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ShareHere, which was created to share the housing concerns of young people who are advancing for their dreams, has a HOUSE function to find a share house that is suitable for me to the owners of the share house, and to the young people who are looking for a share house. With the ROOMMATE function that finds a roommate that fits you well among al…

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Introduce ShareHere

> 🏡꿈을 위해 나아가는 청년들의 주거 고민을 조금이라도 함께하고자 만들어진 
쉐어히어는 쉐어하우스를 운영하는 운영자들에겐 공실에 대한 고민을, 
쉐어하우스를 찾고있는 청년들에겐 나에게 적합한 쉐어하우스를 찾아주는 House기능과 
각양각색 사람들 사이에서 나와 잘 맞는 룸메이트를 찾아주는 Roommate 기능을
선두로 여러 사용자들 고민을 함께 들어주고자 합니다. 

🏡ShareHere, which was created to share the housing concerns of young people who are advancing for their dreams, has a HOUSE function to find a share house that is suitable for me to the owners of the share house, and to the young people who are looking for a share house. With the ROOMMATE function that finds a roommate that fits you well among all kinds of people, we want to listen to the concerns of various users at the forefront.


• 📝 회원관리 : 로그인, 회원가입, 아이디/비밀번호 찾기, 정보 수정  
• 🏠 하우스 : 매물 업로드, 매물 검색, 허위 매물 신고, 하우스 뷰잉 예약, 결제  
• 👫 룸메이트 : 설문을 통한 상용자의 성향 파악, 같은 성향의 사용자 추천, 찜하기, 신고, 채팅, 결제  
• 📋 마이페이지 : 매물 뷰잉 예약 확인, 찜한 룸메 확인, 결제 내역 확인, 회원 탈퇴  
• 📈 관리자 : 회원 관리, 매물 관리, 신고 관리, 수입 관리  

• 📝 Member : Login/Logout, Register, Find ID/PWD, Update member information
• 🏠 House : Upload SareHouse, Searching, Report ShareHouse, Reservate viewing, Payment
• 👫 Roommate : Understanding user's disposition through survey, Recommend roommate, Chat, Payment
• 📋 Mypage : Checking services (viewing reservation, roommate, payment), Withdrawal
• 📈 Administrator : Managing services (members, share houses, reports, income)

We are Sadari

>'사'회 초년생들이 '다리' 쭉 뻗고 잘 수 있는 공간을 찾아주고 
이어준다는 의미를 가진 저희 사다리 팀은 총 6명으로 구성되어 있습니다.  

'Sadari' means ladder in Korean.
It contains the meaning of wanting to connect the young people and share houses.
And this is an abbreviation for Korean. Here is who we are.

📝 📋
Eunsol Lee (:thumbsup: )
📈 📋

Using Langages, Tools and APIs

OS Window 10, Mac
Language HTML, CSS, Javascript, Java
RDBMS Oracle 11g
JDK Java 1.8, Java 11, servlet, JSP
IDE Eclipse, Visual Studio Code, SQL Developer
Library Bootstrap, Jquery, AJAX, servlet, JSP, cos.jar, activation.jar, json-simple-1.1.1.jar, mail.jar, ojdbc6.jar
API KakaoMap, Import Payment, Chart.js

View of ShareHere

• MainPage • Login & Register
이미지 2 이미지 3
• findID • findPwd
findId findPwd
• Mypage Update • MyPage secession
mypage_update mp_remove
• House_Search • House_SearchDetail
search search_detail (1)
• House_Report • House_Reservation
house_report house_reser
• House_hstPayment • Houes_hstInfo
hst_payment hst_info
• House_hstInfoUpdate • Houes_hstInfoDelete
hst_update hst_delete
• Roommate_Main • Roommate_Survey
Roommate rm_survey
• Roommate_Result • Roommate_profile
rm_result rm_profile
• Roommate_keep • Roommate_match
rm_keep rm_match
• Roommate_report • Roommate_Pay
rm_report rm_pay
• Roommate_Board • Roommate_reply
rm_board rm_reply
• Administrator_Main • Administrator_Member1
이미지 4 admin_1
• Administrator_Member2 • Administrator_shareHouse
admin_2 이미지 5
• Administrator_Income • About Us
이미지 7 aboutUs


• Plan

• UI

스크린샷 2021-02-10 오후 5 10 01 스크린샷 2021-02-10 오후 5 10 32 -> for more UI building

• DB
ShareHere (3) -> for more detail of DB

• Final Presentaion (with Main code reviews)

스크린샷 2021-02-10 오후 4 54 23 스크린샷 2021-02-10 오후 4 55 12
스크린샷 2021-02-10 오후 4 55 44 스크린샷 2021-02-10 오후 4 56 04
스크린샷 2021-02-10 오후 4 56 22 스크린샷 2021-02-10 오후 4 56 40
스크린샷 2021-02-10 오후 4 56 55 스크린샷 2021-02-10 오후 4 57 45

ShareHere_최종발표.pdf -> for more codes


ShareHere, which was created to share the housing concerns of young people who are advancing for their dreams, has a HOUSE function to find a share house that is suitable for me to the owners of the share house, and to the young people who are looking for a share house. With the ROOMMATE function that finds a roommate that fits you well among al…







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