Maintenance release
The overall stability and reliability has been improved, with a strong focus on the viewer. The support of 'gepetto-gui' has been dropped as it was platform-specific and missing key features.
New features
- [python/viewer] Drop support of 'gepetto-gui' backend. (#482)
- [gym/common] Enable to provide custom robot to 'WalkerJiminyEnv'. (#477)
- [core] Always regenerate original flexible model at reset to allow manual overwrite of rigid original model. (#475)
- [python/viewer] Fallback to generic direct connection through ipykernel for Meshcat (VSCode, Jupyterlab). (#479)
- [python/viewer] More robust comm filtering for executing meshcat related requests out of order. (#479)
- [python/viewer] Speed up frame capture and reduce CPU load in offscreen mode for panda3d backend. (#481)
- [gym/rllib] PPO supports dict and box spaces for observation/action. (#474)
Patches and bug fixes
- [core] Fix segfault when adding unspecified constraint. (#476)
- [core] Fix 'buildReducedModel' for pinocchio < 2.6.0. (#477)
- [core] Fix segfault when initializing engine with null robot. (#477)
- [python/viewer] Fix connection to existing meshcat process. (#479)
- [python/viewer] Fix random segfault at exit for synchronous panda3d backend. (#484)
- [gym/rllib] PPO L2 reg only on train params. (#485)
- [gym/rllib] Refactor PPO implementation to support 'ray>=1.10.0'. (#474) (#485)
- [misc] Use Ctest for managing C++ unit tests. (#475)
Co-authored-by: Alexis Duburcq