eProsima Fast DDS Spy is a CLI interactive tool that allows to introspect a DDS network in human readable format. It is possible to query the network about the DomainParticipants connected, their endpoints (DataWriters and DataReaders) and the topics they communicate in. It is also possible to see the user data sent through network topics in a schematic format in run time.
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You can access the documentation online hosted on Read the Docs.
The instructions for installing the Fast DDS Spy application from sources and its required dependencies on a Linux environment are provided below. These installation instructions are a summarized version of the complete installation guide available online. Instructions for installing Fast DDS Spy on a Windows platform can be found here.
eProsima Fast DDS Spy requires the following tools to be installed in the system:
# apt packages
sudo apt install -y \
cmake \
g++ \
pip \
wget \
git \
libasio-dev \
libtinyxml2-dev \
libssl-dev \
# python packages
pip3 install -U \
colcon-common-extensions \
Create a
directory and download the.repos
file that will be used to install Fast DDS Spy and its dependencies:mkdir -p ~/Fast-DDS-spy/src cd ~/Fast-DDS-spy wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eProsima/Fast-DDS-spy/main/fastddsspy.repos vcs import src < fastddsspy.repos
Build the packages:
colcon build --packages-up-to fastddsspy_tool
To run the Fast DDS Spy application, source the installation environment and execute the executable file that has been
installed in <install-path>/fastddsspy_tool/bin/fastddsspy
# Source installation
source <install-path>/setup.bash
# Execute Fast DDS Spy
# Use <fastddsspy_tool --help> to see the tool manual