the first line of the Object Browser it will toggle the view between the objects in .GlobalEnv and the currently loaded libraries.

In the .GlobalEnv view, if a data.frame column has the attribute "label", it will also be displayed. For instance, the code below would make the Object Browser display the variable labels of an imported SPSS dataset:

d <- read.spss("/path/to/spss/dataset.sav", = TRUE)
vlabs <- attr(d, "variable.labels")
for(n in names(vlabs))
    attr(d[[n]], "label") <- vlabs[[n]]

In the Object Browser window, while in Normal mode, you can either press or double click (GVim only) over a data.frame or list to show/hide its elements (not if viewing the content of loaded libraries). If you are running R in an environment where the string UTF-8 is part of either LC_MESSAGES or LC_ALL variables, Unicode line drawing characters will be used to draw lines in the Object Browser. This is the case of most Linux distributions.

In the Libraries view, you can either double click or press on a library name to see its objects. In the Object Browser, the libraries have the color defined by the PreProc highlighting group. The other objects have their colors defined by the return value of some R functions. Each line in the table below shows a highlighting group and the corresponding type of R object:

Highlighting Group Object type
PreProc libraries
Include environment
Number numeric
String character
Special factor
Boolean logical
Type data.frame
StorageClass list
Structure s4
Function function
Statement control flow (for, while, break, etc)
Comment promise (lazy load object)

One limitation of the Object Browser is that objects made available by the command data() are only links to the actual objects (promises of lazily loading the object when needed) and their real classes are not recognized in the GlobalEnv view. The same problem happens when the knitr option cache.lazy=TRUE. However, if you press over the name of the object in the Object Browser, it will be actually loaded by the command (ran in the background):

obj <- obj


  • If either the Object Browser is open or omni completion is enabled, the list of .GlobalEnv objects will be automatically updated by R after each successful evaluation of command. This may slowdown R if its workspace has too many objects, data.frames with too many columns or lists with too many elements (see R_set_omnifunc).

  • Names of objects are stupidly truncated if they occupy more than 62 bytes. This means that Unicode sequences might be split and become invalid.

  • Active bindings are not included in the list of objects for omni completion. Also, they are not included in the Object Browser.

Build a tags file to jump to function definitions

Vim can jump to functions defined in other files if you press CTRL-] over the name of a function, but it needs a tags file to be able to find the function definition (see |tags-and-searches|). The command :RBuildTags calls the R functions rtags() and etags2ctags to build the tags file for the R scripts in the current directory.

Debugging R functions (Unix only)

The Nvim-R-Plugin has limited debugging facilities available on Unix systems (not available on Windows). To debug a function with Nvim-R you have to do the following:

  1. Source the R script where the function is with the source() function of the base package.

  2. In the R Console, run either debug(funcname) or debugonce(funcname) where funcname is the name of the function (not quoted). Nvim-R will send this command to R Console if you press db in Normal mode with the cursor over the function name.

  3. Call the function.

See :Rh browser for available commands in debugging mode.

For example, if you have a file named my_function.R with the following contents: <- function(x){
    y <- x + 1

You could debug the function from another script such as:


If you do not want to start debugging the function from its first line, instead of calling debug(funcname) before calling the function, you should add the line browser() to the function at the line where the debugging session should start. Example: <- function(x){
   y <- x + 1

If you want a conditional breakpoint, you should call the browser() command only if a condition is satisfied. Example: <- function(x){
    y <- x + 1
    if(x > 9)

One limitation is that Nvim-R also does not help you setting breakpoints. You have to set them manually as explained above.

Another limitation of Nvim-R is that it might be unable to jump to the line in the source code that is being evaluated if either you have sent the function directly to the R Console or the function has been sent by the knitr package, without calling the function source(). In either case, Nvim-R will try to find the pattern funcname <- function( in the buffer being edited. If the pattern is found, the cursor will jump to its position.

The highlighting group used to highlight the line being debugged is the QuickFixLine (see hl-QuickFixLine). Its foreground and background colors are defined by your colorscheme, but you can change them in your vimrc (see cterm-colors and gui-colors). Example:

hi QuickFixLine ctermfg=231 ctermbg=23 guifg=white guibg=#005f5f

Syntax highlight of .Rout files

You can set both foreground and background colors of R output in your vimrc. The example below is for either a GUI version of Vim or a terminal interface of Neovim with 'termguicolors' (see |true-color|):

if has('gui_running') || &termguicolors
  let rout_color_input    = 'guifg=#9e9e9e'
  let rout_color_normal   = 'guifg=#ff5f00'
  let rout_color_number   = 'guifg=#ffaf00'
  let rout_color_integer  = 'guifg=#feaf00'
  let rout_color_float    = 'guifg=#fdaf00'
  let rout_color_complex  = 'guifg=#fcaf00'
  let rout_color_negnum   = 'guifg=#d7afff'
  let rout_color_negfloat = 'guifg=#d6afff'
  let rout_color_date     = 'guifg=#00d7af'
  let rout_color_true     = 'guifg=#5dd685'
  let rout_color_false    = 'guifg=#ff5d5e'
  let rout_color_inf      = 'guifg=#10aed7'
  let rout_color_constant = 'guifg=#5fafcf'
  let rout_color_string   = 'guifg=#5fd7af'
  let rout_color_error    = 'guifg=#ffffff guibg=#c40000'
  let rout_color_warn     = 'guifg=#d00000'
  let rout_color_index    = 'guifg=#d0d080'

If you prefer that R output is highlighted using your current colorscheme, put in your vimrc:

let rout_follow_colorscheme = 1