go get github.com/ihatecompvir/nex-go
While this package can be used stand-alone, it only provides the bare minimum for a Rendez-vous server. It does not support any Rendez-vous protocols. To make proper Rendez-vous servers, see NEX Protocols Go
This library is designed around, and customized for, Rock Band 3. While it may work with other Quazal Rendez-vous titles that aren't Rock Band 3, do not expect it to work correctly out of the box with anything but Rock Band 3. If you are looking for a more generic NEX/PRUDP library, see the upstream version of this repository.
package main
import (
func main() {
nexServer := nex.NewServer()
nexServer.On("Data", func(packet *nex.PacketV0) {
// Handle data packet