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understanding config files

cardano-node-wiki edited this page Apr 3, 2024 · 7 revisions

Understanding configuration files and how to use them

The topology.json file

This file tells your node which nodes in the network it should talk to. A minimal version of this file looks as follows:

  "Producers": [
      "addr": "x.x.x.x",
      "port": 3001,
      "valency": 1
  • This means that your node will contact the node at IP x.x.x.x on port 3001.

  • valency defines the number of active (hot) outgoing connections to different resolved IP addresses that your node should maintain when a DNS address is specified. The valency setting has no impact when setting an IP address, except when using 0 to disable the connection.

Your block-producing node must ONLY talk to your relay nodes, and the relay nodes should talk to other relay nodes in the network. See this topology to find out the IP addresses and ports of peers. The topology.json found at this link is updated once a week.

The P2P topology.json file

The P2P topology file specifies how to obtain the root peers.

  • The term local roots refers to a group of peer nodes with which a node will aim to maintain a specific number of active, or 'hot' connections. These hot connections are those that play an active role in the consensus algorithm. Conversely, 'warm' connections refer to those not yet actively participating in the consensus algorithm. Local roots should comprise local relays or a local block-producing node, and any other peers that the node needs to maintain a connection with. These connections are typically kept private.

  • public roots: publicly known nodes (e.g. IOG relays, or ledger nodes). They are either read from the configuration file directly or from the chain. The configured ones will be used to pass a recent snapshot of peers needed before the node caches up with the recent enough chain to construct root peers by itself.

The node does not guarantee a connection with every public root, unlike local ones. However, by being present in the set, it gets an opportunity to establish an outbound connection with that peer.

A minimal version of this file looks like this:

  "localRoots": [
      { "accessPoints": [
              "address": "x.x.x.x",
              "port": 3001
        "advertise": false,
        "valency": 1,
        "warmValency": 2,
        "trustable": true
  "publicRoots": [
    { "accessPoints": [
          "address": "y.y.y.y",
          "port": 3002
      "advertise": false
  "useLedgerAfterSlot": 0,
  "bootstrapPeers": [
      "address": "z.z.z.z",
      "port": 3003
  • The main difference between LocalRoots and PublicRoots is the ability to specify various groups with varying valencies in the former. This can be valuable for informing your node about different targets within a group to achieve. LocalRoots is designed for peers that the node should always keep as hot or warm, such as its own block producer. On the other hand, PublicRoots serves as a source of fallback peers, to be used if we are before the configured useLedgerAfterSlot slot.

  • This means that your node will initiate contact with the node at IP x.x.x.x on port 3001 and resolve the DNS domain y.y.y.y (provided it exists). It will then make efforts to establish a connection with at least one of the resolved IPs.

  • hotValency tells the node the number of connections it should attempt to select from the specified group. When a DNS address is provided, valency determines the count of resolved IP addresses for which the node should maintain an active (hot) connection. Note: one can also use the deprecated now valency field for hotValency.

  • warmValency is an optional field, similar to hotValency, that informs the node about the number of peers it should maintain as warm. This field is optional and defaults to the value set in the valency or hotValency field. If a value is specified for warmValency, it should be greater than or equal to the one defined in hotValency; otherwise, or hotValency will be adjusted to match this value. We recommend users set the warmValency value to hotValency + 1 to ensure at least one backup peer is available to be promoted to a hot connection in case of unexpected events. Check this issue for more context on this WarmValency option.
  • Local root groups shall be non-overlapping.

  • The advertise parameter instructs a node about the acceptability of sharing its address through peer sharing (which we'll explain in more detail in a subsequent section). In essence, if a node has activated peer sharing, it can receive requests from other nodes seeking peers. However, it will only disclose those peers for which it has both local and remote permissions.

    Local permission corresponds to the value of the advertise parameter. On the other hand, 'remote permission' is tied to the PeerSharing value associated with the remote address, which is ascertained after the initial handshake between nodes.

  • Local roots should not be greater than the TargetNumberOfKnownPeers. If they are, they will get clamped to the limit.

  • For trustablePeers and bootstrapPeers read the next section.

Your block-producing node must ONLY talk to your relay nodes, and the relay node should talk to other relay nodes in the network.

You have the option to notify the node of any changes to the topology configuration file by sending a SIGHUP signal to the cardano-node process. This can be done, for example, with the command pkill -HUP cardano-node. Upon receiving the signal, the cardano-node will re-read the configuration file and restart all DNS resolutions.

Please be aware that this procedure is specific to the topology configuration file, not the node configuration file. Additionally, the SIGHUP signal will prompt the system to re-read the block forging credentials file paths and attempt to fetch them to initiate block forging. If this process fails, block forging will be disabled. To re-enable block forging, ensure that the necessary files are present.

You can disable ledger peers by setting the useLedgerAfterSlot to a negative value.

Genesis lite a.k.a Bootstrap Peers

Bootstrap Peers is a pre-Genesis feature that means to provide a way for a node to connect to a trustable set of peers when the its chain falls behind.

Bootstrap peers can be disabled by setting bootstrapPeers: null. They are enabled by providing a list of addresses. By default bootstrap peers are disabled.

Trustable peers are composed by the bootstrap peers (see bootstrapPeers option in the example topology file above) and the trustable local root peers (see trustable option in the example topology file above). By default local root peers are not trustable.

In order for the node to be able to start and make progress, when bootstrap peers are enabled, the user must provide a trustable source of peers via topology file. This means that the node will only start if either the bootstrap peers list is non-empty or there's a local root group that is trustable. Failing to configure the node with trustable peer sources will make it so that the node crashes with an exception. Please note that if the only source of trustable peers is a DNS name, the node might not be able to make progress once in fallback state, if DNS is not providing any addresses.

With bootstrap peers enabled the node will trace:

  • TraceLedgerStateJudgmentChanged {TooOld,YoungEnoug}: If it has changed to any of these states.

    • TooOld state means that the information the node is getting from its peers is outdated and behind at least 20 min. This means there's something wrong and that the node should only connect to trusted peers (trusted peers are bootstrap peers and trustable local root peers) in order to sync.

    • YoungEnough state means that the node is caught up and that it can now connect to non-trusted peers.

  • TraceOnlyBootstrap: Once the node transitions to TooOld the node will disconnect from all non-trusted peers and reconnect to only trusted ones in order to sync from trusted sources only. This tracing message means that the node has successfully purged all non-trusted connections and is only going to connect to trusted peers.

The genesis.json file

The genesis file is generated with the cardano-cli by reading a genesis.spec.json file, which is out of scope for this document. But it is important because it is used to set:

  • genDelegs, a mapping from genesis keys to genesis delegates
  • initialFunds, a mapping from the initial addresses to the initial values at those addresses
  • maxLovelaceSupply, the total amount of lovelaces in the blockchain
  • systemStart, the time of slot zero.

The genesis.json file looks like the one below:

  "activeSlotsCoeff": 0.05,
  "protocolParams": {
    "protocolVersion": {
      "minor": 0,
      "major": 2
    "decentralisationParam": 1,
    "eMax": 18,
    "extraEntropy": {
      "tag": "NeutralNonce"
    "maxTxSize": 16384,
    "maxBlockBodySize": 65536,
    "maxBlockHeaderSize": 1100,
    "minFeeA": 44,
    "minFeeB": 155381,
    "minUTxOValue": 1000000,
    "poolDeposit": 500000000,
    "minPoolCost": 340000000,
    "keyDeposit": 2000000,
    "nOpt": 150,
    "rho": 0.003,
    "tau": 0.20,
    "a0": 0.3
  "genDelegs": {
    "ad5463153dc3d24b9ff133e46136028bdc1edbb897f5a7cf1b37950c": {
      "delegate": "d9e5c76ad5ee778960804094a389f0b546b5c2b140a62f8ec43ea54d",
      "vrf": "64fa87e8b29a5b7bfbd6795677e3e878c505bc4a3649485d366b50abadec92d7"
    "b9547b8a57656539a8d9bc42c008e38d9c8bd9c8adbb1e73ad529497": {
      "delegate": "855d6fc1e54274e331e34478eeac8d060b0b90c1f9e8a2b01167c048",
      "vrf": "66d5167a1f426bd1adcc8bbf4b88c280d38c148d135cb41e3f5a39f948ad7fcc"
    "60baee25cbc90047e83fd01e1e57dc0b06d3d0cb150d0ab40bbfead1": {
      "delegate": "7f72a1826ae3b279782ab2bc582d0d2958de65bd86b2c4f82d8ba956",
      "vrf": "c0546d9aa5740afd569d3c2d9c412595cd60822bb6d9a4e8ce6c43d12bd0f674"
    "f7b341c14cd58fca4195a9b278cce1ef402dc0e06deb77e543cd1757": {
      "delegate": "69ae12f9e45c0c9122356c8e624b1fbbed6c22a2e3b4358cf0cb5011",
      "vrf": "6394a632af51a32768a6f12dac3485d9c0712d0b54e3f389f355385762a478f2"
    "162f94554ac8c225383a2248c245659eda870eaa82d0ef25fc7dcd82": {
      "delegate": "4485708022839a7b9b8b639a939c85ec0ed6999b5b6dc651b03c43f6",
      "vrf": "aba81e764b71006c515986bf7b37a72fbb5554f78e6775f08e384dbd572a4b32"
    "2075a095b3c844a29c24317a94a643ab8e22d54a3a3a72a420260af6": {
      "delegate": "6535db26347283990a252313a7903a45e3526ec25ddba381c071b25b",
      "vrf": "fcaca997b8105bd860876348fc2c6e68b13607f9bbd23515cd2193b555d267af"
    "268cfc0b89e910ead22e0ade91493d8212f53f3e2164b2e4bef0819b": {
      "delegate": "1d4f2e1fda43070d71bb22a5522f86943c7c18aeb4fa47a362c27e23",
      "vrf": "63ef48bc5355f3e7973100c371d6a095251c80ceb40559f4750aa7014a6fb6db"
  "updateQuorum": 5,
  "networkId": "Mainnet",
  "initialFunds": {},
  "maxLovelaceSupply": 45000000000000000,
  "networkMagic": 764824073,
  "epochLength": 432000,
  "systemStart": "2017-09-23T21:44:51Z",
  "slotsPerKESPeriod": 129600,
  "slotLength": 1,
  "maxKESEvolutions": 62,
  "securityParam": 2160

Here is a brief description of each parameter. You can learn more in the spec.

activeSlotsCoeff The proportion of slots in which blocks should be issued
poolDeposit The amount of a pool registration deposit
protocolVersion Accepted protocol versions
decentralisationParam Percentage of blocks produced by federated nodes
maxTxSize Maximum transaction size
minPoolCost Stake pools cannot register/re-register their stake cost below this value
minFeeA The linear factor for the minimum fee calculation
maxBlockBodySize Maximum block body size
minFeeB The constant factor for the minimum fee calculation
eMax Epoch bound on pool retirement
extraEntropy Well, extra entropy =)
maxBlockHeaderSize Maximum block header size
keyDeposit The amount of a key registration deposit
nOpt Desired number of pools
rho Monetary expansion
tau Treasury expansion
a0 Pool's pledge influence
networkMagic Used to identify the testnets
systemStart Time of slot 0
genDelegs Mapping from genesis keys to genesis delegate
updateQuorum Determines the quorum needed for votes on the protocol parameter updates
initialFunds Mapping address to values
maxLovelaceSupply The total number of lovelace in the system, used in the reward calculation
networkMagic To identify the testnet
epochLength Number of slots in an epoch
staking Initial delegation
slotsPerKESPeriod Number of slots in the KES period
slotLength in seconds
maxKESEvolutions The maximum number of times a KES key can be evolved before a pool operator must create a new operational certificate
securityParam Security parameter k

The config.json file

The default config.json file that we downloaded is shown below.

This file has 4 sections that allow you to have full control of what your node does and how the information is presented.

NOTE: Due to how the config.json file is generated, fields on the real file are shown in a different (less coherent) order. Here we present them in a more structured way

Basic node configuration

The first section relates the basic node configuration parameters. Make sure you have TPraosas the protocol, the correct path to the mainnet-shelley-genesis.json file, and RequiresMagicfor its use on testnet:

  "Protocol": "TPraos",
  "GenesisFile": "mainnet-shelley-genesis.json",
  "RequiresNetworkMagic": "RequiresMagic",

Update parameters

This protocol version number is used by block-producing nodes as part of the system for agreeing on and synchronizing protocol updates. You just need to be aware of the latest versions supported by the network. You don't need to change anything here:

  "LastKnownBlockVersion-Alt": 0,
  "LastKnownBlockVersion-Major": 2,
  "LastKnownBlockVersion-Minor": 0,


Tracers tell your node what information you are interested in when logging. Like switches that you can turn ON or OFF according to the type and quantity of information that you are interested in. This provides fairly coarse grained control, but it is relatively efficient at filtering out unwanted trace output:

TurnOnLogging: enables or disables logging overall.

TurnOnLogMetrics: enables the collection of various OS metrics such as memory and CPU use. These metrics can be directed to the logs or monitoring backends.

setupBackends, defaultBackends, hasEKGand hasPrometheus: the system supports a number of backends for logging and monitoring. These settings list the backends available to use in the configuration. The logging backend is called Katip. Also, enable the EKG backend if you want to use the EKG or Prometheus monitoring interfaces.

setupScribes and defaultScribes: you must set up outputs (called scribes) for the Katip logging backend. The available types of scribes are:

  • FileSK: for files
  • StdoutSK/StderrSK: for stdout/stderr
  • JournalSK: for systemd's journal system
  • DevNullSK
  • The scribe output format can be ScText or ScJson.

rotation: the default file rotation settings for Katip scribes, unless overridden in the setupScribes above for specific scribes.

"TurnOnLogging": true,
"TurnOnLogMetrics": true,
"TracingVerbosity": "NormalVerbosity",
"minSeverity": "Debug",
"TraceBlockFetchClient": false,
"TraceBlockFetchDecisions": false,
"TraceBlockFetchProtocol": false,
"TraceBlockFetchProtocolSerialised": false,
"TraceBlockFetchServer": false,
"TraceBlockchainTime": false,
"TraceChainDb": true,
"TraceChainSyncBlockServer": false,
"TraceChainSyncClient": false,
"TraceChainSyncHeaderServer": false,
"TraceChainSyncProtocol": false,
"TraceDNSResolver": true,
"TraceDNSSubscription": true,
"TraceErrorPolicy": true,
"TraceForge": true,
"TraceHandshake": false,
"TraceIpSubscription": true,
"TraceLocalChainSyncProtocol": false,
"TraceLocalErrorPolicy": true,
"TraceLocalHandshake": false,
"TraceLocalTxSubmissionProtocol": false,
"TraceLocalTxSubmissionServer": false,
"TraceMempool": true,
"TraceMux": false,
"TraceTxInbound": false,
"TraceTxOutbound": false,
"TraceTxSubmissionProtocol": false,
"setupBackends": [
"defaultBackends": [
"hasEKG": 12788,
"hasPrometheus": [
"setupScribes": [
    "scFormat": "ScText",
    "scKind": "StdoutSK",
    "scName": "stdout",
    "scRotation": null
"defaultScribes": [
"rotation": {
  "rpKeepFilesNum": 10,
  "rpLogLimitBytes": 5000000,
  "rpMaxAgeHours": 24

Fine grained logging control

It is also possible to have more fine grained control over filtering of trace output, and to match and route trace output to particular backends. This is less efficient than the coarse trace filters above but provides much more precise control. options:

mapBackends: this routes metrics matching specific names to particular backends. This overrides the defaultBackends listed above. Note that it is an override and not an extension so anything matched here will not go to the default backend, only to the explicitly listed backends.

mapSubtrace: this section is more expressive, work on its documentation is ongoing.

	  "options": {
	    "mapBackends": {
	      "cardano.node.metrics": [
	    "mapSubtrace": {
	      "cardano.node.metrics": {
	        "subtrace": "Neutral"

Peer-to-peer (P2P) parameters and tracers

To run a node in P2P mode, configure the EnableP2P setting to true, which is the default value since cardano-node-8.10, in the configuration file. Additionally, ensure you specify the topology in the new format as described above.

There are a few new tracers and configuration options that you can set (listed below by component):

Outbound governor

The outbound governor is responsible for satisfying targets of root peers, known (cold, warm and hot), established (warm and hot) and active peers (synonym for hot peers) and local root peers. The primary way to configure them is by setting the following options:

  • TargetNumberOfRootPeers (default value: 100) - a minimal number of root peers (unlike other targets this one is one-sided, eg, a node might have more root peers
  • TargetNumberOfKnownPeers (default value: 100) - a target of known peers (must be larger or equal to TargetNumberOfRootPeers)
  • TargetNumberOfEstablishedPeers (default value: 50) - a target of all established peers (including local roots, ledger peers)
  • TargetNumberOfActivePeers (default value: 20) - a target for hot peers, which engage in the consensus protocol.

Let's take note of two additional targets. In the topology file, you have the option to include local root peers. This comprises a list of peer groups, with each group having its own valency. The outbound governor ensures a connection with every local root peer and ensures that at least the specified number of them (the valency) are actively connected (hot). Consequently, the values for TargetNumberOfKnownPeers, TargetNumberOfEstablishedPeers, and TargetNumberOfActivePeers should be set sufficiently high to accommodate these local root peers.

The following traces can be enabled:

  • TracePeerSelection (by default on) - tracks the selection of upstream peers done by the outbound-governor. Warm peers are ones with which we have an open connection but don't engage in consensus protocol, hot peers are peers which engage in consensus protocol (via chain-sync, block-fetch, and tx-submission mini-protocols), cold peers are ones that we know about but the node doesn't have an established connection with. Note that the notions of hot, warm and cold are only related to usage of initiator sides of mini-protocols in a connection (which can be either inbound or outbound).
  • TracePeerSelectionCounters (by default on) - traces how many cold/warm/hot/local root peers the node has, it's also available via EKG.
  • TracePeerStateActions (by default on) - includes traces from a component, which executes peer promotion/demotions between cold/warm and hot states.
  • TracePublicRootPeers (by default off) - traces information about root/ledger peers (eg, IP addresses or DNS names of ledger peers, DNS resolution)
  • DebugPeerSelectionInitiator and DebugPeerSelectionInitiatorResponder (by default off) - debug tracers that log the information about the current state of the outbound governor.

At this point Haddock documentation of the outbound governor is available.

Peer Sharing

Peer sharing is a novel feature that provides an additional method for the outbound governor to reach its targets for known peers. With peer sharing, the node can request peer information from other nodes with which it has an established connection.

NOTE Peer sharing is a relatively new feature which is turned off by default. It is important to use big ledger peers (on by default) when enabling peer sharing.

The main method for configuring peer sharing involves setting the following option:

  • PeerSharing (a boolean value, default False)
    • False: peer sharing is disabled, which means the node won't request peer information from any other node, and will not respond to such requests from others (the mini-protocol won't even start);
    • True: peer sharing is enabled, the node may issue as well as respond to requests for peers.

When advertise: true is set in the topology file for a given local root peers group, the node can disseminate knowledge of such peers with other participants of the network through the peer-sharing mechanism. The node only sends IP addresses and port numbers through peer sharing, no additional information is shared, in particular, the node doesn't send DNS names.

Let's consider an example configuration:

  • a block-producing node (BP) has the PeerSharing: False set in its configuration file;
  • a relay node should set advertise: false for the BP in its local peer section of its topology file.

IMPORTANT When the handshake between the BP and the relay occurs, the relay will see that the BP doesn't want to participate in peer sharing. As a result, neither side will engage in peer sharing on this connection. If the BP had PeerSharing: True it could ask its relays for additional peers to connect to and up talking directly to untrusted peers

IMPORTANT Please note that if the relay set advertise: true for the BP in its topology file, it could leak the knowledge about the BP's IP address to the outside word.

For two nodes to share peers between themselves, both of them have to run with PeerSharing: True, if either of them sets it to False sharing peers will not be possible in any direction.

IMPORTANT Note that if BP connects to some other relay which doesn't have a BP entry in its local root peers, the BP's IP address might be leaked by it to the outside word, since that relay will not know that BP's IP address should not be advertised. It is recommended to setup a firewall which blocks incoming traffic to cardano-node's port apart from SPO's own relays (if one is using P2P mode on BPs and relays, one can actually block all incoming traffic, the relays will reuse the connection opened by the BP).

Inbound governor

The inbound governor is maintaining the responder side of all mini-protocols. Unlike the outbound governor, it is a purely responsive component that reacts to the actions of the remote peer (its outbound governor).

  • TraceInboundGovernor (by default on) - traces information about inbound connection, eg, we track if the remote side is using our node as warm or hot peer, traces when we restart a responder.
  • TraceInboundGovernorCounters (by default on) - traces the number of peers which use the node as cold, warm or hot (which we call remote cold, remote warm or remote hot). Note that we only know if a peer is in the remote cold state if we connect to that peer and it's not using the connection. This information is also available via EKG.
  • TraceInboundGovernorTransitions (by default on) - a debug tracer which traces transitions between remote cold, remote warm, and remote hot states.

The inbound governor is documented in The Shelley networking protocol (section 4.5).

Connection manager

The connection manager tracks the state of all TCP connections, and enforces various timeouts, for example, when the connection is not used by either of the sides. The following traces are available:

  • TraceConnectionManager (by default on) - traces information about new inbound or outbound connections, connection errors.
  • TraceConnectionManagerCounters (by default on) - traces the number of inbound, outbound, duplex (connections which negotiated P2P mode and can use a connection in full duplex mode), full duplex (connections that run mini-protocols in both directions, eg, at least warm and remote warm at the same time), unidirectional connections (connections with non-P2P nodes, or P2P nodes, which configured themselves as initiator only nodes).
  • TraceConnectionManagerTransitions (by default on) - low level traces which trace connection state changes in the connection manager state machine.

The connection manager is documented in The Shelley networking protocol (section 4).

Ledger peers

Ledger peers are the relays registered on the chain. Currently, we use a square of the stake distribution to randomly pick new ledger peers. You can enable TraceLedgerPeers (by default off) to log actions taken by this component.


The accept loop. You can enable TraceServer to log its actions or errors it encounters (by default it is off, however we suggest to turn it on) .

Please note that this version contains no breaking changes

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