I am creating this virtual bookshelf as part of the Udacity's React Nanodegre, using ReactJS. In this project, I'm practising React CRUD operations as well as interacting with external API.
- React.js
- Practise: React hooks, CRUD app, semantic GIT commit messages and PR's.
- Delivery Udacity assignment.
- Showcase a new working application on my portfolio.
- Is the application easy to install and start?
- Does the application include README with clear installation and launch instructions?
- Does the main page show three categories (or “bookshelves”) for books (currently reading, want to read, and read)?
- Does the main page allow users to move books between shelves?
- Does information persist between page refreshes?
- Does the search page have a search input that lets users search for books?
- Do the search results allow a user to categorize a book as “currently reading”, “want to read”, or “read”?
- Do selections made on the search page show up on the main page?
- Does the main page link to the search page?
- Does the search page link back to the main page?
- Does the project code handle state management appropriately?
- Does the code run without errors? Is the code free of warnings that resulted from not following the best practices listed in the documentation, such as using key for list items? Is the code formatted properly?
For detailed instructions check out my Trello board for this project
- Search books from external API.
- Add books to three different shelves.
- Change shelf.
- Empty shelf.
- Empty all shelves.
- Remove a single title from any shelf.
- Navigate between main and search page.
- Switch between dark and light themes.
In this project I practice:
- Good commit messages,
- Well named branches,
- Pull requests with summaries
If you have feedback to improve my git usage: please drop me a line here! or e-mail me at zanetti.giovani@gmail.com.
- Draw all views of the application.
- Break each view Into a Hierarchy of Components.
- Determine the data each component needs.
- Determine which component each piece of data should live in.
- Create components/store/context that hold data.
- Create components that need data.
- Pass data to components that need it.
- I always do one small step at the time.
- Test.
- Commit.
- Push to GitHub.
Usually, when I encounter a bug which is not related to the functionality I am working with, I take a note to tackle it later. If I have any idea during the development process, I take a note and try to implement it later.
I like using Trello to help with my notes.
If I get stuck I always try to find the solution in one of the options:
- Documentation
- Stackoverflow
- Youtube / Udemy tutorials
- Run
git clone https://github.com/giovanizanetti/My-Reads-App.git
from your machine. cd
to project folderrun npm install
oryarn install
to install all dependencies of the project.- run
yarn start
ornpm start
to see the project on your browser.
This project was scaffolded using the create-react-app cli. For more instructions of how to run in your machine check it here👇👇👇