A Vite powered WebExtension (Chrome, FireFox, etc.) starter template based on manifest 3
, vue3
and vite
and a lot more pre-configured.
- Boiler plate Pages for
- Background
- Action Popup
- Options
- Content Script
- Devtools panel
- Browser Side Panel
- Setup pages for Install and Update events
- Offscreen pages for audio, screen recording etc
- Sample pages for Contact, About, Pricing etc
- Dynamic/ Directory based routing. Just add a file in
or relevant ui directory and it will be automatically registered as a route - State & UI Components
- Header
- Footer
- Locale Switch (i18n)
- Theme Switch (dark/light)
- Loading Spinner
- Error Boundary
- Empty State
- Notifications using
- Store for options pre-configured etc
- Composables for
- i18n
- Theme
- Notifications
- Loading
- Error handling
for extension settings and user options management
- pre-configured Pinia Store (optional persistent and non-persistent)
- System wide
- Easily extendable
- Type safe
Please create an issue if you feel some feature is missing or could be improved.
βββ dist # Built extension files
β βββ chrome # Chrome-specific build
β βββ firefox # Firefox-specific build
βββ public # Static assets
β βββ icons # Extension icons
βββ scripts # Build/dev scripts
βββ src # Source code
β βββ assets # Global assets (images, styles)
β βββ background # Extension background script
β βββ components # Shared Vue components. Some prebuilt components are available like `Header`, `Footer`, `LocaleSwitch`, `ThemeSwitch`, `LoadingSpinner`, `ErrorBoundary`, `EmptyState` etc
β βββ composables # Vue composables/hooks
β β βββ useBrowserStorage # Browser storage for both `sync` and `local`
β β βββ useLocale # Manage locale in your extension
β β βββ useTheme # Manage theme in your extension
β βββ content-script # Content scripts injected into pages
β βββ devtools # Chrome devtools panel
β βββ locales # i18n translation files
β βββ offscreen # Offscreen pages (audio, recording)
β βββ stores # Pinia stores
β βββ types # TypeScript type definitions
β βββ ui # UI pages
β β βββ action-popup # Browser toolbar popup
β β βββ common # Shared pages
β β βββ content-script-iframe # Content script app injected into pages by content script
β β βββ devtools-panel # Devtools panel UI
β β βββ options-page # Extension options
β β βββ setup # Install/update pages
β β βββ side-panel # Browser side panel
β βββ utils # Shared utilities
βββ manifest.config.ts # Base manifest configuration
βββ vite.chrome.config.ts # Chrome specific Vite configuration overrides
βββ vite.config.ts # Base Vite configuration
βββ vite.firefox.config.ts # Firefox specific Vite configuration overrides
βββ tailwind.config.cjs # Tailwind CSS configuration
βββ package.json # Project dependencies and scripts
// Example usage
const exampleUsage = () => {
// Using sync storage
const { data: syncSettings } = useBrowserSyncStorage('settings', {
theme: 'dark',
notifications: true,
preferences: {
language: 'en',
fontSize: 14
// Using local storage
const { data: userProfile } = useBrowserLocalStorage('profile', {
name: 'John Doe',
lastLogin: null,
favorites: ['item1', 'item2']
// The data ref can be used directly in templates or watched
console.log(syncSettings.value.theme) // 'dark'
console.log(userProfile.value.name) // 'John Doe'
- File system based route generator for Viteunplugin-auto-import
- Directly usebrowser
and Vue Composition API without importingunplugin-vue-components
- components auto importunplugin-icons
- icons as componentsunplugin-turbo-console
- Improve the Developer Experience of console@intlify/unplugin-vue-i18n
- unplugin for Vue I18n
- Pinia - Intuitive, type safe, light and flexible Store for Vue
- VueUse - collection of useful composition APIs
- Notivue - Powerful toast notification system for Vue and Nuxt.
- Vue-i18n - Internationalization plugin for Vue.js
- Marked - A markdown parser and compiler. Used for CHANGELOG.md to show in Update page
- tailwindcss - A utility-first CSS framework
- daisyUI - The most popular component library for Tailwind CSS
Tailwind css forms
and typography
plugins are enabled for default styling of form controls.
- effortlessly communication between contextswebextension-polyfill
- A lightweight polyfill library for Promise-based WebExtension APIs in Chrome
- TypeScript - Typed JavaScript at Any Scale
- ESLint - Linting utility for JavaScript and JSX
- Prettier - Code formatter
- Use Composition API with
<script setup>
SFC syntax - Use Composition API with
SFC syntax in Pinia stores
Create a repo from this template on GitHub.
If you prefer to do it manually with the cleaner git history
If you don't have pnpm installed, run: npm install -g pnpm
pnpx degit mubaidr/vite-vue3-browser-extension-v3 my-webext
cd my-webext
pnpm i
- Base extension manifest with common configurationmanifest.chrome.config.ts
- Chrome/ chromium based browsers specific manifestmanifest.firefox.config.ts
- Firefox spefic manifestvite.config.ts
- Base vite configurationvite.chrome.config.ts
- Chrome/ chromium based browsers specific vite configurationvite.firefox.config.ts
- Firefox specific vite configuration
pnpm dev
- Start development serverpnpm build
- Build extensionpnpm lint
- Lint files
You can also use pnpm dev:chrome, pnpm dev:firefox, pnpm build:chrome, pnpm build:firefox, pnpm lint:fix
Then load extension in browser with the dist/
Note: Pack files under dist/chrome
or dist/firefox
, you can upload to appropriate extension store.
If you like this project, you can support me by donating mubaidr and starring β this repository.
I am a full stack developer. I am open to work. If you are looking for a developer or have a project you want to start, please visit my profile and website here: mubaidr.
Muhammad Ubaid Raza |
Dreamliner |
Jihoon Yi |
Diego Ponciano |
igorfz |
hi2code |
Null |