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James Eapen edited this page Mar 5, 2024 · 82 revisions
Option Description
R_auto_start Start R automatically
R_objbr_auto_start Start the Object Browser automatically
R-built-in-terminal Options to control Vim's built-in terminal
R_external_term Command to run R in an external terminal emulator
R_silent_term Do not show terminal errors
R_set_home_env Set the value of $HOME for R (Windows only)
R_save_win_pos Save positions of R and GVim windows (Windows only)
R_arrange_windows Restore positions of R and GVim windows (Windows only)
R_assign Convert _ into <-
R_assign_map Choose what to convert into <-
R_rnowebchunk Convert < into <<>>=\n@ in Rnoweb files
R_rmdchunk Convert grave accent chunk into delimiters in Rmd files
R_objbr_place Placement of Object Browser
R_objbr_w Initial width of Object Browser window
R_objbr_h Initial height of Object Browser window
R_objbr_opendf Display data.frames open in the Object Browser
R_objbr_openlist Display lists open in the Object Browser
R_objbr_allnames Display hidden objects in the Object Browser
R_nvimpager Use Vim to see R documentation
R_open_example Use Vim to display R examples
R_editor_w Minimum width of R script buffer
R_help_w Desired width of R documentation buffer
R_path Directory where R is
R_app, R_cmd Names of R applications
R_args Arguments to pass to R
R_start_libs Objects for omni completion and syntax highlight
Rout_more_colors More syntax highlighting in R output
R_hi_fun Highlight R functions
R_hi_fun_paren Highlight R functions only if followed by a (
R_routnotab Show output of R CMD BATCH in new window
R_notmuxconf Don't use a specially built Tmux config file
R_rconsole_height Number of lines of R Console
R_rconsole_width Number of columns of R Console
R_min_editor_width Minimum number of columns of editor after R start
R_applescript Use osascript in Mac OS X to run
RStudio_cmd Run RStudio instead of R.
R_listmethods Do nvim.list.args() instead of args()
R_specialplot Do nvim.plot() instead of plot()
R_paragraph_begin Send paragraph from its beginning
R_parenblock Send lines until closing parenthesis
R_bracketed_paste Bracket R code in special escape sequences
R_clear_console Send <C-L> to clear R's console
R_source_args Arguments to R source() function
R_latexcmd Command to run on .tex files
R_texerr Show a summary of LaTeX errors after compilation
R_sweaveargs Arguments do Sweave()
R_rmd_environment Environment in which to save evaluated rmd code
R_rmarkdown_args Further options to be passed to rmarkdown::render()
R_quarto_render_args Options to be passed to quarto::quarto_render()
R_quarto_preview_args Options to be passed to quarto::quarto_preview()
R_never_unmake_menu Do not unmake the menu when switching buffers
R_clear_line Clear R Console line before sending a command
R_editing_mode The mode defined in your ~/.inputrc
R_pdfviewer PDF application used to open PDF documents
R_openpdf Open PDF after processing rnoweb file
R_openhtml Open HTML after processing either Rrst or Rmd
R_strict_rst Code style for generated rst files
R_insert_mode_cmds Allow R commands in insert mode
R_rmhidden Remove hidden objects from R workspace
R_source Source additional scripts
R_non_r_compl Bibliography completion
R_wait Time to wait for nvimcom loading
R_wait_reply Time to wait for R reply
R_nvim_wd Start R in Vim's working directory
R_after_start Commands to be executed after R startup
R_after_ob_open Commands to be executed after the Object Browser opening
R_debug Support for debugging functions
R_user_maps_only Only user specified key bindings
R_disable_cmds List of commands to be disabled
R_tmpdir Where temporary files are created
R_compldir Where lists for omni completion are stored
R_set_omnifunc Should Nvim-R set the 'omnifunc'?
R_fun_data_1 What the data.frame to complete function arguments is
R_fun_data_2 Where the data.frame to complete function arguments is
R_quarto_intel Where the Quarto completion data is
R_bib_compl List of file types for bib completion
R_remote_compldir Mount point of remote cache directory
Nvim-R-df-view Options for visualizing a data.frame or matrix
Nvim-R-SyncTeX Options for SyncTeX

Automatic start: R and Object Browser~

By default, you have to start R manually with the command rf. If you want that R starts automatically when you load an R script while starting Vim, put in your |vimrc|:

let R_auto_start = 1

If you want that R starts automatically when you start editing an R script even if Vim is already started, put in your vimrc:

let R_auto_start = 2

See also: R_after_start.

If you want to always start the Object Browser immediately after starting R, put in your vimrc:

let R_objbr_auto_start = 1

See also: R_after_ob_open.

R in Vim built-in terminal

By default, R runs in a Vim buffer created with the command :term, and the <Esc> key is mapped to stop the Terminal mode and go to Normal mode. In Terminal mode, What you type is passed directly to R while in Normal mode Vim's navigation commands work as usual (see |motion.txt|).

If you need the <Esc> key in R, for example if you want to use vi, vim or nvim within R Console, put in your vimrc:

let R_esc_term = 0

Then, you will have to press the default <C-\><C-N> to go from Terminal to Normal mode.

Nvim-R sets the option "editor" to a function that makes the object to be edited in a new tab when R_esc_term = 1 (the default value).

Neovim does not close its built-in terminal emulator when the application running in it quits, but Nvim-R does close it for you. If you rather prefer that the terminal remains open after R quits, put in your vimrc:

let R_close_term = 0

Neovim stops automatically scrolling the R Console if you move the cursor to any line that is not the last one. This emulates the behavior of other terminal emulator, but considering that (1) R only outputs something after we send a command to it, and (2) when we send a command to R, we want to see its output, Nvim-R will move the cursor to the last line of R Console before sending a command to it, forcing the auto scrolling of the terminal.

If you are using Neovim, Nvim-R will move the cursor to the end of R Console's buffer before sending a command to force the scrolling R output, but you can put the line below in your init.vim to disable the auto scrolling of the terminal:

let R_auto_scroll = 0

You may either use the package colorout (Unix only) to colorize R output or let Neovim highlight the terminal contents as it was a .Rout file type. Two advantages of colorout are the possibility of highlighting numbers close to zero in a different color and the distinction between stdout and stderr. The value of R_hl_term (0 or 1) determines whether Neovim should syntax highlight the R output, and its default value will be set to 0 if the package colorout is loaded. If you prefer do not rely on the auto detection of colorout, you should set the value of R_hl_term in your vimrc. Example:

let R_hl_term = 0

Right after starting R, Nvim-R will try to detect if either the value of R's OutDec option is "," or the current R script sets the OutDec option. If you are using Neovim to syntax highlight R's output and it is not correctly detecting R's OutDec option, then, to get numbers correctly recognized, you should put in your vimrc:

let R_OutDec = ','

On Unix systems, BEFORE sending a command to R Console, if the terminal width has changed, Vim will send to nvimcom the command options(width=X), where X is the new terminal width. You can set the value of R_setwidth to 0 to avoid the width being set. Example:

let R_setwidth = 0

On Windows, the command is sent to R Console because it would crash R if sent through nvimcom.

If you have the option 'number' set in your vimrc, Nvim-R will calculate the number of columns available for R as the window width - 6. If you want a different adjustment, you should set R_setwidth as a negative value between -1 and -16. Example:

let R_setwidth = -7

You can also set the value of R_setwidth to 2. In this case, nvimcom will check the value of the environment variable COLUMNS AFTER each command is executed and if the environment variable exists, R's width option will be set accordingly. This is the most precise way of setting the option "width", but it has the disadvantage of setting it only after the command is executed. That is, the width will be outdated for the first command executed after a change in the number of columns of the R Console window.

Nvim-R sets the options winfixwidth and winfixheight in the window where R runs. This prevents the window of being automatically resized in some circumstances. It also sets the option 'nobuflisted'. You can set the value of R_buffer_opts to define what options should be set in the R Console buffer. It is a list of Vim options separated by spaces. Example with its default value:

let R_buffer_opts = "winfixwidth winfixheight nobuflisted"

If you do not want to run R in Vim's built in terminal emulator, you have to install Tmux >= 2.0, and then put in your vimrc:

let R_external_term = 1

Then, R will start in an external terminal emulator (useful if you use two monitors and want Vim and R separate from each other), and Tmux will be used to send commands from Vim to R.

Terminal emulator (Linux/Unix only)

Note: The options of this section are ignored on Mac OS X, where the command open is called to run the default application used to run shell scripts.

R will run in Vim's built-in terminal emulator, unless you set the value of R_external_term, which can be a numeric value (either 0 or 1), the name of the terminal emulator or the complete command to run the terminal emulator. On Windows, the only valid value is 1, which will make Nvim-R to run Rgui.exe, and not really a terminal emulator.

On Linux, the complete command for running the terminal is predefined for the following options:

1. foot
2. gnome-terminal,
3. konsole,
4. xfce4-terminal,
5. Eterm,
6. (u)rxvt,
7. aterm,
8. roxterm,
9. lxterminal
  1. xterm.

If the value of R_external_term is 1, the plugin runs the first terminal emulator that it finds from the above list. If your favorite terminal emulator is not selected, you may define it in your vimrc. Below are some examples of how to set the value of R_external_term:

let R_external_term = 1 " Run R in an external terminal (or Rgui.exe)
let R_external_term = 'foot' " Run R in in foot

If you are not satisfied with the way your terminal emulator is called by the plugin, you may define in your vimrc the variable R_external_term as the complete command to run the terminal. Examples:

let R_external_term = 'xterm -title R -e'
let R_external_term = 'tilix -a session-add-right -e'
let R_external_term = 'xfce4-terminal --icon=/path/to/icons/R.png --title=R -x'
let R_external_term = 'foot -a R -T R --login-shell --log-level error'

Please, look at the manual of your terminal emulator to know how to call it. The last argument must be the one which precedes the command to be executed.

The terminal error messages, if any, are shown as warning messages, unless you put in your vimrc:

let R_silent_term = 1

Windows specific options

If R cannot find either make or gcc while trying to compile nvimcom, you should add their directories to the beginning of the PATH environment variable in your vimrc:

let $PATH = "C:\\rtools40\\mingw64\\bin;C:\\rtools40\\usr\\bin;" . $PATH

By default, Nvim-R will save the positions of R Console and Vim windows when you quit R with the <LocalLeader>rq command, and it will restore the positions of the windows when you start R. If you do not like this behavior, you can put in your vimrc:

let R_save_win_pos = 0
let R_arrange_windows = 0

If you want R and GVim windows always in a specific arrangement, regardless of their state when you have quit R for the last time, you should arrange them in the way you want, quit R, change in your vimrc only the value of R_save_win_pos and, finally, quit Vim.

The plugin sets $HOME as the Windows register value for "Personal" "Shell Folders" which is the same value set by R. However, if you have set $HOME yourself with the intention of changing the default value of $HOME assumed by R, you will want to put in your vimrc:

let R_set_home_env = 0

Assignment operator and Rnoweb completion of code block

In Rnoweb files, a < is replaced with <<>>=\n@. To disable this feature, put in your vimrc:

let R_rnowebchunk = 0

Similarly, in Rmd files the grave accent (backtick) is replaced with chunk delimiters unless you put in your vimrc:

let R_rmdchunk = 0

You can also define a different shortcut for R_rmdchunk. For example, to use two backticks instead of one to trigger the completion of the chunk delimiter, put in your vimrc:

let R_rmdchunk = '``'

If R_rmdchunk = 2 (the default), in addition to creating an empty chunk block, a single backtick will be converted in inline R delimiters if the cursor is not at the beginning of the line.

While editing R code, _ is replaced with <-. If you want to bind other keys to be replaced by <-, set the value of R_assign_map in your vimrc, as in the example below which emulates RStudio behavior (may only work on GVim or Neovim):

let R_assign_map = '<M-->'

Note: You can't map <C-=>, as StatET does because in Vim only alphabetic letters can be mapped in combination with the CTRL key.

See also:

To completely disable this feature, put in your vimrc:

let R_assign = 0

If you need to type many object names with underscores and still wnat to use _ as the trigger for the assign symbol, you may want to set the value R_assign as 2. Then, you will have to type two _ to get them converted into <-. Alternatively, if the value of R_assign is 3, the plugin will run the following command in each buffer containing R code (R, Rnoweb, Rhelp, Rrst, and Rmd):

iabb <buffer> _ <-

That is, the underscore will be replaced with the assign operator only if it is preceded by a space and followed by a non-word character.

Object Browser options

By default, the Object Browser will be created at the right of the script window, and with 40 columns. Valid values for the Object Browser placement are the combination of either script or console and right, left, above, below, separated by a comma. You can also simply choose RIGHT, LEFT, TOP or BOTTOM to start the Object Browser as far as possible to the indicated direction. Examples:

let R_objbr_place = 'script,right'
let R_objbr_place = 'console,left'
let R_objbr_place = 'LEFT'
let R_objbr_place = 'RIGHT'

The minimum width of the Object Browser window is 9 columns. You can change the object browser's default width by setting the value of R_objbr_w in your vimrc, as below:

let R_objbr_w = 30

If the Object Browser is being created bellow or at the top of the existing window, it will be 10 lines high, unless you set its height in your vimrc:

let R_objbr_h = 20

Below is an example of setup of some other options in the vimrc that control the behavior of the Object Browser:

let R_objbr_opendf = 1    " Show data.frames elements
let R_objbr_openlist = 0  " Show lists elements
let R_objbr_allnames = 0  " Show hidden objects

Objects whose names start with a "." are hidden by default. If you want them displayed in the Object Browser, set the value of R_objbr_allnames to 1.

When a data.frame appears in the Object Browser for the first time, its elements are immediately displayed, but the elements of a list are displayed only if it is explicitly opened. The options R_objbr_opendf and R_objbr_openlist control the initial status (either opened or closed) of, respectively, data.frames and lists. The options are ignored for data.frames and lists of libraries which are always started closed.

If you want to always start the Object Browser immediately after starting R, put in your vimrc:

let R_objbr_auto_start = 1

Vim as pager for R

Quick setup

If you do not want to see R examples in a Vim buffer, put in your vimrc:

let R_open_example = 0

If you do not want to see R documentation in a Vim buffer, put in your vimrc:

let R_nvimpager = 'no'

This option can only be set to "no" in the vimrc. It will be automatically changed to a suitable value if it is set to "no" after Vim startup.

If you want to see R documentation in Vim, but are not satisfied with the way it works, please, read the subsection below.

Details and other options

The plugin key bindings will remain active in the documentation buffer, and, thus, you will be able to send commands to R as you do while editing an R script. You can, for example, use <LocalLeader>rh to jump to another R help document.

The valid values of R_nvimpager are:

  • vertical : Split the window vertically if the editor width is large enough; otherwise, split the window horizontally and attempt to set the window height to at least 20 lines. This is the default.

  • tab : Show the help document in a new tab. If there is already a tab with an R help document tab, use it. This is the default if R_external_term = 1.

  • horizontal: Split the window horizontally.

  • tabnew : Show the help document in a new tab.

  • no : Do not show R documentation in Vim.

The window will be considered large enough if it has more columns than R_editor_w + R_help_w. These variables control the minimum width of the editor window and the help window, and their default values are, respectively, 66 and 46. Thus, if you want to have more control over Vim's behavior while opening R's documentations, you will want to set different values to some variables in your vimrc, as in the example:

let R_editor_w = 80
let R_editor_h = 60

Unless the value of R_nvimpager is tabnew, the buffer name will always be R_doc to force the reuse of the window when users jump from one help page to another.

R path and application names

Vim will run the first R executable in the path. You can set an alternative path to R in your vimrc as in the examples:

let R_path = '/path/to/my/preferred/R/version/bin'
let R_path = "C:\\Program Files\\R\\R-3.3.1\\bin\\x64"

On Windows, Vim will try to find the R install path in the Windows Registry.

You can set the path to a different R version for specific R scripts in your vimrc. Example:

autocmd BufReadPre ~/old* let R_path='~/app/R-4.0.0/bin'

The R_path variable can also be prefixed to the PATH environment variable. So, it can include more than one directory separated by a ; on Windows or a : on other systems. This is specially important to include the path to RTools bin directories on Windows. Example:

let R_path = 'C:\rtools40\mingw64\bin;C:\rtools40\usr\bin;C:\Program Files\R\R-4.0.1\bin\x64'

By default R_cmd is "R" (but it might be the same as R_app) and will be used to run some scripts in the background, such as:

R CMD build nvimcom
R CMD install nvimcom
R CMD BATCH current_script.R

If it is necessary to call a different application to run the above commands in your system, you should set the value of R_cmd in your vimrc.

By default the value of R_app is "R" on Unix systems (such as Linux and Mac OS X). On Windows, it is Rterm.exe if R is going to run in a Vim buffer and "Rgui.exe" otherwise. Nvim-R cannot send messages to Rterm.exe in an external cmd window. If your R binary has a different name (for example, if it is called by a custom script), you should set the value of R_app in your vimrc (and, perhaps, R_cmd too). Example:

let R_app = 'radian'
let R_cmd = 'R'

Arguments to R~

Set this option in your vimrc if you want to pass command line arguments to R at the startup. The value of this variable must be a List. Example:

let R_args = ['--no-save', '--quiet']

On Linux, there is no default value for R_args. On Windows, the default value is ['--sdi'], but you may change it to ['--mdi'] if you do not like the SDI style of the graphical user interface.

Omni completion and syntax highlighting

The list of functions to be highlighted and the list of objects for omni completion are built dynamically as the libraries are loaded by R. If R is running, only the names of objects in .GlobalEnv and in loaded libraries are completed. If R is not running, only objects of libraries listed in R_start_libs and as the first argument of either library() and require() commands in the current buffer will have their names completed. However, you can set the value of R_start_libs if you want that the functions and objects of specific packages are respectively highlighted and available for omni completion even if R is not running yet. By default, only the functions of vanilla R are always highlighted. Below is the default value of R_start_libs:

let R_start_libs = 'base,stats,graphics,grDevices,utils,methods'


By default, the R commands in .Rout files are highlighted with the color of comments, and only the output of commands has some of its elements highlighted (numbers, strings, index of vectors, warnings and errors).

If you prefer that R commands in the R output are highlighted as they are in R scripts, put the following in your vimrc:

let Rout_more_colors = 1

When syntax highlighting .Rout files, Nvim-R considers "> " as the prompt string and "+ " as the continuation string. If you have defined different prompt and continuation strings in your ~/.Rprofile, Nvim-R will try to get them from R, but if they include special characters, you may have to define them in your vimrc too to avoid errors and get them properly highlighted. For example, if you have in your ~/.Rprofile

options(prompt = '\u1b[34m»\u1b[0m ') 

you should put in your vimrc:

let Rout_prompt_str = '»'


By default, Nvim-R highlights the names of R functions even if they are not followed by a parenthesis. If you prefer to highlight R functions only if the ( is typed, put in your vimrc:

let R_hi_fun_paren = 1


  • The syntax highlighting is slower when R_hi_fun_paren is 1, and, depending on your system configuration, the slowness might be noticeable.

  • If you have too many loaded packages Vim may be unable to load the list of functions for syntax highlight.

  • Nvim-R does not control the syntax highlighting of functions when nvim-treesitter is enabled to highlight code on Neovim.

By default, functions from .GlobalEnv and other environments in the search() path whose names do not start with "package:" are immediately highlighted after being created in the R workspace if R_set_omnifunc is not empty, the Object Browser is open, or cmp-nvim-r is installed.

Functions from environments in the search path are highlighted as functions from packages, but in Neovim (not in Vim) you can set a different highlight command for them in your vimrc, as in the example below:

hi rGlobEnvFun ctermfg=117 guifg=#87d7ff cterm=italic gui=italic


If you prefer to completely disable the syntax highlighting of R functions by Nvim-R put in your vimrc:

let R_hi_fun = 0

How to automatically open the .Rout file

After the command <LocalLeader>ao, Vim will save the current buffer if it has any pending changes, run R CMD BATCH --no-restore --no-save on the current file and show the resulting .Rout file in a new tab. If you prefer that the file is open in a new split window, put in your vimrc:

let R_routnotab = 1

Tmux configuration (Linux/Unix only)

If Vim is running R in an external terminal emulator, R will run in a Tmux session with a specially built Tmux configuration file. If you want to use your own ~/.tmux.conf, put in your vimrc:

let R_notmuxconf = 1

If you opted for using your own configuration file, the plugin will write a minimum configuration which will set the value of four environment variables required for the communication with R and then source your own configuration file (~/.tmux.conf).

Control of R window

When starting R, Vim's buffer is split vertically if its width is larger than:

R_min_editor_width + R_rconsole_width + 1 + (&number * &numberwidth)

That is, if it is large enough to guarantee that both the script and the R windows will have at least the desired number of columns even if 'number' is set. The default value of both R_min_editor_width and R_rconsole_width is 80. If you prefer the window is always split vertically, set these two options with lower values in your vimrc. Example:

let R_rconsole_width = 57
let R_min_editor_width = 18

You can also set a R_rconsole_width relative to current Vim window width. For example, if you want to split the available horizontal space evenly between Vim and R, put in your vimrc:

let R_rconsole_width = winwidth(0) / 2
autocmd VimResized * let R_rconsole_width = winwidth(0) / 2

If you always prefer a horizontal split, set the value of R_rconsole_width to 0:

let R_rconsole_width = 0

For a horizontal split, you can set the number of lines of the R window:

let R_rconsole_height = 15

You should set 'nosplitright' if you wanted the R Console on the left side, and 'nosplitbelow' if you wanted it above the R script.

Note: If running R in a Neovim buffer, the number of lines and columns will automatically change if you switch between horizontal and vertical splits (see CTRL-W_K and CTRL-W_H). You may request Neovim to try to keep the minimum width and height of a specific window by setting the options 'winwidth' and 'winheight'. So, if the window is split horizontally and you want a small R Console window, you should set a large value for 'winheight' in the script window.

Integration with (OS X only) and RStudio

If you are on Mac OS X and want to use the graphical application, put in your vimrc:

let R_external_term = 1
let R_applescript = 1

If you want to run RStudio instead of R set in your vimrc the value of RStudio_cmd to the complete path of the RStudio_cmd binary. Example:

let R_external_term = 1
let RStudio_cmd = 'C:\Program Files\RStudio\bin\rstudio'

Note: You must manually run a successful comand in RStudio Console before sending code from Vim to RStudio. The command might be something as simple as the number 1.

Special R functions

The R function args() lists the arguments of a function, but not the arguments of its methods. If you want that the plugin calls the function nvim.list.args() after <LocalLeader>ra, you have to add to your vimrc:

let R_listmethods = 1

By default, R makes a scatter plot of numeric vectors. The function nvim.plot() do both a histogram and a box plot. The function can be called by the plugin after <LocalLeader>rg if you put the following line in your vimrc:

let R_specialplot = 1

Control how paragraphs and lines are sent

By default, when you press <LocalLeader>pp Nvim-R sends all contiguous lines to R, that is all lines above and below the current one that are not separated by an empty line. If you prefer that only lines from the cursor position to the end of the paragraph are sent, put in your vimrc:

let R_paragraph_begin = 0

If a line has an opening parenthesis, all lines up to the closing parenthesis are sent to R when you send a line of code to R. If you prefer to send the lines one by one, put in your vimrc:

let R_parenblock = 0

Bracketed paste mode will bracket R code in special escape sequences when it is being sent to R so that R can tell the differences between stuff that you type directly to the console and stuff that you send. It is particularly useful when you are using a version of R which is compiled against readline 7.0+ or when rice console is used. To enable it, put in your vimrc:

let R_bracketed_paste = 1

Some versions of R's console interpret <C-L> as a command to clear the console while others have no command to clear the console. You should set the value of R_clear_console as 0 if you see ^L printed in the R's console after <LocalLeader>rm:

let R_clear_console = 0

Arguments to R source() function

When you send multiple lines of code to R (a selection of lines, a paragraph, code between two marks or an R chunk of code), Nvim-R saves the lines in a temporary file and, then, sends to R a command which calls base::source() to run the commands from the temporary file.

By default, R's source() is called with the arguments print.eval=TRUE and spaced=FALSE. The argument local=parent.frame() is passed to source() too because it is run inside another function. But you can either add or change the arguments passed to it. Examples:

let R_source_args = 'echo = TRUE'
let R_source_args = 'print.eval = FALSE, echo = TRUE, spaced = TRUE'

The option R_commented_lines was dropped because it unduly removed lines from multi-line raw strings if they included a hashtag. See:

LaTeX options

To produce a pdf document from the .tex file generated by either Sweave() or knit() command, Nvim-R calls:

latexmk -pdf -pdflatex="xelatex %O -file-line-error -interaction=nonstopmode -synctex=1 %S"

If xelatex is not installed, it will be replaced with pdflatex in the above command. If latexmk is not installed, Nvim-R will call either xelatex or pdflatex directly.

You can set the value R_latexcmd to change this behavior. R_latexcmd is a list: its first element is the command to be executed and the remaining elements are arguments to be passed to the command. Examples:

let R_latexcmd = ['pdflatex']
let R_latexcmd = ['xelatex']
let R_latexcmd = ['latexmk', '-pdf', '-pdflatex="xelatex %O -synctex=1 %S"']

The elements of R_latexcmd may contain double quotes (as in the last example above), but not single quotes, because Nvim-R will use single quotes to separate them in an R's c() command.

If you want to pass arguments to the Sweave() function, set the value of the R_sweaveargs variable.

If the value of R_texerr is 1, nvmimcom will output to R Console LaTeX errors and warnings produced by the compilation of the .tex document into .pdf. So, you do not have to scroll the R Console seeking for these messages. However, if Nvim-R cannot not find the LaTeX log file because it is not saved in the same directory as the Rnoweb, you should set the value of R_latex_build_dir. Example:

let R_latex_build_dir = 'build'

See also R_bib_compl.

Render options

When rendering an Rmd file, the code can be evaluated (and saved) in a specified environment. The default value is .GlobalEnv which makes the objects stored in the Rmd file available on the R console. If you do not want the objects stored in the Rmd file to be available in the global environment, you can set

let R_rmd_environment = 'new.env()'

Other options to be passed to rmarkdown::render() might be defined with R_rmarkdown_args, as in the example:

let R_rmarkdown_args = 'output_dir = "output", clean = FALSE'

Quarto's render and preview options

If you want to send the commands quarto::quarto_render() and quarto::quarto_preview() to R with additional arguments, you should define the values of R_quarto_render_args and R_quarto_preview_args in your vimrc, as in the examples:

let R_quarto_render_args = ', pandoc_args = c("-F", "")'
let R_quarto_preview_args = ', browse = FALSE'

Never unmake the R menu

Use this option if you want that the "R" menu item in GVim is not deleted when you change from one buffer to another, for example, when going from a .R file to a .txt one:

let R_never_unmake_menu = 1

When this option is enabled all menu items are created regardless of the file type.

Clear R Console line before sending commands

When one types <C-a> in the R Console the cursor goes to the beginning of the line and when one types <C-k> the characters to the right of the cursor are deleted. This is useful to avoid characters left on the R Console being mixed with commands sent by Vim. Nvim-R will add <C-a><C-k> to every command if you put in your vimrc:

let R_clear_line = 1

Nvim-R reads your ~/.inputrc and, if it finds the string "set editing-mode vi" it will send to R 0Da instead of <C-a><C-k>. If Nvim-R fails to detect that R is running in vi editing mode, you have to put this line in your vimrc:

let R_editing_mode = "vi"

This might produce a beep when sending commands, and you may want to disable the audible bell only for R by putting in your ~/.inputrc:

$if R
    set bell-style none
    set bell-style audible

Note: You can't control the bell on Windows; it is hardcoded to run in Rterm and to not run in Rgui.

Open PDF after processing quarto, rnoweb, rmd or rrst files~

The plugin can automatically open the pdf file generated by pdflatex, after either Sweave() or knit(). This behavior is controlled by the variable R_openpdf whose value may be 0 (do not open the pdf), 1 (open only the first time that pdflatex is called) or a number higher than 1 (always open the pdf). For example, if you want that the pdf application is started automatically but do not want the terminal (or GVim) losing focus every time that you generate the pdf, you should put in put in your vimrc:

let R_openpdf = 1

If you use Linux or other Unix and eventually use the system console (without the X server) you may want to put in your vimrc:

if $DISPLAY == "" && $WAYLAND_DISPLAY == ""
    let R_openpdf = 0

The default value of R_openpdf is 1 on Mac OS X and 2 on Windows. On Linux, it is 2 on the X Server and on Sway Window Manager and 1 on other Wayland compositors.

On Windows, Nvim-R will call Sumatra to open the PDF, and, on Mac OS X, it will call Skim. On Linux, you can change the value of R_pdfviewer in your vimrc to define what PDF viewer will be called. Valid values are "zathura" (default, and the one best integrated with Nvim-R), "evince" and "okular".

On Linux, if running on the X server (not on Wayland), the application wmctrl is required to raise both the PDF viewer and Vim windows. If using Gnome Shell on Wayland, the extension "Activate Window By Title" is required (

If editing an Rmd file, you can produce the html result with <LocalLeader>kr or <LocalLeader>kh (it may also work with other file types). The html file will be automatically opened if you put the following in your vimrc:

let R_openhtml = 1

The meanings of different values of R_openhtml are:

0: Never open the html.

1: Always open the html.

The browser application called by Nvim-R is whatever is returned by the R command getOption("browser"), unless it is NULL. In this case, Nvim-R will call open on both Windows and Mac OS X, and xdg-open on Linux.

Most browser will open a new tab each time they are called instead of refreshing a document that is already open. If you rather prefer that Nvim-R never tries to open the web browser, put in your vimrc:

let R_openhtml = 0

For Quarto documents, the available key bindings are <LocalLeader>qr (render document), <LocalLeader>qp (preview document), and <LocalLeader>qs (stop previewing). The command <LocalLeader>kr achieves basically the same result of <LocalLeader>kr. The difference is that the generated document is open after <LocalLeader>kr, and <LocalLeader>qr allows Quarto specific options (see R_quarto_render_args).

Support to RreStructuredText file

By default, Nvim-R sends the command render_rst(strict=TRUE) to R before using R's knit() function to convert an Rrst file into an rst one. If you prefer the non strict rst code, put the following in your vimrc:

let R_strict_rst = 0

You can also set the value of R_rst2pdfpath (the path to rst2pdf application), R_rrstcompiler (the compiler argument to be passed to R function knit2pdf), and R_rst2pdfargs (further arguments to be passed to R function knit2pdf).

Allow R commands in insert mode

Nvim-R commands are enabled for Normal mode, but most of them can also be enabled in Insert mode. However, depending on your <LocalLeader>, this can make it very difficult to write R packages or Sweave files. For example, if <LocalLeader> is set to the \ character, typing \dQuote in a .Rd file tries to send the command!

If you want to enable commands in Insert mode, add the following to your vimrc:

let R_insert_mode_cmds = 1

Show/remove hidden objects

Hidden objects are removed from R workspace when you do <LocalLeader>rm. If you prefer to remove only visible objects, put in your vimrc:

let g:R_rmhidden = 0

After removing the objects, Nvim-R will also send CTRL-L to the R Console to clear the screen. If you have set vi mode in your ~/.inputrc you might also want to set CTRL-L to clear the screen, as explained at

Source additional scripts

This variable should contain a comma separated list of Vim scripts to be sourced by Nvim-R. These scripts may provide additional functionality and/or change the behavior of Nvim-R. If you have such scripts, put in your vimrc:

let R_source = '~/path/to/MyScript.vim,/path/to/AnotherScript.vim'

Currently, there is only one script known to extend Nvim-R features - support for the devtools R package:

Completion of non R code


The omni completion of bibliographic data from bib files requires Python 3 and the PyBTeX library for Python 3.

For Rnoweb documents, omni completion of citation keys gathers data from .bib files in the same directory of the current Rnoweb document, and the completion works only if a pattern similar to "\cite{" precedes the cursor (see R_cite_pattern). Some of the most commonly used LaTeX commands are also completed. The completion of the argument for both \ref{} and \pageref{} includes both the label of R chunks where the option fig.cap was found prefixed with fig: and the string attributed to the argument label in the R code, but only if they begin with the substring "tab:".

If the reference includes the field "file", you can open this file by typing <LocalLeader>od in Normal mode with the cursor over the citation key.

Rmarkdown and Quarto

For either RMarkdown or Quarto documents it is recommended to install zotcite and cmp-zotcite for completing citation keys directly from Zotero database.

If zotcite is not installed, Nvim-R will do omni completion of bibliographic citation keys from .bib files, requiring Python 3 and the PyBTeX library for Python 3 to work. Then, Nvim-R will look for bibliographic data in any .bib file listed in the bibliography field of the YAML header. If the bibliography field is not defined, it will use all .bib files that are in the same directory of the RMarkdown document as bibliography sources. The list of .bib files is updated whenever the buffer is saved.

If the reference includes the field "file", you can open this file by typing <LocalLeader>od in Normal mode with the cursor over the citation key.

If you include Python chunks in your Rmd document, you should put the lines below in your vimrc to get them highlighted:

let g:markdown_fenced_languages = ['r', 'python']
let g:rmd_fenced_languages = ['r', 'python']

Lines of Python code are sent to R Console as arguments to reticulate::py_run_string()

How to disable

To disable the completion of non R code in Rmd and Rnoweb files, and use the omni completion provided by another plugin, put in your vimrc:

let R_non_r_compl = 0

Then, Nvim-R may use another function to complete non R code, such as the ones from vim-pandoc or LaTeX-Box

If you want a different function for completion of non R code, you should not set the value 'omnifunc' in your vimrc because you would lose the completion of R objects. It is better to use an autocmd to set the value of the buffer the variable b:rplugin_non_r_omnifunc. Example:

autocmd FileType rmd let b:rplugin_non_r_omnifunc = "pandoc#completion#Complete"

Note: On Windows, Nvim-R's bibliographic completion works only with ascii letters. See also R_bib_compl.

Time to wait for nvimcom loading

Nvim-R asynchronously waits 60 seconds for the nvimcom package to be loaded during R startup. If 60 seconds are not enough to your R startup, then set a higher value for the variable in your vimrc. Example:

let R_wait = 100

Time to wait for R reply

By default Nvim-R waits 2 seconds for R to reply after a request for omni completion is issued. You can set the amount of time Nvim-R waits (in seconds) in your vimrc. Example:

let R_wait_reply = 5

Start R in working directory of Vim

When you are editing an R file (.R, .Rnw, .Rd, .Rmd, .Rrst, or .qmd) and start R, the R package nvimcom runs the command setwd() with the directory of the file being edited as argument, that is, the R working directory becomes the same directory of the R file. If you want R's working directory to be the same as Vim's working directory, put in your vimrc:

let R_nvim_wd = 1

This option is useful only for those who did not enable 'autochdir'.

If you prefer that Nvim-R does not set the working directory in any way, put in vimrc:

let R_nvim_wd = -1

Commands to be executed after either R startup or Object Browser opening

If you want the execution of Vim, R, or external commands right after R startup, set the value of R_after_start in your vimrc. The R_after_start variable must be a list of strings. Strings representing Vim commands must start with :, R commands must be prefixed with R:, and external commands must be prefixed with !.

You can put commands in your ~/.Rprofile that will be run only if R was started by Nvim-R as in the example below:

if (Sys.getenv("NVIMR_TMPDIR") == "")
  cat("~/Rprofile: R was called by Nvim-R\n", file = stderr())

However, if for any reason you ~/.Rprofile is not being sourced, you can include in R_after_start R commands that should be executed during R startup (more precisely, during nvimcom loading). Example:

let R_after_start = ['R: cat("R_after_start: R was called by Nvim-R\n", file = stderr())']

Note: The loading of nvimcom will fail if the command to be executed is invalid. In the example above, we have had to use \n to indicate a new line.

For an example of Vim command, if you want that the R script window is hidden right after R startup, put in your vimrc:

let R_after_start = [':hide']

Nvim-R stores the environment variable $WINDOWID of the terminal where R is running as $RCONSOLE. Thus, if you are running R in a external terminal emulator on the X server (not on Wayland) on Linux, ~/bin is in your path, and you want to resize and change the positions of the terminals containing Vim and R, you may create a script ~/bin/after_R_start similar to the following:

   wmctrl -i -r $RCONSOLE -e 0,0,200,1200,800
   wmctrl -i -r $WINDOWID -e 0,300,40,1200,800
   wmctrl -i -r $WINDOWID -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz

Then, make the script executable, and put in your vimrc:

let R_external_term = 1 let R_after_start = ['!after_R_start'] 

Similarly, on Mac OS X, the script below (developed by songcai) will bring the focus to Vim terminal window:

#!/usr/bin/env osascript

--Raise the Terminal window containing name ".R".
tell application "Terminal"
  set index of window 1 where name contains ".R" to 1
  delay 0.05
  activate window 1
end tell

--Click the title bar of the raised window to bring focus to it.
tell application "System Events"
  tell process "Terminal"
    click menu item (name of window 1) of menu of menu bar item "Window" of menu bar 1
  end tell
end tell

If you want that Nvim-R executes Vim commands right after the Object Browser is open, set the value of R_after_ob_open as a list of commands. Example:

let R_after_ob_open = [':tabnew %']

Support for debugging functions

Put the line below in your vimrc if do not want that the cursor jumps to the line being debugged (when by browser() is run). Highlighting of the line being debugged will also be disabled.

let R_debug = 0

Nvim-R puts the cursor in the R Console when the debugging starts. If you do not want this, put this in your vimrc:

let R_dbg_jump = 0

The highlighted line incrementally moves down the buffer with code execution and with long scripts it may stay at the bottom of the window as you debug. You can hold the highlighted line in the middle of the window with

let R_debug_center = 1

Disable Nvim-R commands

The Nvim-R sets many default key bindings. The user can set custom key bindings (Nvim-R-key-bindings). If you wish Nvim-R to only use those key-bindings specified by the user, put in your vimrc:

let R_user_maps_only = 1

If you want to disable only some of Nvim-R commands, create a Vim list with their key bindings names in your vimrc. The complete list of key bindings names is shown at the Custom key bindings section (Nvim-R-key-bindings). Below is an example on how to disable the commands that sends setwd() and dput() to R Console:

let R_disable_cmds = ['RSetwd', 'RDputObj']

If you want to disable Nvim-R for a specific file type, create the variable R_filetypes with a list of file types that should be supported. Example:

let R_filetypes = ['r', 'rmd', 'rrst', 'rnoweb', 'quarto', 'rhelp']

If the variable R_filetypes does not exist, all file types from the above list will be supported.

Temporary files directories

You can change the directories where temporary files are created and stored by setting in your vimrc the values of R_tmpdir and R_compldir, as in the example below:

let R_tmpdir = '/dev/shm/R_tmp_dir'
let R_compldir = '~/.cache/Nvim-R'

The default paths of these directories depend on the operating system. If you want to know what they are, while editing an R file, do in Normal mode:

:echo g:rplugin.tmpdir
:echo g:rplugin.compldir

Omni completion

There are two ways of getting automatic completion of R objects names while you type: using Nvim-R's built-in completion system (as a source for nvim-cmp) and using a language server. See:

The advantage of Nvim-R's built-in system is the ability to complete objects of the R's workspace (.GlobalEnv), including column names of data.frames.

Note: If you are using the languageserver package, you should disable its omni completion feature in your ~/.Rprofile to get completions from cmp-nvim-r:

options(languageserver.server_capabilities =
       list(completionProvider = FALSE,
            completionItemResolve = FALSE))

If you prefer to get completions from the language server, cmp-nvim-r should not be installed, and you should set both R_set_omnifunc as an empty list in your vimrc:

let R_set_omnifunc = []
let R_auto_omni = []

If cmp-nvim-r is not installed, you still can define in your vimrc the list of file types supported by Nvim-R that should have the traditional Vim's omni completion enabled. Example:

let R_set_omnifunc = ["r",  "rmd", "quarto", "rnoweb", "rhelp", "rrst"]

While completing function arguments, Nvim-R may include column names from the data.frame passed as the first argument, and you may set in your vimrc the list of functions that might benefit from this kind of completion. The example below sets R_fun_data_1 to its default value:

let R_fun_data_1 = ['select', 'rename', 'mutate', 'filter']

Nvim-R can also include column names from a data.frame passed as the first argument of the parent function. For example, if you were typing

with(my_data_frame, lm(

and, then, trigger omni completion, the column names of my_data_frame would be included in the completion menu. By default, only the function aes (if passed as argument for ggplot) and the functions lm, glm or lmer (if passed as argument for with) will have column names of the first argument of the parent function included in the completion menu. You have to set the value of R_fun_data_2 in your vimrc to include more functions. R_fun_data_2 is a dictionary with parent functions as keys. The value of each key is a list of functions that are expected to be nested in the parent function. If the name of the nested function is *, it will match any name. Example:

let R_fun_data_2 = {'ggplot': ['aes'], 'with': ['*']}

Note: The algorithm for finding the first argument of the parent function is very simple and would wrongly recognize data as the name of the data.frame in the following code:

ggplot(data = my_data_frame, mapping = aes(

Nvim-R receives the list of objects for omni completion from the nvimrserver job running in the background. If the list is too big to be transmitted through nvimrserver's stdout, the completion is aborted.

If editing Quarto documents, Nvim-R will try to find the file yaml-intelligence-resources.json which is part of quarto application and has all necessary information for completion of valid YAML options in an Quarto document. If Nvim-R fails to find the file, you can set the value of R_quarto_intel in your vimrc. Example:

let R_quarto_intel = '~/Downloads/quarto-1.1.251/share/editor/tools/yaml/yaml-intelligence-resources.json'

Omni completion in Rnoweb files will include results from bib files entries (requiring Python 3 and python3-pybtex): required for omni completion of citation keys (following R_cite_pattern) in Rnoweb documents.

let R_bib_compl = ['rnoweb', 'rmd', 'quarto']

However, there are many alternative plugins for completing bib keys that work better than Nvim-R. Examples:

Options for accessing Remote R from local Vim

See Remote Access.

View a data.frame or matrix

You can see data.frames and matrices in external applications with <LocalLeader>rv. By default, Nvim-R will generate a tsv file from the data.frame or matrix and display it in a new tab. But you can change this by setting the value of R_csv_app which must be a string.

If R_csv_app begins with "terminal:", Nvim-R will open a new tab with the application running in a terminal emulator. For example, if you want to use Visidata to see tabular data, put in your vimrc:

let R_csv_app = 'terminal:vd'

If you are running Vim within Tmux, you may prefer:

let R_csv_app = 'tmux new-window vd'

If R_csv_app begins with ":", Nvim-R will append the name of the tsv file and :execute the command. Example:

let R_csv_app = ':vsplit'

You may also include "%s" in R_csv_app to indicate the position of the tsv file name in the command to be executed. Example using the toggleterm.nvim plugin which requires the whole command within quotes:

let R_csv_app = ':TermExec cmd="vd %s"'

You may also try to see the table in a graphical viewer such as LibreOffice Calc:

let R_csv_app = 'localc'
let R_csv_app = 'c:/Program Files (x86)/LibreOffice 4/program/scalc.exe'

On Windows, R_csv_app works only in GVim, not in Neovim.

If the default field delimiter causes problems in your case, you can change it in your vimrc. Valid values are "\t", ";" and ",". Example:

let R_csv_delim = ','

There is also the option of configuring Nvim-R to run an R command to display the data. Examples:

let R_df_viewer = "relimp::showData(%s, font = 'Courier 14')"

The value of R_df_viewer is a string and the substring %s is replaced by the name of the object under the cursor.

SyncTeX support

SyncTeX is a communication system used by some PDF viewers and by some text editors which allow users to jump from a specific line in the text editor to the corresponding line in the PDF viewer and vice-versa. Nvim-R has support for SyncTeX in five applications:

Linux: Zathura, Evince and Okular OS X: Skim Windows: SumatraPDF

On Linux, if running on the X server (not on Wayland), the application wmctrl is required to raise both the PDF viewer and Vim windows.

To completely disable SyncTeX support, put in your vimrc:

let R_synctex = 0

You do not have to do anything special in your Rnoweb document, if you are using the knitr package, and are editing single file Rnoweb documents. Otherwise, keep reading...

If you use Sweave() rather than knit(), you must put in your Rnoweb document:


If you work with a master document and child subdocuments, each child subdocument (TeX and Rnoweb alike) should include the following line:

% !Rnw root = master.Rnw

where master.Rnw must be replaced with the name of the actual master document.

Note: The knitr package ( as of version 1.7) had at least two limitations:

  • It had no SyncTeX support for child documents. The correspondence data point to lines right below child chunks in the master document and not to somewhere in the child documents themselves. See:

  • It only started registering the concordance after the first chunk. So, it is recommended that you put the first chunk of R code just after the \begin{document} command.


If running Gnome Shell on Wayland, you have to install the extension "Activate Window by Title" and set the title of your terminal emulator in your vimrc in order to have the terminal window raised on SyncTeX backward events. Example:

let R_term_title = 'Terminal'