Releases: fioprotocol/fio.contracts
What's Changed
- Update by @misterleet in #352
- BDF-4701 fio.fee validation update by @edrotthoff in #353
Full Changelog: v2.11.1...v2.11.2
Refer to ABI/WASM
FIO Contracts 2.11.1
What's Changed
- Update for release 2.11.0-rc1 by @misterleet in #348
- BD-4669 audit vote get votable balance instead of spendable balance by @edrotthoff in #349
- Release 2.11.x: inclusion of bd-4635 voting fix by @misterleet in #350
- Update by @misterleet in #351
Full Changelog: v2.11.0...v2.11.1
Refer to ABI/WASM
FIO Contracts 2.11.0
What's Changed
- BD-4642 Updated abi/wasm for release 2.10 by @misterleet in #342
- Releases doc update by @misterleet in #343
- BD-4643 fixes for main net for whole enchilada token transfer edge cases by @edrotthoff in #345
- BD-4650 BD-4662 contract changes for FIP-48 by @edrotthoff in #346
- Release 2.11.x by @misterleet in #347
Full Changelog: v2.10.0...v2.11.0
Refer to ABI/WASM
FIO Contracts 2.10.0
What's Changed
- BD-4597 voting bug fix by @edrotthoff in #317
- BD-4597 contract changes by @edrotthoff in #318
- BD-4597 voting bug fix by @edrotthoff in #323
- BD-4597 voting bug fix by @edrotthoff in #326
- BD-4624 readme and release doc updates by @misterleet in #327
- Readme and release documentation for 2.10 release by @misterleet in #328
- Updated version by @misterleet in #329
- Release version update by @misterleet in #330
- Update of release doc by @misterleet in #331
Full Changelog: v2.9.2...v2.10.0
Refer to ABI/WASM
FIO Contracts 2.9.2
What's Changed
- set active on update of BPinfo by @edrotthoff in #324
Full Changelog: v2.9.1...v2.9.2
Refer to ABI/WASM for the hashes for this release.
FIO Contracts 2.9.1
Release - FIO Contracts v2.9.1
What's Changed
- BD-4082: Unstaking adds new lock entry for user instead of adding lock period to existing lock
- BD-4162: Unstake on account results in "cannot emplace locks when locks pre-exist
Full Changelog: v2.9.0...v2.9.1
Refer to ABI/WASM for the hashes for this release.
FIO Contracts 2.9.0
New features in this release
FIP-37: Lift limit on number of FIO Public Keys in account's permissions
FIP-38: Add ability to create FIO Chain Account
FIP-39: Support alternate FIO Public Key for encryption of New Funds Request/Record OBT content blob
FIP-40: Enable specified accounts to register FIO Addresses on private FIO Domains
FIP-42: Enable FIO Address and Domain registration in a single transaction
FIP-47: Allow FIO Block Producers to update their information
Changelog Summary
- FIPs36-40 PR cleanup by @edrotthoff in #288
- FIPs36-40 clean PR by @edrotthoff in #290
- FIP-38 dev iteration 02082023 by @edrotthoff in #291
- FIP-39 BD-4535 use proper encrypt key in new fio requests by @edrotthoff in #298
- FIP-39 BD-4537 update errors to match spec by @edrotthoff in #299
- FIP-39 BD-4538 require auth of actor on calls to updcryptkey by @edrotthoff in #300
- FIP-40 merge develop up to dev branch of fio.contracts by @edrotthoff in #302
- FIP-40 establish permissions, integrate register_address_on_domain. by @edrotthoff in #297
- FIP-42 Add regdomadd action by @adsorptionenthalpy in #278
- FIP-47 support updating producer to new info and public key by @adsorptionenthalpy in #279
- BD-2280 update total vote weight when user performs voteproxy after voting by @edrotthoff in #315
- BD-2317 Update vote weight after un-registering by @edrotthoff in #314
- BD-3946 ReadMe updates by @misterleet in #272
- BD-4138 Update to comment regarding wrap escrow as per contract audit by @ericbutz in #287
- BD-4484 ram payer is always actor by @edrotthoff in #292
- BD-4492 revise iterator processing by @edrotthoff in #293
- BD-4565 fixed fio.address abi formatting by @misterleet in #303
- BD-4577 improved general locks implementation by @edrotthoff in #310
- BD-4580 add action to transaction log for burn of domains by @edrotthoff in #312
- BD-4597 voting bug fix by @edrotthoff in #317
- Update fio.token=>issue by @adsorptionenthalpy in #295
- Unpack and dont allow actor to run contract on their account by @adsorptionenthalpy in #296
- Use the correct payer account when verifying a request for obt. by @edrotthoff in #305
Full Changelog: v2.8.1...v2.9.0
Refer to ABI/WASM for the hashes for this release.
Release - FIO Contracts v2.8.1
Bug Fixes
BD-4162: Multiple unstakes causes exception. Fixed by @edrotthoff in #285
Full Changelog: v2.8.0...v2.8.1
Refer to ABI/WASM for the hashes for this release.
Testnet Release Candidate - FIO v2.8.1-rc1
What's Changed
- BD-4208 integrate BD-4162 changes into fio.contracts release 2.8.x by @edrotthoff in #285
Full Changelog: v2.8.0...v2.8.1-rc1
Release - FIO Contracts v2.8.0
This release is comprised of 2 Features, FIP-17 and FIP-41.
FIP-17a FIO Token Wrapping. Contracts specific changes include the addition of several actions including wraptokens, wrap_fio_tokens, unwraptokens, regoracle, unregoracle, and setoraclefee.
FIP-17b FIO Domain Wrapping. Contracts specific changes include the addition of several actions including wrapdomain, wrap_fio_domains, unwrapdomain, regoracle, unregoracle, and setoraclefee.
FIP-41 Enable token locking to existing accounts. This FIP removes the restriction that trnsloctoks can only transfer tokens to a FIO Public Key which has not yet been established as an account. This FIP modifies the trnsloctoks action.
Refer to the FIO Release Notes for additional information on any related FIO core changes.
Bug Fixes
BD-2737: regproducer fixes incl fio_pub_key (signing key) use by non-acct owner
BD-4082: unstaking, locks and trnsloctoks interactions
Refer to ABI/WASM for the hashes for this release.