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Start server

Diego Torres Milano edited this page Sep 21, 2023 · 9 revisions

Once you have a device or emulator connected via adb, to start CulebraTester2 server you can just copy and paste

bash <(curl -sL start-server

and the server starts like this

Alternative if you checked out the source you can run

./culebratester2 start-server

Connecting multiple devices

If you have multiple devices connected they should use a different port each.

When you start the server you can specify the port number as follows

./culebratester2 start-server --local-port 6543

and as there are many devices connected you have to choose one from the list to forward the local port you mentioned in the command line (i.e. 6543) to the remote port on that android device.


Also, there is an example script using multiple devices connected at battery-status-multi-device.

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