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Releases: fmtlib/fmt


14 Jun 16:08
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01 Nov 08:47
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07 May 17:07
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  • The project has been renamed from C++ Format (cppformat) to fmt for consistency with the used namespace and macro prefix (#307). Library headers are now located in the fmt directory:

    #include "fmt/format.h"

    Including format.h from the cppformat directory is deprecated but works via a proxy header which will be removed in the next major version.The documentation is now available at

  • Added support for strftime-like date and time formatting (#283):

    #include "fmt/time.h"
    std::time_t t = std::time(nullptr);
    // Prints "The date is 2016-04-29." (with the current date)
    fmt::print("The date is {:%Y-%m-%d}.", *std::localtime(&t));
  • std::ostream support including formatting of user-defined types that provide overloaded operator<< has been moved to fmt/ostream.h:

    #include "fmt/ostream.h"
    class Date {
      int year_, month_, day_;
      Date(int year, int month, int day) : year_(year), month_(month), day_(day) {}
      friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Date &d) {
        return os << d.year_ << '-' << d.month_ << '-' << d.day_;
    std::string s = fmt::format("The date is {}", Date(2012, 12, 9));
    // s == "The date is 2012-12-9"
  • Added support for custom argument formatters (#235).

  • Added support for locale-specific integer formatting with the n specifier (#305):

    std::setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US.utf8");
    fmt::print("cppformat: {:n}\n", 1234567); // prints 1,234,567
  • Sign is now preserved when formatting an integer with an incorrect printf format specifier (#265):

    fmt::printf("%lld", -42); // prints -42

    Note that it would be an undefined behavior in std::printf.

  • Length modifiers such as ll are now optional in printf formatting functions and the correct type is determined automatically (#255):

    fmt::printf("%d", std::numeric_limits<long long>::max());

    Note that it would be an undefined behavior in std::printf.

  • Added initial support for custom formatters (#231).

  • Fixed detection of user-defined literal support on Intel C++ compiler (#311, #312). Thanks to @dean0x7d (Dean Moldovan) and @speth (Ray Speth).

  • Reduced compile time (#243, #249, #317):Thanks to @dean0x7d (Dean Moldovan).

  • Compile test fixes (#313). Thanks to @dean0x7d (Dean Moldovan).

  • Documentation fixes (#239, #248, #252, #258, #260, #301, #309). Thanks to @ReadmeCritic @Gachapen (Magnus Bjerke Vik) and @jwilk (Jakub Wilk).

  • Fixed compiler and sanitizer warnings (#244, #256, #259, #263, #274, #277, #286, #291, #296, #308) Thanks to @mwinterb, @pweiskircher (Patrik Weiskircher), @Naios.

  • Improved compatibility with Windows Store apps (#280, #285) Thanks to @mwinterb.

  • Added tests of compatibility with older C++ standards (#273). Thanks to @niosHD.

  • Fixed Android build (#271). Thanks to @newnon.

  • Changed ArgMap to be backed by a vector instead of a map. (#261, #262). Thanks to @mwinterb.

  • Added fprintf overload that writes to a std::ostream (#251). Thanks to nickhutchinson (Nicholas Hutchinson).

  • Export symbols when building a Windows DLL (#245). Thanks to macdems (Maciek Dems).

  • Fixed compilation on Cygwin (#304).

  • Implemented a workaround for a bug in Apple LLVM version 4.2 of clang (#276).

  • Implemented a workaround for Google Test bug #705 on gcc 6 (#268). Thanks to octoploid.

  • Removed Biicode support because the latter has been discontinued.


11 Apr 19:19
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  • The install location for generated CMake files is now configurable via the FMT_CMAKE_DIR CMake variable (#299). Thanks to @niosHD.
  • Documentation fixes (#252).


21 Mar 15:00
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  • Project layout and build system improvements (#267):

    • The code have been moved to the cppformat directory. Including format.h from the top-level directory is deprecated but works via a proxy header which will be removed in the next major version.
    • C++ Format CMake targets now have proper interface definitions.
    • Installed version of the library now supports the header-only configuration.
    • Targets doc, install, and test are now disabled if C++ Format is included as a CMake subproject. They can be enabled by setting FMT_DOC, FMT_INSTALL, and FMT_TEST in the parent project.

    Thanks to @niosHD.


13 Mar 17:20
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01 Dec 15:36
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  • [Breaking] Named arguments (#169, #173, #174):

    fmt::print("The answer is {answer}.", fmt::arg("answer", 42));

    Thanks to @jamboree.

  • [Experimental] User-defined literals for format and named arguments (#204, #206, #207):

    using namespace fmt::literals;
    fmt::print("The answer is {answer}.", "answer"_a=42);

    Thanks to @dean0x7d (Dean Moldovan).

  • [Breaking] Formatting of more than 16 arguments is now supported when using variadic templates (#141). Thanks to @Shauren.

  • Runtime width specification (#168):

    fmt::format("{0:{1}}", 42, 5); // gives "   42"

    Thanks to @jamboree.

  • [Breaking] Enums are now formatted with an overloaded std::ostream insertion operator (operator<<) if available (#232).

  • [Breaking] Changed default bool format to textual, "true" or "false" (#170):

    fmt::print("{}", true); // prints "true"

    To print bool as a number use numeric format specifier such as d:

    fmt::print("{:d}", true); // prints "1"
  • fmt::printf and fmt::sprintf now support formatting of bool with the %s specifier giving textual output, "true" or "false" (#223):

    fmt::printf("%s", true); // prints "true"

    Thanks to @LarsGullik.

  • [Breaking] signed char and unsigned char are now formatted as integers by default (#217).

  • [Breaking] Pointers to C strings can now be formatted with the p specifier (#223):

    fmt::print("{:p}", "test"); // prints pointer value

    Thanks to @LarsGullik.

  • [Breaking] fmt::printf and fmt::sprintf now print null pointers as (nil) and null strings as (null) for consistency with glibc (#226). Thanks to @LarsGullik.

  • [Breaking] fmt::(s)printf now supports formatting of objects of user-defined types that provide an overloaded std::ostream insertion operator (operator<<) (#201):

    fmt::printf("The date is %s", Date(2012, 12, 9));
  • [Breaking] The Buffer template is now part of the public API and can be used to implement custom memory buffers (#140). Thanks to @polyvertex (Jean-Charles Lefebvre).

  • [Breaking] Improved compatibility between BasicStringRef and std::experimental::basic_string_view (#100, #159, #183):

    • Comparison operators now compare string content, not pointers
    • BasicStringRef::c_str replaced by BasicStringRef::data
    • BasicStringRef is no longer assumed to be null-terminated

    References to null-terminated strings are now represented by a new class, BasicCStringRef.

  • Dependency on pthreads introduced by Google Test is now optional (#185).

  • New CMake options FMT_DOC, FMT_INSTALL and FMT_TEST to control generation of doc, install and test targets respectively, on by default (#197, #198, #200). Thanks to @maddinat0r (Alex Martin).

  • noexcept is now used when compiling with MSVC2015 (#215). Thanks to @dmkrepo (Dmitriy).

  • Added an option to disable use of windows.h when FMT_USE_WINDOWS_H is defined as 0 before including format.h (#171). Thanks to @alfps (Alf P. Steinbach).

  • [Breaking] windows.h is now included with NOMINMAX unless FMT_WIN_MINMAX is defined. This is done to prevent breaking code using std::min and std::max and only affects the header-only configuration (#152, #153, #154). Thanks to @DevO2012.

  • Improved support for custom character types (#171). Thanks to @alfps (Alf P. Steinbach).

  • Added an option to disable use of IOStreams when FMT_USE_IOSTREAMS is defined as 0 before including format.h (#205, #208). Thanks to @JodiTheTigger.

  • Improved detection of isnan, isinf and signbit.


  • Made formatting of user-defined types more efficient with a custom stream buffer (#92, #230). Thanks to @NotImplemented.
  • Further improved performance of fmt::Writer on integer formatting and fixed a minor regression. Now it is ~7% faster than karma::generate on Karma's benchmark (#186).
  • [Breaking] Reduced compiled code size (#143, #149).





06 Mar 16:33
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  • Added BasicArrayWriter, a class template that provides operations for formatting and writing data into a fixed-size array (#105 and #122):
char buffer[100];
fmt::ArrayWriter w(buffer);
w.write("The answer is {}", 42);

You can now install C++ Format with make install command.

The android-ndk-example repository provides and example of using C++ Format with Android NDK:


  • Improved documentation of SystemError and WindowsError (#54).
  • Various code improvements (#110, #111 #112). Thanks to @CarterLi.
  • Improved compile-time errors when formatting wide into narrow strings (#117).
  • Fixed BasicWriter::write without formatting arguments when C++11 support is disabled (#109).
  • Fixed header-only build on OS X with GCC 4.9 (#124).
  • Fixed packaging issues (#94).
  • Fixed warnings in GCC, MSVC and Xcode/Clang (#95, #96 and #114).
  • Added changelog (#103).


05 Feb 16:45
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  • Add support for a header-only configuration when FMT_HEADER_ONLY is defined before including format.h:

    #define FMT_HEADER_ONLY
    #include "format.h"
  • Compute string length in the constructor of BasicStringRef instead of the size method (#79). This eliminates size computation for string literals on reasonable optimizing compilers.

  • Fix formatting of types with overloaded operator << for std::wostream (#86):

    fmt::format(L"The date is {0}", Date(2012, 12, 9));
  • Fix linkage of tests on Arch Linux (#89).

  • Allow precision specifier for non-float arguments (#90):

    fmt::print("{:.3}\n", "Carpet"); // prints "Car"
  • Fix build on Android NDK (#93)

  • Improvements to documentation build procedure.

  • Remove FMT_SHARED CMake variable in favor of standard BUILD_SHARED_LIBS.

  • Fix error handling in fmt::fprintf.

  • Fix a number of warnings.


27 Oct 15:36
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  • [Breaking] Improved separation between formatting and buffer management. Writer is now a base class that cannot be instantiated directly. The new MemoryWriter class implements the default buffer management with small allocations done on stack. So fmt::Writer should be replaced with fmt::MemoryWriter in variable declarations.
    Old code:

    fmt::Writer w;

    New code:

    fmt::MemoryWriter w;

    If you pass fmt::Writer by reference, you can continue to do so:

    void f(fmt::Writer &w);

    This doesn't affect the formatting API.

  • Support for custom memory allocators (#69)

  • Formatting functions now accept signed char and unsigned char strings as arguments (#73):

    auto s = format("GLSL version: {}", glGetString(GL_VERSION)); 
  • Reduced code bloat. According to the new benchmark results, cppformat is close to printf and by the order of magnitude better than Boost Format in terms of compiled code size.

  • Improved appearance of the documentation on mobile by using the Sphinx Bootstrap theme:

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