A learning resource
There is not going to be any code in this repo, merely this readme and people notes. This readme will grow, as we fulfill pull requests. So partly is about merge "code" branches in Git and GitHub across people, as well as not messing up each persons "notes".
This readme will serve as our "shared" location for Learning Resources. OK, so I have some clean up on which ones we have done, and when, and which we have not.
Check out these other Readmes I have;
https://leanpub.com/mean-machine Added a ChangeLog (420)
Links to Node tutorials here
Easily Develop Node.js and MongoDB Apps with Mongoose Scotch.IO
MEAN with Angular 2 - User Registration and Login Example Jason Watmore's
Create a Web App and RESTful API Server Using the MEAN Stack Heroku's ~ This is the conman / ContactList repos
Learn to Build Modern Web Apps with MEAN This is the 14-part Thinkster that builds the reddit clone
PostgreSQL and NodeJS ~ CRUD todo single page application with Node 6.6, Express 4.13, Angular 1.5, and PostgreSQL. mherman's
How to Debug Node.js with the Best Tools Available (5/1/17)
There is a lot more to explore than I thought. A lot of middleware package to look through and figure out.
Build a Complete MVC Website With ExpressJS <a little older, but seems to work>
Links to Angular 2 tutorials here
mix & match any frontend tutorial with any backend tutorial Thinkster's
Something to ponder How to Handle File Uploads in Angular2 (4/18/17)
Angular 2 Bootstrap 4 components, powered by Angular, written by angular-ui folks (4/18/17)
Angular Style Guide (4/19/17)
Angular 2 Routing (1/23/17)
How to create (and use) custom components with Angular 2 (5/6/17)
Future Angular 2 Links will be added to these readme files.
Links to TypeScript 2 tutorials here. I want more TS2 learning material, like doing all this stuff, but only coding in TS2, so I can learn it better than plain JS.
Building a MEAN (MongoDB, ExpressJs, Angular and Node.js) api app using TypeScript and host it with Heroku Zimmergren's
Developing a superhero-api with Node, Express and TypeScript2 Michael Herman's
Building a REST Service with Node.JS, DocumentDb, and TypeScript
This guys stuff is good, and since I am using his knowledge, and sharing it, I figure fair use on his image. It's his.
TypeScript 2 + Express + Node.js Brian Love's
Here is my repo for the TS2, Express and Node app ~ https://github.com/gokemon/heros
TypeScript 2 + Express + Mongoose + Mocha + Chai EVEN BETTER
- https://github.com/spock123/angular2-webpack2-typescript2
- https://github.com/willemliu/typescript2-karma-jasmine-jquery-requirejs
- https://github.com/alexcheng1982/typescript2-cookbook
- https://github.com/setry14/boilerplate-angular4-webpack2-typescript2-angularmaterial2
- https://github.com/rockem/mongo-express-a2-node-ts2
- https://github.com/ramlez/Introduction-to-express.js-MongoDB-with-Typescript2
- Part 1 Getting Started with TypeScript
- Part 2 TypeScript Grammar
- Part 3 TypeScript Classes and Interfaces
- Part 4 Modules
I hope Docker works like the magic people say it is.
<4/5> Was having a challenge wrapping my mind around the Dockerfile, so;
- Installation
- Basic Commands
- More on Images and Containers
- Docker Hub
- Building your own Docker Images
- Docker Private Registry
- Data Volumes
- Linking Containers
- Writing a Dockerfile
- Writing a Dockerfile
- Docker Swarm Tutorial
- Docker Swarm on Google Compute Engine
- Getting Started with Kubernetes using Minikube
- Docker Management Commands
Digital Ocean
How to Host a MEAN Stack App on Digital Ocean Turns out this was crap. A waste of a couple of hours. The tutorial was not very helpful, out of date, and D.O. doesn't live up to being "wonderful" All in a all, a very disappointing experience.
Links to tutorials here
Object Modeling in Node with Mongoose Heroku
Easily Develop Node and MongoDB Apps with Mongoose Scotch.IO
Links to tutorials here
Angular Material 1x (4/19/17)
Use Bootstrap SASS with Angular CLI (5/6/17)
TESTING ANGULAR FASTER WITH JEST https://www.xfive.co/blog/testing-angular-faster-jest/
Steps for doing GitHub push & pull requests and merges
Adding an existing Git repo to GitHub using the command line (5/7/17)
Tagging Steps (5/9/17)
Top Visual Studio Code Extensions- 50 Powerful Tools to Make Visual Studio Even More Useful
I should consider moving my git commands section to its own ReadMe.
Visual Studio documentation (4/19/17)
Heroku SSL Dev Center - Automated Certificate Management (4/19/17) ***For adding Lets Encrypt SSL's to our site apps. ***
OctoPerf ~ REST API USING NODE TypeScript, debuggers, unit tests, code quality tool( SonarQube) This guy writes from a JAVA mindset
[WTF image here]
Write better code
- Beer Locker: Building a RESTful API With Node
- Passport
- OAuth2 Server
- Digest
- Username & Password
- Getting started with Node.js
- Using NPM
- Understanding async programming
- Your first Node.js HTTP server
- Node.js database tutorial
- Node.js request module tutorial
- Node.js project structure tutorial
- Node authentication using Passport
- Node unit testing tutorial
- Debugging Node applications
- Node.js Security Tutorial
- How to Deploy Node.js Applications
- how to do Node.js monitoring and how to find advanced issues in production environments.
- Using npm
- npm Tricks and Best Practices
- SemVer and Module Publishing
- Understanding the Module System, CommonJS and require
- Node.js Internals Deep Dive
- The Node.js Event Loop
- Node.js Garbage Collection Explained
- Writing Native Node Modules [beyond my needs and abilities at this point]
- Building with Node.js
- Advanced Node Project Structuring [interesting read, take some time to really read and learn it]
- JavaScript Clean Coding Best Practices
- Node.js Async Best Practices
- Event sourcing with Examples
- CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) Explained
- Testing + Node
- Node.js Testing and Getting TDD Right
- Node.js End-to-End Testing with Nightwatch.js
- Node in Production
- The Definitive Guide for Monitoring Node.js Applications
- Debugging Node.js Applications
- Profiling Node.js Applications
- Node + Microservices
- Request Signing
- Distributed Tracing
- API Gateways