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Trackmania Web Services

wsrvn edited this page Mar 23, 2024 · 4 revisions


We use Trackmania Web Services to fetch the relevant login information for further display in a variety of widgets.

As per usual with our friends over at Nadeo, the website that you gain the API access through is not just HTTP only, it also does not support any modern encryption methods neither does it have a valid certificate.

Creating an account


Due to the expired certificates and obsolete encryption methods you might have to alter your browser's configuration to access the Trackmania Developers website.

To be able to use the Webservices, you will need an API user. Fortunately, you can create as many as you would like, entirely free of charge. The process is as follows:

  1. Go to the Trackmania Developers page
  2. Login (button in the top right corner) using your Trackmania account, which does not have to be a paid account
  3. Go to the Web Services tab
  4. Go to Manage your API users, then Create a new API user if you have not created one already
  5. After that is done, click on Manage next to the API user you have created in the previous step
  6. Click Request access to TMF game data
  7. You are all set, now you can input your credentials into the .env file in the root directory of the project

Activating the plugin

If account creation went through, you ought to enable the Webservices plugin bundled with the controller. This is done by modifying the file /plugins/webservices/Config.js, setting the isEnabled property to true.


The .env values that need to be altered are WEBSERVICES_LOGIN, which begins with tmf_, and WEBSERVICES_PASSWORD, which is the password for that Webservices login.

Using our credentials

In case you cannot create an API user of your own, you can use one of the accounts created by the Trakman developers, these are:

tmf_qweqwe_1 through tmf_qweqwe_10, password for each is trakman.

"I get an error"

Unfortunate. You can e-mail Nadeo about it, and they will do absolutely nothing to help you.