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GEM Database Design Principles and Rules
Due to the global scope and nature of the GEM project a number of databases will be developed independently and eventually delivered to the GEM model facility.
Upon delivery these databases will need to be integrated and operated by the GEM model facility in consideration of some of the following questions and challenges:
- what degree of interoperability between these databases is required, are there e.g. cross-cutting data and/or queries needed by GEM components?
- what is the envisaged RAM/storage capacity required by these databases? How do we scale in case that more capacity is needed? How do we prevent capacity resource starvation?
- what users and components are allowed what kind of access to what database artefacts? How fine-grained does the authorisation model need to be?
- what are the computational requirements of these databases? How do we ensure a fair utilisation of computational resources? What constitutes fairness?
- how de we make sure that database administrators and architects can read, revise and maintain the schemas of these disparate databases with reasonable effort? How about adding and revising queries etc. in the process of integration and tuning?
It will be difficult to provide answers to most of the questions above a priori. However, if some best practices are observed, the resulting database designs will have the qualities needed for a secure deployment as well as the subsequent scaling and tuning in the data centre.
Here is a selection of these best practices in a nut shell:
- namespace everything: all database design artefacts should live in an appropriate project name space. No global names please!
- tablespace everything: all database tables should be mapped to a table space.
- userspace everything: all major components in a project should have an appropriate database user and use it when connecting to the database.
- secure everything: all access permissions to tables must be defined explicitly for the appropriate database users.
- have conventions for everything: all database design artefacts should adhere to certain naming conventions. All database tables should adhere to certain design conventions. Entities appearing in many databases should all be named the same way.
Your database (design) should work with
When choosing between the geometry and the geography types please bear in mind
- geography types are ideally suited for simple measurements and relationship checks on data covering large areas. Conversely, geometry types are preferable when operating on smaller areas (like a town, region or small country).
- geometry types have the advantage of a much richer set of functions, faster relationship checks and of wider tool support.
Please note that the geography type was only introduced in PostGIS rev. 1.5
The geometry versus geography recommendations are likely to change if and
when we switch to PostGIS rev. 2
or above.
Every database design artefact e.g. table, function, sequence etc. shall be defined in an appropriate project name space. In the postgres database these name spaces are called "schemas".
Every project shall be allocated a 5-letter prefix/schema name for each database they plan to deliver into the GEM model facility.
Example: the earthquake catalog database is allocated the eqcat
name space (or postgres schema
CREATE TABLE eqcat.catalog (
Please see also the postgres manual page on schemas
In order to facilitate capacity scaling as well as tuning all tables shall be created in a table space. All table spaces shall be prefixed with the project's schema name e.g.:
CREATE TABLESPACE eqcat_ts LOCATION '/mnt/eqcat/ts/main';
CREATE TABLE eqcat.catalog (
) TABLESPACE eqcat_ts;
Please see also the postgres manual page on table spaces
In order to facilitate proper database security (authentication, authorisation and auditing) as well as database administration and operation (logs, tuning) each project shall introduce a database user for each major subsystem or component.
All database access permissions and authorisations will be tied to these database users.
Every database user shall be prefixed by the schema
name of the project that introduces it. Example:
CREATE ROLE eqcat_reader LOGIN PASSWORD ’string’;
If at all possible have separate users for components that only read the database versus the ones that read and write.
Please see also the postgres manual page on roles
All database user accounts must be secured e.g. by setting appropriate passwords. Only the minimal permissions required for a working system should be granted to any one database user.
When in doubt whether to "reuse" an existing database user or introduce another one, do the latter.
Maintain a list of all database users that are in use in the system. Maintain a list of all access permissions granted to a database user. The latter should ideally be an idempotent SQL script that can be executed (via psql) to define a user's access permissions.
Please see also the postgres manual page on permissions
Stick to sensible naming rules and be consistent but not excessive :-)
SQL is case insensitive, but please stick to lower case for data definition language (DDL) artefacts. Use underscores as opposed to camel case. Database tables and columns should ideally consist of three words at a maximum.
Avoid lengthy DDL artefact names. When in doubt define and document project-specific acronyms and stick to these.
The same entities should be named the same in all databases e.g. lon
and lat
as opposed to longitude
and latitude
Have a project dictionary listing all
- acronyms
- terms that have a project-specific meaning
Every index shall be prefixed by the schema and the table name. Assuming the following table definition:
CREATE TABLE eqcat.catalog (
catnum INTEGER,
creation_date TIMESTAMP
) TABLESPACE eqcat_ts;
An index should be created like so:
CREATE INDEX eqcat_catalog_catnum_creation_date_idx
ON eqcat.catalog(catnum, creation_date);
Please note how the name lists the columns that are being indexed.
All names should be in lower case. Use underscores as opposed to camel case. Database tables and columns should ideally consist of three words at a maximum.
Every table needs to have a primary key with the name id
. Example:
xxx_id INTEGER
FOREIGN KEY (xxx_id) REFERENCES a.xxx(id) ON DELETE <behaviour>;
All foreign keys should be defined as above
- define foreign key constraints outside of tables in order to facilitate ETL operations etc.
- the foreign key column should be called _id
- the foreign key constraint should be called _fk
- define the
behaviour as appropriate to the tables at hand.
Be absolutely fanatic about documentation and invest in it! Database schemas are a reflection of a system's domain model and should be understood by all project stake holders (developers, administrators, scientists etc.).
Have a separate file with built-in schema documentation i.e. something along the lines of:
COMMENT ON SCHEMA pshai IS 'PSHA input model';
COMMENT ON TABLE pshai.mfd_evd IS 'Magnitude frequency distribution, evenly discretized.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN pshai.mfd_evd.magnitude_type IS 'Magnitude type i.e. one of:
- body wave magnitude (Mb)
- duration magnitude (Md)
- local magnitude (Ml)
- surface wave magnitude (Ms)
- moment magnitude (Mw)';
That way schema diagrams and documentation can be reverse engineered from the actual database using various tools.
Have a dictionary of all terms that are particular to the project and/or system domain model. This facilitates communication and helps avoid misunderstandings.
Try coming up with a tool that parses the built-in schema documentation and generates the dictionary from it (partially).
Use database diagrams (e.g. entity relationship) to document the schema! Ideally, you should have an overview diagram that depicts how things hang together and a number of more detailed diagrams showing more information.
Enough said :-)
The agile ideas apply to database schema design as well :-) Your schema design should be simple and specific. Also, schemas are a living, breathing thing, they grow with the system. Don't try to define everything straight-away but build the schema in a number of iterations/increments as needed by the features that are added to the system.
Dare to be specific :-) Overly generic schema have a high cognitive cost (i.e. they are difficult to grok) and that usually propagates to all the software that makes use of such a schema resulting in bugs, unmaintainable code and all the other problems you do not want to have.
Each table shall have a serial
surrogate key defined as follows:
CREATE TABLE eqcat.catalog (
) TABLESPACE eqcat_ts;
Run a tidy ship and tie things down :-) e.g. by introducing appropriate constraints where applicable. Example:
-- seismic input type
CONSTRAINT si_type_val CHECK (si_type IN ('complex', 'point', 'simple')),
This way all the code that accesses the database can rely on the fact that the si_type
column can have only three possible values and there is no need to repeat this check all over the place.
Another example: if you know beforehand that a property must be unique in some context then state it:
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX admin_oq_user_user_name_uniq_idx ON admin.oq_user(user_name);
We plan to store the results of seismic calculations along with the calculation inputs (source models). However, changes to certain source model properties may invalidate the stored results. It is hence important to be able to perceive/track changes to source model properties in the database. There is a number of ways to achieve this. What follows are just two variants.
Add a sequence to all seismic source model tables and draw a new value from it upon each update (e.g. in an BEFORE
update trigger).
Have a last_update
time stamp in each seismic source model table and refresh it upon each update. See e.g. the pshai.source
table in openquake.sql
and the associated refresh_last_update()
trigger function in functions.sql
In order to facilitate gradual database installations and/or upgrades the following should be in separate files
- database functions (stored procedures)
- index definitions
- users and access permissions
- built-in schema documentation
Make it possible for developers and/or any other stake holders to deploy the schema for the purpose of development, testing and learning. Have a deployment script.
Keep version information pertaining to the database schema in the database. This facilitates the writing of schema and data migration code at a later stage.
See e.g. the revision_info
table in openquake.sql
and the rows we insert into it upon database creation.
Please see the current OpenQuake database schema definition for more examples.
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