A curated list of my GitHub stars! Generated by starred.
- Adblock Filter List
- Assembly
- Awk
- Batchfile
- Blade
- BlitzBasic
- C
- C#
- C++
- Clojure
- CodeQL
- CoffeeScript
- Common Lisp
- Crystal
- Cuda
- DIGITAL Command Language
- Dart
- Dockerfile
- Elixir
- FreeMarker
- GDScript
- Go
- Haskell
- Java
- JavaScript
- Jinja
- Jupyter Notebook
- Kotlin
- Lua
- Makefile
- Nix
- OCaml
- Objective-C
- OpenSCAD
- Others
- Pascal
- Perl
- PowerShell
- PureScript
- Python
- R
- Rich Text Format
- Roff
- Ruby
- Rust
- Scala
- Scheme
- Shell
- Smarty
- Squirrel
- Standard ML
- Svelte
- Swift
- SystemVerilog
- Tcl
- TeX
- Text
- TypeScript
- Vala
- Vim Script
- Visual Basic 6.0
- Vue
- Zeek
- Zig
- q
- the-advoid/ad-void -
✈️ An efficient AdBlock filter list that blocks ads, trackers, malware, phishing attempts, fake download links, fake search results, and a lot more if you want it to! Things like: cookie-consent banne - DandelionSprout/adfilt - The place where I, DandelionSprout, store my web filter lists for countless topics, including my Nordic adblock list. As simple as that, really.
- uBlockOrigin/uAssets - Resources for uBlock Origin, uMatrix: static filter lists, ready-to-use rulesets, etc.
- vcraftjp/VZEditor - MS-DOS Text Editor
- microsoft/MS-DOS - The original sources of MS-DOS 1.25, 2.0, and 4.0 for reference purposes
- hackclub/some-assembly-required - 📖 An approachable introduction to Assembly.
- cljoly/readme-in-static-site - 💎 Transform and insert your GitHub readme in your static site.
- nuex/zodiac - A static website generator written in awk and sh.
- eivindbohler/itxllama -
- toyoh3232/msdos - MS-DOS v6.22
- takielias/tablar - Tablar: A Laravel blade starter kit Based on Tabler HTML Template + Vite. https://tablar.ebuz.xyz/docs
- 1N3/IntruderPayloads - A collection of Burpsuite Intruder payloads, BurpBounty payloads, fuzz lists, malicious file uploads and web pentesting methodologies and checklists.
- geeknik/glitch-flipper-firmware - Glitch Flipper Firmware
- UberGuidoZ/Flipper - Playground (and dump) of stuff I make or modify for the Flipper Zero
- Willy-JL/MemSed - 🔍 MEMory Search and EDit for Linux, inspired by Cheat Engine
- apache/cloudberry - One advanced and mature open-source MPP (Massively Parallel Processing) database. Open source alternative to Greenplum Database.
- nuta/operating-system-in-1000-lines - Writing an OS in 1,000 lines.
- ading2210/linuxpdf - Linux running inside a PDF file via a RISC-V emulator
- nicbarker/clay - High performance UI layout library in C.
- MatheuZSecurity/Rootkit - Collection of codes focused on Linux rootkits
- RediSearch/RediSearch - A query and indexing engine for Redis, providing secondary indexing, full-text search, vector similarity search and aggregations.
- oblivia-simplex/bytebeat -
- hengyoush/kyanos - Kyanos is a networking analysis tool using eBPF. It can visualize the time packets spend in the kernel, capture requests/responses, makes troubleshooting more efficient.
- kizohi00/Esp-netHunter - A portable ESP8266-based device for Evil Twin and deauthentication attacks with customizable phishing pages.
- zeim839/nes-tools - NES toolchain & emulator in C
- rudyrucker/chaos - James Gleick's Chaos: The Software
- ExistentialAudio/BlackHole - BlackHole is a modern macOS audio loopback driver that allows applications to pass audio to other applications with zero additional latency.
- Ryzee119/XboxDoomBIOS - A replacement Original Xbox BIOS that does one thing. Plays DOOM
- TEN-framework/ten_framework - TEN, a AI agent framework to create various AI agents which supports real-time conversation.
- 7etsuo/http-server - HTTP Server in C
- googleprojectzero/SockFuzzer -
- henrypp/simplewall - Simple tool to configure Windows Filtering Platform (WFP) which can configure network activity on your computer.
- unicorn-engine/unicorn - Unicorn CPU emulator framework (ARM, AArch64, M68K, Mips, Sparc, PowerPC, RiscV, S390x, TriCore, X86)
- cozis/blogtech - Custom web server for my blog
- EliasOenal/multimon-ng -
- dekuNukem/duckyPad-Pro - Advanced Input Automation with duckyScript
- haileys/jsos - An operating system written in JavaScript
- buzzer-re/YoRHa - A PlayStation 4 Kernel Debugger [WIP]
- DaveBben/esp32-llm - Running a LLM on the ESP32
- mmozeiko/derpnet - Network library in C for Windows
- SentryPeer/SentryPeer - Protect your SIP Servers from bad actors at https://sentrypeer.org
- otsmr/blackbox-fuzzing - Fuzzing IoT Devices Using the Router TL-WR902AC as Example
- Qwer-TeX/minibox - Advanced unix toolbox superceding BusyBox/ToyBox under the subject of size.
- helviojunior/hookchain - HookChain: A new perspective for Bypassing EDR Solutions
- udem-dlteam/pnut - 🥜 A Self-Compiling C Transpiler Targeting Human-Readable POSIX Shell
- EurekaLabsAI/ngram - The n-gram Language Model
- andmarti1424/sc-im - sc-im - Spreadsheet Calculator Improvised -- An ncurses spreadsheet program for terminal
- thefLink/Hunt-Sleeping-Beacons - Aims to identify sleeping beacons
- BasedHardware/omi - AI wearables. Put it on, speak, transcribe, automatically
- Modos-Labs/Glider - Open-source E-ink monitor. Mirror of https://gitlab.com/zephray/glider
- trustedsec/VerifyELF -
- BasedHardware/OpenGlass - Turn any glasses into AI-powered smart glasses
- koekeishiya/skhd - Simple hotkey daemon for macOS
- loopj/short-stack - World's Smallest Nintendo Wii, using a trimmed motherboard and custom stacked PCBs
- CodaFi/C-Macs - Digging a Foundation With A Spoon
- migueletto/PumpkinOS - PumpkinOS is a re-implementation of PalmOS.
- zeux/calm - CUDA/Metal accelerated language model inference
- Helixo32/CrimsonEDR - Simulate the behavior of AV/EDR for malware development training.
- pgvector/pgvector - Open-source vector similarity search for Postgres
- mudita/MuditaOS - Mobile operating system based on FreeRTOS™ optimized for E Ink displays - developed for Mudita Pure minimalist phone
- jart/blink - tiniest x86-64-linux emulator
- hrvach/deskhop - Fast Desktop Switching Device
- coturn/coturn - coturn TURN server project
- andyholmes/valent - Connect, control and sync devices
- nginx/unit - NGINX Unit - universal web app server - a lightweight and versatile open source server that simplifies the application stack by natively executing application code across eight different programming l
- samboy/MaraDNS - MaraDNS: A small open-source DNS server
- Flipper-XFW/Xtreme-Firmware - The Dom amongst the Flipper Zero Firmware. Give your Flipper the power and freedom it is really craving. Let it show you its true form. Dont delay, switch to the one and only true Master today!
- RogueMaster/flipperzero-firmware-wPlugins - RogueMaster Flipper Zero Firmware
- DarkFlippers/unleashed-firmware - Flipper Zero Unleashed Firmware
- TryQuiet/quiet - A private, p2p alternative to Slack and Discord built on Tor & IPFS
- jklmnn/imagejs - Small tool to package javascript into a valid image file.
- jqlang/jq - Command-line JSON processor
- karpathy/llama2.c - Inference Llama 2 in one file of pure C
- NolanoOrg/smol-gpt - Smol but mighty language model
- h2337/connmap - connmap is an X11 desktop widget that shows location of your current network peers on a world map
- vanhauser-thc/vulntest - Static code analysis test source code
- andreaskatis/cgc-synthesized-fuzzers -
- cxong/cdogs-sdl - Classic overhead run-and-gun game
- nuvious/pam-duress - A Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM) which allows the establishment of alternate passwords that can be used to perform actions to clear sensitive data, notify IT/Security staff, close off sensitive
- gophernicus/gophernicus - Gophernicus is a modern, full-featured (and hopefully) secure gopher daemon
- FiveLeavesLeft/WyzeCameraLiveStream - Hack to allow live streaming from wyze cameras to vlc or mpv on your desktop.
- FiveLeavesLeft/WyzeHacks - Hacks I discovered allowing Wyze camera owners to do customizations
- arendst/Tasmota - Alternative firmware for ESP8266 and ESP32 based devices with easy configuration using webUI, OTA updates, automation using timers or rules, expandability and entirely local control over MQTT, HTTP, S
- libfuse/sshfs - A network filesystem client to connect to SSH servers
- google/xsecurelock - X11 screen lock utility with security in mind
- strongcourage/uafuzz - UAFuzz: Binary-level Directed Fuzzing for Use-After-Free Vulnerabilities
- meetecho/janus-gateway - Janus WebRTC Server
- jonls/redshift - Redshift adjusts the color temperature of your screen according to your surroundings. This may help your eyes hurt less if you are working in front of the screen at night.
- profanity-im/profanity - Ncurses based XMPP client
- sslab-gatech/perf-fuzz -
- Dongdongshe/neuzz - neural network assisted fuzzer
- AFLplusplus/AFLplusplus - The fuzzer afl++ is afl with community patches, qemu 5.1 upgrade, collision-free coverage, enhanced laf-intel & redqueen, AFLfast++ power schedules, MOpt mutators, unicorn_mode, and a lot more!
- netdata/netdata - X-Ray Vision for your infrastructure!
- Kitware/CMake - Mirror of CMake upstream repository
- jarun/nnn - n³ The unorthodox terminal file manager
- aflsmart/aflsmart - Smart Greybox Fuzzing (https://thuanpv.github.io/publications/TSE19_aflsmart.pdf)
- Syllo/nvtop - GPU & Accelerator process monitoring for AMD, Apple, Huawei, Intel, NVIDIA and Qualcomm
- sharebrained/portapack-hackrf - Portability Add-On for the HackRF Software-Defined Radio.
- DaveGamble/cJSON - Ultralightweight JSON parser in ANSI C
- pwarren/rtl-entropy - An entropy generator using SDR peripherals, including rtl-sdr and BladeRF
- rosehgal/BinExp - Linux Binary Exploitation
- grimm-co/killerbeez - A distributed fuzzer which aims to pull in the best technologies, make them play nicely together, and run on multiple O/Ses.
- denandz/fuzzotron - A TCP/UDP based network daemon fuzzer
- shellphish/how2heap - A repository for learning various heap exploitation techniques.
- bartobri/no-more-secrets - A command line tool that recreates the famous data decryption effect seen in the 1992 movie Sneakers.
- xairy/kernel-exploits - My proof-of-concept exploits for the Linux kernel
- ele7enxxh/android-afl - Fuzzing Android program with american fuzzy lop (AFL)
- google/wuffs - Wrangling Untrusted File Formats Safely
- jedisct1/libsodium - A modern, portable, easy to use crypto library.
- vanhoefm/krackattacks-scripts -
- r-a-w/TorProxy - TorProxy is a tool which uses netfilter hooks in the linux kernel to route all network traffic through the Tor network
- aflgo/aflgo - Directed Greybox Fuzzing with AFL
- greatscottgadgets/hackrf - low cost software radio platform
- nccgroup/TriforceLinuxSyscallFuzzer - A linux system call fuzzer using TriforceAFL
- nccgroup/TriforceAFL - AFL/QEMU fuzzing with full-system emulation.
- iljavs/ircfuzz - fuzzer for irc clients, mirrored here because it is impossible to find
- MinhasKamal/CreepyCodeCollection - A Nonsense Collection of Disgusting Codes
- php/php-src - The PHP Interpreter
- torvalds/linux - Linux kernel source tree
- openssl/openssl - TLS/SSL and crypto library
- adtac/fssb - A filesystem sandbox for Linux using syscall intercepts.
- dpc-grindland/Fuzzgrind - A fully automatic fuzzing tool for Valgrind, unofficial mirror for http://esec-lab.sogeti.com/pages/fuzzgrind.html
- mboehme/aflfast - AFLFast (extends AFL with Power Schedules)
- googleprojectzero/winafl - A fork of AFL for fuzzing Windows binaries
- hannob/selftls - Sample application to let OpenSSL talk to itself (for fuzzing)
- pjreddie/darknet - Convolutional Neural Networks
- Mego/Markovsky - markov chain IRC chat bot
- emsec/ChameleonMini - The ChameleonMini is a versatile contactless smartcard emulator compliant to NFC. The ChameleonMini was developed by https://kasper-oswald.de. The device is available at https://shop.kasper.it. For f
- glennrp/pmt - pngcrush and other PNG and MNG tools
- pnggroup/libpng - LIBPNG: Portable Network Graphics support, official libpng repository
- cjdelisle/cjdns - An encrypted IPv6 network using public-key cryptography for address allocation and a distributed hash table for routing.
- facebook/zstd - Zstandard - Fast real-time compression algorithm
- sonicxml/Popcornkernel-Tuna - Look at https://github.com/VanirAOSP/PopcornKernel-Tuna for the latest Gnex PopcornKernel
- SeraphimSerapis/Acer-A500-Recovery - Needed config for the Acer A500 ClockworkMod Recovery
- nelhage/reptyr - Reparent a running program to a new terminal
- geeknik/StupidFast - StupidFast Kernel for the Samsung Fascinate
- ZiggyCreatures/FusionCache - FusionCache is an easy to use, fast and robust hybrid cache with advanced resiliency features.
- scrtwpns/mixbox - Mixbox is a library for natural color mixing based on real pigments.
- Idov31/Sandman - Sandman is a NTP based backdoor for red team engagements in hardened networks.
- avantol/Otto - Assistant for WSJT-X
- chkr1011/Wirehome.Core - Wirehome.Core is a home automation system written in C# targeting .NET Core. It runs on Linux, Windows and macOS.
- genielabs/HomeGenie - HomeGenie, the programmable automation intelligence
- H4NM/WhoYouCalling - Records an executable's network activity into a Full Packet Capture file (.pcap) and much more.
- 2Retr0/GodotOceanWaves - FFT-based ocean-wave rendering, implemented in Godot
- MaelikR/Photon-Fusion-Third-Person-Networked-Game-Base - This project is a third-person multiplayer game using Unity with Photon Fusion for networking. The game features a third-person controller setup with player movement, camera management using Cinemachi
- reecdeep/segugio - Segugio allows the execution and tracking of critical steps in the malware detonation process, from clicking on the first stage to extracting the malware's final stage configuration.
- Adisol07/ReasoningAI - Open source alternative to OpenAI o1 reasoning model
- AElfProject/AElf - An AI-enhanced cloud-native layer-1 blockchain network.
- fiddyschmitt/File-Tunnel - Tunnel TCP connections through a file
- p0dalirius/LDAPmonitor - Monitor creation, deletion and changes to LDAP objects live during your pentest or system administration!
- surajpkhetani/AutoSmuggle - Utility to craft HTML or SVG smuggled files for Red Team engagements
- Stratus-Security/Subdominator - The Internets #1 Subdomain Takeover Tool
- jellyfin/jellyfin - The Free Software Media System - Server Backend & API
- ElevenPaths/FOCA - Tool to find metadata and hidden information in the documents.
- SnaffCon/Snaffler - a tool for pentesters to help find delicious candy, by @l0ss and @Sh3r4 ( Twitter: @/mikeloss and @/sh3r4_hax )
- collinbarrett/FilterLists - 🛡️ The independent, comprehensive directory of filter and host lists for advertisements, trackers, malware, and annoyances.
- Tyrrrz/LightBulb - Reduces eye strain by adjusting screen gamma based on the current time
- sonatype-nexus-community/DevAudit - Open-source, cross-platform, multi-purpose security auditing tool
- Codeusa/SteamCleaner - 🇺🇸 A PC utility for restoring disk space from various game clients like Origin, Steam, Uplay, Battle.net, GoG and Nexon 🇺🇸
- Splamy/TS3AudioBot - Advanced Musicbot for Teamspeak 3
- manicdigger/manicdigger - Manic Digger - a multiplayer block-building voxel game, Minecraft clone
- woanware/TargetAnalyser - Tool for analysts to perform simultaneous lookups (IP, Domain, URL, MD5) against multiple data sources
- uncled1023/IRCBot - Windows based IRC Bot
- flareteam/flare-engine - Free/Libre Action Roleplaying Engine (engine only)
- deepseek-ai/3FS - A high-performance distributed file system designed to address the challenges of AI training and inference workloads.
- sec3-product/x-ray - The X-Ray Toolchain is an open-source, cross-platform command-line interface (CLI) tool designed for static analysis of Solana programs and smart contracts written in Rust.
- ton-blockchain/ton - Main TON monorepo
- kevmo314/scuda - SCUDA is a GPU over IP bridge allowing GPUs on remote machines to be attached to CPU-only machines.
- openai/openai-realtime-embedded-sdk - Instructions on how to use the Realtime API on Microcontrollers and Embedded Platforms
- lisyarus/webgpu-raytracer - A software raytracing engine written in WebGPU
- justcallmekoko/ESP32Marauder - A suite of WiFi/Bluetooth offensive and defensive tools for the ESP32
- epasveer/seer - Seer - a gui frontend to gdb
- cocel-postech/genz-icp - GenZ-ICP: SOTA robust LiDAR odometry (IEEE RA-L 2025)
- RamboRogers/rfhunter - RFHunter is a device to find hidden Cameras at AirBNBs
- microsoft/BitNet - Official inference framework for 1-bit LLMs
- geeknik/fuzzing - Better living through Fuzzing
- geeknik/fast-inverse-square-root - Fast inverse square root.
- domoticz/domoticz - Open source Home Automation System
- HASwitchPlate/openHASP - HomeAutomation Switchplate based on lvgl for ESP32
- deskflow/deskflow - Deskflow lets you share one mouse and keyboard between multiple computers on Windows, macOS and Linux. It's like a software KVM (but without video). Sponsored by Synergy.
- Colton1skees/Dna - LLVM based static binary analysis framework
- Lumorti/Quandoom - A port of DOOM for a quantum computer
- thiagoralves/OpenPLC_v3 - OpenPLC Runtime version 3
- sz3/libcimbar - Optimized implementation for color-icon-matrix barcodes
- AimRT/AimRT - A high-performance runtime framework for modern robotics.
- aristocratos/btop - A monitor of resources
- facebook/folly - An open-source C++ library developed and used at Facebook.
- GerbilSoft/rom-properties - ROM Properties Page shell extension
- sipeed/NanoKVM - Affordable, Multifunctional, Nano RISC-V IP-KVM
- discord/libdave - Libraries supporting Discord's Audio & Video End-to-End Encryption (DAVE) protocol
- greynewell/musegpt - Local LLMs in your DAW!
- TzuHuanTai/RaspberryPi-WebRTC - Turn your Raspberry Pi into a low-latency home security camera by using native WebRTC with the v4l2 hardware H.264 encoder and the software-based OpenH264 encoder for live video stream.
- ArduPilot/ardupilot - ArduPlane, ArduCopter, ArduRover, ArduSub source
- dpjudas/SurrealEngine - Unreal Tournament Engine Reimplementation
- orosmatthew/nnm - A "No-Nonsense", C++ 17, single-header-only Math library geared towards graphics programming
- ml-explore/mlx - MLX: An array framework for Apple silicon
- cyberbotics/webots - Webots Robot Simulator
- shadps4-emu/shadPS4 - PlayStation 4 emulator for Windows, Linux and macOS written in C++
- mikedesu/raylib-rpg - An rpg written in C++ using the raylib gamedev framework
- chrxh/alien - ALIEN is a CUDA-powered artificial life simulation program.
- cocos/cocos-engine - Cocos simplifies game creation and distribution with Cocos Creator, a free, open-source, cross-platform game engine. Empowering millions of developers to create high-performance, engaging 2D/3D games
- BigfootACA/webrtc-kvm - Keyboard, Video, Mouse via WebRTC
- Thermadiag/micromalloc - Low memory overhead allocator
- trailofbits/multiplier - Code auditing productivity multiplier.
- LizardByte/Sunshine - Self-hosted game stream host for Moonlight.
- MXZZ/Netgotchi - reversed pwnagotchi : netgotchi lives to protect your network
- MzHmO/LeakedWallpaper - Leak of any user's NetNTLM hash. Fixed in KB5040434
- evildaemond/doorsim - An Open-Source Door Simulator for RFID/PACS Training
- rweather/uwpc - UW/PC - Unix Windows for PC
- WerWolv/ImHex - 🔍 A Hex Editor for Reverse Engineers, Programmers and people who value their retinas when working at 3 AM.
- vslavik/diff-pdf - A simple tool for visually comparing two PDF files
- asset-group/5ghoul-5g-nr-attacks - 5G NR Attacks against Qualcomm and Mediatek smartphones. Fuzzer included⚡
- hoytech/strfry - a nostr relay
- MayerDaniel/profiler-lateral-movement - Lateral Movement via the .NET Profiler
- vxCrypt0r/Voidgate - A technique that can be used to bypass AV/EDR memory scanners. This can be used to hide well-known and detected shellcodes (such as msfvenom) by performing on-the-fly decryption of individual encrypte
- ZeroMemoryEx/C2-Hunter - Extract C2 Traffic
- SysSec-KAIST/LTESniffer - An Open-source LTE Downlink/Uplink Eavesdropper
- LadybirdBrowser/ladybird - Truly independent web browser
- tpoechtrager/osxcross - Mac OS X cross toolchain for Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Android (Termux)
- robjinman/richard - Richard is gaining power
- GJDuck/EnvFuzz - Fuzz anything with Program Environment Fuzzing
- openappsec/openappsec - open-appsec is a machine learning security engine that preemptively and automatically prevents threats against Web Application & APIs. This repo include the main code and logic.
- adrian-rt/superion-mutator - Superion Mutator for AFLPlusPlus
- frkngksl/Shoggoth - Shoggoth: Asmjit Based Polymorphic Encryptor
- Faisal-P27/WAREED-DNS-C2 -
- ikskuh/kristall - Graphical small-internet client for windows, linux, MacOS X and BSDs. Supports gemini, http, https, gopher, finger.
- sqlitebrowser/sqlitebrowser - Official home of the DB Browser for SQLite (DB4S) project. Previously known as "SQLite Database Browser" and "Database Browser for SQLite". Website at:
- CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA - Cataclysm - Dark Days Ahead. A turn-based survival game set in a post-apocalyptic world.
- vincentlaucsb/csv-parser - A high-performance, fully-featured CSV parser and serializer for modern C++.
- dillo-browser/dillo - Dillo, a multi-platform graphical web browser
- Mozilla-Ocho/llamafile - Distribute and run LLMs with a single file.
- SatDump/SatDump - A generic satellite data processing software.
- flipperdevices/qFlipper - qFlipper — desktop application for updating Flipper Zero firmware via PC
- catchorg/Catch2 - A modern, C++-native, test framework for unit-tests, TDD and BDD - using C++14, C++17 and later (C++11 support is in v2.x branch, and C++03 on the Catch1.x branch)
- vitoplantamura/OnnxStream - Lightweight inference library for ONNX files, written in C++. It can run Stable Diffusion XL 1.0 on a RPI Zero 2 (or in 298MB of RAM) but also Mistral 7B on desktops and servers. ARM, x86, WASM, RISC-
- Floorp-Projects/Floorp - All of source code of version 10 or later of Floorp Browser, the most Advanced and Fastest Firefox derivative 🦊
- dvyukov/centipede -
- zeek/zeek - Zeek is a powerful network analysis framework that is much different from the typical IDS you may know.
- simsong/bulk_extractor - This is the development tree. Production downloads are at:
- 0vercl0k/wtf - wtf is a distributed, code-coverage guided, customizable, cross-platform snapshot-based fuzzer designed for attacking user and / or kernel-mode targets running on Microsoft Windows and Linux user-mode
- nomic-ai/gpt4all - GPT4All: Run Local LLMs on Any Device. Open-source and available for commercial use.
- danmar/cppcheck - static analysis of C/C++ code
- freeorion/freeorion - Source code repository of the FreeOrion project.
- vegastrike/Vega-Strike-Engine-Source - Vega Strike Engine
- pioneerspacesim/pioneer - A game of lonely space adventure
- squell/id3 - ID3 mass tagger
- flameshot-org/flameshot - Powerful yet simple to use screenshot software 🖥️ 📸
- cjlin1/liblinear - LIBLINEAR -- A Library for Large Linear Classification
- UBoat-Botnet/UBoat - HTTP Botnet
- esphome/esphome - ESPHome is a system to control your ESP8266/ESP32 by simple yet powerful configuration files and control them remotely through Home Automation systems.
- qTox/qTox - qTox is a chat, voice, video, and file transfer IM client using the encrypted peer-to-peer Tox protocol.
- primecoin/primecoin - Primecoin - Cryptocurrency with Useful PoW Consensus
- raboof/nethogs - Linux 'net top' tool
- snorez/srcinv - source code audit tool
- nitaigao/lumin - A compositor for linux
- endless-sky/endless-sky - Space exploration, trading, and combat game.
- hluk/CopyQ - Clipboard manager with advanced features
- pia-foss/desktop - Private Internet Access - Desktop VPN Client for Windows/macOS/Linux
- google/path-auditor -
- oxen-io/lokinet - Lokinet is an anonymous, decentralized and IP based overlay network for the internet.
- AngoraFuzzer/Angora - Angora is a mutation-based fuzzer. The main goal of Angora is to increase branch coverage by solving path constraints without symbolic execution.
- picotorrent/picotorrent - A tiny, hackable BitTorrent client.
- znc/znc - Official repository for the ZNC IRC bouncer
- NASA-SW-VnV/ikos - Static analyzer for C/C++ based on the theory of Abstract Interpretation.
- nettrino/slowfuzz -
- googleprojectzero/BrokenType - TrueType and OpenType font fuzzing toolset
- maestron/botnets - This is a collection of #botnet source codes, unorganized. For EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY
- vegard/prog-fuzz - Compiler/source code fuzzing tool using AFL instrumentation
- EOSIO/eosio.cdt - EOSIO.CDT (Contract Development Toolkit) is a suite of tools used to build EOSIO contracts
- arnoldrobbins/mcilroy-regex - Doug McIlroy's C++ regular expression matching library
- mapbox/tippecanoe - Build vector tilesets from large collections of GeoJSON features.
- six-ddc/httpflow - A command line utility helps to capture and dump HTTP stream
- camrein/EzGraver - Simple multi-platform management software for NEJE laser engravers.
- wangyu-/tinyfecVPN - A VPN Designed for Lossy Links, with Build-in Forward Error Correction(FEC) Support. Improves your Network Quality on a High-latency Lossy Link.
- bkerler/exploit_me - Very vulnerable ARM/AARCH64 application (CTF style exploitation tutorial with 14 vulnerability techniques)
- KDE/ghostwriter - Text editor for Markdown
- HumbleNet/HumbleNet - a cross-platform networking library that works in the browser
- lifting-bits/grr - High-throughput fuzzer and emulator of DECREE binaries
- dekimir/RamFuzz - Combining Unit Tests, Fuzzing, and AI
- isec-tugraz/rowhammerjs - Rowhammer.js - A Remote Software-Induced Fault Attack in JavaScript
- randombit/botan - Cryptography Toolkit
- Cisco-Talos/moflow - Release Branches for MoFlow
- vinced/namecoin - Vince's tree - see namecoin/namecoin for main integration tree
- meyfa/CobolCraft - A Minecraft server written in COBOL
- avishek-sen-gupta/cobol-rekt - An evolving toolkit of capabilities helpful for reverse engineering legacy Cobol code
- colin273/Scriptable-For-Dummies -
- orcasecurity-research/AIGoat - AIGoat: A deliberately Vulnerable AI Infrastructure. Learn AI security through solving our challenges.
- ACK-J/MailFail - MailFail identifies and provides commands to exploit a large number of email-related misconfigurations for the current domain and subdomain. The extensions UI popup highlights any misconfigurations in
- HermanMartinus/bearblog - Free, no-nonsense, super fast blogging.
- argit2/tabi -
- J4FSec/In0ri - Website defacement attack detection with deep learning
- smartadblock/SmartAdBlock - SmartAdBlock project
- bradtraversy/50projects50days - 50+ mini web projects using HTML, CSS & JS
- HarmlessSystems/security.txt - ℹ️ Cross-platform browser extension for discovering security.txt and humans.txt files.
- Timvde/UserChrome-Tweaks - A community maintained repository of userChrome.css tweaks for Firefox
- logseq/logseq - A privacy-first, open-source platform for knowledge management and collaboration. Download link: http://github.com/logseq/logseq/releases. roadmap: http://trello.com/b/8txSM12G/roadmap
- damn/moon - RPG Maker & Engine
- instantdb/instant - Instant is a modern Firebase. We make you productive by giving your frontend a real-time database.
- github/codeql - CodeQL: the libraries and queries that power security researchers around the world, as well as code scanning in GitHub Advanced Security
- dotcypress/aiml - [Deprecated] Artificial Intelligence Markup Language lib for Node.js
- technoblogy/lisp-riscv-compiler - A Lisp compiler to RISC-V machine code written in Lisp
- iv-org/invidious - Invidious is an alternative front-end to YouTube
- HazyResearch/ThunderKittens - Tile primitives for speedy kernels
- github/dmca - Repository with text of DMCA takedown notices as received. GitHub does not endorse or adopt any assertion contained in the following notices. Users identified in the notices are presumed innocent unti
- doen1el/calibre-web-companion - A companion app for calibre web (automated)
- foss42/apidash - API Dash is a beautiful open-source cross-platform (macOS, Windows, Linux, Android & iOS) API Client built using Flutter which can help you easily create & customize your HTTP & GraphQL API requests,
- bdlukaa/fluent_ui - Implements Microsoft's WinUI3 in Flutter.
- dagmawibabi/ScholarXIV - ScholArxiv is an open-source, aesthetic, minimal and AI powered app that allows users to search, read, bookmark, share, download and view summaries of academic papers from the arXiv repository.
- localsend/localsend - An open-source cross-platform alternative to AirDrop
- Flutterando/yuno - Minimal Open-source Retrogame Frontend
- KRTirtho/spotube - 🎧 Open source Spotify client that doesn't require Premium nor uses Electron! Available for both desktop & mobile!
- thruthesky/fireflutter - Flutter Fire Second Version
- Mj23978/sam-assistant-ui - 🤖 Sam-assistant is a personal assistant that is designed to understand your documents, search the internet, and in future versions, create and understand images, and communicate with you. It is built
- Swordfish-Security/Pentest-In-Docker - Docker image to exploit RCE, try for pentest methods and test container security solutions (trivy, falco and etc.)
- briskinfosec/BNPT_Docker - Docker for Network Penetration testing
- RAJANAGORI/Nightingale - Nightingale Docker for Pentesters is a comprehensive Dockerized environment tailored for penetration testing and vulnerability assessment. It comes preconfigured with all essential tools and utilities
- aaaguirrep/offensive-docker - Offensive Docker is an image with the more used offensive tools to create an environment easily and quickly to launch assessment to the targets.
- westonsteimel/container-library-firefox - Firefox in a docker container
- standard-webhooks/standard-webhooks - The Standard Webhooks specification
- mozilla/send - Simple, private file sharing from the makers of Firefox
- ExpiredPopsicle/SnekStudio - Open-source VTuber software using Godot Engine!
- lukky-nl/Pocket-Godot - Starter Kit for mobile game development using Godot
- rzuf79/experiment-world - A DIY crafting simulator in Godot engine
- popcar2/GodotOS - A Fake Operating System Interface made in Godot!
- yusuf-musleh/mmar - mmar is a zero-dependency, self-hostable, cross-platform HTTP tunnel that exposes your localhost to the world on a public URL. Written in Go.
- subtrace/subtrace - Wireshark for Docker containers
- geeknik/go-honeypot - A dynamic honeypot with procedurally generated services written in Go.
- ResistanceIsUseless/ProxyHawk -
- monasticacademy/httptap - View HTTP/HTTPS requests made by any Linux program
- daniel-lxs/mcp-starter - A lightweight Go application that parses JSON configuration files and executes commands with specified environment variables.
- magodo/pipeform - Terraform runtime TUI 🫧
- ergochat/ergo - A modern IRC server (daemon/ircd) written in Go.
- kek-Sec/GopherDrop -
- openai/openai-go - The official Go library for the OpenAI API
- aswinkarthik/csvdiff - A fast diff tool for comparing csv files
- RediSearch/redisearch-go - Go client for RediSearch
- projectdiscovery/urlfinder - A high-speed tool for passively gathering URLs, optimized for efficient and comprehensive web asset discovery without active scanning.
- yorukot/superfile - Pretty fancy and modern terminal file manager
- mandiant/gocrack - GoCrack is a management frontend for password cracking tools written in Go
- BishopFox/cloudfox - Automating situational awareness for cloud penetration tests.
- Diatessaron/finder - Tinder for films
- dhth/kplay - Inspect messages in a Kafka topic in a simple and deliberate manner
- WuKongIM/WuKongIM - More than just IM 不只是即时通讯( IM )
- nakabonne/ali - Generate HTTP load and plot the results in real-time
- owenrumney/squealer - Telling tales on you for leaking secrets!
- doxx/darkflare - DarkFlare Firewall Piercing (TCP over CDN)
- IceWhaleTech/CasaOS - CasaOS - A simple, easy-to-use, elegant open-source Personal Cloud system.
- google/go-safeweb - Secure-by-default HTTP servers in Go.
- chebuya/sastsweep - tool designed for identifying vulnerabilities in open source codebases at scale. It can gather and filter on key repository metrics such as popularity and project size
- g0ldencybersec/CloudRecon -
- z3r0X0r/FuzzForge - FuzzForge is a high-speed Go-based directory and parameter fuzzer designed for security professionals and bug bounty hunters. It performs efficient directory brute-forcing and parameter testing with c
- pocketbase/pocketbase - Open Source realtime backend in 1 file
- tonywangcn/ten-million-domains - 27.6% of the Top 10 Million Sites are Dead
- aquasecurity/trivy - Find vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, secrets, SBOM in containers, Kubernetes, code repositories, clouds and more
- intigriti/misconfig-mapper - Misconfig Mapper is a fast tool to help you uncover security misconfigurations on popular third-party services used by your company and/or bug bounty targets!
- monperrus/crawler-user-agents - Syntactic patterns of HTTP user-agents used by bots / robots / crawlers / scrapers / spiders. pull-request welcome ⭐
- geeknik/tfidf - shhhh!
- geeknik/subjs - Fetches javascript file from a list of URLS or subdomains.
- GreenmaskIO/greenmask - PostgreSQL database anonymization and synthetic data generation tool
- bcdannyboy/STOC-D - STOC'D: Stochastic Trade Optimization for Credit Derivatives
- andrearaponi/dito - an advanced reverse proxy server written in Go
- alebeck/boring - The
SSH tunnel manager - neilotoole/sq - sq data wrangler
- umair9747/4oFour - A tech enumeration toolkit focused on 404 Not found pages.
- n0madic/twitter-scraper - Scrape the Twitter frontend API without authentication with Golang.
- 0xJacky/nginx-ui - Yet another WebUI for Nginx
- sw33tLie/uff - unleashed ffuf
- bitvora/haven - High Availability Vault for Events on Nostr
- NodyHub/zipslipper - Create tar/zip archives that try to exploit zipslip vulnerability.
- MightyMoud/sidekick - Bare metal to production ready in mins; your own fly server on your VPS.
- noperator/sol - A de-minifier (formatter, exploder, beautifier) for shell one-liners
- rabbitstack/fibratus - Adversary tradecraft detection, protection, and hunting
- piqoni/cast-text - A zero latency, easy-to-use full-text news terminal reader.
- NCCloud/mayfly - An operator to manage ephemeral Kubernetes resources 🐝
- nixhantb/neuroflash - A library for Data manipulation , Data Engineering and machine learning usecases with faster performance
- Overclock-Validator/mithril - A verifying node for the Solana blockchain, implemented in Go.
- nullswan/bpfsnitch - Real-time network & syscall monitoring tool for Linux systems and Kubernetes clusters
- golang/go - The Go programming language
- josephburnett/jd - JSON diff and patch
- yevbar/browserbased - COBOL for serverless headless browsers
- coder/wush - simplest & fastest way to transfer files between computers via WireGuard
- Glimesh/broadcast-box - A broadcast, in a box.
- mubeng/mubeng - An incredibly fast proxy checker & IP rotator with ease.
- TomWright/dasel - Select, put and delete data from JSON, TOML, YAML, XML and CSV files with a single tool. Supports conversion between formats and can be used as a Go package.
- crowdsecurity/crowdsec - CrowdSec - the open-source and participative security solution offering crowdsourced protection against malicious IPs and access to the most advanced real-world CTI.
- activecm/rita - Real Intelligence Threat Analytics (RITA) is a framework for detecting command and control communication through network traffic analysis.
- hotnops/apeman - AWS Attack Path Management Tool - Walking on the Moon
- xvzc/SpoofDPI - A simple and fast anti-censorship tool written in Go
- TheAlgorithms/Go - Algorithms and Data Structures implemented in Go for beginners, following best practices.
- chaitin/SafeLine - SafeLine is a self-hosted WAF(Web Application Firewall) / reverse proxy to protect your web apps from attacks and exploits.
- quackduck/devzat - The devs are over here at devzat, chat over SSH!
- badsectorlabs/sccm-http-looter - Find interesting files stored on (System Center) Configuration Manager (SCCM/CM) shares via HTTP(s)
- DataDog/grimoire - Generate datasets of cloud audit logs for common attacks
- valyentdev/ravel - An open-source containers-as-microVMs orchestrator.
- d3witt/viking - Simple way to manage your remote machines and SSH keys
- utkusen/urlhunter - a recon tool that allows searching on URLs that are exposed via shortener services
- umair9747/seize - A Command-line Utility written in Go for generating images of your CLI output using stdin
- lc/gau - Fetch known URLs from AlienVault's Open Threat Exchange, the Wayback Machine, and Common Crawl.
- cgzirim/seek-tune - An implementation of Shazam's song recognition algorithm.
- kmarkela/duffman - Fuzzer and Lightweight CLI Client for Postman Collections
- facundoolano/ngtop - nginx access logs analytics
- acheong08/apple-corelocation-experiments - Experimenting with Apple's WPS location service
- poundifdef/smoothmq - An improved drop-in replacement for SQS
- loft-sh/vcluster - vCluster - Create fully functional virtual Kubernetes clusters - Each vcluster runs inside a namespace of the underlying k8s cluster. It's cheaper than creating separate full-blown clusters and it off
- mr-karan/doggo - 🐶 Command-line DNS Client for Humans. Written in Golang
- flipt-io/reverst - Reverse Tunnels in Go over HTTP/3 and QUIC
- ariary/volana - 🌒 Shell command obfuscation to avoid detection systems
- aydinnyunus/PackageSpy - PackageSpy is a versatile command-line tool designed to simplify the process of searching for packages on two popular package managers
- firefart/hijagger - Checks all maintainers of all NPM and Pypi packages for hijackable packages through domain re-registration
- gptscript-ai/gptscript - Build AI assistants that interact with your systems
- danvergara/dblab - The database client every command line junkie deserves.
- EwenQuim/entropy - Entropy is a CLI tool that will scan your codebase for high entropy lines, which are often secrets.
- piqoni/hn-text - A text-first HN client.
- danielmiessler/fabric - fabric is an open-source framework for augmenting humans using AI. It provides a modular framework for solving specific problems using a crowdsourced set of AI prompts that can be used anywhere.
- chenjiandongx/dnstrack - 🔎 A dns-query tracking tool written in go.
- xm1k3/cent - Community edition nuclei templates, a simple tool that allows you to organize all the Nuclei templates offered by the community in one place
- jesseduffield/lazydocker - The lazier way to manage everything docker
- abiosoft/colima - Container runtimes on macOS (and Linux) with minimal setup
- ravanbod/dockerwatcher - DockerWatcher is a lightweight Go-based tool designed for real-time Docker event monitoring and system notification. It offers flexible running modes, supports Redis queues, and integrates with Telegr
- noisysockets/nsh - The Noisy Sockets CLI
- anchore/grype - A vulnerability scanner for container images and filesystems
- visma-prodsec/confused - Tool to check for dependency confusion vulnerabilities in multiple package management systems
- umair9747/Genzai - The IoT security toolkit to help identify IoT related dashboards and scan them for default passwords and vulnerabilities.
- eklairs/tlock - Two-Factor Authentication Tokens Manager in Terminal
- lorenzoromani1983/wayback-keyword-search - This tool downloads each page from the Wayback Machine for a specific domain and enables further keyword search on each saved page.
- maaslalani/invoice - Command line invoice generator
- mmcdole/gofeed - Parse RSS, Atom and JSON feeds in Go
- SpectralOps/netz - Discover internet-wide misconfigurations while drinking coffee
- marco-liberale/PasteBomb - PasteBomb C2-less RAT
- gosom/google-maps-scraper - scrape data data from Google Maps. Extracts data such as the name, address, phone number, website URL, rating, reviews number, latitude and longitude, reviews,email and more for each place
- dark-warlord14/CVENotifier - Customized CVE FEED Notifier
- nkanaev/yarr - yet another rss reader
- matryer/xbar - Put the output from any script or program into your macOS Menu Bar (the BitBar reboot)
- jpillora/chisel - A fast TCP/UDP tunnel over HTTP
- nilsherzig/LLocalSearch - LLocalSearch is a completely locally running search aggregator using LLM Agents. The user can ask a question and the system will use a chain of LLMs to find the answer. The user can see the progress o
- g0ldencybersec/gungnir - CT Log Scanner
- pojntfx/weron - Overlay networks based on WebRTC.
- xhzeem/toxicache - Go scanner to find web cache poisoning vulnerabilities in a list of URLs
- 0x4D31/galah - Galah: An LLM-powered web honeypot.
- hatchet-dev/hatchet - A distributed, fault-tolerant task queue
- Moopinger/smugglefuzz - A rapid HTTP downgrade smuggling scanner written in Go.
- x90skysn3k/brutespray - Bruteforcing from various scanner output - Automatically attempts default creds on found services.
- TwiN/gatus - ⛑ Automated developer-oriented status page
- ANDRVV/gapcast - 📡 802.11 broadcast analyzer & injector
- shazow/ssh-chat - Chat over SSH.
- jhaddix/awsScrape - A tool to scrape the AWS ranges looking for a keyword in SSL certificate data.
- venerasf/Venera - A modular exploitation framework extensible with Lua
- pion/turn - Pion TURN, an API for building TURN clients and servers
- dwisiswant0/ngocok - ngrok Collaborator Link — yet another Burp Collaborator alternative for free with ngrok.
- wagoodman/dive - A tool for exploring each layer in a docker image
- edoardottt/cariddi - Take a list of domains, crawl urls and scan for endpoints, secrets, api keys, file extensions, tokens and more
- i5nipe/nipejs - Simplify your life with leak detection in JavaScript. NipeJS streamlines the use of regex, making it effortless to uncover potential leaks.
- gophish/gophish - Open-Source Phishing Toolkit
- panjf2000/ants - 🐜🐜🐜 ants is the most powerful and reliable pooling solution for Go.
- bearded-web/bearded -
- jesseduffield/horcrux - Split your file into encrypted fragments so that you don't need to remember a passcode
- cilium/cilium - eBPF-based Networking, Security, and Observability
- lxc/incus - Powerful system container and virtual machine manager
- stefanoj3/dirstalk - Modern alternative to dirbuster/dirb
- charmbracelet/mods - AI on the command line
- charmbracelet/glow - Render markdown on the CLI, with pizzazz! 💅🏻
- Bearer/bearer - Code security scanning tool (SAST) to discover, filter and prioritize security and privacy risks.
- c0nrad/http2fuzz - HTTP/2 fuzzer written in Golang
- ollama/ollama - Get up and running with Llama 3.3, DeepSeek-R1, Phi-4, Gemma 2, and other large language models.
- owasp-amass/amass - In-depth attack surface mapping and asset discovery
- charmbracelet/pop - Send emails from your terminal 📬
- HavocFramework/Havoc - The Havoc Framework
- assetnote/surf - Escalate your SSRF vulnerabilities on Modern Cloud Environments.
allows you to filter a list of hosts, returning a list of viable SSRF candidates. - la5nta/pat - A cross-platform Winlink client written in Go
- wader/fq - jq for binary formats - tool, language and decoders for working with binary and text formats
- tillson/git-hound - Reconnaissance tool for GitHub code search. Scans for exposed API keys across all of GitHub, not just known repos and orgs.
- zincsearch/zincsearch - ZincSearch . A lightweight alternative to elasticsearch that requires minimal resources, written in Go.
- projectdiscovery/public-bugbounty-programs - Community curated list of public bug bounty and responsible disclosure programs.
- hahwul/dalfox - 🌙🦊 Dalfox is a powerful open-source XSS scanner and utility focused on automation.
- trufflesecurity/trufflehog - Find, verify, and analyze leaked credentials
- Emoe/kxss - This a adaption of tomnomnom's kxss tool with a different output format
- mop-tracker/mop - Stock market tracker for hackers.
- rakibtg/Imager.go - A go application to download random public domain images in random or defined size of length
- sstark/gjfy - gjfy is a standalone one-time link server. Use it to securely share secrets.
- gieseladev/mosaic - A collage generator primarily designed to generate stunning playlist thumbnails
- FiloSottile/age - A simple, modern and secure encryption tool (and Go library) with small explicit keys, no config options, and UNIX-style composability.
- j3ssie/metabigor - OSINT tools and more but without API key
- smf8/http-monitor - An HTTP endpoint monitor service with RESTful API
- j3ssie/goverview - goverview - Get an overview of the list of URLs
- webpod/red - Security log analysis tools for server monitoring
- daffainfo/Key-Checker - Go scripts for checking API key / access token validity
- projectdiscovery/simplehttpserver - Go alternative of python SimpleHTTPServer
- projectdiscovery/chaos-client - Go client to communicate with Chaos DB API.
- detectify/page-fetch - Fetch web pages using headless Chrome, storing all fetched resources including JavaScript files. Run arbitrary JavaScript on many web pages and see the returned values
- neex/1u.ms -
- projectdiscovery/interactsh - An OOB interaction gathering server and client library
- projectdiscovery/network-fingerprint - A fingerprint generation helper for nuclei network templates
- jaeles-project/jaeles - The Swiss Army knife for automated Web Application Testing
- chennqqi/godnslog - An exquisite dns&http log server for verify SSRF/XXE/RFI/RCE vulnerability
- teknogeek/ssrf-sheriff - A simple SSRF-testing sheriff written in Go
- ffuf/ffuf - Fast web fuzzer written in Go
- sudosammy/knary - A simple HTTP(S) and DNS Canary bot with Slack/Discord/MS Teams/Lark/Telegram & Pushover support
- michenriksen/aquatone - A Tool for Domain Flyovers
- twiny/spidy - Domain names collector - Crawl websites and collect domain names along with their availability status.
- gocolly/colly - Elegant Scraper and Crawler Framework for Golang
- projectdiscovery/naabu - A fast port scanner written in go with a focus on reliability and simplicity. Designed to be used in combination with other tools for attack surface discovery in bug bounties and pentests
- projectdiscovery/cloudlist - Cloudlist is a tool for listing Assets from multiple Cloud Providers.
- projectdiscovery/proxify - A versatile and portable proxy for capturing, manipulating, and replaying HTTP/HTTPS traffic on the go.
- gen2brain/url2img - HTTP server with API for capturing screenshots of websites
- projectdiscovery/nuclei - Nuclei is a fast, customizable vulnerability scanner powered by the global security community and built on a simple YAML-based DSL, enabling collaboration to tackle trending vulnerabilities on the int
- projectdiscovery/httpx - httpx is a fast and multi-purpose HTTP toolkit that allows running multiple probes using the retryablehttp library.
- tomnomnom/anew - A tool for adding new lines to files, skipping duplicates
- tomnomnom/waybackurls - Fetch all the URLs that the Wayback Machine knows about for a domain
- hakluke/hakrawler - Simple, fast web crawler designed for easy, quick discovery of endpoints and assets within a web application
- tomnomnom/gf - A wrapper around grep, to help you grep for things
- jadametz/goTweetDelete - Delete Tweets older than X days old
- DNSCrypt/dnscrypt-proxy - dnscrypt-proxy 2 - A flexible DNS proxy, with support for encrypted DNS protocols.
- sensepost/gowitness - 🔍 gowitness - a golang, web screenshot utility using Chrome Headless
- syncthing/syncthing - Open Source Continuous File Synchronization
- jesseduffield/lazygit - simple terminal UI for git commands
- hashicorp/nomad - Nomad is an easy-to-use, flexible, and performant workload orchestrator that can deploy a mix of microservice, batch, containerized, and non-containerized applications. Nomad is easy to operate and sc
- missdeer/blocklist - A big domain block list - 200000+ lines
- tomnomnom/httprobe - Take a list of domains and probe for working HTTP and HTTPS servers
- maliceio/malice - VirusTotal Wanna Be - Now with 100% more Hipster
- digitalocean/doctl - The official command line interface for the DigitalOcean API.
- cjbassi/gotop - A terminal based graphical activity monitor inspired by gtop and vtop
- shankarapailoor/moonshine -
- honeytrap/honeytrap - Advanced Honeypot framework.
- tomnomnom/hacks - A collection of hacks and one-off scripts
- sa7mon/S3Scanner - Scan for misconfigured S3 buckets across S3-compatible APIs!
- OJ/gobuster - Directory/File, DNS and VHost busting tool written in Go
- brompwnie/CVE-2019-5418-Scanner - A multi-threaded Golang scanner to identify Ruby endpoints vulnerable to CVE-2019-5418
- haccer/subjack - Subdomain Takeover tool written in Go
- pboyd/randtxt - Random text generator
- evilsocket/shellz - shellz is a small utility to manage your ssh, telnet, kubernetes, winrm, web or any custom shell in a single place.
- kgretzky/evilginx2 - Standalone man-in-the-middle attack framework used for phishing login credentials along with session cookies, allowing for the bypass of 2-factor authentication
- gitleaks/gitleaks - Find secrets with Gitleaks 🔑
- anshumanbh/git-all-secrets - A tool to capture all the git secrets by leveraging multiple open source git searching tools
- tomnomnom/meg - Fetch many paths for many hosts - without killing the hosts
- empijei/wapty - [ceased maintenance] An open source alternative to burp suite written in Go.
- jhchen/ansize - Convert images to binary ANSI art
- wtfutil/wtf - The personal information dashboard for your terminal
- projectdiscovery/subfinder - Fast passive subdomain enumeration tool.
- gruntwork-io/terratest - Terratest is a Go library that makes it easier to write automated tests for your infrastructure code.
- dvyukov/go-fuzz-corpus - Corpus for github.com/dvyukov/go-fuzz examples
- Ullaakut/cameradar - Cameradar hacks its way into RTSP videosurveillance cameras
- hardentools/hardentools - Hardentools simply reduces the attack surface on Microsoft Windows computers by disabling low-hanging fruit risky features.
- vuvuzela/vuvuzela - Private messaging system that hides metadata
- rancher/os - Tiny Linux distro that runs the entire OS as Docker containers
- google/syzkaller - syzkaller is an unsupervised coverage-guided kernel fuzzer
- future-architect/vuls - Agent-less vulnerability scanner for Linux, FreeBSD, Container, WordPress, Programming language libraries, Network devices
- richo/roving -
- bnagy/pdftok - Minimal and hacky PDF lexer
- SecurityRunners/CloudCommotion - Cloud Commotion intends to cause chaos to simulate security incidents
- TorDotWatch/PrivX - PrivX is a secure, private pastebin alternative without JavaScript.
- ginatrapani/life-in-weeks - 📍 A map of my life, where each week I've been alive is a little box.
- web-infra-dev/midscene - Let AI be your browser operator.
- apankrat/nullboard - Nullboard is a minimalist kanban board, focused on compactness and readability.
- stalkermustang/llm-bulls-and-cows-benchmark - A mini-framework for evaluating LLM performance on the Bulls and Cows number guessing game, supporting multiple LLM providers.
- fudan-zvg/gtracer - 3D Gaussian Ray Tracer
- geeknik/alien-space-shooter - Alien Space Shooter
- 0xeb/TheBigPromptLibrary - A collection of prompts, system prompts and LLM instructions
- ripienaar/free-for-dev - A list of SaaS, PaaS and IaaS offerings that have free tiers of interest to devops and infradev
- phil-opp/blog_os - Writing an OS in Rust
- justinphan3110cais/newspaper4k-forecasting-ai - 📰 Newspaper4k a fork of the beloved Newspaper3k. Extraction of articles, titles, and metadata from news websites.
- nomadic-ml/nomadic - Nomadic is an enterprise-grade framework for teams to continuously optimize compound AI systems
- owickstrom/the-monospace-web - A minimalist design exploration
- ibudiallo/automated-agents-book - Repository for the book: Automated Agents
- GAIR-NLP/OpenResearcher - OpenResearcher, an advanced Scientific Research Assistant
- hemant-i7/Ai_blog_Writer - This project aims to develop an AI-based system that can generate blog articles on a given topic using OpenAI's GPT-3 API. The system will use natural language processing and deep learning techniques
- dpmittal/SentiEnt - Sentiment Analyser of product reviews on various E-Commerce Websites
- gehaxelt/phuzz - Modular & Open-Source Coverage-Guided Web Application Fuzzer for PHP
- momenbasel/keyFinder - Keyfinder🔑 is a tool that let you find keys while surfing the web!
- tinyworldmap/tiny-world-map - tinyworldmap is a tiny world map for offline-first and low-bandwidth web apps
- will127534/FourThirdsEye - Open source Raspberry Pi 5 compatible Micro Four Thirds camera module based on IMX294
- InvisibilityInc/Invisibility - Technology should blend into the background, no?
- MarcSkovMadsen/awesome-streamlit - The purpose of this project is to share knowledge on how awesome Streamlit is and can be
- ssbc/scuttlebutt-protocol-guide - Protocol documentation for Secure Scuttlebutt
- rohanarun/Open-Agent-Studio -
- swisskyrepo/HardwareAllTheThings - Hardware/IOT Pentesting Wiki
- swisskyrepo/InternalAllTheThings - Active Directory and Internal Pentest Cheatsheets
- MarginaliaSearch/MarginaliaSearch - Internet search engine for text-oriented websites. Indexing the small, old and weird web.
- censortracker/censortracker - Censor Tracker is a censorship circumvention extension for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.
- ludwich66/Quansheng_UV-K5_Wiki - Quansheng UV-K5 Firmware
- referefref/modpot - Modular web-application honeypot platform built using go and gin
- federico-busato/Modern-CPP-Programming - Modern C++ Programming Course (C++03/11/14/17/20/23/26)
- janraasch/hugo-bearblog - 🧸 A Hugo theme based on »Bear Blog«. Free, no-nonsense, super-fast blogging. This theme now includes a dark color scheme to support dark mode 🦉 ⬛️!
- khzg/ChatGPT - Ai Chat everywhere (firefox addons)
- e2b-dev/E2B - Secure open source cloud runtime for AI apps & AI agents
- tom-barone/discontent - Open source browser extension to fight garbage content on the web
- f/awesome-chatgpt-prompts - This repo includes ChatGPT prompt curation to use ChatGPT and other LLM tools better.
- rascal999/maxos - Pentest focused NixOS config
- yogeshojha/rengine - reNgine is an automated reconnaissance framework for web applications with a focus on highly configurable streamlined recon process via Engines, recon data correlation and organization, continuous mon
- adamchandra/open-meta-extraction -
- DefectDojo/django-DefectDojo - DevSecOps, ASPM, Vulnerability Management. All on one platform.
- projectdiscovery/nuclei-docs - Nuclei documentation
- wreet/domnom - a simple dynamic fuzzer for the DOM
- roddux/rucss - CSS fuzzer
- vperlerin/AMSCam - Control your AMSCam and your PI from a device on your network
- proabiral/inception - A highly configurable Framework for easy automated web scanning
- 8values/8values.github.io - The 8values political quiz
- acceptable-security/canvasfuzz - A fuzzer for HTML5 canvas operations.
- tomtaylor/lowflyingrocks - Twitter bot that tweets when an asteroid passes the Earth
- chrisallenlane/drek - A static-code-analysis tool for performing security-focused code reviews. It enables an auditor to swiftly map the attack-surface of a large application, with an emphasis on identifying development an
- robashton/crowdsourcedhomepage - Note: This fun time is over, I needed to decommission the cloud server doing the merges
- koalaman/shellcheck - ShellCheck, a static analysis tool for shell scripts
- giovanifss/Dumb - Dumain Bruteforcer - a fast and flexible domain bruteforcer
- LaurieWired/Malimite - iOS and macOS Decompiler
- NationalSecurityAgency/ghidra - Ghidra is a software reverse engineering (SRE) framework
- freedomotic/freedomotic - Open IoT Framework
- Anuken/Mindustry - The automation tower defense RTS
- Winds-Studio/Leaf - A Paper fork aim to find balance between performance, vanilla and stability
- kestra-io/kestra - ⚡ Workflow Automation Platform. Orchestrate & Schedule code in any language, run anywhere, 500+ plugins. Alternative to Zapier, Rundeck, Camunda, Airflow...
- Athou/commafeed - Google Reader inspired self-hosted personal RSS reader.
- Netflix/maestro - Maestro: Netflix’s Workflow Orchestrator
- haveno-dex/haveno - Decentralized P2P exchange platform built on Monero and Tor
- leandrotacioli/wasis - WASIS (Wildlife Animal Sound Identification System) is a public-domain software that recognizes animal species based on their sounds. From a partnership between Laboratory of Information Systems (LIS)
- dbeaver/dbeaver - Free universal database tool and SQL client
- zaproxy/zaproxy - The ZAP by Checkmarx Core project
- Stirling-Tools/Stirling-PDF - #1 Locally hosted web application that allows you to perform various operations on PDF files
- Alovoa/alovoa - Free and open-source dating platform that respects your privacy
- akto-api-security/akto - Proactive, Open source API security → API discovery, API Security Posture, Testing in CI/CD, Test Library with 1000+ Tests, Add custom tests, Sensitive data exposure
- olacabs/jackhammer - Jackhammer - One Security vulnerability assessment/management tool to solve all the security team problems.
- yacy/yacy_search_server - Distributed Peer-to-Peer Web Search Engine and Intranet Search Appliance
- drewnoakes/metadata-extractor - Extracts Exif, IPTC, XMP, ICC and other metadata from image, video and audio files
- 00-Evan/shattered-pixel-dungeon - Shattered Pixel Dungeon is an open-source traditional roguelike dungeon crawler with randomized levels and enemies, and hundreds of items to collect and use. It's based on the source code of Pixel Dun
- AsamK/signal-cli - signal-cli provides an unofficial commandline, JSON-RPC and dbus interface for the Signal messenger.
- righettod/virtualhost-payload-generator - BURP extension providing a set of values for the HTTP request "Host" header for the "BURP Intruder" in order to abuse virtual host resolution.
- quarantyne/quarantyne - Modern Web Firewall: stop account takeovers, weak passwords, cloud IPs, DoS attacks, disposable emails
- isstac/kelinci - AFL-based fuzzing for Java
- elkokc/reflector - Burp plugin able to find reflected XSS on page in real-time while browsing on site
- silentsignal/burp-uuid - UUID issues for Burp Suite
- 1ultimat3/BadIntent - Intercept, modify, repeat and attack Android's Binder transactions using Burp Suite
- vulnersCom/burp-vulners-scanner - Vulnerability scanner based on vulners.com search API
- signalapp/Signal-Server - Server supporting the Signal Private Messenger applications on Android, Desktop, and iOS
- cryptomator/cryptomator - Cryptomator for Windows, macOS, and Linux: Secure client-side encryption for your cloud storage, ensuring privacy and control over your data.
- claritylab/lucida - Speech and Vision Based Intelligent Personal Assistant
- elastic/logstash - Logstash - transport and process your logs, events, or other data
- Graylog2/graylog2-server - Free and open log management
- ether/pad - Etherpad Open-Source Repository
- chris124567/commercial-bot-detectors - JavaScript code of many commercial bot detectors/fingerprinting services and string deobfuscators for them if applicable.
- geeknik/ai-swiss-army-knife - An AI "Swiss army knife" for Brave, powered by OpenRouter
- stong/bad-tweet-firewall - Chrome extension that highlights unwanted tweets
- omairqazi29/pera - P.E.R.A. Water Data Collection System
- face-hh/darkaroo - A browser extension for getting ads everywhere. Be forced to watch YouTube ads with your eyes opened, have popups on every site, scam buttons in random corners, yell words to close ads, and more
- modelcontextprotocol/servers - Model Context Protocol Servers
- jorgebucaran/colorette - 🌈Easily set your terminal text color & styles
- fetchfox/fetchfox-extension - A Chrome extension to extract any data from any website
- davidwolfpaw/FetchFox - FetchFox Curation Collector - Collects metadata of the current page and saves it to browser.storage.local for content curation
- ch1y0w0/ParamScan - ParamScan is a chrome extension for finding reflected parameters in a webpage.
- Marynk/JavaScript-vulnerability-detection - a project repository for a paper
- thepersonalaicompany/amurex - World's first AI meeting copilot → The Open Source Executive Assistant (Coming Soon)
- geeknik/brave-cats - Quantum Cat Overlay Engine (QCOE) - A Manifest V3 extension for Brave that adds procedurally generated cats to every image
- insin/control-panel-for-twitter - Browser extension which gives you more control over your Twitter timeline and adds missing features and UI improvements - for desktop and mobile
- RootUp/SmuggleShield - Protection against HTML smuggling attempts.
- fabiospampinato/cash - An absurdly small jQuery alternative for modern browsers.
- mandatoryprogrammer/tarnish - A Chrome extension static analysis tool to help aide in security reviews.
- mandatoryprogrammer/JudasDNS - Nameserver DNS poisoning attacks made easy
- yunekit/jexus - Jexus is a high-performance web server and reverse proxy server that works on Linux, and it is also a high-quality container for self-hosted web applications such as asp.net core, tomcat, golang web,
- geeknik/coupon-code-race-finder - A Firefox extension to aid in finding race conditions in coupon code handling.
- geeknik/pwgen -
- geeknik/esoteric-firefox-userscripts - A collection of useful userscripts for Firefox
- geeknik/dalle-sum - Summarize a website visually with Dalle
- geeknik/kaygee - Build a knowledge graph in your browser.
- geeknik/ai-tab-grouper - Automatically groups your browser tabs using advanced text analysis algorithms
- geeknik/cognishield - Empowering users to navigate the web with confidence.
- vinothsparrow/iframe-broker - Extension to log iframe and cross window communications.
- shubhamjain/svg-spinners - Collection of open-source SVG spinners (CSS & SMIL based).
- jswanner/DontF-WithPaste - Google Chrome extension that prevents the blocking of pasting into input fields
- GladysAssistant/Gladys - A privacy-first, open-source home assistant
- jens-maus/RaspberryMatic - 🏠 A feature-rich but lightweight, buildroot-based Linux operating system alternative for a CloudFree CCU3/ELV-Charly 'homematicIP CCU' IoT smarthome central. Running as a pure virtual appliance
- DockerSecurityPlayground/DSP - A Microservices-based framework for the study of Network Security and Penetration Test techniques
- Ninety-Camera/desktop-frontend - Desktop application frontend for the CCTV Smart Monitoring Platform
- akazwz/image-worker - Use cloudflare worker and rust wasm to build an image processing service. 使用 Cloudflare Worker 和 Rust WASM 构建图像处理服务
- openai/openai-realtime-console - React app for inspecting, building and debugging with the Realtime API
- sinaptik-ai/panda-etl - No-code ETL and data pipelines with AI and NLP
- monklie/monklie-product-hunt-alternative - Solving indie distribution/marketing
- abinthomasonline/repo2txt - Web-based tool converts GitHub repository contents into a single formatted text file
- 0-5788719150923125/ext - browser extensions
- lirantal/js-vulns-detector - Inject JS to the DOM to find vulnerable JavaScript libraries
- ste-xx/gist-userscript-manager - Userscript manager which based on Github Gist
- 0xedward/neuralyzer - Chrome extension that wipes your sensitive data on the tab you are currently on
- sveltejs/svelte - web development for the rest of us
- jasmine/jasmine - Simple JavaScript testing framework for browsers and node.js
- murtuzaalisurti/better - A code reviewer github action powered by AI, ready to be used in your workflow.
- zlwaterfield/scramble - Open-Source Grammarly Alternative
- meta-fx/Text-Obfuscator - Red Teaming Tool
- kkomelin/isomorphic-dompurify - Use DOMPurify on server and client in the same way
- WebGoat/WebGoat - WebGoat is a deliberately insecure application
- SadeghHayeri/GreenTunnel - GreenTunnel is an anti-censorship utility designed to bypass the DPI system that is put in place by various ISPs to block access to certain websites.
- ResidualLaugh/FindSomething - 基于chrome、firefox插件的被动式信息泄漏检测工具
- bhavyagada/watdat - Wat dat (What's that?) is a browser extension to explain any highlighted text on the web page using AI.
- mem0ai/mem0-chrome-extension - Claude Memory: Long-term memory for Claude
- 4as/ChatGPT-DeMod - Tampermonkey/Greasemonkey script that hides the moderation results when communicating with ChatGPT.
- zen-browser/desktop - A calmer internet, without any gimmicks.
- robin-collins/netsim - NetSim is an AI-powered web application designed to generate highly interactive and detailed web simulations based on user descriptions.
- sindresorhus/nano-spawn - Tiny process execution for humans — a better child_process
- jofpin/synthBTC - A tool that uses advanced Monte Carlo simulations and Turbit parallel processing to create possible Bitcoin prediction scenarios.
- turboblack/HamsterCMS - Flat file cms HamsterCMS is the world's smallest and very simple multi-template flatfile PHP content management system
- aj47/clickolas-cage - a chrome extension that performs web browsing actions autonomously to complete a given goal/task (using LLM as brain).
- infosecak/DVBE - Damn Vulnerable Browser Extension (DVBE), previously named as Badly Coded Browser Extension (BCBE), is an open-source vulnerable Chrome Extension created to educate developers and security professiona
- mattborn/starter-extension - Save time starting your next Chrome extension.
- ricklamers/x-ai-content-filter-groq - Filter X content using LLM API requests, configurable, based on Groq API
- jiangzhuo/x-ai-content-filter-on-device-ai - Filter X content using LLM API requests, configurable, based on Chrome built-in AI
- yokoffing/Betterfox - Firefox user.js for speed, privacy, and security. Your favorite browser, but better.
- jofpin/turbit - Build applications, scripts, and automations powered by high-performance multicore computing using Node.js
- maoxiaoke/candy - A Chrome / Edge extension that download your images with proper name using AI
- usebruno/bruno - Opensource IDE For Exploring and Testing Api's (lightweight alternative to postman/insomnia)
- dragonsea0927/tech-ecommerce - A full-stack CRUD Laravel and ReactJs E-Commerce platform with a secure authentication system using Laravel Sanctum, with the admin dashboard.
- dragonsea0927/Frontend-Boilerplates - Collection of Boilerplates with ES6, Vue, React, Nuxt, TypeScript, SCSS, Nodejs. Using good practices and file structures to inspire your real projects.
- bidek/oh-lammy - explain your selection with ollama power - Chrome Extension
- suryavanshi/groq_chrome_extension - A Simple Chrome Extention which LLM to summarize the page
- JakeSteam/SelectiveScrubber - Chrome extension for selectively removing phrases & sites from history in a single click
- OrionReed/dom3d - Browser extension to view and debug the DOM in 3D space.
- tracywong117/Ask-llama - Chrome Extension - Right click to ask Llama about the selected words. Supported by Groq and powered by Marked.js.
- KarthikeyaKollu/browserAI.01 - Orian (Ollama WebUI) is a Chrome extension that provides quick access to your favorite local Language Model (LLM) directly from your browser. With features like open-source chat integration, mail repl
- xrandy00/mt_2022 - Repository containing source codes for my masters's thesis work.
- InternLM/MindSearch - 🔍 An LLM-based Multi-agent Framework of Web Search Engine (like Perplexity.ai Pro and SearchGPT)
- ivostoykov/localAI - Use local AI within the browser
- BrianBlowtasky/Cache-Clearer - Cache Clearer is a Firefox addon designed to automatically ONLY clear your browser cache every 30 minutes.
- loca1first/WhatLicense - WhatLicense is a local first Firefox/Chrome extension that retrieves and displays the license of any github project linked on HackerNews and Reddit
- dannen/blobber - a no-frills firefox extension to download media found as blob files on various webpages.
- Psychosynthesis/Eraser - Web-extension for removing tracking query parameters in a link (utm, fbclid, etc.)
- swandrn/browsing_data - A Firefox extension to view and download your natural behavior whilst browsing the web
- vwesselkamp/ernie-extension - Contains the source code of the extension ERNIE from the WPES 2021 paper "In-Depth Technical and Legal Analysis of Tracking on Health Related Websites with ERNIE Extension"
- xnl-h4ck3r/XnlReveal - A Chrome/Firefox browser extension to show alerts for reflected query params, show Wayback archive links for the current path, show hidden elements and enable disabled elements.
- jmpinney/compost - a firefox extension for checking link rot
- andornaut/filter-bubble - A browser add-on/extension for Chrome and Firefox that enables you to hide content that you don't want to see on the web
- xifangczy/cat-catch - 猫抓 浏览器资源嗅探扩展 / cat-catch Browser Resource Sniffing Extension
- librariesio/github-firehose - 🔥 SSE firehose of GitHub public timeline
- SuffolkLITLab/prompts - A browser extension that generates and runs LLM prompts based on templates and user input such as selected text and the contents of the current page
- ssaavedra/trackula-we - Web Extension version of the Firefox Lightbeam add-on enhanced with Trackula (coming soon)
- lyubomyr-shaydariv/uu-webext - uU is a web browser extension stripping tracking data from URLs and bypassing redirection trackers (if possible)
- ElSicarius/chunkloader - A chrome/Firefox extension to retrieve and load react javascript chunks all at once for a wide range of javascript techs
- Rift7/Portunus - The API Key Collector
- midoxnet/mapperplus - MapperPlus facilitates the extraction of source code from a collection of targets that have publicly exposed .js.map files.
- jaywcjlove/awesome-mac - Now we have become very big, Different from the original idea. Collect premium software in various categories.
- Gimer-Studios/APIMyLlama - API up your Ollama Server.
- simomat/lowcarb - A Firefox Plugin to remove unwanted cookies
- YunfangHou/Safari-like-Tab-Reopener - Safari-like function to reopen tab with Command + Z, or Ctrl + Z on Windows. It will not conflict with the Undo function when you are in the text editing field.
- z1bbo/xslop - adds a shortcut to hide bad tweets on your Twitter/X timeline
- felixrieseberg/macintosh.js - 🖥 A virtual Apple Macintosh with System 8, running in Electron. I'm sorry.
- lencx/Noi - 🚀 Power Your World with AI - Explore, Extend, Empower.
- igorlogius/tbl2csv - Save HTML Tables, CSS Pseudo/DIV Tables or Lists (UL/OL) as a comma seperated values (CSV) file which can be opened with any spreadsheet processor (e.g. excel, libreoffice-calc,gnumeric) for further p
- pdulvp/extract-data - Ease your daily-uses copy/paste. (as JSON, XLS or with textual format)
- rouxpz/dataDouble - code for chrome and firefox browser extensions for dataDouble project, 2018-present.
- 1polygon/ad-mute - Browser extension that mutes ads on Twitch and YouTube.
- donwiktorb/Auto-Youtube-Ad-Skip - Auto Youtube Ad Skip
- sudip-13/youtube-comment-analysis - This Python program analyzes YouTube comments’ sentiment using natural language processing. It fetches comments via the YouTube Data API and provides results.
- dnakov/little-rat - 🐀 Small chrome extension to monitor (and optionally block) other extensions' network calls
- tree-sitter/tree-sitter-javascript - Javascript grammar for tree-sitter
- tree-sitter/tree-sitter-python - Python grammar for tree-sitter
- metaskills/experts - Experts.js is the easiest way to create and deploy OpenAI's Assistants and link them together as Tools to create advanced Multi AI Agent Systems with expanded memory and attention to detail.
- NodeSecure/js-x-ray - JavaScript & Node.js open-source SAST scanner. A static analyser for detecting most common malicious patterns 🔬.
- dessant/ping-blocker - Stop sites from tracking the links you visit through hyperlink auditing
- bottiger/trolling-with-love - A small firefox extension for trolling friends
- dimdenGD/YeahTwitter - Adds Yeah! button to Twitter, essentially a public Like
- caiota/Twitter -
- claustromaniac/detect-cloudflare-plus - True Sight Firefox extension.
- claustromaniac/etag-stoppa - Minimalist extension for Firefox that removes ETag response headers unconditionally and without exceptions.
- mwmbl/crawler-extension - A browser extension that can be installed by volunteers to participate in mwmbl distributed crawling.
- nil-two/tcott - Investigate the context of the tweet
- combatwombat/netbeep - Chrome and Firefox extension to play sounds on network requests, depending on request type and file size.
- EFForg/privacybadger - Privacy Badger is a browser extension that automatically learns to block invisible trackers.
- xssdoctor/graphqlMaker - Finds graphql queries in javascript files
- igorlogius/gather-from-tabs - Gather information from multiple tabs, by using a small snippet of javascript
- ali-raheem/AifyFX -
- mozilla/multi-account-containers - Firefox Multi-Account Containers lets you keep parts of your online life separated into color-coded tabs that preserve your privacy. Cookies are separated by container, allowing you to use the web wit
- mdn/webextensions-examples - Example Firefox add-ons created using the WebExtensions API
- elfvingralf/macOSpilot-ai-assistant - Voice + Vision powered AI assistant that answers questions about any application, in context and in audio.
- NaiboWang/EasySpider - A visual no-code/code-free web crawler/spider易采集:一个可视化浏览器自动化测试/数据采集/爬虫软件,可以无代码图形化的设计和执行爬虫任务。别名:ServiceWrapper面向Web应用的智能化服务封装系统。
- hoodoer/JS-Tap - JavaScript payload and supporting software to be used as XSS payload or post exploitation implant to monitor users as they use the targeted application. Also includes a C2 for executing custom JavaScr
- joye61/pic-smaller - Pic Smaller – Compress JPEG, PNG, WEBP, AVIF, SVG and GIF images intelligently
- damufo/link-analyzer - Analyze the status of the links in a complete webpage or in selected text.
- cheeaun/phanpy - A minimalistic opinionated Mastodon web client
- gildas-lormeau/LazyLoadify - Web Extension to force the lazy loading of non-displayed resources (i.e. image, frame, video and audio contents)
- uxai/unicode-verifier - A firefox plugin to help alert of deceptive character phishing.
- mcortt/Ozzi - Extension for Firefox and Edge that searches IOCs from common OSINT sources.
- 19ATF72/Telemetry-Analysis - Adds a browser action to analyse scripts & telemetry on the page.
- Mintplex-Labs/anything-llm - The all-in-one Desktop & Docker AI application with built-in RAG, AI agents, No-code agent builder, and more.
- hackjutsu/Lepton - 💻 Democratizing Snippet Management (macOS/Win/Linux)
- louislam/uptime-kuma - A fancy self-hosted monitoring tool
- open-webui/open-webui - User-friendly AI Interface (Supports Ollama, OpenAI API, ...)
- ACK-J/postMessage-tracker-firefox - A Firefox Extension to track postMessage usage (url, domain and stack) both by logging using CORS and also visually as an extension-icon
- sntslol/magstr -
- extesy/hoverzoom - Google Chrome extension for zooming images on mouse hover
- deverickapollo/umbrel-monero -
- JustOff/scriptlet-doctor - Allow inline scripts regardless of site policy
- cloux/LinkSanitizer - Browser userscript to clean up hyperlink redirections and link shims
- Nikityyy/sad - sad - The Unblockable AdBlocker
- mozilla/extension-activity-monitor - Firefox extension activity monitor
- didierfred/SimpleModifyHeaders - Extension for firefox and chrome to modify headers
- EmailThis/extension-boilerplate - ⚡️ A template for building cross browser extensions for Chrome, Opera & Firefox.
- lkesteloot/turbopascal - Web-based Turbo Pascal compiler.
- yousseflahouifi/dorkish - Chrome extension tool for OSINT & Recon
- lutzroeder/netron - Visualizer for neural network, deep learning and machine learning models
- actuallymentor/wintertime-mac-background-freezer - Freeze apps running in the background (as in: not explicitly foreground) to save battery.
- davtur19/DotGit - An extension for checking if .git is exposed in visited websites
- Shikkic/gitbar -
Open source github contribution stats on your Mac OS X Menu Bar
- brave/brave-browser - Brave browser for Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, Windows.
- litecanvas/game-engine - 🎮 Lightweight HTML5 canvas engine suitable for small games, prototypes, animations, creative coding, etc.
- HeyPuter/puter - 🌐 The Internet OS! Free, Open-Source, and Self-Hostable.
- aaronraimist/DontFuckWithPaste - Google Chrome and Firefox extension that prevents the blocking of pasting into input fields
- strongcourage/fuzzing-corpus - My fuzzing corpus
- sagitta1618/temporaryTabContainer - Firefox extension that opens each new tab in a new container
- andreafioraldi/frida-js-afl-instr - An example on how to do performant in-memory fuzzing with AFL++ and Frida
- Kalabasa/htmz - html with targeted manipulation zones
- typicode/husky - Git hooks made easy 🐶 woof!
- ToChunkA/Smart-TabS - It is a browser WebExtension that will organize a heap of tabs in a smart - easy to read way.
- 0xSobky/Regaxor - A regular expression fuzzer.
- ChrisChrome/QRZ-Bot - Discord bot for looking up Amateur Radio callsigns within the United States
- GTekSD/SUASS - one-stop resource for all things offensive security.
- betterbrowser/arcfox - Make firefox flow like arc
- igorlogius/limit-active-tabs - Limits the number of active tabs by unloading older tabs
- etienneschalk/tab-sorter-firefox - Simple extension for sorting tabs in firefox
- mrrc/thlh - Tabs Hoarder's Little Helper
- igorlogius/auto-close-tabs - Auto closes idle tabs when tabs are not active, hidden, playing audio, highlighted/selected, pinned or contain visible text input field with text in them
- pulse-browser/experiment - Another Gecko browser
- Eiernase/NeverGonnaCloseATab - Helps to not keep too many old tabs open by exploiting the human reward system after closing one that has been open for a long time.
- Arecsu/colorf0x - 🌈 Match the theme-color of the website with Firefox's UI
- tsudd/actual-age-extension-for-firefox - Firefox extension (Your age now and in 10 ms)
- rymdhund/tabsanity - Firefox plugin to warn when tabs are getting out of control
- soapdog/patchfox - A client for scuttlebutt network as a Firefox WebExtension
- igorlogius/open-in-temp-container - Open a tab, page, link or bookmark in a new empty temporary container
- JessFairbairn/tab_kraken - A Web extension which adds a view for managing tabs, grouping them by domain or by duplicate URLs
- jordanmendler/morphine - “Regulated distraction.” Productivity for Chrome & Firefox
- Smile4ever/Link-Investigator - Firefox addon to analyse web pages for dead links
- Kenqr/related-pages - A webextension which shows related pages of current page
- asamuzaK/sidebarTabs - Emulates tabs in sidebar
- tani/tidy-tabs -
- cssnr/link-extractor - Web Extension to extract, parse, and open links with optional filters.
- igorlogius/save-website-as-image - Simple addon, to save the full website of one or more tab as a png image either via a click on the toolbar icon or via a custom shotcut
- Mozilla-Ocho/Memory-Cache - MemoryCache is an experimental development project to turn a local desktop environment into an on-device AI agent
- davidmerfield/Blot - Turns a folder into a blog
- spdustin/ChatGPT-AutoExpert - 🚀🧠💬 Supercharged Custom Instructions for ChatGPT (non-coding) and ChatGPT Advanced Data Analysis (coding).
- pulse-browser/browser - Pulse Browser: An experimental firefox fork
- lovvtide/satellite-web - Satellite nostr client
- swoops/eval_villain - A Firefox Web Extension to improve the discovery of DOM XSS.
- kickscondor/fraidycat - Follow blogs, wikis, YouTube channels, as well as accounts on Twitter, Instagram, etc. from a single page.
- RomanistHere/PopUpOFF - Chrome extension, providing better web experience.
- bigskysoftware/htmx - </> htmx - high power tools for HTML
- 238SAMIxD/discord-ai-bot - Discord AI chatbot using Ollama and Stable Diffusion
- gmattie/Data-Pixels - Create pixel art programmatically. Includes DataPixels.js and Data Pixels Playground desktop application.
- aljazceru/awesome-nostr - nostr.net - awesome-nostr is a collection of projects and resources built on nostr to help developers and users find new things
- nDimensional/prototype - A scratch space for notes, links, reminders, and whatever else you want to keep around
- zncoder/vertabs -
- os-scar/overlay - Overlay is a browser extension helping developers evaluate open source packages before picking them
- SamurAIGPT/GPT-Agent - 🚀 Introducing 🐪 CAMEL: a game-changing role-playing approach for LLMs and auto-agents like BabyAGI & AutoGPT! Watch two agents 🤝 collaborate and solve tasks together, unlocking endless possibilities i
- garywill/FirefoxTaskMonitor - Show CPU & memory bar, per tab and all tasks. Firefox userChrome script. 🛠️📊
- claustromaniac/poop - Firefox extension that prevents sending Origin headers when they are least likely to be necessary, to protect your privacy.
- dessant/clear-browsing-data - Browser extension for clearing browsing data, available for Chrome, Edge and Firefox
- xi/xiMatrix - filter net requests according to source, destination and type
- vincenzocaputo/FoxyRecon - A Firefox add-on for OSINT investigations
- saschaTrippel/HonestExtension -
- saeedezzati/superpower-chatgpt - ChatGPT with superpowers! Search chat history, create folders, export all chats, pin messages, access thousands of community prompts, incognito mode, language and tone selection, and many more feature
- baptisteArno/tinking-code-starter - A Node.js starter to directly run the generated code by Tinking
- ykdojo/kaguya - A ChatGPT plugin that allows you to load and edit your local files in a controlled way, as well as run any Python, JavaScript, and bash script.
- brcontainer/prevent-duplicate-tabs - Simple add-on/extension for prevent duplicate tabs
- wildskyf/ihatecontentfarm - a content farm blocker firefox addons transplanted from chrome
- mbnuqw/ws-detector - Simple WebExtension for detecting ws connection
- Leetcore/ninja-hacker-cat - A browser extension to test the most basic security issues.
- ai-shifu/ChatALL - Concurrently chat with ChatGPT, Bing Chat, Bard, Alpaca, Vicuna, Claude, ChatGLM, MOSS, 讯飞星火, 文心一言 and more, discover the best answers
- josStorer/chatGPTBox - Integrating ChatGPT into your browser deeply, everything you need is here
- DrSchottky/pwnagotchi - (⌐■_■) - Deep Reinforcement Learning instrumenting bettercap for WiFi pwning.
- RoganDawes/P4wnP1_aloa - P4wnP1 A.L.O.A. by MaMe82 is a framework which turns a Rapsberry Pi Zero W into a flexible, low-cost platform for pentesting, red teaming and physical engagements ... or into "A Little Offensive Appli
- svandragt/freshcookies - Fresh Cookies is a privacy focused Web Extension that limits cookies lifetimes.
- livebud/bud - The Full-Stack Web Framework for Go
- libredirect/browser_extension - A browser extension that redirects popular sites to alternative privacy friendly frontends
- idlewan/vertigo-tabs - Browser WebExtension that adds a vertical tab bar (uses the Sidebar API)
- abba23/mute-sites-by-default - WebExtension that mutes all sites by default and remembers unmuted sites
- Schneegans/Burn-My-Windows - 🔥 Disintegrate your windows with style.
- firewalla/firewalla - http://firewalla.com
- niespodd/browser-fingerprinting - Analysis of Bot Protection systems with available countermeasures 🚿. How to defeat anti-bot system 👻 and get around browser fingerprinting scripts 🕵️♂️ when scraping the web?
- iamspruce/twitter-banner - A simple NodeJs script to update my twitter banner with images of new followers
- msrkp/PPScan - Client Side Prototype Pollution Scanner
- conceptualspace/enhance-o-tron-for-plex - Adds 🎬 trailers, 🎲 random sorting, 📽️ 2.35:1 ultrawide zoom, and 🔊 audio compression to Plex*
- shinzlet/oildrop - A tiny (~600 sloc) userscript manager that you can self-audit and fully trust.
- musically-ut/lovely-forks - 💚 🍴 Show notable forks of GitHub repositories under their names.
- Justineo/github-hovercard - Neat hovercards for GitHub.
- ceoshikhar/better-github - Enhance your code reading experience on GitHub.
- FreeTubeApp/FreeTube - An Open Source YouTube app for privacy
- dangkyokhoang/man-in-the-middle - Modify requests, inject JavaScript and CSS into pages
- dariusk/corpora - A collection of small corpuses of interesting data for the creation of bots and similar stuff.
- LandGrey/dnstricker - A simple dns resolver of dns-record and web-record log server for pentesting
- webhooksite/webhook.site - ⚓️ Easily test HTTP webhooks with this handy tool that displays requests instantly.
- Sjord/messpostage - PostMessage extension
- iptv-org/iptv - Collection of publicly available IPTV channels from all over the world
- amark/gun - An open source cybersecurity protocol for syncing decentralized graph data.
- michaelpdu/browser_fuzzer -
- geekprojects/nuTensor - nuTensor: Point and click matrix to filter net requests according to source, destination and type
- mazen160/xless - The Serverless Blind XSS App
- aralroca/etiketai - Etiketai is an online tool designed to label images, useful for training AI models
- blocklistproject/Lists - Primary Block Lists
- twotabsofacid/eat-shit-bot - a twitter bot that retweets people
- basharovV/StumbleUponAwesome - ⚡️A browser extension that takes you to a random site from one of the awesome curated lists. Like good ol' StumbleUpon, for developers, tech & science lovers.
- projectdiscovery/nuclei-templates - Community curated list of templates for the nuclei engine to find security vulnerabilities.
- jannispinter/indicatetls - Addon for Mozilla Firefox that displays the TLS protocol version of websites you visit
- assaf/zombie - Insanely fast, full-stack, headless browser testing using node.js
- cuckoosandbox/cuckoo - Cuckoo Sandbox is an automated dynamic malware analysis system
- lukejones/delete-twitter-likes - Console script to delete Twitter likes en masse
- jasonmayes/Real-Time-Person-Removal - Removing people from complex backgrounds in real time using TensorFlow.js in the web browser
- tumpio/requestcontrol - A Firefox extension
- gorhill/uBO-Scope - A tool to measure over time your own exposure to third parties on the web
- google/service-worker-detector - This extension detects if a website registers a Service Worker.
- wooque/site-bleacher - Remove automatically cookies, local storages, IndexedDBs, service workers, cache storages, filesystems and webSQLs
- SimonBrazell/privacy-redirect - A simple web extension that redirects Twitter, YouTube, Instagram & Google Maps requests to privacy friendly alternatives.
- erkserkserks/h264ify - A Chrome extension that makes YouTube stream H.264 videos instead of VP8/VP9 videos
- erkserkserks/h264ify-firefox - A Firefox extension that makes YouTube stream H.264 videos instead of VP8/VP9 videos
- kkapsner/CanvasBlocker - A Firefox extension to protect from being fingerprinted.
- zombieFox/nightTab - A neutral new tab page accented with a chosen colour. Customise the layout, style, background and bookmarks with nightTab.
- claustromaniac/httpz - Fat-free hardenable opportunistic encryption for Firefox
- WebPraktikos/universal-resume - Minimal and formal résumé (CV) website template for print, mobile, and desktop.
- eth0izzle/shhgit - Ah shhgit! Find secrets in your code. Secrets detection for your GitHub, GitLab and Bitbucket repositories.
- kintesh/containerise - Firefox extension to automatically open websites in a container
- s0md3v/AwesomeXSS - Awesome XSS stuff
- gab-ai-inc/gab-dissenter-extension - Dissenter.com Browser Extension source code
- rNeomy/auto-tab-discard - Use native tab discarding method to automatically reduce memory usage of inactive tabs
- st900278/Imgur-Uploader-Firefox - Addon for firefox to upload image to Imgur
- mitchmoser/sputnik - Open Source Intelligence Browser Extension
- ghostery/local-sheriff - Think of Local sheriff as a recon tool in your browser (WebExtension). While you normally browse the internet, Local Sheriff works in the background to empower you in identifying what data points (PII
- idlewan/link_cleaner - Browser Webextension to clean urls from utm_* and amazon/aliexpress product pages from useless tracking parameters
- FSecureLABS/dref - DNS Rebinding Exploitation Framework
- archerysec/archerysec - ASOC, ASPM, DevSecOps, Vulnerability Management Using ArcherySec.
- superKalo/crypto-tab - 💰 Replace your browser New Tab page with a Bitcoin price chart
- cowlicks/privacypossum - Privacy Possum makes tracking you less profitable
- mapbox/vtcomposite - vtzero-based vector tile compositor (supporting overzooming)
- Smile4ever/firefoxaddons - Extend the functionality of Firefox with cool addons
- brannondorsey/whonow - A "malicious" DNS server for executing DNS Rebinding attacks on the fly (public instance running on rebind.network:53)
- stardothosting/facebook-purge - Obfuscate, poison and purge all your facebook data permanently
- gorhill/uMatrix - uMatrix: Point and click matrix to filter net requests according to source, destination and type
- autonome/alwaysright - Browser extension that always opens new tabs immediately to the right of the active tab.
- Freddrickk/FAAS - Fuzzing as a service
- subdavis/Tusk - 🐘 🔒 KeePass-compatible browser extension for filling passwords.
- Synzvato/decentraleyes - This repository has a new home: https://git.synz.io/Synzvato/decentraleyes
- agermanidis/livepython - Visually trace Python code in real-time.
- xd4rker/MinerBlock - An efficient browser extension to block browser-based cryptocurrency miners all over the web.
- ciscocsirt/GOSINT - The GOSINT framework is a project used for collecting, processing, and exporting high quality indicators of compromise (IOCs).
- cure53/H5SC - HTML5 Security Cheatsheet - A collection of HTML5 related XSS attack vectors
- stumbleupon/stumblebar - StumbleBar by StumbleUpon
- mikeconley/ohnoreflow - Oh no! Reflow! is a WebExtension to help front-end Firefox engineers detect uninterruptible reflows in the browser UI
- Mottie/GitHub-userscripts - Userscripts to add functionality to GitHub
- AllskyTeam/allsky - A Raspberry Pi operated allsky camera
- anttiviljami/browser-autofill-phishing - A simple demo of phishing by abusing the browser autofill feature
- sanchitnevgi/remember - The progressive offline Todo app
- artemdinaburg/binfuzz - Binfuzz.js: A Binary Fuzzer in JavaScript
- chrisallenlane/novahot - A webshell framework for penetration testers.
- EFForg/https-everywhere - A browser extension that encrypts your communications with many websites that offer HTTPS but still allow unencrypted connections.
- arantius/karma-blocker - Karma Blocker is an ad/nuisance blocker and privacy enhancer for technical people.
- secgroundzero/warberry - WarBerryPi - Tactical Exploitation
- hrbrmstr/pewpew - ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ Build your own IP Attack Maps with SOUND!
- NARKOZ/hacker-scripts - Based on a true story
- mysamai/mysam - An open "intelligent" assistant for the web that can listen to you and learn.
- evilcos/xssor - XSSOR:方便XSS与CSRF的工具,http://evilcos.me/lab/xssor/
- google/end-to-end - End-To-End is a crypto library to encrypt, decrypt, digital sign, and verify signed messages (implementing OpenPGP)
- gorhill/uBlock - uBlock Origin - An efficient blocker for Chromium and Firefox. Fast and lean.
- bobbyrne01/tab-data-firefox - Firefox addon provides user with tab related stats and memory usage
- clux/wolfram-irc - An IRC bot that defers to Wolfram Alpha
- spion/ircee - A tiny modular IRC library with a stream / event-emitter based API for node
- spion/triplie-ng - Chatbot with Markov chains BFS and Hebbian learning
- geeknik/https-everywhere - HTTPS Everywhere
- geeknik/opendns-dt - A simple Chrome extension for OpenDNS Domain Tagging users + moderators
- mozilla/memchaser - Firefox extension to chase the memory usage and garbage collector activity
- autonome/Wallflower - Wallflower is a Firefox add-on that removes Facebook 'like' buttons and Google '+1' buttons, saving your precious memory, CPU and battery life for the content you actually want.
- bumptech/tl-dr.js - A javascript summarizer for webpages
- skrul/greasefire - Greasefire is a browser extension for Firefox and Chrome that finds relevant userscripts from Userscripts.org for the pages you visit.
- Tall-Paul/jNag - Mobile web interface for Nagios network monitoring system
- koush/ROMManagerManifest -
- greasemonkey/greasemonkey - Greasemonkey is a user script manager for Firefox.
- geerlingguy/internet-pi - Raspberry Pi config for all things Internet.
- NirDiamant/GenAI_Agents - This repository provides tutorials and implementations for various Generative AI Agent techniques, from basic to advanced. It serves as a comprehensive guide for building intelligent, interactive AI s
- vllm-project/aibrix - Cost-efficient and pluggable Infrastructure components for GenAI inference
- KindXiaoming/grow-crystals - Getting crystal-like representations with harmonic loss
- SakanaAI/asal - Automating the Search for Artificial Life with Foundation Models!
- google-gemini/cookbook - Examples and guides for using the Gemini API
- aloshdenny/mygpt - super small gpt implementation
- chiphuyen/aie-book - [WIP] Resources for AI engineers. Also contains supporting materials for the book AI Engineering (Chip Huyen, 2025)
- langchain-ai/reply_gAI - An AI Clone For Any X Profile
- pathwaycom/llm-app - Ready-to-run cloud templates for RAG, AI pipelines, and enterprise search with live data. 🐳Docker-friendly.⚡Always in sync with Sharepoint, Google Drive, S3, Kafka, PostgreSQL, real-time data APIs, an
- anthropics/prompt-eng-interactive-tutorial - Anthropic's Interactive Prompt Engineering Tutorial
- microsoft/mattersim - MatterSim: A deep learning atomistic model across elements, temperatures and pressures.
- facebookresearch/watermark-anything - Official implementation of the paper "Watermark Anything with Localized Messages"
- dauparas/ProteinMPNN - Code for the ProteinMPNN paper
- NVIDIA/DeepLearningExamples - State-of-the-Art Deep Learning scripts organized by models - easy to train and deploy with reproducible accuracy and performance on enterprise-grade infrastructure.
- graykode/nlp-tutorial - Natural Language Processing Tutorial for Deep Learning Researchers
- geeknik/content-aware-ad-blocker - Content-aware Ad-blocker for Firefox 110+
- antonio-f/Adversarial-Task - Generative Adversarial Networks test from Coursera's Advanced Machine Learning. Executed on Colab.
- souvikmajumder26/Land-Cover-Semantic-Segmentation-PyTorch - 🛣 Building an end-to-end Promptable Semantic Segmentation (Computer Vision) project from training to inferencing a model on LandCover.ai data (Satellite Imagery).
- Mehrab-Kalantari/Multi-Modal-House-Price-Estimation - House price estimation from visual and textual features using both machine learning and deep learning models
- gimseng/99-ML-Learning-Projects - A list of 99 machine learning projects for anyone interested to learn from coding and building projects
- rohankrgupta/Orca-call-Classifier-Machine-learning - Advanced ML Project : An Orca Call classifier using mel-spectrograms as audio representations to detect Killer whales
- beimingliu/AdvancedMachineLearning - A collection of machine learning projects
- nealjean/predicting-poverty - Combining satellite imagery and machine learning to predict poverty
- allenai/super-benchmark -
- Armur-Ai/Katana-AI-Agents-for-website-vulnerabilities-scanning - LLM powered agents for scanning vulnerabilities on any website - Llama 3 8B, Groq, Selenium, CrewAI, Exa AI
- SakanaAI/AI-Scientist - The AI Scientist: Towards Fully Automated Open-Ended Scientific Discovery 🧑🔬
- groq/groq-api-cookbook - groq-api-cookbook
- julep-ai/julep - Serverless AI Workflows for Data & ML Teams
- facebookresearch/sam2 - The repository provides code for running inference with the Meta Segment Anything Model 2 (SAM 2), links for downloading the trained model checkpoints, and example notebooks that show how to use the m
- AnswerDotAI/fasthtml - The fastest way to create an HTML app
- dogancanbakir/metamaska - μετάμάσκα - malevolent payload classifier
- borisdayma/huggingtweets - Tweet Generation with Huggingface
- MervinPraison/PraisonAI - PraisonAI is a production-ready Multi AI Agents framework, designed to create AI Agents to automate and solve problems ranging from simple tasks to complex challenges. It provides a low-code solution
- jajuish/deep-writer - An AI writer that creates content in the style of your favourite writer
- alessiodm/drl-zh - Deep Reinforcement Learning: Zero to Hero!
- kmkolasinski/keras-llm-light -
- microsoft/generative-ai-for-beginners - 21 Lessons, Get Started Building with Generative AI 🔗 https://microsoft.github.io/generative-ai-for-beginners/
- IntellaVara/NeedleWindow - Find any tab or window
- aiplanethub/beyondllm - Build, evaluate and observe LLM apps
- ANG13T/fly-catcher -
✈️ A device that detects for aircraft spoofing by monitoring for malicious ADS-B signals in the 1090MHz frequency. Built using a Raspberry Pi 3B and a FlightAware SDR - OpenGenerativeAI/llm-colosseum - Benchmark LLMs by fighting in Street Fighter 3! The new way to evaluate the quality of an LLM
- HVision-NKU/StoryDiffusion - Accepted as [NeurIPS 2024] Spotlight Presentation Paper
- KindXiaoming/pykan - Kolmogorov Arnold Networks
- mit-ll/tornet - Software to work with the TorNet dataset
- apple/corenet - CoreNet: A library for training deep neural networks
- rasbt/LLMs-from-scratch - Implement a ChatGPT-like LLM in PyTorch from scratch, step by step
- sweepai/sweep - Sweep: AI coding assistant for JetBrains
- mshumer/gpt-prompt-engineer -
- langchain-ai/langchain - 🦜🔗 Build context-aware reasoning applications
- facebookresearch/audiocraft - Audiocraft is a library for audio processing and generation with deep learning. It features the state-of-the-art EnCodec audio compressor / tokenizer, along with MusicGen, a simple and controllable mu
- tloen/alpaca-lora - Instruct-tune LLaMA on consumer hardware
- GhostPack/DeepPass - Hunting for passwords with deep learning
- KnowledgeCaptureAndDiscovery/somef - SOftware Metadata Extraction Framework: A tool for automatically extracting relevant software information from readme files
- lots-of-things/Story2Hallucination -
- aymericdamien/TensorFlow-Examples - TensorFlow Tutorial and Examples for Beginners (support TF v1 & v2)
- iamgio/quarkdown - 🪐 Markdown with superpowers — from ideas to presentations, articles and books.
- victoni/Bug-Bounty-Scripts - The scripts I write to help me on my bug bounty hunting
- larspars/word-rnn - Recurrent Neural Network that predicts word-by-word
- dair-ai/Prompt-Engineering-Guide - 🐙 Guides, papers, lecture, notebooks and resources for prompt engineering
- openai/openai-cookbook - Examples and guides for using the OpenAI API
- tabler/tabler - Tabler is free and open-source HTML Dashboard UI Kit built on Bootstrap
- justinmeiners/lc3-vm - Write your own virtual machine for the LC-3 computer!
- lnurl/luds - lnurl specifications
- viva64/pvs-studio-makefile-examples - Examples of PVS-Studio integration in Makefile
- drk1wi/portspoof - Portspoof
- vedetta-com/caesonia - OpenBSD Email Service
- fort-nix/nix-bitcoin - A collection of Nix packages and NixOS modules for easily installing full-featured Bitcoin nodes with an emphasis on security.
- sparkle-project/Sparkle - A software update framework for macOS
- Hammerspoon/hammerspoon - Staggeringly powerful macOS desktop automation with Lua
- keycastr/keycastr - KeyCastr, an open-source keystroke visualizer
- objective-see/LuLu - LuLu is the free open-source macOS firewall
- objective-see/ReiKey - Malware and other applications may install persistent keyboard "event taps" to intercept your keystrokes. ReiKey can scan, detect, and monitor for such taps!
- objective-see/OverSight - OverSight monitors a mac's mic and webcam, alerting the user when the internal mic is activated, or whenever a process accesses the webcam.
- objective-see/Netiquette - Network Monitor
- objective-see/KnockKnock - Like AutoRuns ...but for macOS!
- dineshshetty/iOS-SandBox-Dumper - SandBox-Dumper makes use of multiple private libraries to provide exact locations of the application sandbox, application bundle and some other interesting information
- Jana-Marie/ligra - an open source image projector build from scratch and based off of flea market parts.
- punkpeye/awesome-mcp-servers - A collection of MCP servers.
- agnt-gg/slop - The place for SLOP
- mustbeperfect/definitive-opensource - The definitive list of open source.
- Webhose/fake-news-dataset - Weekly free "fake news" datasets from known fake news sites
- ErikMcClure/bad-licenses - A compendium of absurd "open-source" licenses.
- StockpileLabs/awesome-solana-oss - Compilation of awesome open-source Solana repositories on GitHub!
- securitytemplates/sectemplates - Open source templates you can use to bootstrap your security programs
- kuchin/awesome-cto - A curated and opinionated list of resources for Chief Technology Officers, with the emphasis on startups
- raysan5/custom_game_engines - A comprehensive list of custom game engines
- 0xMacro/awesome-solana-security -
- abarbatei/weird-erc721 - weird ERC721 (NFTs) tokens
- race-of-sloths/race-of-sloths-onboarding -
- jakejarvis/awesome-shodan-queries - 🔍 A collection of interesting, funny, and depressing search queries to plug into shodan.io 👩💻
- allenai/awesome-open-source-lms - Friends of OLMo and their links.
- shafu0x/awesome-smart-contracts - The best smart contracts in one place.
- wzzheng/LDM - Large Driving Models
- projectdiscovery/nuclei-templates-ai - Repository of AI-generated Nuclei templates for public CVEs not yet covered by existing templates, enhancing detection speed and coverage 👾
- FudanDISC/SocialAgent - A collection of resources that investigate social agents.
- jnv/lists - The definitive list of lists (of lists) curated on GitHub and elsewhere
- awesomedata/awesome-public-datasets - A topic-centric list of HQ open datasets.
- geeknik/ok-open-data - Oklahoma provides deep access to data and statistics about the activities of Oklahoma’s government.
- geeknik/twilio-api - Fun toys that make use of the Twilio API
- geeknik/nginxconf - Secure nginx.conf
- geeknik/ntc - tbd
- cipher387/Dorks-collections-list - List of Github repositories and articles with list of dorks for different search engines
- skot/bitaxe - Open source ASIC Bitcoin miner hardware
- KenneyNL/Adobe-Alternatives - A list of alternatives for Adobe software
- cybershujin/Threat-Actors-use-of-Artifical-Intelligence -
- malvuln/Adversary3 - Malware vulnerability intel tool for third-party attackers
- oxford-cs-deepnlp-2017/lectures - Oxford Deep NLP 2017 course
- geeknik/ublock-privacy-filters - Privacy Filters for uBlock Origin
- knapah/Brave-Browser-Filterlist - Custom filter list for Brave Browser
- Everlyn-Labs/Everlyn-1 - The first open autoregressive foundational video AI model.
- dair-ai/ML-YouTube-Courses - 📺 Discover the latest machine learning / AI courses on YouTube.
- ml-tooling/best-of-ml-python - 🏆 A ranked list of awesome machine learning Python libraries. Updated weekly.
- ashishpatel26/500-AI-Machine-learning-Deep-learning-Computer-vision-NLP-Projects-with-code - 500 AI Machine learning Deep learning Computer vision NLP Projects with code
- keon/awesome-nlp - 📖 A curated list of resources dedicated to Natural Language Processing (NLP)
- geeknik/screenrc - The Ultimate Bug Bounty Hunter's .screenrc
- geeknik/universalLanguage - A first attempt at creating a Universal Language
- geeknik/ollama-discord - an ollama powered discord bot
- geeknik/fuzzChallenge - Better living through Fuzzing.
- geeknik/degenerative-ai - A degenerative approach to AI
- geeknik/non-euclidean-web - View the web from a non-Euclidean perspective.
- geeknik/geeknik -
- geeknik/my-awesome-stars - A curated list of my GitHub stars!
- a7t-byte/a7t-byte - Config files for my GitHub profile.
- ellerbrock/docker-security-images - 🔐 Docker Container for Penetration Testing & Security
- zakirullin/cognitive-load - 🧠 Cognitive Load is what matters
- GAIR-NLP/O1-Journey - O1 Replication Journey
- Lathryx/Scriptables - A small repo containing all of my Scriptable scripts (iOS Automation API).
- Lathryx/Scriptable-Getting-Started-Guide - A getting started guide to the Scriptable mobile app for iOS.
- lukasz-madon/awesome-remote-job - A curated list of awesome remote jobs and resources. Inspired by https://github.com/vinta/awesome-python
- laylavish/uBlockOrigin-HUGE-AI-Blocklist - A huge blocklist of manually curated sites that contain AI generated content for uBlock Origin & uBlacklist.
- 0xPugal/One-Liners - A collection of one-liners for bug bounty hunting.
- GreyNoise-Intelligence/2024-09-noise-storms - Notes and receipts (PCAPs) for TCP and ICMP Noise Storms
- vlgiitr/papers_we_read - Summaries for exciting works in the field of Deep Learning.
- microsoft/GRIN-MoE - GRadient-INformed MoE
- nik-rev/better-cli - Curated list of replacements for terminal tools
- hijkzzz/Awesome-LLM-Strawberry - A collection of LLM papers, blogs, and projects, with a focus on OpenAI o1 🍓 and reasoning techniques.
- BrowserJam/browserjam - Let's build browsers this weekend!
- hzwer/WritingAIPaper - Writing AI Conference Papers: A Handbook for Beginners
- aishwaryanr/awesome-generative-ai-guide - A one stop repository for generative AI research updates, interview resources, notebooks and much more!
- hku-mars/M2Mapping - A MultiModal Mapping (M2Mapping) Framework for LiDAR-Visual Systems
- advancedresearch/the_century_of_satire - Reconstructing 2nd century cultural literature context of Roman satire in Early Christianity texts
- PicartaAI/Picarta-API - Picarta AI Image Geolocalization API.
- getcursor/cursor - The AI Code Editor
- NeoVertex1/SuperPrompt - SuperPrompt is an attempt to engineer prompts that might help us understand AI agents.
- NousResearch/DisTrO - Distributed Training Over-The-Internet
- JUSTSUJAY/ML-Research-Papers -
- meta-fx/Creative-Analysis-Prompts - LLM Prompts for Creative Analysis
- n8n-io/self-hosted-ai-starter-kit - The Self-hosted AI Starter Kit is an open-source template that quickly sets up a local AI environment. Curated by n8n, it provides essential tools for creating secure, self-hosted AI workflows.
- vaew/SkyScript-100M - SkyScript-100M: 1,000,000,000 Pairs of Scripts and Shooting Scripts for Short Drama: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09333v2
- rfinnie/blockbuster - Blockbuster Video VHS insert template
- BushidoUK/Ransomware-Tool-Matrix - A resource containing all the tools each ransomware gangs uses
- Fewsats/awesome-L402 - A curated list of awesome things related to L402 ⚡
- BenSFGamer/B.I.O.S. - A biographer
- husseinmuhaisen/DiscordOSINT - This repository contains useful resources to conduct research and OSINT investigations on Discord accounts ,servers and bots.
- Jieyab89/OSINT-Cheat-sheet - OSINT cheat sheet, list OSINT tools, wiki, dataset, article, book , red team OSINT and OSINT tips. This repository will grow over time, there is research, science and technology, use it wisely.
- The-Osint-Toolbox/Social-Media-OSINT - Social Media OSINT collection containing - tools, techniques & tradecraft.
- osintambition/Social-Media-OSINT-Tools-Collection - A collection of most useful osint tools for SOCINT.
- lastcapsule/ai-product-hunter-evaluation - Evaluation method and prompts of AI Product Hunter
- fr0gger/Awesome-GPT-Agents - A curated list of GPT agents for cybersecurity
- ZitaoTech/Hackberry-Pi_Zero - A handheld Linux terminal using Raspberry pi Zero 2W as Core with 4" 720X720 TFT display
- sindresorhus/awesome - 😎 Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics
- TakSec/google-dorks-bug-bounty - A list of Google Dorks for Bug Bounty, Web Application Security, and Pentesting
- soxoj/FRAVIA - FRAVIA: The Art of Searching
- StefanosChaliasos/Awesome-ZKP-Security - A curated list of awesome security resources for ZK.
- simevidas/browser-intents - A weekly selection of the relevant Chromium and Firefox intents
- bpc-clone/bypass-paywalls-firefox-clean -
- GarrettG-AI/deep-writer-outputs - Outputs from the Deep Writer
- waydabber/BetterDisplay - Unlock your displays on your Mac! Flexible HiDPI scaling, XDR/HDR extra brightness, virtual screens, DDC control, extra dimming, PIP/streaming, EDID override and lots more!
- meta-llama/llama-stack-apps - Agentic components of the Llama Stack APIs
- onceupon/Bash-Oneliner - A collection of handy Bash One-Liners and terminal tricks for data processing and Linux system maintenance.
- karpathy/LLM101n - LLM101n: Let's build a Storyteller
- SecShiv/OneDorkForAll - An insane list of all dorks taken from everywhere from various different sources.
- An0nUD4Y/Evilginx-Phishing-Infra-Setup - Evilginx Phishing Infrastructure Setup Guide - Securing Evilginx and Gophish Infrastructure, Removing IOCs, Phishing TTPs
- TupleType/awesome-cicd-attacks - Practical resources for offensive CI/CD security research. Curated the best resources I've seen since 2021.
- dabochen/spreadsheet-is-all-you-need - A nanoGPT pipeline packed in a spreadsheet
- imthenachoman/How-To-Secure-A-Linux-Server - An evolving how-to guide for securing a Linux server.
- mozilla/geckodriver - WebDriver for Firefox
- jrieke/best-of-streamlit - 🏆 A ranked gallery of awesome streamlit apps built by the community
- e2b-dev/awesome-ai-agents - A list of AI autonomous agents
- ChaitanyaK77/Initializing-TensorFlow-Environment-on-M3-M3-Pro-and-M3-Max-Macbook-Pros. - Unlock the full potential of your Apple Silicon-powered M3, M3 Pro, and M3 Max MacBook Pros by leveraging TensorFlow, the open-source machine learning framework. This repository is tailored to provide
- iCHAIT/awesome-macOS - A curated list of awesome applications, softwares, tools and shiny things for macOS.
- serhii-londar/open-source-mac-os-apps - 🚀 Awesome list of open source applications for macOS. https://t.me/s/opensourcemacosapps
- cisagov/vulnrichment - A repo to conduct vulnerability enrichment.
- sbalnojan/run-a-data-team - A guide for leading a data (engineering) team
- yaelwrites/Big-Ass-Data-Broker-Opt-Out-List -
- warpdotdev/Warp - Warp is a modern, Rust-based terminal with AI built in so you and your team can build great software, faster.
- praveenjalasutram/Darkweb-Onion-Links - This is a collection of important onion sites that you can leverage for Deepweb and Darkweb Monitoring
- UvinduBro/darkweb-links - 16K+ Unlimited Deep Web / Onion Links + GUIDE
- cablej/hack-your-government - A list of governments with Vulnerability Disclosure Policies
- tldrsec/awesome-secure-defaults - Awesome secure by default libraries to help you eliminate bug classes!
- notable/notable - The Markdown-based note-taking app that doesn't suck.
- phmullins/awesome-macos - A curated list of awesome software for Apple's macOS.
- The-Wineskin-Project/WineskinServer - Wineskin
- drduh/macOS-Security-and-Privacy-Guide - Guide to securing and improving privacy on macOS
- penk/rasti.computer - a retro-futuristic laptop
- Mahmoudz/awesome-topics - Your go-to guide for mastering software engineering.
- caido/caido - 🚀 Caido releases, wiki and roadmap
- joonspk-research/generative_agents - Generative Agents: Interactive Simulacra of Human Behavior
- Hannibal046/Awesome-LLM - Awesome-LLM: a curated list of Large Language Model
- EternityYW/Gemini-Commonsense-Evaluation - Official implementation of "Gemini in Reasoning: Unveiling Commonsense in Multimodal Large Language Models"
- erosman/support - Support Location for all my extensions
- Anil-matcha/Awesome-GPT-Store - Custom GPT Store - A collection of major GPTS available in public
- djsime1/awesome-flipperzero - 🐬 A collection of awesome resources for the Flipper Zero device.
- smolgrrr/awesome-umbrel - A curated list of community stores and apps on Umbrel
- nullenc0de/ChromeAudit - Nuclei plugins to audit Chrome extensions
- nomi-sec/PoC-in-GitHub - 📡 PoC auto collect from GitHub.
⚠️ Be careful Malware. - Hack-with-Github/Awesome-Hacking - A collection of various awesome lists for hackers, pentesters and security researchers
- SpitFire-666/Firefox-Stuff - Firefox info, addons, extensions, themes, customisation and stuff
- gmelodie/awesome-wordlists - A curated list wordlists for bruteforcing and fuzzing
- 0x4D31/detection-and-response-pipeline - ✨ A compilation of suggested tools/services for each component in a detection and response pipeline, along with real-world examples. The purpose is to create a reference hub for designing effective th
- Flet/rejected-github-profile-achievements - 😵 GitHub achievements that did not make the cut.
- awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted - A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers
- pdelteil/BugBountyReportTemplates - List of reporting templates I have used since I started doing BBH.
- yokoffing/filterlists - Collection of blocklists to fill in the gaps
- z0x0z/HakSec_Resources - This repository consists of resources for Hacking & Securing IT
- twseptian/oneliner-bugbounty - oneliner commands for bug bounties
- torproject/tor - unofficial git repo -- report bugs/issues/pull requests on https://gitlab.torproject.org/ --
- BullsEye0/google_dork_list - Google Dorks | Google helps you to find Vulnerable Websites that Indexed in Google Search Results. Here is the latest collection of Google Dorks. A collection of 13.760 Dorks. Author: Jolanda de Koff
- digitalblossom/alternative-frontends - 🔐🌐 Privacy-respecting web frontends for popular services
- malvuln/viruscreds - Database of backdoor passwords used by Malware, uncovered by the Malvuln project.
- ResistanceIsUseless/SecTrainingData - Data for training machine learning models related to bug bounty and pentesting.
- antonio-morales/Fuzzing101 - An step by step fuzzing tutorial. A GitHub Security Lab initiative
- misterch0c/CrimeBoards - A list of private and public (more or less) blackhat boards
- jaeles-project/jaeles-signatures - Default signature for Jaeles Scanner
- sudo-jtcsec/public-nuclei-templates -
- Karanxa/Bug-Bounty-Wordlists - A repository that includes all the important wordlists used while bug hunting.
- optiv/mobile-nuclei-templates -
- codenote/scripts - Some of helper files for my browser fuzzer
- codenote/regex-fuzz - Simple web browser regular expression fuzzer.
- BlackFan/client-side-prototype-pollution - Prototype Pollution and useful Script Gadgets
- roddux/fuzref - Reference material for fuzzing and creating fuzzers
- panch0r3d/nuclei-templates -
- Attacks-on-Tor/Attacks-on-Tor - Thirteen Years of Tor Attacks
- rubo77/rsync-homedir-excludes -
- 1ndianl33t/Gf-Patterns - GF Paterns For (ssrf,RCE,Lfi,sqli,ssti,idor,url redirection,debug_logic, interesting Subs) parameters grep
- wallarm/jwt-secrets -
- internetwache/CT_subdomains - An hourly updated list of subdomains gathered from certificate transparency logs
- payloadbox/command-injection-payload-list - 🎯 Command Injection Payload List
- lightswitch05/hosts - Hostfile blocklist for ads and tracking, updated regularly
- EnergizedProtection/block - Let's make an annoyance free, better open internet, altogether!
- Kees1958/W3C_annual_most_used_survey_blocklist - This blocklist is based on published surveys of most used advertising and tracking technology
- BBerastegui/fresh-dns-servers - Fresh DNS servers
- shvchk/containerise-lists - Containerise compatible domain lists
- blaCCkHatHacEEkr/PENTESTING-BIBLE - articles
- JesseKPhillips/USA-Constitution - A history of edits to the US Constitution as it has been amended. Written in markdown to match original formatting.
- tzkuat/Ressources - A list of several resources on different areas such as Security, OSINT, etc. This list is composed of tools that I use or have used and is not intended to become an "Awesome-xxx" type list. WARNING!
- assetnote/commonspeak2-wordlists - Wordlists that have been compiled using Commonspeak2. This repo is updated every time new wordlists are generated.
- klaver/sysctl - Linux/BSD kernel tuning and network security hardening optimizations, improving the performance of server systems via optimized sysctl tweaks
- InQuest/awesome-yara - A curated list of awesome YARA rules, tools, and people.
- woj-ciech/LeakLooker - Find open databases - Powered by Binaryedge.io
- XPR1M3/Payloads_All_The_Things -
- mpgn/CVE-2019-5418 - CVE-2019-5418 - File Content Disclosure on Ruby on Rails
- Bo0oM/fuzz.txt - Potentially dangerous files
- trimstray/the-book-of-secret-knowledge - A collection of inspiring lists, manuals, cheatsheets, blogs, hacks, one-liners, cli/web tools and more.
- k88hudson/git-flight-rules - Flight rules for git
- adriangranados/dfs-pulse-tester - A GNU Radio flow graph for emulating radar signal patters for DFS testing
- nth10sd/practical-javascript-fuzzing -
- arkadiyt/bounty-targets-data - This repo contains hourly-updated data dumps of bug bounty platform scopes (like Hackerone/Bugcrowd/Intigriti/etc) that are eligible for reports
- ianare/exif-samples - Sample images for testing Exif metadata retrieval.
- aoh/radamsa - a general-purpose fuzzer
- vanhauser-thc/afl-patches - Patches to afl to fix bugs or add enhancements
- onlurking/awesome-infosec - A curated list of awesome infosec courses and training resources.
- yeokm1/gentoo-on-486 - Instructions on how to install modern Gentoo Linux on ancient 486-based PCs.
- dastergon/awesome-chaos-engineering - A curated list of Chaos Engineering resources.
- alulsh/personal-security-checklist - Personal security checklist for securing your devices and accounts.
- vitalysim/Awesome-Hacking-Resources - A collection of hacking / penetration testing resources to make you better!
- EdOverflow/bugbounty-cheatsheet - A list of interesting payloads, tips and tricks for bug bounty hunters.
- evilsocket/bleah - This repository is DEPRECATED, please use bettercap as this tool has been ported to its BLE modules.
- DeepSpaceHarbor/Awesome-AI-Security - 📁 #AISecurity
- shieldfy/API-Security-Checklist - Checklist of the most important security countermeasures when designing, testing, and releasing your API
- strongswan/fuzzing-corpora - Corpora for fuzzing parts of the strongSwan code base
- jivoi/awesome-osint - 😱 A curated list of amazingly awesome OSINT
- hslatman/awesome-threat-intelligence - A curated list of Awesome Threat Intelligence resources
- fffaraz/awesome-cpp - A curated list of awesome C++ (or C) frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-... stuff.
- cryptostorm/cryptostorm_client_configuration_files - cryptostorm client configs
- dustyfresh/PHP-vulnerability-audit-cheatsheet - This will assist you in the finding of potentially vulnerable PHP code. Each type of grep command is categorized in the type of vulnerabilities you generally find with that function.
- BastilleResearch/mousejack - MouseJack device discovery and research tools
- PowerShell/Win32-OpenSSH - Win32 port of OpenSSH
- zer0n/deepframeworks - Evaluation of Deep Learning Frameworks
- google/deepdream -
- graylog-labs/graylog2-web-interface - [DEPRECATED]
- pixelfed/pixelfed - Photo Sharing. For Everyone.
- TirrenoTechnologies/tirreno - Tirreno provides an open-source platform for preventing cyber fraud, account takeovers, spam, and abuse that you can self-host. Get started - free.
- symfony/runtime - Enables decoupling PHP applications from global state
- geeknik/wordpress - A collection of privacy first, zero metadata, securely coded WordPress plugins
- geeknik/tf-idf - Code examples for implementing TF-IDF in six different programming languages: Python, Perl, PHP, Golang, Ruby, and Rust.
- geeknik/wp-chaotic-comments - Chaotic Comments Plug-in for WordPress
- sergejey/majordomo - Home automation platform
- jeedom/core - Software for home automation
- akirk/friends - A social network between WordPresses. Privacy focused, by itself a self-hosted RSS++ reader with notifications. Combine with other plugins to make your WordPress a full personal Mastodon instance.
- FreshRSS/FreshRSS - A free, self-hostable news aggregator…
- harisec/orange-confusion-attacks - Repro for Confusion Attacks: Exploiting Hidden Semantic Ambiguity in Apache HTTP Server!
- medilies/xssless - Clean your rich text from XSS threats.
- dragonsea0927/careflix - A personal Netflix clone with sync-play, invitation system, and chatting features.
- dragonsea0927/rabbitevents - Nuwber's RabbitEvents provides a simple observer implementation, allowing you to publishing and handling for various events that occur in your applications. For example, if you need to react to some e
- k0a1a/hotglue2 - HOTGLUE is a Content Manipulation System which allows to construct websites directly in a web-browser.
- jcarlosroldan/oink - 🐽 oink.php is a single-file PHP library to easily build APIs
- robocoder/rips-scanner - RIPS - A static source code analyser for vulnerabilities in PHP scripts
- InfoSecWarrior/Offensive-Payloads - List of payloads and wordlists that are specifically crafted to identify and exploit vulnerabilities in target web applications.
- vichan-devel/vichan - Vichan is the most popular and widely used imageboard software in the world. It is a free, light-weight, fast, highly configurable and user-friendly imageboard software package.
- Sharpforce/XSS-Exploitation-Tool - An XSS Exploitation Tool
- flarum/flarum - Simple forum software for building great communities.
- SpiderMate/B-XSSRF - Toolkit to detect and keep track on Blind XSS, XXE & SSRF
- designsecurity/progpilot - A static analysis tool for security
- PrivateBin/PrivateBin - A minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted in the browser using 256 bits AES.
- nettitude/xss_payloads - Exploitation for XSS
- ssl/ezXSS - ezXSS is an easy way for penetration testers and bug bounty hunters to test (blind) Cross Site Scripting.
- KasperskyLab/klara - Kaspersky's GReAT KLara
- fbogner/race2rce - A PoC that shows that Web Vulnerabilities can indeed be interesting
- dotcppfile/DAws - Advanced Web Shell
- jullrich/dshieldpfsense - Client to submit firewall logs from PFSense to DShield
- hannob/php-crashers - Example scripts that cause segfaults in PHP
- JABirchall/NimdaTS3 - An Advanced Teamspeak 3 Bot with a nice plugin autoloading
- danielmiessler/SecLists - SecLists is the security tester's companion. It's a collection of multiple types of lists used during security assessments, collected in one place. List types include usernames, passwords, URLs, sensi
- shupp/VegaDNS - Deprecated - See VegaDNS-API
- tembo-io/pgmq - A lightweight message queue. Like AWS SQS and RSMQ but on Postgres.
- timescale/pgai - A suite of tools to develop RAG, semantic search, and other AI applications more easily with PostgreSQL
- nuno-faria/tetris-sql - Using SQL's Turing Completeness to Build Tetris
- shadowlmd/tornado-bbs - Tornado Bulletin Board System
- sullo/nikto - Nikto web server scanner
- Perl/perl5 - 🐪 The Perl programming language
- neldredge/mathgen - Generate random nonsense math papers
- albino/shithead-ng - next generation markov chain irc shitposting bot
- LetUsFsck/protokill - Here's a Perl script that can either be used as a protocol fuzzer, or a DoS tool
- wireghoul/dotdotpwn - DotDotPwn - The Directory Traversal Fuzzer
- hinrik/hailo - A conversation bot using Markov chains
- bingos/gumbybrain - (perl) < GumbyBRAIN> when the kids had killed the man, i had the source now.
- hinrik/failo - A chatty IRC bot
- cisagov/ScubaGear - Automation to assess the state of your M365 tenant against CISA's baselines
- AlmondOffSec/PoCs - Proof-of-concept code for various bugs
- Atlas-OS/Atlas - 🚀 An open and lightweight modification to Windows, designed to optimize performance, privacy and usability.
- Leo4j/Invoke-ADEnum - Automated Active Directory Enumeration
- cryps1s/DARKSURGEON - DARKSURGEON is a Windows packer project to empower incident response, digital forensics, malware analysis, and network defense.
- nccgroup/redsnarf - RedSnarf is a pen-testing / red-teaming tool for Windows environments
- joelgrus/polyglot-twitter-bot - code for writing twitter bots in several languages
- camel-ai/camel - 🐫 CAMEL: Finding the Scaling Law of Agents. The first and the best multi-agent framework. https://www.camel-ai.org
- commixproject/commix - Automated All-in-One OS Command Injection Exploitation Tool.
- d60/twikit - Twitter API Scraper | Without an API key | Twitter Internal API | Free | Twitter scraper | Twitter Bot
- deepseek-ai/DualPipe - A bidirectional pipeline parallelism algorithm for computation-communication overlap in V3/R1 training.
- deepseek-ai/smallpond - A lightweight data processing framework built on DuckDB and 3FS.
- geeknik/rtl-sdr-analyzer - A real-time spectrum analyzer and signal detection tool, augmented by AI and ML.
- sergio11/eclipserecon - EclipseRecon is a stealthy web reconnaissance tool for uncovering hidden vulnerabilities, subdomains, and site structures. 🕵️♂️🔍 It empowers security professionals to identify critical attack surface
- msalexms/rtl-sdr-analyzer -
- geeknik/jwt-scanner - A tool for detecting JWT algorithm confusion vulnerabilities in web applications
- ticarpi/jwt_tool - 🐍 A toolkit for testing, tweaking and cracking JSON Web Tokens
- geeknik/scada-scanner - A high-performance, asynchronous SCADA/ICS scanner
- modelcontextprotocol/python-sdk - The official Python SDK for Model Context Protocol servers and clients
- apiiro/PRevent - Prevent merging of malicious code in pull requests
- weather-witch-lab/Graph-Neural-Network-Forecaster - This is a repository showcasing a 10-day weather prediction model using autoregressive Graph Neural Networks. This implementation provides examples of medium-range weather forecasting using state-of-t
- weather-witch-lab/CDS_loader - CDS_loader is a streamlined Python tool for downloading and formatting Copernicus Climate Data Store (CDS) data into our weather forecasting formats.
- weather-witch-lab/ai-model - Industrial-grade weather visualization system that transforms AI model predictions into professional meteorological plots, emphasizing operational forecasting capabilities.
- hummingbot/hummingbot - Open source software that helps you create and deploy high-frequency crypto trading bots
- geeknik/least-likely-token - LEAST likely next token predictor.
- SakanaAI/self-adaptive-llms - A Self-adaptation Framework🐙 that adapts LLMs for unseen tasks in real-time!
- blacklanternsecurity/baddns - Check subdomains for subdomain takeovers and other DNS tomfoolery
- emtunc/SlackPirate - Slack Enumeration and Extraction Tool - extract sensitive information from a Slack Workspace
- harvestingmoon/OBrainRot - Open Source Version Of Generating BrainRot Videos from reddit url
- sentient-agi/OML-1.0-Fingerprinting - OML 1.0 via Fingerprinting: Open, Monetizable, and Loyal AI
- deepseek-ai/Janus - Janus-Series: Unified Multimodal Understanding and Generation Models
- agentsea/r1-computer-use - Applying the ideas of Deepseek R1 to computer use
- GAIR-NLP/LIMO - LIMO: Less is More for Reasoning
- simplescaling/s1 - s1: Simple test-time scaling
- samuelberston/vuln-agent - LLM security agent capable of triaging vulnerabilities in source code using open source SAST/SCA
- ArslanS1997/Auto-Analyst - AI data scientist
- Deep-Agent/R1-V - Witness the aha moment of VLM with less than $3.
- unslothai/unsloth - Finetune Llama 3.3, DeepSeek-R1 & Reasoning LLMs 2x faster with 70% less memory! 🦥
- HITsz-TMG/FilmAgent - Resources of our paper "FilmAgent: A Multi-Agent Framework for End-to-End Film Automation in Virtual 3D Spaces". New versions in the making!
- huggingface/safetensors - Simple, safe way to store and distribute tensors
- sail-sg/Rigging-ChatbotArena - Improving Your Model Ranking on Chatbot Arena by Vote Rigging
- git-disl/Virus - This is the official code for the paper "Virus: Harmful Fine-tuning Attack for Large Language Models Bypassing Guardrail Moderation"
- multimodal-art-projection/YuE - YuE: Open Full-song Music Generation Foundation Model, something similar to Suno.ai but open
- Jiayi-Pan/TinyZero - Clean, minimal, accessible reproduction of DeepSeek R1-Zero
- oumi-ai/oumi - Everything you need to build state-of-the-art foundation models, end-to-end.
- grll/mcpadapt - Unlock 650+ MCP servers tools in your favorite agentic framework.
- Tadeu71811/Ollama-Discord-Bot - Turning your locally hosted Ollama model into a discord bot.
- MadeInFck/AIAgent-Ollama - AI Local agent based on ollama
- langchain-ai/ollama-deep-researcher - Fully local web research and report writing assistant
- hkust-nlp/simpleRL-reason - This is a replicate of DeepSeek-R1-Zero and DeepSeek-R1 training on small models with limited data
- huggingface/open-r1 - Fully open reproduction of DeepSeek-R1
- wxai-space/LightAgent - LightAgent is an extremely lightweight active Agentic Framework with memory, tools , and a Tree of Thought (
). It supports swarm-like multi-agent collaboration, automated tool generation, and - MiniMax-AI/MiniMax-01 -
- allenai/OLMo - Modeling, training, eval, and inference code for OLMo
- huggingface/smolagents - 🤗 smolagents: a barebones library for agents. Agents write python code to call tools and orchestrate other agents.
- Event-AHU/VFM-Det - VFM-Det: Towards High-Performance Vehicle Detection via Large Foundation Models
- deepseek-ai/DeepSeek-V3 -
- open-webui/bot - beep boop 🤖
- WCY-dt/my-github-2024 - Statistics of your activities on GitHub in 2024. 统计2024年你在GitHub上的活动.
- Brandon-c-tech/RAG-logger - RAG Logger is an open-source logging tool designed specifically for Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) applications. It serves as a lightweight, open-source alternative to LangSmith, focusing on RAG
- olavolav/uniplot - Lightweight plotting to the terminal. 4x resolution via Unicode.
- ericrosenberg1/CityBot2 - Bot to Share News and Relevant Information for a City or Geographic Area
- g1ibby/auto-vpn - A simple, all-in-one tool for deploying on-demand WireGuard VPN servers on popular VPS providers—no ongoing subscriptions, effortless management, and automatic cleanup when you’re done.
- blorm-network/ZerePy - ZerePy an open-source framework for AI agents written in Python
- fabriziosalmi/patterns - Automated OWASP CRS and Bad Bot Detection for Nginx, Apache, Traefik and HaProxy
- malmeloo/FindMy.py - 🍏 + 🎯 + 🐍 = Everything you need to query Apple's FindMy network!
- pwr-Solaar/Solaar - Linux device manager for Logitech devices
- s0md3v/wappalyzer-next - wappalyzer alternative based on wappalyzer browser extension
- Genesis-Embodied-AI/Genesis - A generative world for general-purpose robotics & embodied AI learning.
- Wolfrax/spots - A Python implementation to detect and decode ADS-B and other messages broadcasted on 1090MHz
- WeegeeNumbuh1/FlightGazer - FlightGazer, a program to show dump1090 info to an RGB-Matrix display.
- nullenc0de/trust-validator - Validates priv escalation of AD trusts
- ishepard/pydriller - Python Framework to analyse Git repositories
- mmaitre314/picklescan - Security scanner detecting Python Pickle files performing suspicious actions
- LYiHub/platform-war-public - A chatbot/GraphRAG framework that creates multi-llm-agents from social platform user comments and let them debate on specific topics.
- cyclotruc/gitingest - Replace 'hub' with 'ingest' in any github url to get a prompt-friendly extract of a codebase
- Bilkent-CYBORG/VOPy - A Framework for Black-box Vector Optimization
- zhaoyuzhi/QRNet - Modeling Dual-Exposure Quad-Bayer Patterns for Joint Denoising and Deblurring. IEEE TIP, 2024
- moxie0/knockknock - A simple, secure, and stealthy port knocking implementation that does not use libpcap or bind to a socket interface.
- t3l3machus/psudohash - Generates millions of keyword-based password mutations in seconds.
- SaumyajeetDas/GodGenesis - A Python3 based C2 server to make life of red teamer a bit easier. The payload is capable to bypass all the known antiviruses and endpoints.
- t3l3machus/Villain - Villain is a high level stage 0/1 C2 framework that can handle multiple reverse TCP & HoaxShell-based shells, enhance their functionality with additional features (commands, utilities) and share them
- MatrixTM/MHDDoS - Best DDoS Attack Script Python3, (Cyber / DDos) Attack With 56 Methods
- VainF/TinyFusion - [CVPR 2025] TinyFusion: Diffusion Transformers Learned Shallow
- Zaloog/kanban-tui - Task Manager with a TUI written in Python
- keephq/keep - The open-source AIOps and alert management platform
- geeknik/math_problems - Mathematics is the science and study of quality, structure, space, and change.
- geeknik/otp_over_ssh - OTP over SSH
- geeknik/password-generator - Generate a secure password from the command line.
- geeknik/route-planner - A simple text based route planner
- geeknik/QryptTalk - A Decentralized, Privacy-First Chat App
- geeknik/nuclei-json-to-csv - Convert Nuclei's JSON output to CSV
- virattt/ai-hedge-fund - An AI Hedge Fund Team
- etched-ai/open-oasis - Inference script for Oasis 500M
- xairy/lights-out - Tools for controlling webcam LED on ThinkPad X230
- quotient-ai/judges - A small library of LLM judges
- xqtr/PySpecSDR - Python SDR Spectrum Analyzer and Signal Processor in text mode
- GenseeAI/cognify - The Multi-Faceted Optimizer for GenAI Workflows
- pimutils/khal - 📆 CLI calendar application
- huggingface/smollm - Everything about the SmolLM2 and SmolVLM family of models
- PrithivirajDamodaran/Route0x - Low latency, High Accuracy, Custom Query routers for Humans and Agents. Built by Prithivi Da
- c3llkn1ght/BlindBrute - A blind SQL injection brute forcer
- awslabs/multi-agent-orchestrator - Flexible and powerful framework for managing multiple AI agents and handling complex conversations
- vietnh1009/ASCII-generator - ASCII generator (image to text, image to image, video to video)
- circlemind-ai/fast-graphrag - RAG that intelligently adapts to your use case, data, and queries
- geeknik/ChessCrypt - My implementation(s) of ChessCrypt, focusing on the core S-Box generation algorithm using chess piece movements for cryptographic strength
- microsoft/TinyTroupe - LLM-powered multiagent persona simulation for imagination enhancement and business insights.
- jwohlwend/boltz - Official repository for the Boltz-1 biomolecular interaction model
- arthaud/git-dumper - A tool to dump a git repository from a website
- NVIDIA/garak - the LLM vulnerability scanner
- ant-research/MagicQuill - [CVPR'25] Official Implementations for Paper - MagicQuill: An Intelligent Interactive Image Editing System
- flatcar/Flatcar - Flatcar project repository for issue tracking, project documentation, etc.
- google-deepmind/alphafold3 - AlphaFold 3 inference pipeline.
- dockur/macos - OSX (macOS) inside a Docker container.
- browser-use/browser-use - Make websites accessible for AI agents
- 0xthirteen/Carseat - Python implementation of GhostPack's Seatbelt situational awareness tool
- promptslab/Awesome-Prompt-Engineering - This repository contains a hand-curated resources for Prompt Engineering with a focus on Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT), ChatGPT, PaLM etc
- chonkie-ai/chonkie - 🦛 CHONK your texts with Chonkie ✨ - The no-nonsense RAG chunking library
- elementsinteractive/twyn - Security tool against dependency typosquatting attacks
- suitedaces/computer-agent - Desktop app powered by Claude’s computer use capability to control your computer
- soimort/you-get - ⏬ Dumb downloader that scrapes the web
- mingrammer/diagrams - 🎨 Diagram as Code for prototyping cloud system architectures
- abi/screenshot-to-code - Drop in a screenshot and convert it to clean code (HTML/Tailwind/React/Vue)
- SimpleBerry/LLaMA-O1 - Large Reasoning Models
- Standard-Intelligence/hertz-dev - first base model for full-duplex conversational audio
- DS4SD/docling - Get your documents ready for gen AI
- MinorJerry/OpenWebVoyager -
- protectai/vulnhuntr - Zero shot vulnerability discovery using LLMs
- s0md3v/Arjun - HTTP parameter discovery suite.
- Integuru-AI/Integuru - The first AI agent that builds permissionless integrations through reverse engineering platforms' internal APIs.
- OpenTalker/SadTalker - [CVPR 2023] SadTalker:Learning Realistic 3D Motion Coefficients for Stylized Audio-Driven Single Image Talking Face Animation
- Skyvern-AI/skyvern - Automate browser-based workflows with LLMs and Computer Vision
- open-mmlab/Amphion - Amphion (/æmˈfaɪən/) is a toolkit for Audio, Music, and Speech Generation. Its purpose is to support reproducible research and help junior researchers and engineers get started in the field of audio,
- usefulsensors/moonshine - Fast and accurate automatic speech recognition (ASR) for edge devices
- p0dalirius/pyLootApacheServerStatus - A script to automatically dump all URLs present in /server-status to a file locally.
- luo-junyu/SemiEvol - SemiEvol: Semi-supervised Fine-tuning for LLM Adaptation
- icip-cas/SSO - A scalable automated alignment method for large language models. Resources for "Aligning Large Language Models via Self-Steering Optimization".
- HKUNLP/STRING - [ICLR'25] Data and code for our paper "Why Does the Effective Context Length of LLMs Fall Short?"
- ZGC-LLM-Safety/TrafficLLM - The repository of TrafficLLM, a universal LLM adaptation framework to learn robust traffic representation for all open-sourced LLM in real-world scenarios and enhance the generalization across diverse
- marly-ai/marly - Data Processor for AI Agents. Search your documents or the web for specific data and get it back in JSON or Markdown in a single tool call.
- Clevrr-AI/Clevrr-Computer - An open-source implementation of Anthropic's Computer Use to perform basic tasks using AI Agents.
- TEN-framework/TEN-Agent - TEN Agent is a conversational voice AI agent powered by TEN, integrating Deepseek, Gemini, OpenAI, RTC, and hardware like ESP32. It enables realtime AI capabilities like seeing, hearing, and speaking
- nullenc0de/misconfigmate - This tool builds upon their excellent research and service templates while adding additional features and improvements.
- mandatoryprogrammer/xcname - A tool for enumerating expired domains in CNAME records
- samyk/rflasermic - RF-modulated high fidelity laser microphone and keystroke sniffer
- ctrlsam/rigour - A rigorous IoT scanner based on Shodan.io
- iamunixtz/JSNinja - JSNinja is a powerful tool designed for security researchers and developers looking to extract sensitive information and Urls from JavaScript files.
- AresValley/Artemis - Radio Signals Recognition Manual
- sebastianruder/NLP-progress - Repository to track the progress in Natural Language Processing (NLP), including the datasets and the current state-of-the-art for the most common NLP tasks.
- explosion/spaCy - 💫 Industrial-strength Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Python
- huggingface/transformers - 🤗 Transformers: State-of-the-art Machine Learning for Pytorch, TensorFlow, and JAX.
- discus0434/comfyui-flux-accelerator - Accelerates Flux.1 image generation, just by using this node.
- scottviteri/UniversalBackrooms - A replication of Andy Ayrey's "Backrooms" (https://dreams-of-an-electric-mind.webflow.io/), but runnable with Opus 3, Sonnet 3.5, GPT 4o, and o1-preview
- yoheinakajima/babyagi-2o - the simplest self-building general autonomous agent
- facebookresearch/spiritlm - Inference code for the paper "Spirit-LM Interleaved Spoken and Written Language Model".
- cvlab-columbia/drrobot - Code for "Differentiable Robot Rendering" (CoRL 2024)
- llSourcell/O1-nano - This is an open-source version of OpenAI's O1 Model Series by Siraj Raval & O1-Preview
- facebookresearch/LayerSkip - Code for "LayerSkip: Enabling Early Exit Inference and Self-Speculative Decoding", ACL 2024
- hartwork/sandwine - 🍷 Command-line tool to run Windows apps with Wine and bwrap/bubblewrap isolation on Linux
- geeknik/nuclei-template-generator - A simple tool which makes creating nuclei templates even easier.
- geeknik/tiny-python-scripts - Tiny Python Scripts for Everyday Automation
- geeknik/bug_bounty_scripts - scripts made for bug bounty hunting and other tasks as necessary.
- geeknik/double-super-factorial-calculator -
- geeknik/HyperTune - Helps you tune LLM hyperparameters
- geeknik/self-improving-agents - Research Automation Script with Self-Improving Agents
- geeknik/bug-bounty-automation - WIP Bug Bounty Automation
- geeknik/test-proxy - Advanced test for proxy & waf
- nullenc0de/reverse-apk -
- geeknik/see-ess-pee -
- geeknik/email-web-fetch - Inspired by Richard Stallman
- geeknik/sick - Suspicious Image Collection Kit
- geeknik/dbe - Don't be evil.
- Own-Data-Privateer/hoardy-web - Passively capture, archive, and hoard your web browsing history, including the contents of the pages you visit, for later offline viewing, replay, mirroring, data scraping, and/or indexing. Your own p
- smolorg/smoltropix - MLX port for xjdr's entropix sampler (mimics jax implementation)
- compl-ai/compl-ai - An open-source compliance-centered evaluation framework for Generative AI models
- hugohadfield/kalmangrad - Automated, smooth, N'th order derivatives of non-uniformly sampled time series data
- gpt-omni/mini-omni2 - Towards Open-source GPT-4o with Vision, Speech and Duplex Capabilities。
- metauto-ai/agent-as-a-judge - 🤠 Agent-as-a-Judge and DevAI dataset
- maclong01/DeBiFormer - [ACCV 2024 ] Official code for "DeBiFormer: Vision Transformer with Deformable Agent Bi-level Routing Attention"
- HKUDS/LightRAG - "LightRAG: Simple and Fast Retrieval-Augmented Generation"
- home-assistant/core - 🏡 Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first.
- AgentOps-AI/AgentStack - The fastest way to build robust AI agents
- openai/swarm - Educational framework exploring ergonomic, lightweight multi-agent orchestration. Managed by OpenAI Solution team.
- xaviermatroski/Discord-Reddit-Bot - This is a python code for a discord bot which will serve user memes from subreddits
- SaFoLab-WISC/AutoDAN-Turbo - [ICLR 2025] The official implementation of our ICLR2025 paper "AutoDAN-Turbo: A Lifelong Agent for Strategy Self-Exploration to Jailbreak LLMs".
- Fireboltz/Psychic-CCTV - A video analysis tool built completely in python.
- PrimeIntellect-ai/prime - prime is a framework for efficient, globally distributed training of AI models over the internet.
- griptape-ai/griptape - Modular Python framework for AI agents and workflows with chain-of-thought reasoning, tools, and memory.
- mlzxy/arp - Autoregressive Policy for Robot Learning
- lmstudio-ai/mlx-engine - Apple MLX engine for LM Studio
- PsyChip/machina - OpenCV+YOLO+LLAVA powered video surveillance system
- Junyi42/monst3r - Official Implementation of paper "MonST3R: A Simple Approach for Estimating Geometry in the Presence of Motion"
- google-deepmind/concordia - A library for generative social simulation
- ListenNotes/notebooklm-detector - Detect whether or not an audio file was generated by NotebookLM
- livekit/agents - Build real-time multimodal AI applications 🤖🎙️📹
- ShoggothAI/motleycrew - Flexible and powerful multi-agent AI framework
- ComposioHQ/composio - Composio equip's your AI agents & LLMs with 100+ high-quality integrations via function calling
- ErikBjare/gptme - Your agent in your terminal, equipped with local tools: writes code, uses the terminal, browses the web, vision.
- Ben-Edwards44/PyBonsai - Generate procedural ASCII art trees in the terminal.
- mandiant/flare-floss - FLARE Obfuscated String Solver - Automatically extract obfuscated strings from malware.
- xjdr-alt/entropix - Entropy Based Sampling and Parallel CoT Decoding
- voxel51/fiftyone-brain - Open source AI/ML capabilities for the FiftyOne ecosystem
- voxel51/fiftyone - Refine high-quality datasets and visual AI models
- glato/emerge - Emerge is a browser-based interactive codebase and dependency visualization tool for many different programming languages. It supports some basic code quality and graph metrics and provides a simple a
- MingSun-Tse/LightAvatar-TensorFlow - TensorFlow code for our ECCV'24 Workshop paper "LightAvatar: Efficient Head Avatar as Dynamic NeLF"
- cai525/Transformer4SED - This repository aims to collect Transformer-based sound event detection (SED) algorithms.
- gabrielchua/open-notebooklm - Convert any PDF into a podcast episode!
- llllvvuu/instant_apply - proof-of-concept of Cursor's Instant Apply feature
- Time-MoE/Time-MoE - [ICLR 2025 Spotlight] Official implementation of "Time-MoE: Billion-Scale Time Series Foundation Models with Mixture of Experts"
- jthack/ffufai - AI-powered ffuf wrapper
- vladkens/twscrape - 2025! X / Twitter API scrapper with authorization support. Allows you to scrape search results, User's profiles (followers/following), Tweets (favoriters/retweeters) and more.
- FlareSolverr/FlareSolverr - Proxy server to bypass Cloudflare protection
- Not-Diamond/RoRF - Routing on Random Forest (RoRF)
- baaivision/Emu3 - Next-Token Prediction is All You Need
- getzep/graphiti - Build and query dynamic, temporally-aware Knowledge Graphs
- ck-zhang/EyePy - EyePy – webcam-based eye tracking made simple
- orionw/promptriever - The first dense retrieval model that can be prompted like an LM
- alexander-zuev/kollektiv - The open source chat powered by LLMs with RAG. Kollektiv makes it easy to sync your custom data sources and get accurate, contextual replies.
- arphanetx/Monocle - Tooling backed by an LLM for performing natural language searches against compiled target binaries. Search for encryption code, password strings, vulnerabilities, etc.
- tenable/hidden-services-revealer -
- saw-your-packet/CloudShovel - A tool for scanning public or private AMIs for sensitive files and secrets. The tool follows the research made on AWS CloudQuarry where we scanned 20k+ public AMIs.
- RickdeJager/cupshax -
- Quehry/HelloBench - HelloBench: Evaluating Long Text Generation Capabilities of Large Language Models
- DataDog/undocumented-aws-api-hunter - A tool to uncover undocumented APIs from the AWS Console.
- m8sec/subscraper - Subdomain and target enumeration tool built for offensive security testing
- xlmnxp/Qocker - Qocker is a user-friendly GUI application for managing Docker containers. Built with PyQt5, it provides an intuitive interface for viewing and interacting with your Docker containers.
- yoheinakajima/instagraph - Converts text input or URL into knowledge graph and displays
- ArchiveBox/ArchiveBox - 🗃 Open source self-hosted web archiving. Takes URLs/browser history/bookmarks/Pocket/Pinboard/etc., saves HTML, JS, PDFs, media, and more...
- defnone/quickfeeds - A simple self-hosted RSS reader with AI article summarization feature. 🧶☕️📜
- yinan-c/RSSbrew - Self-hosted, easy-to-deploy RSS tool - Aggregate, filter, digest and AI summarize articles in RSS feeds.
- leozqin/precis - Precis is an extensible self-hosted AI-enabled RSS reader with a focus on notifications and support for theming
- wagtail/wagtail - A Django content management system focused on flexibility and user experience
- elebumm/RedditVideoMakerBot - Create Reddit Videos with just✨ one command ✨
- WebFuzzForge/wenum - Wfuzz fork
- SqueezeAILab/TinyAgent - [EMNLP 2024 Demo] TinyAgent: Function Calling at the Edge!
- raphaelmansuy/iteration_of_tought - Example implementation of Iteration of Tought - Gives a star if you like the project
- taylorai/aiq - ai for jq
- lds133/weather_landscape - Visualizing Weather Forecasts Through Landscape Imagery
- cupy/cupy - NumPy & SciPy for GPU
- unclecode/crawl4ai - 🚀🤖 Crawl4AI: Open-source LLM Friendly Web Crawler & Scraper. Don't be shy, join here: https://discord.gg/mEkkMXFG
- rspeer/wordfreq - Access a database of word frequencies, in various natural languages.
- chen37058/Physical-Attacks-in-Embodied-Nav - The official implementation for "Towards Physically Realizable Adversarial Attacks in Embodied Vision Navigation"
- 1tayH/noisy - Simple random DNS, HTTP/S internet traffic noise generator
- pseudotensor/open-strawberry - Building open version of OpenAI o1 via reasoning traces (Groq, ollama, Anthropic, Gemini, OpenAI, Azure supported) Demo: https://huggingface.co/spaces/pseudotensor/open-strawberry
- win4r/o1 - Using Groq or OpenAI or Ollama to create o1-like reasoning chains
- Ravi-Teja-konda/Surveillance_Video_Summarizer - VLM driven tool that processes surveillance videos, extracts frames, and generates insightful annotations using a fine-tuned Florence-2 Vision-Language Model. Includes a Gradio-based interface for que
- user1342/WargamesAI - Professional Wargaming LLM Toolbox
- Avaiga/taipy - Turns Data and AI algorithms into production-ready web applications in no time.
- Fraunhofer-IIS/ODAQ -
- pieeg-club/PiEEG-16 - Measure 16 EEG channels with Shield PiEEG-16 and RaspberryPi
- airtai/fastagency - The fastest way to bring multi-agent workflows to production.
- nianticlabs/doubletake - [ECCV 2024] DoubleTake: Geometry Guided Depth Estimation
- google/oss-fuzz-gen - LLM powered fuzzing via OSS-Fuzz.
- sissbruecker/linkding - Self-hosted bookmark manager that is designed be to be minimal, fast, and easy to set up using Docker.
- bklieger-groq/g1 - g1: Using Llama-3.1 70b on Groq to create o1-like reasoning chains
- carlini/yet-another-applied-llm-benchmark - A benchmark to evaluate language models on questions I've previously asked them to solve.
- za3k/qr-backup - Paper backup of files using QR codes
- Future-House/paper-qa - High accuracy RAG for answering questions from scientific documents with citations
- vllm-project/vllm - A high-throughput and memory-efficient inference and serving engine for LLMs
- alphafox02/SniffleToTAK - Proxy tool that bridges the gap between the Sniffle Bluetooth 5 long range extended sniffing and the TAK (Team Awareness Kit) system.
- bkerler/Sniffle - A sniffer for Bluetooth 5 and 4.x LE
- ictnlp/LLaMA-Omni - LLaMA-Omni is a low-latency and high-quality end-to-end speech interaction model built upon Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct, aiming to achieve speech capabilities at the GPT-4o level.
- seanbrar/paperweight -
- zorazrw/agent-workflow-memory - AWM: Agent Workflow Memory
- WarnerMedia/artemis - Artemis source code scanner
- SeednapseAI/clara - CLARA: Code Language Assistant & Repository Analyzer
- HengyiWang/spann3r - [3DV'25] 3D Reconstruction with Spatial Memory
- OpenBMB/IoA - An open-source framework for collaborative AI agents, enabling diverse, distributed agents to team up and tackle complex tasks through internet-like connectivity.
- qodo-ai/pr-agent - 🚀 PR-Agent (Qodo Merge open-source): An AI-Powered 🤖 Tool for Automated Pull Request Analysis, Feedback, Suggestions and More! 💻🔍
- codelion/optillm - Optimizing inference proxy for LLMs
- MadcowD/ell - A language model programming library.
- Cyfrin/moccasin - Titanoboa-based vyper smart contract development framework
- H-Freax/ThinkGrasp - [CoRL2024] ThinkGrasp: A Vision-Language System for Strategic Part Grasping in Clutter. https://arxiv.org/abs/2407.11298
- deepfakes/faceswap - Deepfakes Software For All
- harsxv/tinystatus - Tiny status page generated by a Python script
- reddelexc/hackerone-reports - Top disclosed reports from HackerOne
- nasa-jpl/rosa - ROSA 🤖 is an AI Agent designed to interact with ROS1- and ROS2-based robotics systems using natural language queries. ROSA helps robot developers inspect, diagnose, understand, and operate robots.
- user1342/Tomato - LLM steganography with minimum-entropy coupling - Hiding encrypted messages in natural language.
- Ligo-Biosciences/AlphaFold3 - Open source implementation of AlphaFold3
- feizc/FluxMusic - Text-to-Music Generation with Rectified Flow Transformers
- FreedomIntelligence/LongLLaVA - LongLLaVA: Scaling Multi-modal LLMs to 1000 Images Efficiently via Hybrid Architecture
- Tencent/DepthCrafter - DepthCrafter: Generating Consistent Long Depth Sequences for Open-world Videos
- Storia-AI/sage - Chat with any codebase in under two minutes | Fully local or via third-party APIs
- MLSysOps/MLE-agent - 🤖 MLE-Agent: Your intelligent companion for seamless AI engineering and research. 🔍 Integrate with arxiv and paper with code to provide better code/research plans 🧰 OpenAI, Anthropic, Ollama, etc supp
- TheR1D/shell_gpt - A command-line productivity tool powered by AI large language models like GPT-4, will help you accomplish your tasks faster and more efficiently.
- NVlabs/EAGLE - Eagle Family: Exploring Model Designs, Data Recipes and Training Strategies for Frontier-Class Multimodal LLMs
- gpt-omni/mini-omni - open-source multimodal large language model that can hear, talk while thinking. Featuring real-time end-to-end speech input and streaming audio output conversational capabilities.
- ptrsr/pi-ci - Prepare Raspberry Pi 3, 4 & 5 configurations using a virtual machine.
- osgil-defense/TARS - Using Agents To Automate Pentesting
- lucidrains/genie2-pytorch - Implementation of a framework for Genie2 in Pytorch
- octree-nn/octfusion - OctFusion: Octree-based Diffusion Models for 3D Shape Generation
- agno-agi/agno - Build Multimodal AI Agents with memory, knowledge and tools. Simple, fast and model-agnostic.
- weavel-ai/Ape - Your first AI prompt engineer
- Aleph-Alpha/scaling - Scaling is a distributed training library and installable dependency designed to scale up neural networks, with a dedicated module for training large language models.
- Lightning-AI/LitServe - Lightning-fast serving engine for any AI model of any size. Flexible. Easy. Enterprise-scale.
- ml-explore/mlx-examples - Examples in the MLX framework
- linkedin/Liger-Kernel - Efficient Triton Kernels for LLM Training
- facebookresearch/sapiens - High-resolution models for human tasks.
- GSCrawley/strike_crew - Developing a crew of threat assessment ai agents for AI-Strike, using CrewAI and Neo4j
- adityakapole/TrendCrafter - A cutting-edge multi AI agent platform that uncovers emerging trends and crafts engaging narratives, seamlessly blending research and storytelling using CrewAI
- Upsonic/Tiger - Neuralink for your AI Agents - LangChain - Autogen - CrewAI
- ariaxhan/freetime - Freetime leverages advanced AI agents through technologies like Groq, Supabase, CrewAI, and JigsawStack to seamlessly coordinate and plan social gatherings based on shared interests and optimal meetin
- crewAIInc/crewAI-examples - A collection of examples that show how to use CrewAI framework to automate workflows.
- Ahmed-Codes-99/CrewAI-Book-Writer -
- connosuer/trekk - open-ended life simulation that combines elements of text-based adventures, AI-driven storytelling, and the unpredictability of real life.
- alex-skarulis/BRAINS - Business Role-playing AI Network Simulation
- SanduniTH/AI-Tree-based-Search - Developed and deployed a Tree-based Search AI project in Python, utilizing search algorithms such as BFS, DFS, Greedy, and A*, resulting in an 80% success rate in pathfinding simulations. Implemented
- edbeeching/godot_rl_agents - An Open Source package that allows video game creators, AI researchers and hobbyists the opportunity to learn complex behaviors for their Non Player Characters or agents
- DAGWorks-Inc/burr - Build applications that make decisions (chatbots, agents, simulations, etc...). Monitor, trace, persist, and execute on your own infrastructure.
- t3l3machus/toxssin - An XSS exploitation command-line interface and payload generator.
- n1x-ax/neural-render - Upscale, enhance, and reimagine your renders with a single prompt using Stable Diffusion and FLUX.
- humanlayer/humanlayer - HumanLayer enables AI agents to communicate with humans in tool-based and async workflows. Guarantee human oversight of high-stakes function calls with approval workflows across slack, email and more.
- AnonCatalyst/Odinova - Odinova Digital Tiger is an advanced application designed for Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT), equipped with versatile tools and a user-friendly interface to streamline investigative workflows and en
- asavinov/intelligent-trading-bot - Intelligent Trading Bot: Automatically generating signals and trading based on machine learning and feature engineering
- nullenc0de/gofuzz -
- intelowlproject/IntelOwl - IntelOwl: manage your Threat Intelligence at scale
- mrwadams/attackgen - AttackGen is a cybersecurity incident response testing tool that leverages the power of large language models and the comprehensive MITRE ATT&CK framework. The tool generates tailored incident respons
- mrwadams/stride-gpt - An AI-powered threat modeling tool that leverages OpenAI's GPT models to generate threat models for a given application based on the STRIDE methodology.
- omar2535/GraphQLer - 🔍A cutting edge context aware GraphQL API fuzzing tool!
- OpenBB-finance/OpenBB - Investment Research for Everyone, Everywhere.
- wasi-master/13ft - My own custom 12ft.io replacement
- mlcsec/huntsman - Email enumerator, username generator, and context validator for hunter.io, snov.io, and skrapp.io
- VJBots/VJ-Txt-Leech-Bot - A Txt To Video Bot / Txt Leech Bot / Txt To File Bot.
- opendatalab/MinerU - A high-quality tool for convert PDF to Markdown and JSON.一站式开源高质量数据提取工具,将PDF转换成Markdown和JSON格式。
- clemlesne/scrape-it-now - Web scraper made for AI and simplicity in mind. It runs as a CLI that can be parallelized and outputs high-quality markdown content.
- raznem/parsera - Lightweight library for scraping web-sites with LLMs
- hacksider/Deep-Live-Cam - real time face swap and one-click video deepfake with only a single image
- myshell-ai/AIlice - AIlice is a fully autonomous, general-purpose AI agent.
- fail2ban/fail2ban - Daemon to ban hosts that cause multiple authentication errors
- DAWells/do_onto - Visualise cancer types using graph embedding of Disease Ontology
- Wannabeasmartguy/RAGENT - Probably one of the lightest native RAG + Agent apps out there,experience the power of Agent-powered models and Agent-driven knowledge bases in one click, without complex configuration.
- letta-ai/letta - Letta (formerly MemGPT) is a framework for creating LLM services with memory.
- dshieble/playwright_xss_scanner -
- THUDM/LongWriter - [ICLR 2025] LongWriter: Unleashing 10,000+ Word Generation from Long Context LLMs
- Music-Mix/Mix-Net - AI cover model for your own voice.
- Polymarket/agents - Trade autonomously on Polymarket using AI Agents
- ostris/ai-toolkit - Various AI scripts. Mostly Stable Diffusion stuff.
- ironjr/grokfast - Official repository for the paper "Grokfast: Accelerated Grokking by Amplifying Slow Gradients"
- THUDM/CogVideo - text and image to video generation: CogVideoX (2024) and CogVideo (ICLR 2023)
- stamparm/maltrail - Malicious traffic detection system
- EvanLi/Github-Ranking - ⭐Github Ranking⭐ Github stars and forks ranking list. Github Top100 stars list of different languages. Automatically update daily. | Github仓库排名,每日自动更新
- facebookresearch/Evariste - HyperTree Proof Search for Neural Theorem Proving -- "La science est l'œuvre de l'esprit humain, qui est plutôt destiné à étudier qu'à connaître, à chercher qu'à trouver la vérité."
- assetnote/nowafpls - Burp Plugin to Bypass WAFs through the insertion of Junk Data
- OpenRouterTeam/openrouter-runner - Inference engine powering open source models on OpenRouter
- rfc-st/humble - A humble, and 𝗳𝗮𝘀𝘁, security-oriented HTTP headers analyzer.
- TeamWiseFlow/wiseflow - Use LLMs to dig out what you care about from massive amounts of information and a variety of sources daily.
- reflex-dev/reflex - 🕸️ Web apps in pure Python 🐍
- dwillowtree/diana - Save toil in security operations with: Detection & Intelligence Analysis for New Alerts (D.I.A.N.A. )
- schooldropout1337/nuclei-templates -
- karpathy/nano-llama31 - nanoGPT style version of Llama 3.1
- black-forest-labs/flux - Official inference repo for FLUX.1 models
- pytorch/torchchat - Run PyTorch LLMs locally on servers, desktop and mobile
- lipku/LiveTalking - Real time interactive streaming digital human
- skapadia3214/groq-moa - Mixture of Agents using Groq
- frdel/agent-zero - Agent Zero AI framework
- voidism/Lookback-Lens - Code for the EMNLP 2024 paper "Detecting and Mitigating Contextual Hallucinations in Large Language Models Using Only Attention Maps"
- google-deepmind/treescope - An interactive HTML pretty-printer for machine learning research in IPython notebooks.
- Leoleojames1/ollama_agent_roll_cage - 🤖👽💬 Boost your AI platform with OARC! A multimodal AI toolkit Class, and local API. Enjoy real-time audio 🎙️ and text 🔍 chats, agent automations ⚙️, workflows 🔄. Apply your own fine-tuned, LLM, 📝, TTS
- cpypasta/llm-web-agent - A collection of tools that explore giving LLMs agency.
- exo-explore/exo - Run your own AI cluster at home with everyday devices 📱💻 🖥️⌚
- guibacellar/TEx - Telegram Monitor
- roboflow/sports - computer vision and sports
- aydinnyunus/gpt4-captcha-bypass - Captcha Bypass using GPT4-o
- Mindrocket42/m42-Mixture-of-Agents - OpenRouter Mixture of Agents Model with access to most open source and closed source LLMs
- meta-llama/llama-models - Utilities intended for use with Llama models.
- modelscope/agentscope - Start building LLM-empowered multi-agent applications in an easier way.
- psf/black - The uncompromising Python code formatter
- a13xp0p0v/kernel-hardening-checker - A tool for checking the security hardening options of the Linux kernel
- stanford-oval/storm - An LLM-powered knowledge curation system that researches a topic and generates a full-length report with citations.
- ARPSyndicate/puncia - Panthera(P.)uncia - Official CLI utility for Osprey Vision, Subdomain Center & Exploit Observer.
- fal-ai/fal - ⚡ Fastest way to serve open source ML models to millions
- togethercomputer/MoA - Together Mixture-Of-Agents (MoA) – 65.1% on AlpacaEval with OSS models
- run-llama/llama_deploy - Deploy your agentic worfklows to production
- facebookresearch/MobileLLM - MobileLLM Optimizing Sub-billion Parameter Language Models for On-Device Use Cases. In ICML 2024.
- darrenburns/posting - The modern API client that lives in your terminal.
- Doriandarko/claude-engineer - Claude Engineer is an interactive command-line interface (CLI) that leverages the power of Anthropic's Claude-3.5-Sonnet model to assist with software development tasks.This framework enables Claude t
- seandearnaley/reddit-gpt-summarizer - Reddit Summarizer using LLMs OpenAI/Anthropic, Streamlit + Python
- sarthakrastogi/quality-prompts -
- MattKeeley/Spoofy - Spoofy is a program that checks if a list of domains can be spoofed based on SPF and DMARC records.
- apify/crawlee-python - Crawlee—A web scraping and browser automation library for Python to build reliable crawlers. Extract data for AI, LLMs, RAG, or GPTs. Download HTML, PDF, JPG, PNG, and other files from websites. Works
- incidentalhq/incidental - An opensource incident management platform integrating with Slack.
- nullenc0de/SigSentry - Advanced Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Signal Monitoring Tool
- tanelpoder/0xtools - 0x.Tools: X-Ray vision for Linux systems
- elceef/dnstwist - Domain name permutation engine for detecting homograph phishing attacks, typo squatting, and brand impersonation
- cszhilu1998/SelfDZSR_PlusPlus - [TPAMI 2024] Self-Supervised Learning for Real-World Super-Resolution from Dual and Multiple Zoomed Observations
- Autonomy-Data-Unit/germ-demo - LLM-Powered Geopolitical and Environmental Risk Monitor for Companies House
- lm-sys/RouteLLM - A framework for serving and evaluating LLM routers - save LLM costs without compromising quality
- qodo-ai/qodo-cover - Qodo-Cover: An AI-Powered Tool for Automated Test Generation and Code Coverage Enhancement! 💻🤖🧪🐞
- microsoft/graphrag - A modular graph-based Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) system
- adithya-s-k/omniparse - Ingest, parse, and optimize any data format ➡️ from documents to multimedia ➡️ for enhanced compatibility with GenAI frameworks
- fabriziosalmi/UglyFeed - Retrieve, aggregate, filter, evaluate, rewrite and serve RSS feeds using Large Language Models for fun, research and learning purposes
- SciPhi-AI/R2R - The most advanced AI retrieval system. Agentic Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) with a RESTful API.
- cambrian-mllm/cambrian - Cambrian-1 is a family of multimodal LLMs with a vision-centric design.
- msoedov/agentic_security - Agentic LLM Vulnerability Scanner / AI red teaming kit 🧪
- modelscope/DiffSynth-Studio - Enjoy the magic of Diffusion models!
- PrefectHQ/ControlFlow - 🦾 Take control of your AI agents
- imbue-ai/cluster-health -
- Alfredredbird/tookie-osint - Tookie is a advanced OSINT information gathering tool that finds social media accounts based on inputs.
- brycedrennan/imaginAIry - Pythonic AI generation of images and videos
- argilla-io/argilla - Argilla is a collaboration tool for AI engineers and domain experts to build high-quality datasets
- Lucksi/Darkus - A Onion websites searcher
- grantjenks/py-tree-sitter-languages - Binary Python wheels for all tree sitter languages.
- stitionai/devika - Devika is an Agentic AI Software Engineer that can understand high-level human instructions, break them down into steps, research relevant information, and write code to achieve the given objective. D
- beratcmn/local-intelligence - Something similar to Apple Intelligence?
- evilsocket/nerve - The Simple Agent Development Kit.
- schooldropout1337/lazyegg -
- Permiso-io-tools/YetiHunter - Permiso Security has created a tool to query snowflake environments for evidence of compromise, based on indicators from Permiso and the community.
- OpenBMB/ChatDev - Create Customized Software using Natural Language Idea (through LLM-powered Multi-Agent Collaboration)
- AllAboutAI-YT/ai-vision-scraping - Scrape Webpages with AI Vision
- AllAboutAI-YT/chatgpt-stream - chatgpt-stream
- AllAboutAI-YT/easy-local-rag - SuperEasy 100% Local RAG with Ollama + Email RAG
- lucidrains/grokfast-pytorch - Explorations into the proposal from the paper "Grokfast, Accelerated Grokking by Amplifying Slow Gradients"
- fudan-generative-vision/hallo - Hallo: Hierarchical Audio-Driven Visual Synthesis for Portrait Image Animation
- valayDave/tell-me-your-secrets - Find secrets on any machine from over 120 Different Signatures.
- socketteer/loom - Multiversal tree writing interface for human-AI collaboration
- unitycatalog/unitycatalog - Open, Multi-modal Catalog for Data & AI
- elastic/detection-rules -
- FoundationVision/LlamaGen - Autoregressive Model Beats Diffusion: 🦙 Llama for Scalable Image Generation
- BrainBlend-AI/atomic-agents - Building AI agents, atomically
- piku/piku - The tiniest PaaS you've ever seen. Piku allows you to do git push deployments to your own servers.
- user1342/AutoCorpus - AutoCorpus is a tool backed by a large language model (LLM) for automatically generating corpus files for fuzzing.
- Kav-K/GPTDiscord - A robust, all-in-one GPT interface for Discord. ChatGPT-style conversations, image generation, AI-moderation, custom indexes/knowledgebase, youtube summarizer, and more!
- lichao-sun/Mora - Mora: More like Sora for Generalist Video Generation
- HunxByts/GhostTrack - Useful tool to track location or mobile number
- trustedsec/The_Shelf - Retired TrustedSec Capabilities
- lllyasviel/Omost - Your image is almost there!
- prowler-cloud/prowler - Prowler is an Open Cloud Security tool for AWS, Azure, GCP and Kubernetes. It helps for continuos monitoring, security assessments and audits, incident response, compliance, hardening and forensics re
- sunzc-sunny/PPAD - Position-Guided Prompt Learning for Anomaly Detection in Chest X-Rays
- Cisco-Talos/snap_wtf_macos - WTF Snapshot fuzzing of macOS targets
- TMElyralab/MusePose - MusePose: a Pose-Driven Image-to-Video Framework for Virtual Human Generation
- SafeBreach-Labs/DoubleDrive - A fully-undetectable ransomware that utilizes OneDrive & Google Drive to encrypt target local files
- OOAFA/squeegee - A collection of tools using OCR to extract potential usernames from RDP screenshots.
- Daniel-J-Glass/WebWanderer - Generating a fake internet with AI. Powered by ChatGPT and Stable Diffusion
- Dataherald/dataherald - Interact with your SQL database, Natural Language to SQL using LLMs
- IntelligenzaArtificiale/Free-Auto-GPT - Free Auto GPT with NO paids API is a repository that offers a simple version of Auto GPT, an autonomous AI agent capable of performing tasks independently. Unlike other versions, our implementation do
- SuperpoweredAI/task-tree-agent - LLM-powered autonomous agent with hierarchical task management
- onjas-buidl/LLM-agent-game - LLM-based autonomous world
- OpenAgentLLM/OpenAgent - 🔓 The open-source autonomous agent LLM initiative 🔓
- disler/indydevtools - An opinionated, Agentic Engineering toolbox powered by LLM Agents to solve problems autonomously.
- Undertone0809/promptulate - 🚀Lightweight Large language model automation and Autonomous Language Agents development framework. Build your LLM Agent Application in a pythonic way!
- smartcomputer-ai/agent-os - Build autonomous AI agents! 🌞
- rotemweiss57/gpt-newspaper - GPT based autonomous agent designed to create personalized newspapers tailored to user preferences.
- OSU-NLP-Group/SeeAct - [ICML'24] SeeAct is a system for generalist web agents that autonomously carry out tasks on any given website, with a focus on large multimodal models (LMMs) such as GPT-4V(ision).
- AutoPackAI/beebot - An Autonomous AI Agent that works
- web-arena-x/webarena - Code repo for "WebArena: A Realistic Web Environment for Building Autonomous Agents"
- kreneskyp/ix - Autonomous GPT-4 agent platform
- daveshap/OpenAI_Agent_Swarm - HAAS = Hierarchical Autonomous Agent Swarm - "Resistance is futile!"
- streamlit/streamlit - Streamlit — A faster way to build and share data apps.
- sinaptik-ai/pandas-ai - Chat with your database or your datalake (SQL, CSV, parquet). PandasAI makes data analysis conversational using LLMs and RAG.
- AlephNullSK/dnsgen - DNSGen is a powerful and flexible DNS name permutation tool designed for security researchers and penetration testers. It generates intelligent domain name variations to assist in subdomain discovery
- UnaPibaGeek/ctfr - Abusing Certificate Transparency logs for getting HTTPS websites subdomains.
- THU-MIG/yolov10 - YOLOv10: Real-Time End-to-End Object Detection [NeurIPS 2024]
- maitrix-org/Pandora - Pandora: Towards General World Model with Natural Language Actions and Video States
- aplayerv1/rtlsdrAIdetect -
- weaviate/Verba - Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) chatbot powered by Weaviate
- PRBonn/LiDiff - [CVPR'24] Scaling Diffusion Models to Real-World 3D LiDAR Scene Completion
- IDEA-Research/Grounding-DINO-1.5-API - Grounding DINO 1.5: IDEA Research's Most Capable Open-World Object Detection Model Series
- McGill-NLP/webllama - Llama-3 agents that can browse the web by following instructions and talking to you
- ztxtech/Time-Evidence-Fusion-Network - Official implementation of "Time Evidence Fusion Network: Multi-source View in Long-Term Time Series Forecasting" (https://arxiv.org/abs/2405.06419)
- rly0nheart/thedevilseye - An osint tool that uses Ahmia.fi to get hidden services and descriptions that match with the users query.
- All-Hands-AI/OpenHands - 🙌 OpenHands: Code Less, Make More
- kyegomez/AlphaFold3 - Implementation of Alpha Fold 3 from the paper: "Accurate structure prediction of biomolecular interactions with AlphaFold3" in PyTorch
- LUX-Space-Science-Technology/AI-Supported-Warnings-Notification-System-For-Natural-Disaster - Modular structure that feeds on instant data, warns about natural disasters and conveys what needs to be done
- vikhyat/moondream - tiny vision language model
- Shubhamsaboo/awesome-llm-apps - Collection of awesome LLM apps with AI Agents and RAG using OpenAI, Anthropic, Gemini and opensource models.
- hackertarget/pcap-did-what - Analyze pcaps with Zeek and a Grafana Dashboard
- scottbarnesg/smart-sec-cam - A privacy-focused, intelligent security camera system.
- prompt-security/ps-fuzz - Make your GenAI Apps Safe & Secure 🚀 Test & harden your system prompt
- eset/nimfilt - A collection of modules and scripts to help with analyzing Nim binaries
- Tuhinshubhra/ExtAnalysis - Browser Extension Analysis Framework - Scan, Analyze Chrome, firefox and Brave extensions for vulnerabilities and intels
- padok-team/cognito-scanner - A simple script which implements different Cognito attacks such as Account Oracle or Priviledge Escalation
- codyd51/gypsum - GPS receiver from a raw antenna 🛰️
- amalshaji/portr - Open source ngrok alternative designed for teams. Tunnel http, tcp or websocket connections.
- kovidgoyal/kitty - Cross-platform, fast, feature-rich, GPU based terminal
- nvbn/thefuck - Magnificent app which corrects your previous console command.
- pirate/security-growler - 📡 A Mac menubar app that notifies you whenever SSH, VNC, sudo, or other auth events occur.
- 6abd/horus - An OSINT / digital forensics tool built in Python
- RedSiege/Jigsaw - Hide shellcode by shuffling bytes into a random array and reconstruct at runtime
- taranis-ai/taranis-ai - Taranis AI is an advanced Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) tool, leveraging Artificial Intelligence to revolutionize information gathering and situational analysis.
- sukeesh/Jarvis - Personal Assistant for Linux and macOS
- AlexanderKoch-Koch/low_cost_robot -
- OpenBMB/RepoAgent - An LLM-powered repository agent designed to assist developers and teams in generating documentation and understanding repositories quickly.
- SWE-agent/SWE-agent - SWE-agent takes a GitHub issue and tries to automatically fix it, using GPT-4, or your LM of choice. It can also be employed for offensive cybersecurity or competitive coding challenges. [NeurIPS 2024
- huggingface/optimum-nvidia -
- geofurb/rabbithole - Send HTTP scrapers to Wonderland
- KhoomeiK/interrupting-cow - 🐮📢 The first AI voice assistant that interrupts you
- mxyng/discollama - Run an AI-powered Discord bot from the comfort of your laptop.
- karlicoss/promnesia - Another piece of your extended mind
- unitedstates/congress - Public domain data collectors for the work of Congress, including legislation, amendments, and votes.
- ScrapeGraphAI/Scrapegraph-ai - Python scraper based on AI
- healthchecks/healthchecks - Open-source cron job and background task monitoring service, written in Python & Django
- simonw/llm - Access large language models from the command-line
- mrphrazer/reverser_ai - Provides automated reverse engineering assistance through the use of local large language models (LLMs) on consumer hardware.
- berylliumsec/neutron - AI Powered Terminal Based Ethical Hacking Assistant
- pancak3lullz/SECurityTr8Ker - SECurityTr8Ker monitors the SEC's RSS feed for 8-K filings with cybersecurity incident disclosures.
- albertan017/LLM4Decompile - Reverse Engineering: Decompiling Binary Code with Large Language Models
- HackingLZ/IndicatorOfCanary - Canary Detection
- xai-org/grok-1 - Grok open release
- Geeoon/DNS-Tunnel-Keylogger - Keylogging server and client that uses DNS tunneling/exfiltration to transmit keystrokes through firewalls.
- bruin-data/ingestr - ingestr is a CLI tool to copy data between any databases with a single command seamlessly.
- trailofbits/deepstate - A unit test-like interface for fuzzing and symbolic execution
- Ostorlab/oxo - OXO is a security scanning orchestrator for the modern age.
- Azure/PyRIT - The Python Risk Identification Tool for generative AI (PyRIT) is an open source framework built to empower security professionals and engineers to proactively identify risks in generative AI systems.
- MrMil/gameoflife-nn -
- InkboxSoftware/excelCPU - 16-bit CPU for Excel, and related files
- shreyaschavhan/10000-h1-disclosed-reports - 10,000 H1 Disclosed Reports
- chaudharyarjun/RepoReaper - RepoReaper is an automated tool crafted to meticulously scan and identify exposed .git repositories within specified domains and their subdomains.
- tannercollin/t0pic - pic.t0.vc - command line image host
- cbh123/narrator - David Attenborough narrates your life
- crewAIInc/crewAI - Framework for orchestrating role-playing, autonomous AI agents. By fostering collaborative intelligence, CrewAI empowers agents to work together seamlessly, tackling complex tasks.
- microsoft/promptbase - All things prompt engineering
- narfindustries/http-garden - Differential fuzzing REPL for HTTP implementations.
- jackseceng/TweeVEBot - Twitter bot that tweets CVE information on a regular basis.
- Textualize/toolong - A terminal application to view, tail, merge, and search log files (plus JSONL).
- atopile/atopile - Design circuit boards with code! ✨ Get software-like design reuse 🚀, validation, version control and collaboration in hardware; starting with electronics ⚡️
- dgtlmoon/changedetection.io - The best and simplest free open source web page change detection, website watcher, restock monitor and notification service. Restock Monitor, change detection. Designed for simplicity - Simply monito
- OpenInterpreter/01 - The #1 open-source voice interface for desktop, mobile, and ESP32 chips.
- sensepost/objection - 📱 objection - runtime mobile exploration
- fetchai/uAgents - A fast and lightweight framework for creating decentralized agents with ease.
- MaibornWolff/SecObserve - SecObserve is an open source vulnerability and license management system for software development teams and cloud environments. It supports a variety of open source vulnerability scanners and integrat
- casterbyte/Above - Network Security Sniffer
- stucchimax/yoyoDNS -
- zorazrw/filco - [Preprint] Learning to Filter Context for Retrieval-Augmented Generaton
- vanna-ai/vanna - 🤖 Chat with your SQL database 📊. Accurate Text-to-SQL Generation via LLMs using RAG 🔄.
- notAI-tech/NudeNet - Lightweight nudity detection
- amirzenoozi/nsfw-classification - A Simple NSFW Classifier Based on Keras and Tensorflow
- xaitax/SploitScan - SploitScan is a sophisticated cybersecurity utility designed to provide detailed information on vulnerabilities and associated exploits.
- tcosolutions/betterscan - Code Scanning/SAST/Static Analysis/Linting using many tools/Scanners with One Report (Code, IaC) - Betterscan
- WithSecureLabs/damn-vulnerable-llm-agent -
- flipkart-incubator/watchdog - Watchdog - A Comprehensive Security Scanning and a Vulnerability Management Tool.
- IdreesInc/Monocraft - A monospaced programming font inspired by the Minecraft typeface
- microsoft/autogen - A programming framework for agentic AI 🤖 PyPi: autogen-agentchat Discord: https://aka.ms/autogen-discord Office Hour: https://aka.ms/autogen-officehour
- microsoft/promptflow - Build high-quality LLM apps - from prototyping, testing to production deployment and monitoring.
- DLYuanGod/TinyGPT-V - TinyGPT-V: Efficient Multimodal Large Language Model via Small Backbones
- pytorch-labs/gpt-fast - Simple and efficient pytorch-native transformer text generation in <1000 LOC of python.
- skelsec/evilrdp -
- bit-team/backintime - A comfortable and well-configurable graphical Frontend for incremental backups, with a command-line version also available. Modified files are transferred, while unchanged files are linked to the new
- apple/ml-ferret -
- Shabang-Systems/simon - AI search: your data + 10 lines of code.
- infobyte/emploleaks - An OSINT tool that helps detect members of a company with leaked credentials
- Pythagora-io/gpt-pilot - The first real AI developer
- VikParuchuri/marker - Convert PDF to markdown + JSON quickly with high accuracy
- hisxo/gitGraber - gitGraber: monitor GitHub to search and find sensitive data in real time for different online services such as: Google, Amazon, Paypal, Github, Mailgun, Facebook, Twitter, Heroku, Stripe...
- WangYihang/GitHacker - 🕷️ A
folder exploiting tool that is able to restore the entire Git repository, including stash, common branches and common tags. - nat/natbot - Drive a browser with GPT-3
- Globe-Engineer/globot - Globot is an agent that controls your browser using playwright and GPT-4V.
- modal-labs/devlooper - A program synthesis agent that autonomously fixes its output by running tests!
- google-deepmind/graphcast -
- thinkst/zippy - Detect AI-generated text [relatively] quickly via compression ratios
- xnl-h4ck3r/urless - De-clutter a list of URLs
- shobhit9957/Audiocraft - Generate Music from Text Input
- meta-llama/llama - Inference code for Llama models
- ksfi/simple-nostr - Command line nostr client
- chain-ml/council - Council is an open-source platform for the rapid development and robust deployment of customized generative AI applications
- SatSale/SatSale - Lightweight Bitcoin payment processor written in easily deployable Python. Self custody donations and payments on-chain & Lightning network, directly connected to your own Bitcoin node! No middleman/c
- ex0dus-0x/fuzzable - Framework for Automating Fuzzable Target Discovery with Static Analysis.
- righettod/website-passive-reconnaissance - Script to automate, when possible, the passive reconnaissance performed on a website prior to an assessment.
- OpenInterpreter/open-interpreter - A natural language interface for computers
- plbrault/youre-the-os - A game where you are a computer's OS and you have to manage processes, memory and I/O events.
- kyegomez/swarms - The Enterprise-Grade Production-Ready Multi-Agent Orchestration Framework. Website: https://swarms.ai
- eschluntz/compress - Text compression for generating keyboard expansions
- facefusion/facefusion - Industry leading face manipulation platform
- tigthor/neural-network-hacking - Hacking the Singularity. Deep learning hacking. Weaponizing AI in Offensive security
- TheAlgorithms/Python - All Algorithms implemented in Python
- geekan/MetaGPT - 🌟 The Multi-Agent Framework: First AI Software Company, Towards Natural Language Programming
- topscoder/nuclei-wordfence-cve - The EXCLUSIVE Collection of 50,000+ Nuclei templates based on Wordfence intel. Daily updates for bulletproof WordPress security.
- pixray/pixray -
- uds-se/FormatFuzzer - FormatFuzzer is a framework for high-efficiency, high-quality generation and parsing of binary inputs.
- nerdyrodent/VQGAN-CLIP - Just playing with getting VQGAN+CLIP running locally, rather than having to use colab.
- h2oai/h2ogpt - Private chat with local GPT with document, images, video, etc. 100% private, Apache 2.0. Supports oLLaMa, Mixtral, llama.cpp, and more. Demo: https://gpt.h2o.ai/ https://gpt-docs.h2o.ai/
- aniketmaurya/llm-inference - Large Language Model (LLM) Inference API and Chatbot
- assafelovic/gpt-researcher - LLM based autonomous agent that conducts deep local and web research on any topic and generates a long report with citations.
- onyx-dot-app/onyx - Gen-AI Chat for Teams - Think ChatGPT if it had access to your team's unique knowledge.
- mem0ai/mem0 - The Memory layer for AI Agents
- Aider-AI/aider - aider is AI pair programming in your terminal
- mindsdb/mindsdb - AI's query engine - Platform for building AI that can learn and answer questions over large scale federated data.
- GrrrDog/weird_proxies - Reverse proxies cheatsheet
- TransformerOptimus/SuperAGI - <⚡️> SuperAGI - A dev-first open source autonomous AI agent framework. Enabling developers to build, manage & run useful autonomous agents quickly and reliably.
- aeon-toolkit/aeon - A toolkit for machine learning from time series
- xnl-h4ck3r/waymore - Find way more from the Wayback Machine, Common Crawl, Alien Vault OTX, URLScan, VirusTotal & Intelligence X!
- bellingcat/octosuite - GitHub Data Analysis Framework.
- AntonOsika/gpt-engineer - CLI platform to experiment with codegen. Precursor to: https://lovable.dev
- princeton-nlp/tree-of-thought-llm - [NeurIPS 2023] Tree of Thoughts: Deliberate Problem Solving with Large Language Models
- s0md3v/roop - one-click face swap
- mazen160/secrets-patterns-db - Secrets Patterns DB: The largest open-source Database for detecting secrets, API keys, passwords, tokens, and more.
- smol-ai/developer - the first library to let you embed a developer agent in your own app!
- Sprocket-Security/cvetrends - cvet is a Python utility for pulling actionable vulnerabilities from cvetrends.com
- muellerberndt/mini-agi - MiniAGI is a simple general-purpose autonomous agent based on the OpenAI API.
- DedSecInside/TorBot - Dark Web OSINT Tool
- bigscience-workshop/petals - 🌸 Run LLMs at home, BitTorrent-style. Fine-tuning and inference up to 10x faster than offloading
- avito-tech/deepsecrets - Secrets scanner that understands code
- cooleydw494/codemonkeys - A Python framework for GPT-driven automations, with an early emphasis on mass file operations.
- tinygrad/tinygrad - You like pytorch? You like micrograd? You love tinygrad! ❤️
- AdmTal/crowdcast - Converts a subreddit into a podcast
- oneil512/INSIGHT - INSIGHT is an autonomous AI that can do medical research!
- Vision-CAIR/MiniGPT-4 - Open-sourced codes for MiniGPT-4 and MiniGPT-v2 (https://minigpt-4.github.io, https://minigpt-v2.github.io/)
- TheSnowGuru/SimpleFast - AI generated Coding Language
- QuivrHQ/quivr - Opiniated RAG for integrating GenAI in your apps 🧠 Focus on your product rather than the RAG. Easy integration in existing products with customisation! Any LLM: GPT4, Groq, Llama. Any Vectorstore:
- Josh-XT/AGiXT - AGiXT is a dynamic AI Agent Automation Platform that seamlessly orchestrates instruction management and complex task execution across diverse AI providers. Combining adaptive memory, smart features, a
- webgrip/PuttyGPT - Full Spectrum AI
- CryptoDevWill/ArcAngelGPT - A simi and fully autonomous AI assistant using ChatGPT 3.5 turbo and gpt4.
- zylon-ai/private-gpt - Interact with your documents using the power of GPT, 100% privately, no data leaks
- obsei/obsei - Obsei is a low code AI powered automation tool. It can be used in various business flows like social listening, AI based alerting, brand image analysis, comparative study and more .
- GreyDGL/PentestGPT - A GPT-empowered penetration testing tool
- mlc-ai/mlc-llm - Universal LLM Deployment Engine with ML Compilation
- LAION-AI/Open-Assistant - OpenAssistant is a chat-based assistant that understands tasks, can interact with third-party systems, and retrieve information dynamically to do so.
- Significant-Gravitas/Auto-GPT-Plugins - Plugins for Auto-GPT
- Significant-Gravitas/AutoGPT - AutoGPT is the vision of accessible AI for everyone, to use and to build on. Our mission is to provide the tools, so that you can focus on what matters.
- yoheinakajima/babyagi -
- bee-san/Ciphey - ⚡ Automatically decrypt encryptions without knowing the key or cipher, decode encodings, and crack hashes ⚡
- salesforce/CodeGen - CodeGen is a family of open-source model for program synthesis. Trained on TPU-v4. Competitive with OpenAI Codex.
- vinta/awesome-python - An opinionated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources.
- hpcaitech/ColossalAI - Making large AI models cheaper, faster and more accessible
- evilsocket/pwnagotchi - (⌐■_■) - Deep Reinforcement Learning instrumenting bettercap for WiFi pwning.
- blacklanternsecurity/bbot - The recursive internet scanner for hackers. 🧡
- chris-anley/cq - CQ, a code security scanner
- mzfr/liffy - Local file inclusion exploitation tool
- yandex/YaLM-100B - Pretrained language model with 100B parameters
- sjbell/phishalytics - Measurement system I built during my PhD to collect and analyse large-scale datasets; including phishing and malware attacks on Twitter, blacklist characterisation, and phishing detection capabilities
- ivre/ivre - Network recon framework. Build your own, self-hosted and fully-controlled alternatives to Shodan / ZoomEye / Censys and GreyNoise, run your Passive DNS service, build your taylor-made EASM tool, colle
- blacklanternsecurity/TREVORspray - TREVORspray is a modular password sprayer with threading, clever proxying, loot modules, and more!
- adbar/trafilatura - Python & Command-line tool to gather text and metadata on the Web: Crawling, scraping, extraction, output as CSV, JSON, HTML, MD, TXT, XML
- emalderson/ThePhish - ThePhish: an automated phishing email analysis tool
- OWASP/wpBullet -
- healeycodes/Broken-Link-Crawler - 🤖 Python bot that crawls your website looking for dead stuff
- danhje/dead-link-crawler - An efficient, asynchronous crawler that identifies broken links on a given domain.
- SilentFrogNet/mercurius - Metadata harvester
- metachris/pdfx - Extract text, metadata and references (pdf, url, doi, arxiv) from PDF. Optionally download all referenced PDFs.
- s0md3v/uro - declutters url lists for crawling/pentesting
- riramar/h2rs - Detects request smuggling via HTTP/2 downgrades.
- mandiant/capa - The FLARE team's open-source tool to identify capabilities in executable files.
- replicate/cog - Containers for machine learning
- AvalZ/RevOK - An HTTP Response fuzzer to find Vulnerabilities in Security Scanners
- madhavmehndiratta/dorkScanner - A typical search engine dork scanner scrapes search engines with dorks that you provide in order to find vulnerable URLs.
- google/atheris -
- kamsec/crypto-bot - Cryptocurrency trading bot for Binance.com with neural network (LSTM) predictor, implemented on Raspberry Pi Zero W
- robre/jsmon - a javascript change monitoring tool for bugbounties
- THUDM/CogView - Text-to-Image generation. The repo for NeurIPS 2021 paper "CogView: Mastering Text-to-Image Generation via Transformers".
- Emmet-Hayes/deep_surfer_native - This is a showcase of neural networks for image classification, text generation, image generation, music generation, deep dream image manipulation, and teaching AI agents to act in video game environm
- kcosta42/VQGAN-CLIP-Docker - Zero-Shot Text-to-Image Generation VQGAN+CLIP Dockerized
- codespell-project/codespell - check code for common misspellings
- lucidrains/big-sleep - A simple command line tool for text to image generation, using OpenAI's CLIP and a BigGAN. Technique was originally created by https://twitter.com/advadnoun
- lucidrains/deep-daze - Simple command line tool for text to image generation using OpenAI's CLIP and Siren (Implicit neural representation network). Technique was originally created by https://twitter.com/advadnoun
- RossGeerlings/webstor - WebStor efficiently enumerates all websites across your organization’s networks and those in your DNS records - including cloud-hosted servers via zone transfer data - stores their responses, and lets
- emadshanab/Nuclei-Templates-Collection - Nuclei Templates Collection
- Plazmaz/leaky-repo - Benchmarking repo for secrets scanning
- khast3x/h8mail - Email OSINT & Password breach hunting tool, locally or using premium services. Supports chasing down related email
- constanap/leaky-repo -
- techgaun/github-dorks - Find leaked secrets via github search
- rafaelh/update-kali - Scripts to set up Kali Linux with additional tools, and maintain them.
- magic-wormhole/magic-wormhole - get things from one computer to another, safely
- timothycrosley/streamdeck-ui - A Linux compatible UI for the Elgato Stream Deck.
- ztgrace/mole - Mole is a framework for identifying and exploiting out-of-band application vulnerabilities.
- ztgrace/changeme - A default credential scanner.
- s0md3v/ote - Generate Email, Register for anything, Get the OTP/Link
- MozillaSecurity/grizzly - A cross-platform browser fuzzing framework
- lazywalker/DigiSkimmer - FT8/FT4/WSPR Skimmer base on WSJT/KiwiSDR
- xen0bit/fuzzstreamer - Domato based browser fuzzing with chunked encoding
- ozguralp/gmapsapiscanner -
- wapiti-scanner/wapiti - Web vulnerability scanner written in Python3
- roddux/svjesus - SVG fuzzer
- TheresAFewConors/Sooty - The SOC Analysts all-in-one CLI tool to automate and speed up workflow.
- MatthiasSchinzel/sysmon - Graphical system monitor for linux, including information about CPU, GPU, Memory, HDD/SDD and your network connections. Similar to windows task manager.
- RMPR/atbswp - A minimalist macro recorder
- pengbomb/phpmyadmin-authentication-bruteforce - phpMyAdmin Authentication Bruteforce Tool
- albino/shithead-X - GPT-2 SUPER NEXT GENERATION MACHINE LEARNING irc shitposting bot
- devanshbatham/Awesome-Bugbounty-Writeups - A curated list of bugbounty writeups (Bug type wise) , inspired from https://github.com/ngalongc/bug-bounty-reference
- delvelabs/batea - AI-based, context-driven network device ranking
- mozilla/fx-private-relay - Keep your email safe from hackers and trackers. Make an email alias with 1 click, and keep your address to yourself.
- devanshbatham/OpenRedireX - A fuzzer for detecting open redirect vulnerabilities
- devanshbatham/ParamSpider - Mining URLs from dark corners of Web Archives for bug hunting/fuzzing/further probing
- edduu/Arjun - HTTP parameter discovery suite.
- mschwager/fierce - A DNS reconnaissance tool for locating non-contiguous IP space.
- Universe1122/smuggler.py - HTTP request smuggling tools
- nautilus-fuzz/nautilus - A grammar based feedback Fuzzer
- nahamsec/JSParser -
- GerbenJavado/LinkFinder - A python script that finds endpoints in JavaScript files
- gustavo-iniguez-goya/opensnitch - OpenSnitch is a GNU/Linux application firewall
- epsylon/xsser - Cross Site "Scripter" (aka XSSer) is an automatic -framework- to detect, exploit and report XSS vulnerabilities in web-based applications.
- baliksjosay/audio_recogition_system - An audio recognition system
- Rafficer/linux-cli-community - Linux command-line client for ProtonVPN. Written in Python.
- abcminiuser/python-elgato-streamdeck - Python library to control the Elgato Stream Deck.
- RedSiege/EyeWitness - EyeWitness is designed to take screenshots of websites, provide some server header info, and identify default credentials if possible.
- smicallef/spiderfoot - SpiderFoot automates OSINT for threat intelligence and mapping your attack surface.
- c0dejump/HawkScan - Security Tool for Reconnaissance and Information Gathering on a website. (python 3.x)
- BishopFox/eyeballer - Convolutional neural network for analyzing pentest screenshots
- skelsec/jackdaw - gather gather gather
- Wenzel/protonvpn-nm-import - Script to import ProtonVPN configuration files into NetworkManager automatically
- RUB-SysSec/redqueen -
- mmotti/pihole-regex - Custom regex filter list for use with Pi-hole.
- gnebbia/halive - A fast http and https prober, to check which URLs are alive
- gnebbia/pdlist - A passive subdomain finder
- jtpereyda/boofuzz - A fork and successor of the Sulley Fuzzing Framework
- 0xacb/viewgen - Viewgen is a ViewState tool capable of generating both signed and encrypted payloads with leaked validation keys
- XPR1M3/sqli-lfi-xss-rce-dorker-and-auto-exploiter-Python- - This tool is uses for SQLI+LFI+XSS+LFI+RCE Dorking and finding vulnerable sites.
- int0x33/420 - Automated XSS Vulnerability Finder
- maK-/parameth - This tool can be used to brute discover GET and POST parameters
- veorq/blueflower - a grep -r for secrets
- nashcontrol/bounty-monitor - Leverage certificate transparency live feed to monitor for newly issued subdomain certificates (last 90 days, configurable), for domains participating in bug bounty programs.
- zebpalmer/blockworkr - Periodically combine dns blocklists & whitelists from configured sources into a unified blocklist which you can configure on multiple dns blocking devices.
- EdOverflow/can-i-take-over-xyz - "Can I take over XYZ?" — a list of services and how to claim (sub)domains with dangling DNS records.
- swisskyrepo/PayloadsAllTheThings - A list of useful payloads and bypass for Web Application Security and Pentest/CTF
- s0md3v/XSStrike - Most advanced XSS scanner.
- eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee/eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee - eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
- jwilk/python-afl - American Fuzzy Lop fork server and instrumentation for pure-Python code
- jofpin/trape - People tracker on the Internet: OSINT analysis and research tool by Jose Pino
- anudeepND/whitelist - A simple tool to add commonly white listed domains to your Pi-Hole setup.
- garabik/grc - generic colouriser
- gbafana25/esp8266_honeypot - THE ESP8266 HONEYPOT
- guelfoweb/knock - Knock Subdomain Scan
- yandex/gixy - Nginx configuration static analyzer
- rcx/tcpbin - Very crude and poorly written HTTP(s) and SMTP bin
- searx/searx - Privacy-respecting metasearch engine
- SolomonSklash/sri-check - A Burp Suite extension for identifying missing Subresource Integrity attributes.
- mazen160/struts-pwn_CVE-2018-11776 - An exploit for Apache Struts CVE-2018-11776
- malwaredllc/byob - An open-source post-exploitation framework for students, researchers and developers.
- evyatarmeged/Raccoon - A high performance offensive security tool for reconnaissance and vulnerability scanning
- Nekmo/dirhunt - Find web directories without bruteforce
- s0md3v/Photon - Incredibly fast crawler designed for OSINT.
- bonkc/BugBountySubdomains - Tools to gather subdomains from Bug Bounty programs
- jordanpotti/CloudScraper - CloudScraper: Tool to enumerate targets in search of cloud resources. S3 Buckets, Azure Blobs, Digital Ocean Storage Space.
- CERTCC/keyfinder - A tool for finding and analyzing private (and public) key files, including support for Android APK files.
- decalage2/oletools - oletools - python tools to analyze MS OLE2 files (Structured Storage, Compound File Binary Format) and MS Office documents, for malware analysis, forensics and debugging.
- needmorecowbell/sniff-paste - Pastebin OSINT Harvester
- akkana/scripts - A collection of hopefully useful scripts.
- x0rz/tweets_analyzer - Tweets metadata scraper & activity analyzer
- ChrisTheCoolHut/Zeratool - Automatic Exploit Generation (AEG) and remote flag capture for exploitable CTF problems
- yassineaboukir/CVE-2018-0296 - Script to test for Cisco ASA path traversal vulnerability (CVE-2018-0296) and extract system information.
- lc/theftfuzzer - TheftFuzzer is a tool that fuzzes Cross-Origin Resource Sharing implementations for common misconfigurations.
- blazeinfosec/pcrappyfuzzer - Script to perform quick 'n dirty fuzzing of PCAPs with radamsa and Scapy.
- mandiant/PwnAuth -
- IOActive/XDiFF - Extended Differential Fuzzing Framework
- devoteam-cybertrust/burpcollaborator-docker - This repository includes a set of scripts to install a Burp Collaborator Server in a docker environment, using a LetsEncrypt wildcard certificate. The objective is to simplify as much as possible the
- bayotop/sink-logger - Transparently log all data passed into known JavaScript sinks - Sink Logger extension for Burp.
- immunIT/drupwn - Drupal enumeration & exploitation tool
- bugcrowd/HUNT -
- hannob/snallygaster - Tool to scan for secret files on HTTP servers
- roglew/guppy-proxy - The Guppy Proxy (GUI Pappy)
- jordanpotti/AWSBucketDump - Security Tool to Look For Interesting Files in S3 Buckets
- markclayton/bumpster - The Unofficial Burp Extension for DNSDumpster.com
- NullArray/AutoSploit - Automated Mass Exploiter
- evilsocket/opensnitch - OpenSnitch is a GNU/Linux interactive application firewall inspired by Little Snitch.
- kevthehermit/PasteHunter - Scanning pastebin with yara rules
- expressvpn/expressvpn_leak_testing - ExpressVPN Leak Testing Tools
- reflare/afl-monitor - A monitoring script for AFL
- dorkerdevil/DJ_FUZZER - Its just a file Fuzzer that gives junk as an output.
- Cisco-Talos/mutiny-fuzzer -
- Cisco-Talos/Decept - Decept Network Protocol Proxy
- 0ang3el/EasyCSRF -
- cujanovic/SSRF-Testing - SSRF (Server Side Request Forgery) testing resources
- eth0izzle/bucket-stream - Find interesting Amazon S3 Buckets by watching certificate transparency logs.
- minimaxir/big-list-of-naughty-strings - The Big List of Naughty Strings is a list of strings which have a high probability of causing issues when used as user-input data.
- googleprojectzero/domato - DOM fuzzer
- hannob/optionsbleed -
- mrschyte/socksmon - Monitor arbitrary TCP traffic using your HTTP interception proxy of choice
- apenwarr/sshuttle - Wrong project! You should head over to http://github.com/sshuttle/sshuttle
- joxeankoret/nightmare - A distributed fuzzing testing suite with web administration
- 0x4D31/honeyLambda - honeyλ - a simple, serverless application designed to create and monitor fake HTTP endpoints (i.e. URL honeytokens) automatically, on top of AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway
- jopohl/urh - Universal Radio Hacker: Investigate Wireless Protocols Like A Boss
- misterch0c/twitterBFTD - Twitter Back From The Dead looks in a user tweets history for domain names that are available for registration
- nathanlopez/Stitch - Python Remote Administration Tool (RAT)
- danwent/Perspectives-Server - network notary implementation for the Perspectives project
- d0c-s4vage/gramfuzz - gramfuzz is a grammar-based fuzzer that lets one define complex grammars to generate text and binary data formats.
- MozillaSecurity/dharma - Generation-based, context-free grammar fuzzer. Refer to https://github.com/posidron/dharma for a maintained version.
- MozillaSecurity/quokka - INACTIVE - http://mzl.la/ghe-archive - Quokka is a utility to launch and monitor application for faults.
- Samuirai/pjsfuzz - PJs Fuzz... or py js fuzz. or a js/html fuzzer written in python
- x89/Shreddit - Remove your comment history on Reddit as deleting an account does not do so.
- infosec-au/altdns - Generates permutations, alterations and mutations of subdomains and then resolves them
- WithSecureLabs/needle - The iOS Security Testing Framework
- MozillaSecurity/funfuzz - A collection of fuzzers in a harness for testing the SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine.
- ernw/dizzy-legacy - Network and USB protocol fuzzing toolkit.
- CENSUS/choronzon - An evolutionary knowledge-based fuzzer
- sqlmapproject/sqlmap - Automatic SQL injection and database takeover tool
- dementrock/tensorfuse - Common interface for Theano, CGT, and TensorFlow
- OpenRCE/sulley - A pure-python fully automated and unattended fuzzing framework.
- averagesecurityguy/axfr - DNS zone transfer research
- gstarnberger/uncompyle - Python decompiler
- mrash/afl-cov - Produce code coverage results with gcov from afl-fuzz test cases
- tensorflow/skflow - Simplified interface for TensorFlow (mimicking Scikit Learn) for Deep Learning
- cbeach/chatbot - This is an irc wrapper for aiml bots.
- bahmanm/zebel - Zebel: The Intelligent IRC Bot - HAL's Cousin
- IDSIA/brainstorm - Fast, flexible and fun neural networks.
- rc0r/afl-utils - Utilities for automated crash sample processing/analysis, easy afl-fuzz job management and corpus optimization
- kpreid/shinysdr - Software-defined radio receiver application built on GNU Radio with a web-based UI and plugins. In development, usable but incomplete. Compatible with RTL-SDR.
- susperius/PyFuzz2 - My little fuzzing framework inspired by grinder
- coleifer/irc - tinkering with a made-from-scratch irc library in python
- laramies/theHarvester - E-mails, subdomains and names Harvester - OSINT
- Swizec/botko - A simple IRC bot in python
- floyd-fuh/afl-crash-analyzer - Another crash analyzer tool for the American Fuzzy Lop (AFL) fuzzer
- internetwache/Python-AXFR-Test - A tiny tool to check misconfigured dns servers
- MartijnB/disfuzz-afl - Distributed Fuzzing for afl
- suttree/grokitbot - A PyAIML, Bayes and Twisted Python IRC bot
- karpathy/neuraltalk - NeuralTalk is a Python+numpy project for learning Multimodal Recurrent Neural Networks that describe images with sentences.
- pteichman/cobe - A Markov chain based text generation library and MegaHAL style chatbot
- aichaos/aires - A multiprotocol chat bot in Python.
- zachriggle/peda - PEDA - Python Exploit Development Assistance for GDB
- SpiderLabs/Responder - Responder is a LLMNR, NBT-NS and MDNS poisoner, with built-in HTTP/SMB/MSSQL/FTP/LDAP rogue authentication server supporting NTLMv1/NTLMv2/LMv2, Extended Security NTLMSSP and Basic HTTP authentication
- longld/peda - PEDA - Python Exploit Development Assistance for GDB
- jfoote/exploitable - The 'exploitable' GDB plugin
- geeknik/twitter - Python Twitter API
- mozilla/elasticutils - [deprecated] A friendly chainable ElasticSearch interface for python
- python-twitter-tools/twitter - Python Twitter API
- Wayn0/geany-dark-scheme - Dark syntax theme for the Geany text editor.
- MacDownApp/macdown - Open source Markdown editor for macOS.
- oasislinux/oasis - a small statically-linked linux system
- blackcandy-org/blackcandy - A self hosted music streaming server
- collimarco/open_graph_fetcher - Fetch Open Graph metadata in a safer way.
- bayandin/awesome-awesomeness - A curated list of awesome awesomeness
- Homebrew/homebrew-cask - 🍻 A CLI workflow for the administration of macOS applications distributed as binaries
- Homebrew/brew - 🍺 The missing package manager for macOS (or Linux)
- noraj/haiti - 🔑 Hash type identifier (CLI & lib)
- rapid7/recog - Pattern recognition for hosts, services, and content
- docusealco/docuseal - Open source DocuSign alternative. Create, fill, and sign digital documents ✍️
- ninoseki/mihari - A query aggregator for OSINT based threat hunting
- havenweb/haven - Self-hostable private blogging
- jobertabma/relative-url-extractor - A small tool that extracts relative URLs from a file.
- hahwul/XSpear - 🔱 Powerfull XSS Scanning and Parameter analysis tool&gem
- hahwul/recon-raven - Reconnaissance tool of Penetration test & Bug Bounty
- huginn/huginn - Create agents that monitor and act on your behalf. Your agents are standing by!
- rouge-ruby/rouge - A pure Ruby code highlighter that is compatible with Pygments
- bovi/mruby-bin-mruby-afl - mruby interpreter in american fuzzy lop persistent mode
- dyjakan/interpreter-bugs - Fuzzing results for various interpreters.
- Netflix-Skunkworks/Scumblr - Web framework that allows performing periodic syncs of data sources and performing analysis on the identified results
- presidentbeef/brakeman - A static analysis security vulnerability scanner for Ruby on Rails applications
- wilg/headlines - Fake headlines created by smashing up real headlines.
- csnyder616/hn_ideator - “Show HN” Ideator Bot
- stephenfewer/grinder - Grinder is a system to automate the fuzzing of web browsers and the management of a large number of crashes.
- karmi/retire - A rich Ruby API and DSL for the Elasticsearch search engine
- angelf/escargot - ElasticSearch connector for Rails - Abandoned!
- holman/boom - Motherfucking TEXT SNIPPETS! On the COMMAND LINE!
- Arachni/arachni - Web Application Security Scanner Framework
- lg/murder - Large scale server deploys using BitTorrent and the BitTornado library (NOTE: project no longer maintained)
- Hawzen/hdp - What would happen if we didn't use TCP or UDP?
- nobodywho-ooo/nobodywho - NobodyWho is a plugin that lets you interact with local LLMs in the Godot game engine, with more plugins in development.
- kunai-project/kunai - Threat-hunting tool for Linux
- getAsterisk/deepclaude - A high-performance LLM inference API and Chat UI that integrates DeepSeek R1's CoT reasoning traces with Anthropic Claude models.
- duckysmacky/databoxer - Fast and easy to use CLI-based file encryption program 📦
- n0-computer/iroh - peer-2-peer that just works
- block/goose - an open source, extensible AI agent that goes beyond code suggestions - install, execute, edit, and test with any LLM
- ldclabs/anda - 🤖 An AI agent framework built with Rust, powered by ICP and TEEs.
- unionlabs/union - The trust-minimized, zero-knowledge bridging protocol, designed for censorship resistance, extremely high security, and usage in decentralized finance.
- davidlattimore/wild - A very fast linker for Linux
- bosun-ai/kwaak - Burn through tech debt with AI agents!
- geeknik/glitch-gremlin-ai - 🤖 Glitch Gremlin AI
- exo-explore/private-search - Private Web Search for Local LLMs
- spacialsec/RustAutoRecon - A blazing fast, high performance implementation of AutoRecon in Rust. A multi-threaded network reconnaissance tool which performs automated enumeration of services 🦀 🔥
- louis-e/arnis - Generate any location from the real world in Minecraft Java Edition with a high level of detail.
- sxyazi/yazi - 💥 Blazing fast terminal file manager written in Rust, based on async I/O.
- thewh1teagle/mc - Modern file copying
- rust-ammonia/ammonia - Repair and secure untrusted HTML
- 0xPlaygrounds/rig - ⚙️🦀 Build portable, modular & lightweight Fullstack Agents
- nexus-xyz/nexus-zkvm - The Nexus zkVM: The zero-knowledge virtual machine
- vmi-rs/vmi - Modular and extensible library for Virtual Machine Introspection
- xvxx/phetch - 🐭 quick lil gopher client for your terminal
- Canop/bacon - background code checker
- brocode/fblog - Small command-line JSON Log viewer
- alexpasmantier/television - The revolution will (not) be televised 📺
- bevyengine/bevy - A refreshingly simple data-driven game engine built in Rust
- Kudaes/Eclipse - Activation Context Hijack
- edera-dev/am-i-isolated - Validate the isolation posture of your container environment.
- spinframework/spin - Spin is the open source developer tool for building and running serverless applications powered by WebAssembly.
- Start9Labs/start-os - Open source Linux distro optimized for self-hosting
- qdrant/qdrant - Qdrant - High-performance, massive-scale Vector Database and Vector Search Engine for the next generation of AI. Also available in the cloud https://cloud.qdrant.io/
- GitoxideLabs/gitoxide - An idiomatic, lean, fast & safe pure Rust implementation of Git
- eythaann/Seelen-UI - The Fully Customizable Desktop Environment for Windows 10/11.
- fujiapple852/trippy - A network diagnostic tool
- orhun/dnsleaktest-tui - A proof-of-concept TUI for testing DNS leaks & running traceroute
- gosub-io/gosub-engine - The Gosub browser engine
- warp-tech/warpgate - Smart SSH, HTTPS, MySQL and Postgres bastion that requires no additional client-side software
- samuel-vitorino/lm.rs - Minimal LLM inference in Rust
- Fredolx/open-tv - Ultra-fast, simple and powerful cross-platform IPTV app
- katanemo/archgw - AI-native (edge and LLM) proxy for agents. Move faster by letting Arch handle the pesky heavy lifting in building agentic apps -- ⚡️ query understanding and routing, seamless integration of prompts wi
- lumina-ai-inc/chunkr - Vision infrastructure to turn complex documents into RAG/LLM-ready data
- vxfemboy/ghostport - A high-performance port spoofing tool built in Rust. Confuse port scanners with dynamic service emulation across all ports. Features customizable signatures, efficient async handling, and easy traffic
- haveibeensquatted/twistrs - A domain name permutation and enumeration library powered by Rust.
- loco-rs/loco - 🚂 🦀 The one-person framework for Rust for side-projects and startups
- cxreiff/ttysvr - Screensavers for your terminal.
- orhun/binsider - Analyze ELF binaries like a boss 😼🕵️♂️
- TNO-S3/WuppieFuzz - A coverage-guided REST API fuzzer developed on top of LibAFL
- phiresky/ripgrep-all - rga: ripgrep, but also search in PDFs, E-Books, Office documents, zip, tar.gz, etc.
- tw93/Pake - 🤱🏻 Turn any webpage into a desktop app with Rust. 🤱🏻 利用 Rust 轻松构建轻量级多端桌面应用
- eclipse-iceoryx/iceoryx2 - Eclipse iceoryx2™ - true zero-copy inter-process-communication in pure Rust
- shouya/rss-funnel - Self-hosted RSS multi-tool
- atuinsh/atuin - ✨ Magical shell history
- MalwareSupportGroup/PolyDrop - A BYOSI (Bring-Your-Own-Script-Interpreter) Rapid Payload Deployment Toolkit
- unixzii/ibackupextractor - A simple tool for extracting files from iOS backup archive.
- achristmascarl/rainfrog - 🐸 a database management tui for postgres
- erskingardner/whitenoise - Secure Messaging over Nostr
- project-gauntlet/gauntlet - Raycast-inspired open-source cross-platform application launcher with React-based plugins
- pendulum-project/ntpd-rs - A full-featured implementation of the Network Time Protocol, including NTS support.
- advancedresearch/path_semantics - A research project in path semantics, a re-interpretation of functions for expressing mathematics
- msminhas93/nviwatch - NviWatch: A blazingly fast rust based TUI for managing and monitoring NVIDIA GPU processes
- SorellaLabs/brontes - A blazingly fast general purpose blockchain analytics engine specialized in systematic mev detection
- versotile-org/verso - A web browser that plays old world blues to build new world hope
- tree-sitter/tree-sitter - An incremental parsing system for programming tools
- wezterm/wezterm - A GPU-accelerated cross-platform terminal emulator and multiplexer written by @wez and implemented in Rust
- servo/servo - Servo aims to empower developers with a lightweight, high-performance alternative for embedding web technologies in applications.
- elastio/bon - Next-gen compile-time-checked builder generator, named function's arguments, and more!
- perpetual-ml/perpetual - A self-generalizing gradient boosting machine that doesn't need hyperparameter optimization
- pumpbin/pumpbin - 🎃 PumpBin is an Implant Generation Platform.
- evilsocket/cake - Distributed LLM and StableDiffusion inference for mobile, desktop and server.
- aome510/spotify-player - A Spotify player in the terminal with full feature parity
- quickwit-oss/quickwit - Cloud-native search engine for observability. An open-source alternative to Datadog, Elasticsearch, Loki, and Tempo.
- meilisearch/meilisearch - A lightning-fast search engine API bringing AI-powered hybrid search to your sites and applications.
- borgo-lang/borgo - Borgo is a statically typed language that compiles to Go.
- qarmin/czkawka - Multi functional app to find duplicates, empty folders, similar images etc.
- mufeedvh/code2prompt - A CLI tool to convert your codebase into a single LLM prompt with source tree, prompt templating, and token counting.
- SilasMarvin/lsp-ai - LSP-AI is an open-source language server that serves as a backend for AI-powered functionality, designed to assist and empower software engineers, not replace them.
- distantmagic/paddler - Stateful load balancer custom-tailored for llama.cpp 🏓🦙
- gabotechs/MusicGPT - Generate music based on natural language prompts using LLMs running locally
- HigherOrderCO/Bend - A massively parallel, high-level programming language
- face-hh/webx - An alternative for the World Wide Web - browse websites such as buss://yippie.rizz made in HTML, CSS and Lua. Custom web browser, custom HTML rendering engine, custom search engine, and more.
- Sh1Yo/x8 - Hidden parameters discovery suite
- AFLplusplus/LibAFL - Advanced Fuzzing Library - Slot your Fuzzer together in Rust! Scales across cores and machines. For Windows, Android, MacOS, Linux, no_std, ...
- shmuelamar/cracken - a fast password wordlist generator, Smartlist creation and password hybrid-mask analysis tool written in pure safe Rust
- rcoh/angle-grinder - Slice and dice logs on the command line
- ClementTsang/bottom - Yet another cross-platform graphical process/system monitor.
- Y2Z/monolith - ⬛️ CLI tool for saving complete web pages as a single HTML file
- secutils-dev/secutils - Secutils.dev is an open-source, versatile, yet simple security toolbox for engineers and researchers
- RustPython/RustPython - A Python Interpreter written in Rust
- cloudflare/pingora - A library for building fast, reliable and evolvable network services.
- tlspuffin/tlspuffin - A Dolev-Yao-model-guided fuzzer for TLS
- StractOrg/stract - web search done right
- zed-industries/zed - Code at the speed of thought – Zed is a high-performance, multiplayer code editor from the creators of Atom and Tree-sitter.
- FuzzAnything/Hopper - Hopper is a tool for generating fuzzing test cases for libraries automatically using interpretative fuzzing.
- gitui-org/gitui - Blazing 💥 fast terminal-ui for git written in rust 🦀
- mikedilger/gossip - Gossip is a nostr client
- noir-lang/noir - Noir is a domain specific language for zero knowledge proofs
- DioxusLabs/dioxus - Fullstack app framework for web, desktop, mobile, and more.
- GyulyVGC/sniffnet - Comfortably monitor your Internet traffic 🕵️♂️
- awslabs/snapchange - Lightweight fuzzing of a memory snapshot using KVM
- quic/AFLTriage -
- Wilfred/difftastic - a structural diff that understands syntax 🟥🟩
- exein-io/kepler - NIST-based CVE lookup store and API powered by Rust.
- mgdm/htmlq - Like jq, but for HTML.
- epi052/feroxbuster - A fast, simple, recursive content discovery tool written in Rust.
- ducaale/xh - Friendly and fast tool for sending HTTP requests
- firecracker-microvm/firecracker - Secure and fast microVMs for serverless computing.
- ruffle-rs/ruffle - A Flash Player emulator written in Rust
- rust-fuzz/afl.rs - 🐇 Fuzzing Rust code with American Fuzzy Lop
- angelbruni/Geckium - Chrome 1 - 58 theme for Firefox 115+
- AboutRSS/ALL-about-RSS - A list of RSS related stuff: tools, services, communities and tutorials, etc.
- twitter/the-algorithm - Source code for Twitter's Recommendation Algorithm
- HyperDbg/hwdbg - HyperDbg's logic analyzer and chip-level hardware debugger
- ge0rg/aprsdroid - APRSdroid - Geo-Location for Radio Amateurs
- opencog/opencog - A framework for integrated Artificial Intelligence & Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)
- anthropics/claude-code - Claude Code is an agentic coding tool that lives in your terminal, understands your codebase, and helps you code faster by executing routine tasks, explaining complex code, and handling git workflows
- cenab/MSTO - Market Sentiment Trading Orchestrator
- ublue-os/aurora - The ultimate productivity workstation
- luchina-gabriel/OSX-PROXMOX - Voilà, install macOS on ANY Computer! This is really and magic easiest way!
- geeknik/linux-admin-scripts - linux admin scripts and stuff
- geeknik/recon.sh - recon.sh for bug bounties
- p8952/bocker - Docker implemented in around 100 lines of bash
- m3n0sd0n4ld/GooFuzz - GooFuzz is a tool to perform fuzzing with an OSINT approach, managing to enumerate directories, files, subdomains or parameters without leaving evidence on the target's server and by means of advanced
- bthe0/captainarr - A comprehensive Docker-based media server stack with automated management, monitoring, and organization.
- geeknik/glitcher-cli - generate animated pseudo random glitch SVG from ASCII characters
- geeknik/ssh-tunnel-proxy - Leverage the power of DigitalOcean, proxychains and SSH to power your own proxy network.
- geeknik/hackers-challenge - a stealth hacking game written in Bash
- XDeadHackerX/NetRadar - NetRadar is a Networking tool focused on mapping local and WiFi networks. It provides detailed information about connected devices, open ports, servers and automated scans for WiFi networks.NetRadar e
- CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig - 🏠 Home Assistant configuration & Documentation for my Smart House. Write-ups, videos, part lists, and links throughout. Be sure to ⭐ it. Updated FREQUENTLY!
- vishnudxb/automated-pentest - Minimal docker container of Parrot OS for running an automated scan & pentest report.
- CISOfy/lynis - Lynis - Security auditing tool for Linux, macOS, and UNIX-based systems. Assists with compliance testing (HIPAA/ISO27001/PCI DSS) and system hardening. Agentless, and installation optional.
- AppJail-makejails/miniflux - Self-hosted software to read RSS/Atom/JSON feeds.
- euandros/lnxhardening - Script de automação para aplicação de hardening de servidores linux, seja para as distribuições da família RHEL ou distribuições baseadas em Debian, tendo por referência o CIS Benchmark.
- create-dmg/create-dmg - A shell script to build fancy DMGs
- nazmul-ethi/Bypass-Four03 - Bypass-Four03 is a powerful bash tool designed to help testers bypass HTTP 403 forbidden errors through various path and header manipulation techniques. It also includes fuzzing for HTTP methods and p
- annbigbig/lazy_scripts - Shell Scripts
- Vonng/pigsty - Free RDS for PostgreSQL —— Pigsty
- sdushantha/tmpmail - A temporary email right from your terminal written in POSIX sh
- Filiprogrammer/lnd-ha-guide - Highly available Bitcoin Lightning node cluster setup
- leighklotz/llamafiles - helpful scripts for llamafiles
- Aegrah/PANIX - Customizable Linux Persistence Tool for Security Research and Detection Engineering.
- Elymaro/rootscan - Speed up your pentest enumeration
- signalapp/Signal-TLS-Proxy -
- sickcodes/Docker-OSX - Run macOS VM in a Docker! Run near native OSX-KVM in Docker! X11 Forwarding! CI/CD for OS X Security Research! Docker mac Containers.
- veggiedefender/open-and-shut - Type in Morse code by repeatedly slamming your laptop shut
- aforensics/HiddenVM - HiddenVM — Use any desktop OS without leaving a trace.
- 1N3/Sn1per - Attack Surface Management Platform
- GaiaNet-AI/gaianet-node - Install and run your own AI agent service
- CERN-CERT/pDNSSOC - Leveraging MISP indicators via a pDNS-based infrastructure as a poor man’s SOC.
- dockur/windows - Windows inside a Docker container.
- dockur/windows-arm - Windows for ARM in a Docker container.
- 0xKayala/NucleiFuzzer - NucleiFuzzer is a robust automation tool that efficiently detects web application vulnerabilities, including XSS, SQLi, SSRF, and Open Redirects, leveraging advanced scanning and URL enumeration techn
- choupit0/MassVulScan - A fast network scanning tool to detect open ports and security vulnerabilities
- edoardottt/missing-cve-nuclei-templates - Weekly updated list of missing CVEs in nuclei templates official repository. Mainly built for bug bounty, but useful for penetration tests and vulnerability assessments too.
- mathiasbynens/dotfiles - 🔧 .files, including ~/.macos — sensible hacker defaults for macOS
- 0xPugal/monitor.sh - Continuous Reconnaissance and Vulnerability Scanning for Bug Bounties
- nitefood/asn - ASN / RPKI validity / BGP stats / IPv4v6 / Prefix / URL / ASPath / Organization / IP reputation / IP geolocation / IP fingerprinting / Network recon / lookup API server / Web traceroute server
- MegaManSec/SSH-Snake - SSH-Snake is a self-propagating, self-replicating, file-less script that automates the post-exploitation task of SSH private key and host discovery.
- chvancooten/BugBountyScanner - A Bash script and Docker image for Bug Bounty reconnaissance. Intended for headless use.
- konstruktoid/hardening - Hardening Ubuntu. Systemd edition.
- l1kw1d/ssh-chain -
- rvdveen/epaper-slow-generative-art -
- six2dez/reconftw - reconFTW is a tool designed to perform automated recon on a target domain by running the best set of tools to perform scanning and finding out vulnerabilities
- mviereck/x11docker - Run GUI applications and desktops in docker and podman containers. Focus on security.
- xnl-h4ck3r/alien - Your favourite chest/terminal bursting buddy!
- Integral-Healthcare/robin-ai-reviewer - Robin is your AI pull request reviewer in the form of a super fast lightweight github action.
- CristiVlad25/gpt-cli - Access GPT3, ChatGPT, and GPT4 straight from your terminal
- many-passwords/many-passwords - Default credentials list. 🐱💻 Leave a star if you like this project! (that motivates me)⭐️
- apache/tika-docker - Convenience Docker images for Apache Tika Server
- zhaow-de/rotating-tor-http-proxy - A multi-arch image provides one HTTP proxy endpoint with many concurrent tunnels to the Tor network.
- CosmicToast/starlight - Starlight ANSI color theme.
- cfenollosa/bashblog - A single Bash script to create blogs. Download, run, write, done!
- gwarser/filter-lists - Personal uBO filter lists
- darkerego/mips-binaries - Various binaries for the mips architecture.
- HclX/WyzeHacks - Hacks I discovered allowing Wyze camera owners to do customizations
- DShield-ISC/dshield - DShield Raspberry Pi Sensor
- Rushimamtora/basic-recon -
- pry0cc/axiom - The dynamic infrastructure framework for everybody! Distribute the workload of many different scanning tools with ease, including nmap, ffuf, masscan, nuclei, meg and many more!
- pia-foss/manual-connections - Scripts for manual connections to Private Internet Access
- internetwache/GitTools - A repository with 3 tools for pwn'ing websites with .git repositories available
- applefellow/nuclei_templates_payload_maker - This shell script generates more payloads to nuclei templates from your word list
- sq5bpf/etherify - Etherify - bringing the ether back to ethernet
- robre/scripthunter - Tool to find JavaScript files on Websites
- aristocratos/bashtop - Linux/OSX/FreeBSD resource monitor
- dark-warlord14/JSScanner - You can read the writeup on this script here
- MichaIng/DietPi - Lightweight justice for your single-board computer!
- putsi/privatecollaborator - A script for installing private Burp Collaborator with free Let's Encrypt SSL-certificate
- gcgarner/IOTstack - docker stack for getting started on IOT on the Raspberry PI
- SolomonSklash/chomp-scan - A scripted pipeline of tools to streamline the bug bounty/penetration test reconnaissance phase, so you can focus on chomping bugs.
- trimstray/nginx-admins-handbook - How to improve NGINX performance, security, and other important things.
- kaplanerbil/digital_ocean_configuration - bash scripts for digital ocean (droplet) management
- deathbybandaid/piholeparser - Pi-Hole Compatible lists
- pi-hole/pi-hole - A black hole for Internet advertisements
- EdOverflow/smith - Simple wrapper for meg that sieves through meg's output for you.
- toniblyx/my-arsenal-of-aws-security-tools - List of open source tools for AWS security: defensive, offensive, auditing, DFIR, etc.
- fransr/bountyplz - Automated security reporting from markdown templates (HackerOne and Bugcrowd are currently the platforms supported)
- x1mdev/ReconPi - ReconPi - A lightweight recon tool that performs extensive scanning with the latest tools.
- tehw0lf/airbash - A POSIX-compliant, fully automated WPA PSK PMKID and handshake capture script aimed at penetration testing
- SeanHeelan/funserialize - Scripts and auxiliary files for fuzzing PHP's unserialize function
- nahamsec/lazyrecon - This script is intended to automate your reconnaissance process in an organized fashion
- naltun/eyes.sh - Let's you perform domain/IP information gathering... in BASH! Wasn't it esr who said "With enough eyeballs, all your IP info are belong to us?"
- Mavrepis/ShodanVulncheck - bash script to enumerate vulnerabilities on specific year through Shodan API
- speed47/spectre-meltdown-checker - Reptar, Downfall, Zenbleed, ZombieLoad, RIDL, Fallout, Foreshadow, Spectre, Meltdown vulnerability/mitigation checker for Linux & BSD
- koenbuyens/kalirouter - intercepting kali router
- Cignoraptor-ita/cignotrack - OSINT tool for testing privacy and social engineering vulnerability of organizations.
- bitquark/dnspop - Analysis of DNS records to find popular trends
- 0xM3R/cgPwn - A lightweight VM for hardware hacking, RE (fuzzing, symEx, exploiting etc) and wargaming tasks
- The-Z-Labs/linux-exploit-suggester - Linux privilege escalation auditing tool
- scopatz/nanorc - Improved Nano Syntax Highlighting Files
- sroberts/awesome-iocs - A collection of sources of indicators of compromise.
- d33tah/aflize - A program that automatically generates AFL-enabled builds of Debian packages.
- 1N3/MassBleed - MassBleed SSL Vulnerability Scanner
- 1N3/BruteX - Automatically brute force all services running on a target.
- tinfoil/openvpn_autoconfig -
- andreasgal/B2G - Boot to Gecko aims to create a complete, standalone operating system for the open web.
- geeknik/dotfiles - Bash Profile
- geeknik/stupidfast_initramfs - stupidfast initramfs
- philcryer/lipsync - lipsync sets up a lightweight service that provides command-line, Dropbox like syncing
- SigNoz/charts - Helm Charts for SigNoz
- gszabi99/War-Thunder-Datamine - Frequently updated War Thunder Datamine repository
- rootkovska/codehash.db - A public database for software and firmware hashes
- orbitscanner/orbit - Orbit Scanning Software
- amanvirparhar/elara - A simple tool to anonymize LLM prompts.
- gsidhu/buzee-tauri - A superfast full-text search application
- leaningtech/webvm - Virtual Machine for the Web
- sissbruecker/linkding-extension - Companion extension for linkding
- the-basilisk-ai/browser-burn - Roast your Browsing History - AI Powered Chrome Extension
- rajnandan1/kener - Stunning status pages, batteries included!
- mithril-security/blind_chat - A fully in-browser privacy solution to make Conversational AI privacy-friendly
- PlebeianApp/plebeian-market-old - (Old version) The Bitcoin-native self-sovereign marketplace
- bhupeshpr25/memegen - meme generator extension for firefox and chrome
- blakejakopovic/nostr_delete - Nostr event deletion micro web-app
- trycua/lume - A lightweight CLI and local API server to create, run and manage macOS and Linux virtual machines (VMs) natively on Apple Silicon.
- apple/swift-homomorphic-encryption - Homomorphic Encryption library and applications in Swift
- f/Clues.app - This app is built using only AI Tools.
- Jaennaet/pISSStream - macOS menu bar app that shows how full the International Space Station's urine tank is in real time
- bodhichristian/aware - Bring attention to the moment.
- Dimillian/IcySky - A BlueSky Client. TBD.
- Q1CHENL/mem-pressure - Show memory pressure in menu bar on macOS
- gao-sun/eul - 🖥️ macOS status monitoring app written in SwiftUI.
- Stengo/DeskPad - A virtual monitor for screen sharing
- FuzzyIdeas/Clop - Clipboard optimizer for macOS
- mzbac/flux.swift - Swift implementation of Flux.1 using mlx-swift
- mainframecomputer/fullmoon-ios - chat with private and local large language models
- alienator88/Viz - Capture text/QR Codes/Barcodes from screen snippets
- alienator88/Sentinel - SwiftUI gatekeeper configuration GUI
- Lakr233/BBackupp - Automated iOS Backup Robot
- netdcy/FlowVision - Waterfall-style image viewer for macOS, offering a smooth and immersive browsing experience.
- johnfairh/RubyGateway - Embed Ruby in Swift: load Gems, run scripts, call APIs seamlessly in both directions.
- khanhduytran0/LiveContainer - Run iOS app without actually installing it!
- nikitabobko/AeroSpace - AeroSpace is an i3-like tiling window manager for macOS
- Lakr233/NotchDrop - Use your MacBook's notch like Dynamic Island for temporary storing files and AirDrop
- morishin/XDeck - An 𝕏 client app for macOS as a TweetDeck (X Pro) alternative.
- nate-parrott/ball -
- jamf/aftermath - Aftermath is a free macOS IR framework
- gluonfield/enchanted - Enchanted is iOS and macOS app for chatting with private self hosted language models such as Llama2, Mistral or Vicuna using Ollama.
- jordanbaird/Ice - Powerful menu bar manager for macOS
- p0deje/Maccy - Lightweight clipboard manager for macOS
- lwouis/alt-tab-macos - Windows alt-tab on macOS
- utmapp/UTM - Virtual machines for iOS and macOS
- iina/iina - The modern video player for macOS.
- exelban/stats - macOS system monitor in your menu bar
- bitgapp/eqMac - macOS System-wide Audio Equalizer & Volume Mixer 🎧
- maxgoedjen/secretive - Store SSH keys in the Secure Enclave
- macmade/Console - OS X console application.
- DevToys-app/DevToysMac - DevToys For mac
- buresdv/Cork - A fast GUI for Homebrew written in SwiftUI
- rxhanson/Rectangle - Move and resize windows on macOS with keyboard shortcuts and snap areas
- alienator88/Pearcleaner - A free, source-available and fair-code licensed mac app cleaner
- MrKai77/Loop - Window management made elegant.
- mangerlahn/Latest - A small utility app for macOS that makes sure you know about all the latest updates to the apps you use.
- brianmichel/Juice - Make your battery information a bit more interesting.
- OpenEmu/OpenEmu - 🕹 Retro video game emulation for macOS
- jasonjmcghee/rem - An open source approach to locally record and enable searching everything you view on your Mac.
- P1umer/fuzzilli4wasm - A toy Fuzzer for wasm fuzzing based on fuzzilli
- adam-maj/tiny-gpu - A minimal GPU design in Verilog to learn how GPUs work from the ground up
- jpinedaa/Maskarama - Maskarama is an innovative god-simulation sandbox game where players wield omnipotent powers to shape the destinies of intricate AI-driven characters. Each character in Maskarama is a living entity wi
- horgh/twitter-tcl - An Eggdrop Tcl script that acts as a Twitter client/bridge on IRC. Also includes an OAuth library for authenticating with Twitter, and a Twitter client library.
- firaja/flowers-classification - Classification of flowers from Oxford Flowers 102 dataset
- kyegomez/awesome-multi-agent-papers - A compilation of the best multi-agent papers
- hendricius/the-sourdough-framework - Open source book dedicated to helping you to make the best possible sourdough bread at home.
- angea/pocorgtfo - a "Proof of Concept or GTFO" mirror with an extensive index with also whole issues or individual articles as clean PDFs.
- hagezi/dns-blocklists - DNS-Blocklists: For a better internet - keep the internet clean!
- superglue-ai/superglue - Self-healing open source data connector. Use it as a layer between you and any complex / legacy APIs and always get the data that you want in the format you expect.
- geeknik/Riona-AI-Agent - Riona 🌸 is built with Node.js and TypeScript 🛠️. Designed to run jobs 📸 effortlessly. Lightweight, efficient, and a work in progress 🚧—more features coming soon! 🌟
- dha-stix/ai-post-generator-and-scheduler-with-copilotkit -
- SigNoz/signoz - SigNoz is an open-source observability platform native to OpenTelemetry with logs, traces and metrics in a single application. An open-source alternative to DataDog, NewRelic, etc. 🔥 🖥. 👉 Open sour
- PennyroyalTea/gibberlink - Two conversational AI agents switching from English to sound-level protocol after confirming they are both AI agents
- mishushakov/llm-scraper - Turn any webpage into structured data using LLMs
- zaidmukaddam/scira - Scira (Formerly MiniPerplx) is a minimalistic AI-powered search engine that helps you find information on the internet. Powered by Vercel AI SDK! Search with models like Grok 2.0.
- mastra-ai/mastra - The TypeScript AI agent framework. ⚡ Assistants, RAG, observability. Supports any LLM: GPT-4, Claude, Gemini, Llama.
- kleneway/awesome-cursor-mpc-server - Example of an MCP server with custom tools that can be called directly from cursor
- threepointone/partyvite - A starter template for 🎈 partyserver ⨉ ⚡️ vite ⨉ ⚛️ react ⨉ 🌊 tailwindcss ⨉ ⛅️ cloudflare workers
- nickscamara/open-deep-research - An open source deep research clone. AI Agent that reasons large amounts of web data extracted with Firecrawl
- CherryHQ/cherry-studio - 🍒 Cherry Studio is a desktop client that supports for multiple LLM providers. Support deepseek-r1
- coinbase/agentkit - Every AI Agent deserves a wallet.
- ax-llm/ax - The "official" unofficial DSPy framework. Build LLM powered agents and other workflows, based on the Stanford DSP paper.
- openai/openai-realtime-agents - This is a simple demonstration of more advanced, agentic patterns built on top of the Realtime API.
- bytedance/UI-TARS-desktop - A GUI Agent application based on UI-TARS(Vision-Lanuage Model) that allows you to control your computer using natural language.
- lmstudio-ai/lms - LM Studio CLI
- backnotprop/prompt-tower - A tool that helps you build prompts with lots of code blocks in them.
- langchain-ai/social-media-agent - 📲 An agent for sourcing, curating, and scheduling social media posts with human-in-the-loop.
- SkipLabs/skip - Skip is a framework for building reactive services
- David-patrick-chuks/Instagram-AI-Agent - Instagram Ai Agent 🌸 is built using Node.js and TypeScript 🛠️, designed for seamless job execution 📸. It's lightweight, efficient, and still evolving 🚧—exciting new features coming soon! 🌟
- solana-labs/solana-web3.js - Solana JavaScript SDK
- punkpeye/fastmcp - A TypeScript framework for building MCP servers.
- emilwidlund/bitspace - A creative environment for the 21st century
- LuisReinoso/github-stars-semantic-search - Find your GitHub stars easily with natural language search
- addyosmani/squish - Squish - Batch Browser-based Image Compression
- get-artab/artab - Get Inspired by the World's Greatest Artworks Every Time You Open a New Tab. Extension Available for Chrome, Edge, and Firefox.
- readest/readest - Readest is a modern, feature-rich ebook reader designed for avid readers offering seamless cross-platform access, powerful tools, and an intuitive interface to elevate your reading experience.
- cesardeazevedo/nosotros - Another nostr client
- floguo/blueprint - generate product blueprints
- FOLLGAD/complexity - Perplexity clone for searching the web
- stackblitz-labs/bolt.diy - Prompt, run, edit, and deploy full-stack web applications using any LLM you want!
- jtarrio/radioreceiver - A web-based application to listen to radio transmissions from your browser using a cheap USB digital TV tuner
- geeknik/time-travel-trekker - Cosmic time explorer
- callstackincubator/fabrice-ai - A lightweight, functional, and composable framework for building AI agents. No PhD required.
- geeknik/bytebeat-o-rama -
- steel-dev/steel-browser - 🔥 Open Source Browser API for AI Agents & Apps. Steel Browser is a batteries-included browser instance that lets you automate the web without worrying about infrastructure.
- yamadashy/repomix - 📦 Repomix (formerly Repopack) is a powerful tool that packs your entire repository into a single, AI-friendly file. Perfect for when you need to feed your codebase to Large Language Models (LLMs) or o
- ant-design/x - Craft AI-driven interfaces effortlessly 🤖
- callstackincubator/cali - AI agent for building React Native apps
- NotNite/nitesky - Bluesky client mod
- jordan-dalby/ByteStash - A code snippet storage solution written in React & node.js
- fireproof-storage/fireproof - Realtime database, runs anywhere. Install Fireproof in your front-end app or edge function, and sync data via any backend.
- veloplanner/map-matrix - MapMatrix - A React application for synchronized multi-view map comparison. Mostly generated by AI.
- piotrkulpinski/openalternative - A community driven list of open source alternatives to proprietary software and applications.
- Nutlope/llama-ocr - Document to Markdown OCR library with Llama 3.2 vision
- richards199999/Thinking-Claude - Let your Claude able to think
- caverav/auditforge - AuditForge is a pentest reporting application making it simple and easy to write your findings and generate a customizable report.
- sjdonado/idonthavespotify - Effortlessly convert Spotify links to your preferred streaming service
- ivaneffable/simple-vite-extension - simple browser extension created with Vite
- microsoft/genaiscript - Automatable GenAI Scripting
- mifi/lossless-cut - The swiss army knife of lossless video/audio editing
- rbbydotdev/someday - Free to host calendar availability picker - open-source cal.com / calendly alternative built on Google-Apps-Script for Gmail users. Built with modern technologies like React, TypeScript, Shadcn/UI, an
- benjamin-wilson/public-pool -
- raidendotai/cofounder - ai-generated apps , full stack + generative UI
- browserbase/stagehand - An AI web browsing framework focused on simplicity and extensibility.
- langchain-ai/chat-langchain -
- geeknik/vite-web-extension - Vite web extension template. Setup with React, Typescript and TailwindCSS
- microsoft/data-formulator - 🪄 Create rich visualizations with AI
- elder-plinius/anthropic-quickstarts - A collection of projects designed to help developers quickly get started with building deployable applications using the Anthropic API
- cfahlgren1/qwen-2.5-code-interpreter - Qwen 2.5 Coder 1.5B with Code Interpreter
- fingerprintjs/fingerprintjs - The most advanced browser fingerprinting library.
- browserbase/BrowseGPT - Chat interface that searches the web for you real-time
- hcengineering/platform - Huly — All-in-One Project Management Platform (alternative to Linear, Jira, Slack, Notion, Motion)
- NaturalAgents/NaturalAgents - Easiest way to build custom agents, in a no-code notion style editor, using simple macros.
- richard-austin/cloud-server - Cloud service for one or more security-cam NVR systems
- molvqingtai/WebChat - 💬 Chat with anyone on any website.
- cline/cline - Autonomous coding agent right in your IDE, capable of creating/editing files, executing commands, using the browser, and more with your permission every step of the way.
- mbarinov/repogpt - RepoGPT: AI-powered GitHub assistant to chat, manage, and explore your repos effortlessly.
- kolenaIO/autoarena - Rank LLMs, RAG systems, and prompts using automated head-to-head evaluation
- garden-co/jazz - Build your next app with sync.
- stackblitz/alien-signals - 👾 The lightest signal library
- mlc-ai/web-llm - High-performance In-browser LLM Inference Engine
- canalun/fuzzdiff - fuzzer to detect side effects of third party script
- sourcebot-dev/sourcebot - Blazingly fast code search 🏎️ Deployed as a single Docker image 📦 Search million+ lines of code in your GitHub, GitLab, Gitea, and Gerrit repositories 🪄 MIT licensed ✅
- pulkitsharma07/OnlyHumans-Proxy - An experimental AntiBot, AntiCrawl reverse proxy for serving simple static content.
- RhysSullivan/blueberryai-app - The Open Source AI-Powered Code Editor. A fork of VSCode and Continue and PearAI
- zhengkyl/qrframe - code-based qr code designer
- center-for-threat-informed-defense/attack-flow - Attack Flow helps executives, SOC managers, and defenders easily understand how attackers compose ATT&CK techniques into attacks by developing a representation of attack flows, modeling attack flows f
- zaknesler/blend - [wip] Self-hosted RSS reader made with Rust + Solid.js, packaged in a single binary
- yaotutu/rss-transformer - A self-hosted service to fetch, process, and redistribute RSS feeds with features like translation, summarization, and full-text retrieval.
- anysphere/priompt - Prompt design using JSX.
- omnivore-app/omnivore - Omnivore is a complete, open source read-it-later solution for people who like reading.
- withastro/storefront - Astro for ecommerce 💰
- mediar-ai/screenpipe - AI app store powered by 24/7 desktop history. open source | 100% local | dev friendly | 24/7 screen, mic recording
- upstash/semantic-cache - A fuzzy key value store based on semantic similarity rather lexical equality.
- buttondown/shovel - A free tool for learning about a domain's DNS
- normal-computing/fuji-web - Fuji is an AI agent that lives in your browser's sidepanel. You can now get tasks done online with a single command!
- AmruthPillai/Reactive-Resume - A one-of-a-kind resume builder that keeps your privacy in mind. Completely secure, customizable, portable, open-source and free forever. Try it out today!
- all-in-aigc/pagen-ai-landing-page-template - AI Landing Page Template created by Pagen AI
- yeahpython/filter-anything-everywhere -
- briefercloud/briefer - Dashboards and notebooks in a single place. Create powerful and flexible dashboards using code, or build beautiful Notion-like notebooks and share them with your team.
- mountain-loop/yaak - The most intuitive desktop API client. Organize and execute REST, GraphQL, WebSockets, Server Sent Events, and gRPC 🦬
- upstash/jstack - Build seriously fast, lightweight and end-to-end typesafe Next.js apps
- yournextstore/yournextstore - Your Next Store: Modern Commerce with Next.js and Stripe as the backend.
- elizaOS/eliza - Autonomous agents for everyone
- leon-ai/leon - 🧠 Leon is your open-source personal assistant.
- wesbos/bg-remover - 100% client side background remover
- lmnr-ai/lmnr - Laminar - open-source all-in-one platform for engineering AI products. Crate data flywheel for you AI app. Traces, Evals, Datasets, Labels. YC S24.
- meltylabs/melty - Chat first code editor. To download the packaged app:
- gitroomhq/postiz-app - 📨 The ultimate social media scheduling tool, with a bunch of AI 🤖
- midday-ai/v1 - An open-source starter kit based on Midday.
- onlook-dev/onlook - The open source Cursor for Designers. Design directly in your live React app and publish your changes to code.
- Dokploy/dokploy - Open Source Alternative to Vercel, Netlify and Heroku.
- PlasmoHQ/plasmo - 🧩 The Browser Extension Framework
- mattermost-community/focalboard - Focalboard is an open source, self-hosted alternative to Trello, Notion, and Asana.
- Eugeny/tabby - A terminal for a more modern age
- RicardoGEsteves/omniscient - Cutting-edge Full-stack AI Platform delivered as a SaaS (Software as a Service). Built on a robust technology stack, integrated with powerful APIs such as OpenAI and Replicate, offers a seamless exper
- CopilotKit/CopilotKit - React UI + elegant infrastructure for AI Copilots, AI chatbots, and in-app AI agents. The Agentic last-mile 🪁
- JournalApp/Journal - Journal is a beautiful daily journaling app
- seadfeng/redirect-checker -
- pi-agi/writer - Writer AGI adopts a systematic approach to book writing, initiating with brainstorming themes and plot structures, character development, setting up scenes, and eventually composing chapters.
- sindresorhus/ky - 🌳 Tiny & elegant JavaScript HTTP client based on the Fetch API
- supermemoryai/supermemory - Build your own second brain with supermemory. It's a ChatGPT for your bookmarks. Import tweets or save websites and content using the chrome extension.
- ni554n/redium - Chrome extension for automatically unblocking member-only Medium articles through free proxies
- arc53/llm-price-compass - This project collects GPU benchmarks from various cloud providers and compares them to fixed per token costs. Use our tool for efficient LLM GPU selections and cost-effective AI models. LLM provider p
- dhilman/gitowl-extension - GitOwl Browser Extension. Open Source Insights At a Glance.
- shardeum/shardeum - Shardeum is an EVM based autoscaling blockchain
- jbilcke-hf/clapper - Clapper.app, a video synthesizer and sequencer designed for the age of AI cinema
- threepointone/durable-chat - Chat, with Durable Objects
- trynyro/nyro-app - Boost Your Productivity with Nyro
- TrafficGuard/typedai - TypeScript AI platform with AI chat, Autonomous agents, Software developer agents, chatbots and more
- pmndrs/zustand - 🐻 Bear necessities for state management in React
- AykutSarac/jsoncrack.com - ✨ Innovative and open-source visualization application that transforms various data formats, such as JSON, YAML, XML, CSV and more, into interactive graphs.
- jose-donato/ollama-reply - open-source browser extension that leverages the power of the AI to generate engaging replies for social media growth.
- somritdasgupta/aide - aiDe is a browser extension that combines a sideKick bar and web UI for local LLMs provided by Ollama library, with online web search capabilities.
- danny-avila/LibreChat - Enhanced ChatGPT Clone: Features Agents, DeepSeek, Anthropic, AWS, OpenAI, Assistants API, Azure, Groq, o1, GPT-4o, Mistral, OpenRouter, Vertex AI, Gemini, Artifacts, AI model switching, message searc
- blakeblackshear/frigate - NVR with realtime local object detection for IP cameras
- toeverything/AFFiNE - There can be more than Notion and Miro. AFFiNE(pronounced [ə‘fain]) is a next-gen knowledge base that brings planning, sorting and creating all together. Privacy first, open-source, customizable and r
- vitonsky/arrival-time - Simple and powerful progress time estimation (ETA) for JavaScript
- MarsHeer/offtiktok - Open source alternative Tiktok client
- Nutlope/llamacoder - Open source Claude Artifacts – built with Llama 3.1 405B
- ambianic/peerfetch - Peer-to-peer HTTP over WebRTC.
- RSSNext/Follow - 🧡 Follow everything in one place
- supermemoryai/opensearch-ai - SearchGPT / Perplexity clone, but personalised for you.
- useplunk/plunk - The Open-Source Email Platform
- e2b-dev/fragments - Open-source Next.js template for building apps that are fully generated by AI. By E2B.
- DaveTacker/dominator - DOMinator is a browser extension that combines fun with functionality. It's your friendly neighborhood DOM analyzer and web security sidekick, designed to help developers and security enthusiasts expl
- fkneist/cosurfer - Chrome extension to ask questions to websites via LLMs
- awesome-webextension/webextension-store-meta - Get browser extension(webextension) item meta from Chrome Web Store and Firefox add-ons.
- moribellamy/graytabby - 📚 The simple, fast, open source tab archiver.
- Dhravya/cloudflare-saas-stack - Quickly make and deploy full-stack apps with database, auth, styling, storage etc. figured out for you. Add all primitives you want.
- BASI-LABS/parseltongue - Parseltongue is a powerful prompt hacking tool/browser extension for real-time tokenization visualization and seamless text conversion, supporting formats like binary, base64, leetspeak, special chara
- JFrankfurt/proposal-lookup - This is a chrome extension that observes the text in web pages the user visits and renders succinct aigen descriptions of the technical content and history of any crypto proposals mentioned on the pag
- rectanglehq/Shapeshift - Transform JSON objects using vector embeddings
- StreetLamb/tribe - Low code tool to rapidly build and coordinate multi-agent teams
- docmost/docmost - Docmost is an open-source collaborative wiki and documentation software. It is an open-source alternative to Confluence and Notion.
- adrianhajdin/healthcare - Build a healthcare platform that streamlines patient registration, appointment scheduling, and medical records, and learn to implement complex forms and SMS notifications.
- romankurnovskii/BrewMate - Homebrew GUI apps manager
- luyu0279/BrainyAI - a free and open-source browser sidebar plugin that offers a cost-free alternative to products like Sider, Monica, and Merlin.
- n4ze3m/page-assist - Use your locally running AI models to assist you in your web browsing
- Omniplex-ai/omniplex - Open-Source Perplexity
- nat/openplayground - An LLM playground you can run on your laptop
- abi/secret-llama - Fully private LLM chatbot that runs entirely with a browser with no server needed. Supports Mistral and LLama 3.
- amplication/amplication - Amplication brings order to the chaos of large-scale software development by creating Golden Paths for developers - streamlined workflows that drive consistency, enable high-quality code practices, si
- FixTweet/FxTwitter - Fix broken Twitter/X embeds! Use multiple images, videos, polls, translations and more on Discord, Telegram and others
- twentyhq/twenty - Building a modern alternative to Salesforce, powered by the community.
- adileo/squirreldisk - Beautiful, Cross-Platform and Super Fast Disk Usage Analysis Tool - Built With Rust 🦀
- dezoito/ollama-grid-search - A multi-platform desktop application to evaluate and compare LLM models, written in Rust and React.
- joyqi/sharebychatgpt-extension - A browser extension summarize web pages with ChatGPT for easy sharing on social media.
- BartoszKlonowski/browsing-stats - The web browser add-on to check your browsing stats
- BlackGlory/copycat - 🌳 Copy content from web powerful than ever before.
- labmlai/inspectus - LLM Analytics
- AliSiddique/demo-saasunderone -
- BuilderIO/micro-agent - An AI agent that writes (actually useful) code for you
- ishaan1013/sandbox - A cloud-based code editing environment with an AI copilot and real-time collaboration
- theRubberDuckiee/share-brewfiles-website -
- kant01ne/browser-extensions - Browser extensions
- ItzCrazyKns/Perplexica - Perplexica is an AI-powered search engine. It is an Open source alternative to Perplexity AI
- iyaja/llama-fs - A self-organizing file system with llama 3
- semanser/codel - ✨ Fully autonomous AI Agent that can perform complicated tasks and projects using terminal, browser, and editor.
- labring/FastGPT - FastGPT is a knowledge-based platform built on the LLMs, offers a comprehensive suite of out-of-the-box capabilities such as data processing, RAG retrieval, and visual AI workflow orchestration, letti
- red-kite-solutions/stalker - Stalker, the Extensible Attack Surface Management tool.
- HerbertHe/iptv-sources - Autoupdate iptv sources
- Mintplex-Labs/openai-assistant-swarm - Introducing the Assistant Swarm. An extension to the OpenAI Node SDK to automatically delegate work to any assistant you create in OpenAi through one united interface and manager. Now you can delegate
- upscayl/upscayl - 🆙 Upscayl - #1 Free and Open Source AI Image Upscaler for Linux, MacOS and Windows.
- laurent22/joplin - Joplin - the privacy-focused note taking app with sync capabilities for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS.
- felixrieseberg/windows95 - 💩🚀 Windows 95 in Electron. Runs on macOS, Linux, and Windows.
- wandb/openui - OpenUI let's you describe UI using your imagination, then see it rendered live.
- linchen1987/ai-summarizer - 一个用于教学的浏览器插件,该插件可使用 AI 大模型总结当前页面内容
- mckaywrigley/chatbot-ui - AI chat for any model.
- deiucanta/chatpad - Not just another ChatGPT user-interface!
- Lissy93/personal-security-checklist - 🔒 A compiled checklist of 300+ tips for protecting digital security and privacy in 2024
- MetaMask/metamask-extension - 🌐 🔌 The MetaMask browser extension enables browsing Ethereum blockchain enabled websites
- klarna-incubator/gram - Gram is Klarna's own threat model diagramming tool
- BasedHardware/Whomane - An open source wearable with camera
- Lukentui/smotrite-app -
- Get-Tech-Stack/TechStack - The extension will display the tech stack of the Repo when the user visits a GitHub Public Repo. The user can easily get more info about the repo. 当用户访问 GitHub 公共存储库时,该扩展将显示存储库的技术栈。 用户可以更轻松地获取有关存储库的更多
- signalapp/Signal-Desktop - A private messenger for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
- heyform/heyform - Open-Source Form Builder
- ANG13T/payload-wizard - AI assistant that utilizes GPT language models to interpret and generate cybersecurity payloads 🪄
- classvsoftware/under-new-management - Detect when your installed extensions have changed owners.
- n8n-io/n8n - Fair-code workflow automation platform with native AI capabilities. Combine visual building with custom code, self-host or cloud, 400+ integrations.
- bluesky-social/social-app - The Bluesky Social application for Web, iOS, and Android
- technovangelist/ollamamodelupdater - update your ollama models to the latest
- JupiterOne/starbase - Graph-based security analysis for everyone
- balzack/databag - fast & lightweight self-hosted messenger
- jeb5/Sidetabs - Because tabs should be vertical
- spacedriveapp/spacedrive - Spacedrive is an open source cross-platform file explorer, powered by a virtual distributed filesystem written in Rust.
- abrahamjuliot/creepjs - Creepy device and browser fingerprinting
- LasCC/HackTools - The all-in-one browser extension for offensive security professionals 🛠
- siyuan-note/siyuan - A privacy-first, self-hosted, fully open source personal knowledge management software, written in typescript and golang.
- jinglescode/nostr-url-shortener - A free URL shortener service enabled by the NOSTR protocol, that is fast and fuss-free, stripped of all bells and whistles, no gimmicks—it just works!
- openchatai/copilot - 🤖 🔥 Language-to-actions engine
- Infisical/infisical - ♾ Infisical is the open-source secret management platform: Sync secrets across your team/infrastructure, prevent secret leaks, and manage internal PKI
- smol-ai/GodMode - AI Chat Browser: Fast, Full webapp access to ChatGPT / Claude / Bard / Bing / Llama2! I use this 20 times a day.
- expo/expo - An open-source framework for making universal native apps with React. Expo runs on Android, iOS, and the web.
- OpenAgentsInc/arcade - Nostr & AI chat app
- Lissy93/web-check - 🕵️♂️ All-in-one OSINT tool for analysing any website
- diegogurpegui/nos2x-fox - nostr signer extension for Firefox
- mattzcarey/code-review-gpt - Code review powered by LLMs (OpenAI GPT4, Sonnet 3.5) & Embeddings ⚡️ Improve code quality and catch bugs before you break production 🚀 Lives in your Github/GitLab/Azure DevOps CI
- menhera-org/TabArray - Chrome-like tab groups using private and isolated containers: The ultimate tab manager and groups for Firefox.
- martinezpl/owlie-yt-addon - Your wise, big-eyed Youtube assistant.
- superagent-ai/superagent - 🥷 Run AI-agents with an API
- a16z-infra/companion-app - AI companions with memory: a lightweight stack to create and host your own AI companions
- FallenMax/smart-toc - A Chrome extension for auto-generating a table of contents
- immich-app/immich - High performance self-hosted photo and video management solution.
- noodle-run/noodle - Rethinking Student Productivity
- baptisteArno/tinking - 🧶 Extract data from any website without code, just clicks.
- steven-tey/novel - Notion-style WYSIWYG editor with AI-powered autocompletion.
- ninoseki/mitaka - A browser extension for OSINT search
- langgenius/dify - Dify is an open-source LLM app development platform. Dify's intuitive interface combines AI workflow, RAG pipeline, agent capabilities, model management, observability features and more, letting you q
- appsmithorg/appsmith - Platform to build admin panels, internal tools, and dashboards. Integrates with 25+ databases and any API.
- reworkd/AgentGPT - 🤖 Assemble, configure, and deploy autonomous AI Agents in your browser.
- dubinc/dub - Open-source link attribution platform. Loved by modern marketing teams like Twilio, Perplexity, Vercel, and Huberman Labs.
- protectai/rebuff - LLM Prompt Injection Detector
- KishanBagaria/padding-oracle-attacker - 🔓 CLI tool and library to execute padding oracle attacks easily, with support for concurrent network requests and an elegant UI.
- mbnuqw/sidebery - Firefox extension for managing tabs and bookmarks in sidebar.
- standardnotes/app - Think fearlessly with end-to-end encrypted notes and files. For issues, visit https://standardnotes.com/forum or https://standardnotes.com/help.
- cisagov/crossfeed - External monitoring for organization assets
- rarecoil/sinkdweller - A TypeScript-based frontend to the radamsa fuzzer. No dependencies on most platforms.
- Lusito/forget-me-not - Make the browser forget website data, except for the data you want to keep.
- joelshepherd/tabliss - A beautiful, customisable New Tab page for Firefox, Chrome, and Edge.
- fuzzitdev/jsfuzz - coverage guided fuzz testing for javascript
- Rayquaza01/HistoryCleaner - Firefox addon that deletes history older than a specified amount of days.
- MisterPhilip/x-forwarded-for - X-Forwarded-For Header Browser Extension
- m-khvoinitsky/dark-background-light-text-extension - Firefox addon that turns every page colors into "light text on dark background"
- brannondorsey/chattervox - 📡 An AX.25 packet radio chat protocol with support for digital signatures and binary compression. Like IRC over radio waves.
- samdenty/injectify - Perform advanced MiTM attacks on websites with ease 💉
- darkreader/darkreader - Dark Reader Chrome and Firefox extension
- Cookie-AutoDelete/Cookie-AutoDelete - Firefox and Chrome WebExtension that deletes cookies and other browsing site data as soon as the tab closes, domain changes, browser restarts, or a combination of those events.
- FirefoxBar/HeaderEditor - Manage browser's requests, include modify the request headers and response headers, redirect requests, cancel requests
- jvilk/BrowserFS - BrowserFS is an in-browser filesystem that emulates the Node JS filesystem API and supports storing and retrieving files from various backends.
- freeCodeCamp/freeCodeCamp - freeCodeCamp.org's open-source codebase and curriculum. Learn to code for free.
- tarampampam/random-user-agent - 😎 Browser extension that automatically replaces the User-Agent with a randomized one
- howerj/bit-serial - A bit-serial CPU written in VHDL, with a simulator written in C.
- midori-browser/core - Midori Web Browser - a lightweight, fast and free web browser using WebKit and GTK+
- dino/dino - Modern XMPP ("Jabber") Chat Client using GTK/Vala
- rhysd/8cc.vim - C Compiler written in Vim script
- vim/vim - The official Vim repository
- altercation/solarized - precision color scheme for multiple applications (terminal, vim, etc.) with both dark/light modes
- jamonholmgren/qub - Qub is a CLI and QB64 web framework for building websites with QBasic. Star this repo!
- anvaka/map-of-github - Inspirational Mapping
- bjesus/teatime - A fully static distributed library system powered by IPFS, SQLite and GitHub
- pietheinstrengholt/rssmonster - Google Reader inspired self-hosted RSS reader written in VueJS with an Express NodeJS backend. RSSMonster is compatible with the Fever API.
- fayazara/feedful - A modern RSS reader in the style of Tweetdeck
- CorentinTh/it-tools - Collection of handy online tools for developers, with great UX.
- mubaidr/vite-vue3-browser-extension-v3 - Another vite powered web extension (chrome, firefox, etc.) starter template.
- AutomaApp/automa - A browser extension for automating your browser by connecting blocks
- chaitin/xray - 一款长亭自研的完善的安全评估工具,支持常见 web 安全问题扫描和自定义 poc | 使用之前务必先阅读文档
- onetimesecret/onetimesecret - Keep passwords and other sensitive information out of your inboxes and chat logs.
- api0cradle/LOLBAS - Living Off The Land Binaries And Scripts - (LOLBins and LOLScripts)
- usnistgov/macos_security - macOS Security Compliance Project
- BlackSnufkin/LitterBox - sandbox approach for malware developers and red teamers to test payloads against detection mechanisms before deployment
- splunk/ShellSweep - ShellSweeping the evil.
- chainguard-dev/malcontent - #supply #chain #attack #detection
- CriticalPathSecurity/Zeek-Intelligence-Feeds - Zeek-Formatted Threat Intelligence Feeds
- kristoff-it/superhtml - HTML Language Server & Templating Language Library
- zml/zml - Any model. Any hardware. Zero compromise. Built with @ziglang / @openxla / MLIR / @bazelbuild
- dwavesystems/qbsolv - Qbsolv,a decomposing solver, finds a minimum value of a large quadratic unconstrained binary optimization (QUBO) problem by splitting it into pieces solved either via a D-Wave system or a classical ta
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