Deployment Certifications and Source Traceability
KubeRocketCI container images bear cosign signatures. Refer to the documentation for instructions on verification.
The Rekor UUID's for this release is 108e9186e8c5677a17dd2213102528287f806b5566dcd53b56af040b03d96aed032a5e74a8614bb0
- attestation and
- signature
v0.19.0 - 2025-01-10
- Update alert noty (#540)
- Improve monitoring links (#534)
- Make abstract quick links (#534)
- Update build git-source-url (#532)
- Improve resource name validation (#528)
- Truncate pipelinerun names (#526)
- Add build with params (#524)
Bug Fixes
- Codemie loading, monitoring url, deptrack url (#537) (#539)
- Codemie loading, available clusters list (#537)
- Bitbucket repo branch link (#530)
- Update current development version (#521)