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Diego Torres Milano edited this page Oct 15, 2023 · 3 revisions

culebratester2 is a helper script to simplify the invocation of some of the most used commands.

Remote execution

For convenience, you may want to run the script directly from github

bash <(curl -sL --help
usage: culebratester2 [-h|--help] [-v|--verbose] [-x|--debig] [-n|-dryrun] [-s|--serialno SERIALNO] {forward-port | run-instrumentation | start-server | install | uninstall }

positional arguments:
 forward-port                 uses adb to forward port 9987
     [--local-port PORT] [--remote-port PORT]
 run-instrumentation          runs the instrumentation and starts the server
 start-server                 starts the server on the device
 install                      installs on device
 uninstall                    uninstalls pkgs on device

optional arguments:
 -h, --help                   show this help message and exit
 -n, --dryrun                 does not execute the commands
 -v, --verbose                prints verbose output
 -s, --serialno SERIALNO      use the specific device

Local execution

If you have cloned the repo you'll have the script and you can just run it as

./culebratester2 --help
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