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byron genesis

cardano-node-wiki edited this page Jan 12, 2024 · 2 revisions

Byron genesis data format

Please see the byron ledger spec which will describe the changes and deviations of these values in more detail while moving from the Byron era to the OBFT era.

Let's start with an example:

    "avvmDistr": {
        "0cAZzmtB2CUjlsMULb30YcBrocvK7VhQjUk--MyY2_Q=": "8333333000000",
        "zE56EfVAvv0XekVyBDGh2Iz1QT6X38YxlcBYO20hqa0=": "1773135000000"
    "blockVersionData": {
        "heavyDelThd": "300000000000",
        "maxBlockSize": "2000000",
        "maxHeaderSize": "2000000",
        "maxProposalSize": "700",
        "maxTxSize": "4096",
        "mpcThd": "20000000000000",
        "scriptVersion": 0,
        "slotDuration": "20000",
        "softforkRule": {
            "initThd": "900000000000000",
            "minThd": "600000000000000",
            "thdDecrement": "50000000000000"
        "txFeePolicy": {
            "multiplier": "43946000000",
            "summand": "155381000000000"
        "unlockStakeEpoch": "18446744073709551615",
        "updateImplicit": "10000",
        "updateProposalThd": "100000000000000",
        "updateVoteThd": "1000000000000"
    "bootStakeholders": {
        "0d916567f96b6a65d204966e6aab5fbd242e56c321833f8ba5d607da": 1,
        "4bd1884f5ce2231be8623ecf5778a9112e26514205b39ff53529e735": 1,
        "5f53e01e1366aeda8811c2a630f0e037077a7b651093d2bdc4ef7200": 1,
        "ada3ab5c69b945c33c15ca110b444aa58906bf01fcfe55d8818d9c49": 1
    "ftsSeed": "736b6f766f726f64612047677572646120626f726f64612070726f766f646120",
    "nonAvvmBalances": {},
    "protocolConsts": {
        "k": 2160,
        "protocolMagic": 60987900,
        "vssMaxTTL": 6,
        "vssMinTTL": 2
    "heavyDelegation": {
        "c6c7fb227037a1719b9d871ea49b6039325aeb293915da7db9620e3f": {
            "cert": "0f2ff9d1f071793dbd90fce8d47e96a09b594ee6dd00a4bac9664e4bd6af89830035ec921698b774c779eb1b6a2772d3d6ae37e630c06c75fbfecd02a6410a02",
            "delegatePk": "I07+5HIUW0Lkq0poMMzGziuILwxSyTJ4lMSsoQz4HZunD5Xsx3MfBZWc4l+206lUOFaU+spdJg7MkmFKBoVV0g==",
            "issuerPk": "AZzlT+pC5M4xG+GuRHJEXS+isikmVBorTqOyjRDGUQ+Lst9fn1zQn5OGKSXK29G2dn7R7JCugfcUebr0Dq7wPw==",
            "omega": 1
    "startTime": 1505621332,
    "vssCerts": {
        "0d916567f96b6a65d204966e6aab5fbd242e56c321833f8ba5d607da": {
            "expiryEpoch": 1,
            "signature": "396fe505f4287f832fd26c1eba1843a49f3d23b64d664fb3c8a2f25c8de73ce6f2f4cf37ec7fa0fee7750d1d6c55e1b07e1018ce0c6443bacdb01fb8e15f1a0f",
            "signingKey": "ohsV3RtEFD1jeOzKwNulmMRhBG2RLdFxPbcSGbkmJ+xd/2cOALSDahPlydFRjd15sH0PkPE/zTvP4iN8wJr/hA==",
            "vssKey": "WCECtpe8B/5XPefEhgg7X5veUIYH/RRcvXbz6w7MIJBwWYU="


  • What is an issuer? An issuer is a stakeholder/delegator that delegates their stake to a delegatee.


The key avvmDistr contains AVVM addresses with corresponding balances (lovelaces). People who purchased Ada at a pre-sale were issued a certificate at the Ada Voucher Vending Machine (AVVM) during the pre-sale period. AVVM addresses can be converted to Byron addresses and initially each address has this amount of ADA (as balance, not stake).


The key blockVersionData contains fundamental blockchain-related values:


heavyweight delegation threshold. The delegate (i.e stakeholder) must possess no less than this threshold of stake in order to participate in heavyweight delegation.


maximum size of block in bytes.


maximum size of block's header in bytes.


maximum size of Cardano SL update proposal in bytes.


maximum size of transaction in bytes.


threshold for participation in SSC (shared seed computation). See SSC here. This will be deprecated in the OBFT era.


Redundant. This was meant to be the version of the Plutus smart contract language however there are no smart contracts in the Byron era.


slot duration, in milliseconds.


Values defining softfork resolution rule. When the stake belonging to block issuers, issuing a given block version, is greater than the current softfork resolution threshold, this block version is adopted. The current softfork resolution threshold is determined as follows: If a proposal is confirmed at the c-th epoch, softfork resolution threshold at a later t-th epoch will be max minThd (spInitThd - (t - c) * spThdDecrement).

The proportion of ADA that these threshold values (initThd,minThd,thdDecrement) represent is calculated by dividing by 1015. This is an artifact of the old implementation as it would make more sense if the proportion was calculated by the total amount of circulating ADA which is 45 x 1015. Note that in the specification we only make use of the minThd. See here in section 6.5.4 Adoption threshold.

  • initThd - Initial threshold (right after proposal is confirmed).
  • minThd - minimal threshold (i.e. threshold can't become less than this one).
  • thdDecrement - threshold will be decreased by this value after each epoch.


Transaction fee policy represents a formula to compute the minimal allowed Fee for a transaction. Transactions with lesser fees won't be accepted. At the moment we have just one policy type (a linear Equation on the transaction size, fee = summand + multiplier * txsize), but in the future other policies may be added. - summand - multipler


This has been re-purposed for unlocking the OuroborosBFT logic in the software. Relevant: CDEC-610


Time to live for a protocol update proposal. The number of slots a proposal has to gather a majority of votes. If a majority of votes has not been reached before this period, then the proposal is rejected.


threshold for Cardano SL update proposal.


threshold for voting for Cardano SL update proposal.


The key bootStakeholders contains bootstrap era stakeholders' identifiers (StakeholderIds) with corresponding weights.


Redundant The key ftsSeed contains seed value required for Follow-the-Satoshi mechanism (hex-encoded). However this is being deprecated in the OBFT era.


The key protocolConsts contains basic protocol constants:

  • k - security parameter from the paper,
  • pm - protocol magic number
  • requiresNetworkMagic - Used to distinguish between mainnet/staging and testing.
  • vssMaxTTL - VSS certificates maximum timeout to live (number of epochs),
  • vssMinTTL - VSS certificates minimum timeout to live (number of epochs).


The key protocolMagic defines the protocol magic number. When the protocol magic is changed, all signatures become invalid. This is used to distinguish different networks.

  • pm - is the protocol magic number, is included in serialized blocks and headers, and is part of signed data. It is used for differentiating between different clusters.

  • requiresNetworkMagic - can be NMMustBeNothing,NMMustBeJust, RequiresNoMagic, or RequiresMagic. It is essentially a Boolean like flag to indicate whether we are on mainnet/staging (NMMustBeJust /RequiresMagic) or a testnet (NMMustBeNothing/RequiresNoMagic).

The protocolMagic value can either be an object with the two fields described above, or just a plain integer. In the latter case, requiresNetworkMagic will take the default value of RequiresMagic.



The key heavyDelegation contains an information about heavyweight delegation:

  • cert - delegation certificate.
  • delegatePk - delegate's public key.
  • issuerPk - stakeholder's (issuer's) public key.
  • omega - index of epoch the block PSK is announced in, it is needed for replay attack prevention, can be set to arbitrary value in genesis.

Keys in heavyDelegation dictionary are StakeholderIds of certificates' issuers. They must be consistent with issuerPk values.


The key startTime is the timestamp of the 0-th slot. Ideally it should be few seconds later than the cluster actually starts. If it's significantly later, nodes won't be doing anything for a while. If it's slightly before the actual starts, some slots will be missed, but it shouldn't be critical as long as less than k slots are missed.


The key vssCerts contains VSS certificates:

  • expiryEpoch - index of epoch until which (inclusive) the certificate is valid.
  • signature - signature of certificate.
  • signingKey - key used for signing.
  • vssKey - VSS public key.

Keys in vssCerts dictionary are StakeholderIds of certificates' issuers. They must be consistent with signingKey values.

Balances and stakes

In genesis data there are two fields which determine balances: avvmDistr and nonAvvmBalances

  • avvmDistr is a map from AVVM addresses to balances
  • nonAvvmBalances is a map from Byron addresses to balances. AVVM addresses can be easily converted to Byron addresses (redeem type), so obtaining a final map from Byron addresses to balances is trivial.

Stakes are computed from balances w.r.t. bootStakeholders map, because all genesis addresses have BootstrapEra stake distribution. Keys in bootStakeholders map are StakeholderIds which will have stake and values are their weights (stake will be distributed proportionally to those weights).

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