JQuery alert and confirm plugin.in use like Java Script alert() and confirm() fast and simple and in vision is like new modern template. tinyNotice V2.0.0 : use SCSS to create theme and change all structures and fix bugs.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="tinyNotice/tinyNotice-theme.css">
<script src="jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script>
<script src="tinyNotice/tinyNotice.js"></script>
can config tinyNotice with inline option or object option for alert mod and for config confirm mod use object option.
- statusTitle : title of notice. type is string. default = ""
- statusText : notice text. type is string. default = ""
- status : One of these (note , warning , success , error , info). type is string. default = "note"
- ifeTime : time per ms. type is number. default = 4000
structure :
$.tinyNotice( [statusTitle] ,statusText,[status],[lifeTime]);
examples :
$.tinyNotice("this is a satatus text without status title");
$.tinyNotice("sample title","sample satatus text ");
$.tinyNotice("this is a satatus text without status title" , "warning");
$.tinyNotice("notice title","this is a satatus text " , "warning" , 6000);
structure :
//default options
var option = {
statusTitle : "",
statusText : "",
status : "note",
lifeTime : 4000,
setConfirm : false,
accept : function(){ //run when click accept button },
cancel :function(){ //run when click cancel button }
callback:function(){ //run when close or expiration lifeTime}
if set option.setConfirm true or "en" or "fa" or {ok:"..." , cancel:".."} tinyNotice swith to confrim mod.
examples :
//default english button title
setConfirm: "en",
statusTitle: "Confirm mod",
statusText: "default button topic!"
//default persian button title
setConfirm: "fa",
statusTitle: "عنوان",
statusText: "داده های جدید ثبت شوند ؟"
//custom button title
setConfirm: {ok: "ok,i'm ready", cancel: "no,tanks"},
statusTitle: "Confirm mod",
statusText: "custom button topic!"
examples :
//default english button title
statusTitle: "Confirm mod",
statusText: "default button topic!",
setConfirm: "en",
accept: function () {
cancel: function () {
examples :
status : "info", // note , warning , success , error , info
statusTitle : "info",
statusText : "this is a info message!"
examples :
//custom button title
callback: function () {
statusTitle: "Confirm mod",
statusText: "custom button topic!"
Copyright (c) 2014 mohammad ebrahimi aval (http://ebrahimiaval.ir)
Licensed under the [MIT license][mit]. [mit]: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php