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Releases: fioprotocol/fio.contracts

Release Candidate - FIO v2.8.0-rc2

30 Sep 15:26
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This release is comprised of 2 Features, FIP-17 and FIP-41.

FIP-17a FIO Token Wrapping. Contracts specific changes include the addition of several actions including wraptokens, wrap_fio_tokens, unwraptokens, regoracle, unregoracle, and setoraclefee.

FIP-41 Enable token locking to existing accounts. This FIP removes the restriction that transfer_locked_tokens can only transfer tokens to a FIO Public Key which has not yet been established as an account. This FIP modifies one action, trnsloctoks, and adds one action, clrgenlocked.

Refer to the FIO Release Notes for additional information on any related FIO core changes.

Bug Fixes

BD-2737: regproducer fixes incl fio_pub_key (signing key) use by non-acct owner,
BD-4082: unstaking, locks and trnsloctoks interactions


Refer to fio.mainnet for the ABI/WASM output for this release.

Release Candidate - FIO v2.8.0-rc1

20 Jul 20:03
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Enhancements and Updates

This release is comprised of 2 Features, FIP-17 and FIP-41.

FIP-17a FIO Token Wrapping. Contracts specific changes include the addition of several actions including wraptokens, wrap_fio_tokens, unwraptokens, regoracle, unregoracle, and setoraclefee.

FIP-41 Enable token locking to existing accounts. This FIP removes the restriction that transfer_locked_tokens can only transfer tokens to a FIO Public Key which has not yet been established as an account. This FIP modifies one action, trnsloctoks, and adds one action, clrgenlocked.

Refer to the FIO Release Notes for additional information on any related FIO core changes,

What's Changed

FIO Token Wrapping Development
FIO Domain Wrapping Development

Release - FIO Contracts v2.7.1

20 May 15:52
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Bug Fixes

(#248) Fixes 2 bugs in the fio.escrow contract. The first bug is related to TPID. The second bug is related to checking if a domainsale was valid when purchasing.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.6.1...v2.7.1

Release Candidate - FIO Contracts v2.7.1-rc1

03 May 15:08
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Bug Fixes

(#248) Fixes 2 bugs in the fio.escrow contract. First bug is related to TPID. The second bug is related to checking if a domainsale was valid when purchasing.

Release - FIO Contracts v2.7.0

08 Apr 16:53
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Enhancements and Updates

(#208) FIP-22 Retire FIO Tokens. Modifies the retire action to allow users to burn their own tokens.

(#197) FIP-26 New Domain Marketplace contract. Deploys a new fio.escrow system contract. This contract creates four new actions: listdomain, cxlistdomain, buydomain, and setmrkplcfg to support the Domain Marketplace application. The marketplace enables users to buy and sell FIO Domains. Users interact with the frontend website to view and place domains up for sale. The frontend interacts with the fio.escrow system contract to facilitate transactions between users who buy and sell domains.

(#215) FIP-32 Allow unlimited size of content parameter in New Funds Request. This update modifies the newfundsreq action to allow for an unlimited size of the content parameter to accommodate Lightning Network invoices or any other data that FIO Protocol users would want to include in FIO Request. The newfundsreq fee is assessed based on the size of the request.

(#212) FIP-33 Allow $ in chain/token codes. Updates the addaddress and remaddress actions to allow $ (dollar sign) as the token code or chain code. This provides support for chains (e.g. Ethereum, Binance SmartChain) that allow "$" as a token code.

(#215) FIP-34 Allow unlimited size of content parameter in Record OBT Data. This update modifies the recordobt action to allow for an unlimited size of the content parameter. The recordobt fee is assessed based on the size of the request.

(#217) FIP-35 Increase NFT token_id size. Updates the addnft action to allow token_id to be max 128 characters, up from 64.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.6.1...v2.7.0

Release Candidate - FIO Contracts v2.7.0-rc1

22 Feb 22:52
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Enhancements and Updates

(#208) FIP-22 Retire FIO Tokens. Modifies the retire action to allow users to burn their own tokens.

(#197) FIP-26 New Domain Marketplace contract. Deploys a new fio.escrow system contract. This contract creates four new actions: listdomain, cxlistdomain, buydomain, and setmrkplcfg to support the Domain Marketplace application. The marketplace enables users to buy and sell FIO Domains. Users interact with the frontend website to view and place domains up for sale. The frontend interacts with the fio.escrow system contract to facilitate transactions between users who buy and sell domains.

(#215) FIP-32 Allow unlimited size of content parameter in New Funds Request. This update modifies the newfundsreq action to allow for an unlimited size of the content parameter to accommodate Lightning Network invoices or any other data that FIO Protocol users would want to include in FIO Request. The newfundsreq fee is assessed based on the size of the request.

(#212) FIP-33 Allow $ in chain/token codes. Updates the addaddress and remaddress actions to allow $ (dollar sign) as the token code or chain code. This provides support for chains (e.g. Ethereum, Binance SmartChain) that allow "$" as a token code.

(#215) FIP-34 Allow unlimited size of content parameter in Record OBT Data. This update modifies the recordobt action to allow for an unlimited size of the content parameter. The recordobt fee is assessed based on the size of the request.

(#217) FIP-35 Increase NFT token_id size. Updates the addnft action to allow token_id to be max 128 characters, up from 64.

Release - FIO Contracts v2.6.1

10 Jan 16:32
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Bug Fixes

(#222) Insufficient funds error when collecting fees from locked tokens

Release - FIO Contracts v2.6.0

29 Dec 19:02
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Enhancements and Updates

(#124) FIP-21 FIO Staking. Extends FIO Protocol to enable FIO tokens to be staked. Users can stake any available FIO Token amount in their account at any point in time. To stake, the account has to be voting for at least 1 BP or proxying/auto-proxying. The FIO Tokens do not actually leave the user's account, but are instead "locked" and cannot be spent until unstaked.

General lock tokens updated. As part of FIP-21 it was discovered that existing FIP-6 locking functionality, which uses percentage for each lock period, will not be able to sufficiently support unstaking locking required by this FIP. As a result, and to make locks more robust for future applications, this FIP modifies locking to accept SUFs instead of percentages when specifying period amount. Additional updates to locks:

  • Any existing general locks will be deleted. New locks will have to be created.
  • The number of lock periods is limited to a maximum of 50 locks periods.

Release Candidate - FIO Contracts v2.6.0-rc3

15 Dec 22:31
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Merge pull request #216 from fioprotocol/feature/remove-expired-addre…

Release Candidate - FIO Contracts v2.6.0-rc2

29 Nov 18:33
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Enhancements and Updates

(#124) FIP-21 FIO Staking. Extends FIO Protocol to enable FIO tokens to be staked. Users can stake any available FIO Token amount in their account at any point in time. To stake, the account has to be voting for at least 1 BP or proxying/auto-proxying. The FIO Tokens do not actually leave the user's account, but are instead "locked" and cannot be spent until unstaked.

General lock tokens updated. As part of FIP-21 it was discovered that existing FIP-6 locking functionality, which uses percentage for each lock period, will not be able to sufficiently support unstaking locking required by this FIP. As a result, and to make locks more robust for future applications, this FIP modifies locking to accept SUFs instead of percentages when specifying period amount. Additional updates to locks:

  • Any existing general locks will be deleted. New locks will have to be created.
  • The number of lock periods is limited to a maximum of 50 locks periods.