This project is currently in development
- Clock frequency: 1 - 10'526'315 hz ~95 nanoseconds
- Every 640 cycles a Timestamp is generated (64 * 10)
- If clock is e.g. 10 hz, it takes 64s to generate a timestamp.
Package | Installed on | Description |
kernel module | Raspberry Pi CM4 | Used for hardware timestamping. See kernel module |
time_stamper_ros | Raspberry Pi CM4 | Used for led control and timestamp generation. |
time_stamper_cv | Host | Used to detect real time led state with OpenCV. |
- Host PC and Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 with ROS installed.
- Requires custom TimeStamper board with CM4 mounted.
- ROS Camera driver
- Works with ROS Melodic and newer
- Go to catkin workspace
cd catkin_ws/src
- Clone this repo with
git clone
- Setup, compile and start the kernel module
catkin build time_stamper_ros
- Start ROS node with
roslaunch time_stamper_ros time_stamper_default.launch
- Optional: time_stamper_cv can be removed
- Go to catkin workspace
cd catkin_ws/src
- Clone this repo with
git clone
- Build with
catkin build time_stamper_cv
- Source ros env with
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
- Start ROS Node with
roslaunch time_stamper_cv time_stamper_cv.launch
- Optional: The kernel module and time_stamper_ros can be removed