Simple VHDL dependency generator
The development of VHDL projects very often involves building multiple VHDL files. Based on designed architecture, some files must be built before others. That might cause problems with finding the correct build order. And that is exactly where vhdldep comes in handy.
Vhdldep analyzes use statements of given VHDL files and returns their file dependencies in a makefile format. That output can be easily used to determine the correct build order to help automate building VHDL projects.
Vhdldep uses GitPack. Local installation/update:
gitpack install
Get VHDL file dependencies:
vhdldep <file>
With custom prefix for generated paths:
vhdldep -p <prefix> <file>
The alu.vhdl file has been borrowed from the Limen Alpha processor.
Do you want to contribute? Do you have any questions? Then the file is here for you.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.