Releases: hotwax/mantle-shopify-connector
Releases · hotwax/mantle-shopify-connector
What's Changed
- Added isGiftCard field in product GraphQL templates. by @mridulpathak in #125
- Added: productType field in product variants template by @janvi04 in #126
- Added support for order agreement updates feed. by @mridulpathak in #127
Full Changelog: v2.0.1...v2.1.0
- Added parentMessageId in product feed system messages for better tracking and debugging of related system messages. by @mridulpathak in 9fb53b6
- Added job type data for product jobs. by @mridulpathak in 9fb53b6
Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.0.1
What's Changed
- Improved: Removed parameterName condition from queue#BulkQuerySystemMessage service. by @Nishtha-Jain-1119 in #99
- Added support for Order Updates Feed. by @mridulpathak in #101
- Added Enumerations and EnumerationTypes for ServiceJobs by @Nipun-D-Surana in #105
- Added enumCode to Enumeration Data by @Nipun-D-Surana in #106
- Implemented flow to get fulfillment_orders from Shopify by @Nishtha-Jain-1119 in #98
- Added support to get Product data using bulk query by @Nishtha-Jain-1119 in #100
- Added support for return and exchange feed along with ExchangeV2 object.
- by @dixitdeepak in #111
- by @mridulpathak in #96
- Added support to generate Shopify newly created products feed. by @mridulpathak in #112
- Replace ec.resource.ftlTemplateRenderer.render with ec.resourceFacade… by @dixitdeepak in #113
- Fix potential duplicate class loading issue causing memory leaks.
- by @dixitdeepak in #114
- by @dixitdeepak in #115
- Added support to generate new orders feed. by @mridulpathak in #116
- Added support for product updates feed. by @mridulpathak in #117
- Updated the HC to Shopify Fulfillment flow.
New Contributors
- @Nipun-D-Surana made their first contribution in #105
Full Changelog: v1.3.5...v2.0.0
Full Changelog: v1.3.5...v1.3.6
What's Changed
- Improved: Updated the format of defining APIs order/details and order/count by @sadhanaa21 in #97
Full Changelog: v1.3.4...v1.3.5
What's Changed
- Added: get#OrderDetails Shopify graqhQL API integration service to return order header and line item details for a given Shopify orderId. by @Nishtha-Jain-1119 in #77
- Added: get#ReturnDetails and get#ReturnsByOrderId Shopify graqhQL API integration services to get return details for a given Shopify returnId and orderId. by @Nishtha-Jain-1119 in #78
- Added: get#FulfillmentOrderDetails and get#FulfillmentOrdersByOrderId Shopify graqhQL API integration services to get fulfillment details for a given Shopify fulfillmentOrderId and orderId. by @Nishtha-Jain-1119 in #79
- Added some additional refund api integration services to get refund transactions, order adjustments. Added a wrapper service to get complete refund details. by @mridulpathak in #80
- Added support to generate order return and exchange feed since last sync time. by @mridulpathak in #81
- Added service job data for returned orderIds feed. by @mridulpathak in #83
- Updated get#RefundLineItems, get#RefundTransactions and get#RefundsByReturnId Shopify GraphQL API intergration services to get refund details for the given shopify returnId. by @Nishtha-Jain-1119 in #84
- Added support to return order transactions in order details, reverse fulfillment orders in return detail and pricing information in exchange line items. by @mridulpathak in #85
- Added pricing and tax information to exchange line items, taxIncluded flag in order and parent transaction id in refund transaction. by @mridulpathak in #86
- Added gateway and payment details within order and refund transactions. by @mridulpathak in #87
- Added transaction timeout to consume#FulfillmentFeed service. by @mridulpathak in #88
- Added: A new API and service to get order details from Shopify by @sadhanaa21 in #90
- Added data and confguration for bulk canceled orders and items query. by @mridulpathak in #93
- Added support for generating shopify order rest json feed filtered by specified tag(include/exclude), it also adds specified tags to the shopify order after retrieving it. by @mridulpathak in #94
Full Changelog: v1.3.3...v1.3.4
What's Changed
- Added: The SystemMessgaeType and ServiceJob data for Discount Promo Code Application (#978) by @yaminibhagat in #69
- Increasing timeout to 30 min in order metafields feed and return reason feed as we might encounter a bit large files to process. by @mridulpathak in #72
- Improved: Added dateTime precision up to milliseconds in order metafields and return reason feed files by @sadhanaa21 in #73
New Contributors
- @yaminibhagat made their first contribution in #69
Full Changelog: v1.3.2...v1.3.3
What's Changed
- Added a generic service to consume shopify webhook payload and generate multiple incoming or outgoing system messages for further processing. by @mridulpathak in #50
- Added a service to create a shopify specific AWS SQS standard queue with shopify config id and and shopify shop id as prefix. by @mridulpathak in #49
- Added configuration for shopify orders/updated webhook. Added support to send shopify order updated_at date to an AWS SQS queue. by @mridulpathak in #51
- Added configuration to send BulkCreateGiftCardsResult to SFTP. by @mridulpathak in #53
- Changed shopify bulk import/export services to use send#ShopifyGraphqlRequest service. by @mridulpathak in #54
- Changed shopify webhook services to use send#ShopifyGraphqlRequest service. by @mridulpathak in #55
- Unescape html in queryText in send#ShopifyGraphqlRequest service as the field may contain escaped html. by @mridulpathak in #56
- Escape HTML in graphQL mutation and query templates as queryText is now an input parameter in send#ShopifyGraphqlRequest service. by @mridulpathak in #57
- Implemented support to generate order metafields json feed for a given orderIds json feed file. by @mridulpathak in #58
- Added check for valid shopify order id and minor improvements. by @mridulpathak in #60
- Improved: Added return statement with warning type if there is no shipments by @sadhanaa21 in #63
Full Changelog: v1.3.1...v1.3.2
What's Changed
- Added template and configuration to bulk create gift cards in shopify. by @mridulpathak in #46
- Used SystemMessageTypeParameter instead of ServiceJobParameter for consumeSmrId in consume#GraphQLBulkImportFeed. by @mridulpathak in #46
Full Changelog: v1.3.0...v1.3.1
What's Changed
- Enhancements and improvements in shopify bulk import. by @mridulpathak in #35
- Implemented api integration service to get shopify order count and added rest end point for it.
- Added rest end point for shopify bulk query operation.
- Added support for fromDateLabel and thruDateLabel in shopify bulk query operation.
- Added support for bulk order headers query and bulk order items query.
- Handled "create" and "running" bulk operation result statuses.
- Added support to purge system messages by systemMessageTypeId or parentSystemMessageTypeId. Used initDate for purgeDate comparison as processedDate may be empty.
- Handled NULL bulk operation status.
- Used cache for fetching shopify webhook topic to SystemMessageType mapping. by @mridulpathak in #36
- Added template and configuration for bulk order custom attributes query. Minor changes to order headers query. by @mridulpathak in #37
- Generic service to make Shopify GraphQL API calls by @mridulpathak in #39
- Support to generate Shopify return reason feed by @mridulpathak in #39
- Added support for 'notify_customer' attribute in create fulfilment API and OMS to Shopify fulfilment sync flow. by @mridulpathak in #40
- Moved consumeSmrId from service job to SystemMessageTypeParameter for OMSSyncedRefundsFeed and OMSFulfillmentFeed and added upgrade data. by @mridulpathak in #41
- Moved queryParams preparation logic to queue#BulkQuerySystemMessage service so as to retain them in messageText. by @mridulpathak in #44
Full Changelog: v1.2.0...v1.3.0