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Org Dashboards

Prakash Ramaswamy edited this page Feb 17, 2017 · 1 revision

The Org Dashboards page, available from the sidebar menu and after you click on a dashboard-related bar in an Org Overview chart, shows you information about dashboards in your Salesforce org according to the page's top-level filters:

  • Show all or a limited number of dashboards
  • Limit the list by various design and scalability assessment dimensions (see Assessment Definitions)

Click on a bar in either chart of the Org Dashboards page to drill down further into a specific dashboard or set of dashboards.

Starting Iora Lite

The Top Dashboards chart shows you the top N tuning candidates for the current set of dashboards in focus, rated worst on the left to better on the right. In general, throughout Iora Lite, you can hover on a bar for summary information, and click on a bar to drill down into more detail.

The Dashboards Assessment chart lets you group the current set of dashboards in the set of collected components by various dimensions (user, running user, folder) to provide you with an aggregate cost/count per group. These dimensions let you gain deeper insights into systemic tuning issues such as particular users that create many suboptimal dashboards/reports, common observations such as negative operators or unindexed fields, or the most unscalable types of dashboards. Use such insights to prevent reoccurrence of similar issues (e.g., train users in report building, archive historical records from large objects).

Starting Iora Lite

Below the charts, the Org Dashboards page shows a table that contains a list of the current dashboards in the set of collected components. Use the table to drill down into dashboards, order by various dimensions, and search for specific dashboards.

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