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1 3 Admin notices center

imath edited this page Jun 17, 2018 · 1 revision

Version 1.1.0 of the Entrepôt is introducing a specific Notices center to make sure notices generated by plugins do not take too much place on the administration screen.

Without it!

Admin notices without

Sometimes there are so many notices in your WordPress dashboard, you can't even see it without scrolling down as shown on the above capture.

With it!

Admin notice with it

You finally can see your dashboard as the Notices center is very discreet. It's located before the "Screen Options" & "Help" tabs at the top of the screen. You just need to click on the tab to make the notices appear.

Admin notices by types

Notices will be organized by types (upgrades, errors, success or information). Errors, Sucess and Information types can be permanently removed if you think the message is not relative to the plugin's features (eg: an advertisment). To do so you can simply click on the red trash button on the right.

Admin notices by types

You can also choose to display one of the admin notices into the dashboard by clicking on the corresponding magnifying glass button.